4. Напишите предложения в вопросительной, а затем в отрицательной форме и переведите их на русский язык.
1.I finished work at five o’clock.
2.The exams will begin on the third of January.
3.He has very interesting books at home.

Did I finished work at five o’clock? Я закончила работу к пяти часам?
I didnt finished work at five o’clock? Я не закончила работу к пяти часам
Will exams begin the third of January? Начнутся ли экзамены 3 января?
The exams will not begin on the third of January Экзамены не начнутся 3 января
Have he interesting books at home? У него дома есть интересные книги?
He has no interesting books at home У него нет интересных книг дома

Надеюсь, разберёшь мой почерк.
успехов тебе!

3. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах: Образец: Не can play chess well. Can he play chess well? He can’t play chess well. 1) We must tell her this news. 2) He may smoke here. 3) She can speak English perfectly. 4) The students must translate the text at home. 5) We can go to the theatre tonight. 6) We shall be able to help them. 7) They had to wait for a long time. 8) His friend couldn’t get this book. 9) You were allowed to take this book home. 10) May I go home now? 11) They were allowed to come at four.

1 Must we tell her this news?
We must not tell her this news.
2 May he smoke here?
He may not smoke here.
3 Can she speak English perfectly?
She cannot speak English perfectly.
4 Must the students translate the text at home?
The students must not translate the text at home.
5 Can we go to the theater tonight?
We cannot go to the theater tonight.
6 Shall we be able to help them?
We shan’t be able to help them.
7 Did they have to wait for a long time?
They didn’t have to wait for a long time.
8 His friends couldn’t get this book.
Could his friends get this book?
9 Were you allowed to take this book at home.
You weren’t allowed to take this book at home?
10 May I go home now?
I may not go home now?
11 Were they allowed to come at four?
They weren’t allowed to come at four.

Помогите с вопросами)
1. Чем отличается друг от друга городская и сельская среда. Опишите свое мнение.
2. Опишите окружающую тебя среду.
3. Как надо заботиться о природе. Напишите свое мнение.
4. По какой причине больше всего загрез. Вода
5. По какой причине больше всего загрезняется почва. Напишите свое мнение
предмет. Познание мира

В сельской среде более тяжёлые условия труда. Типичны соседские и родственные связи.
В городе много промышленностей, бытовых техник, вредные газы
Окружающий мир это среда обитания и деятельности человечества.
Чтобы заботиться об окружающей среде нужно не вырубать деревья, не убивать животных, не загрязнять природу, перерабатывать отходы, экономить энергию, быть активным, устраивать субботники.
Вода больше всего загрязняется сточными водами, утечой нефти, выбросанными отходами, промышленные аварии, наводнения.
Почва загрязняется сельским хозяйством, транспортом, промышленными предприятиями.

Напишите нижеприведенные предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной форме: 1. Some students get a grant to study at university. 2. My sister enjoys sitting in lectures. 3. Most students go to university at the age of 18 or 19. 4. History is my favorite subject. 5. Students have five lectures every day. 6. There are 2 terms at University. 7. Most university courses last three years. 8. My friend is a postgraduate student. 9. The students must take notes during the lecture. 10. My cousin read some book on management.

Some students don’t get a grant to study at University.
Do any students get a grant to study at University?
My sister doesn’t enjoy sitting in lectures
Does my sister enjoy sitting in lectures?
Most students doesn’t go to University at the age of 18 or 19
Do the most students go to University?
History isn’t my favorite subject.
Is History my favourite subject?
Students doesn’t have a five lectures every day
Does students have a five lectures every day?
There aren’t 2 terms at University
Are there 2 terms at University?
Most university courses doesn’t last three years.
Do the most university courses last three years?
My friend isn’t a postgraduate student
Is my friend postgraduate student
Must the students take notes during the lecture?
My cousin don’t read some book on management
Do your cousin read some book on management (Maybe did, depends of tense

перевести предложения на английский.
1. Почтовый ящик опустошается каждый день.
2. Письма были рассортированы по разным городам.
3. На мой вопрос вчера ответили.
4. В хоккей играют зимой
5. Грибы собирают осенью.
6. Его новая книга будет закончена в следующем году.
7. Санкт-Петербург был основан в тысячу семьсот третьем году.
8. Хлеб едят каждый день.
9. Ника отправят в Москву на следующей неделе
10. Меня спросили на уроке вчера
И напишите каждое предложение, какой залог
Активный или пассивный?

1-The post box becomes empty every day( активный)
2-Letters have been sorted out in different towns(пассивный)
3-They answered my question yesterday(активный)
4-The hockey is played in the winter(пассивный)
They play hockey in the winter(активный)
5-The mushrooms are picked up in the autumn(пассивный)
6-His new book will have been finished next year( пассивный)
7-Saint-Petersburg was founded in 1703(пассивный)
8-Bread is eaten every day(пассивный)
9-Nick will be sent to Moscow next week(пассивный)
10-I was asked yesterday during the lesson(пассивный)

Напишите 6 вопросов (на английском) про кельтов (можно всё что угодно главное связанное с кельтами)

1. were the Celts rich? Были ли кельты богаты?
2.Did the Celts have something like slaves? Имели ли кельты что то вроде рабов?
3.Where did the Celts come from? Откуда появились кельты?
4.Did the Celts build excellent roads? Строили ли кельты отличные дороги?
5. Did the Celts have strange helmets? Были ли у кельтов странные шлемы?
6.were the Celts simpletons? Были ли кельты простаками?

Составьте 50 предложений на английском языке на тему Possive Voice и что бы бала вопросительная кто напишет как я сказала чётко тому

Passive voice.
-It is broken.
-She will be scared.
-Were they coloured?
-They are being repaired.
-I was being anxious.
-He has been removed.
-Had you been exposed?
-Space will have been explored.
-Are prizes given to scientists?
-The work has not been published in journal.
- Was the prize won by neuroscientists?
- Perhaps her discovery will be used.
- Lots of interesting research is being done at the moment.
- The gadget wasn’t invented last year.
- Are new phones sold here?
- Were ten prizes given?
- Was the disc inserted?
- The work is done by robots.
- Is the ceremony being filmed for television?
- Are the results being decided right now?
- The Theory of Relativity was developed by Einstein.
- Who was penicillin invented by?
- Who was Don Quixote written by?
- Who was the film Lord of the Rings directed by?
- It was designed by aircraft engineers.
- It can be recovered by a helicopter.
- The victims of the earthquake have been sent food and medicine by the government.
- It is thought that we saved around 100 lives.
- Animals are said to know when a natural disasters is coming.
- Are warnings given?
- The hospital has been built by the government.
- This programme is being watched by millions of people.
- Were volcanoes understood in the middle ages?
- New types of energy will be used in the future.
- Is the news being given on TV?
- Has the earthquake been shown on TV?
- The city was destroyed in 1755.
- Many objects have been stolen.
- The patient was cured.
- It is said that dolphins can communicate.
-It was claimed that the president knew about the situation.
-Smoking is not permitted.
- Was the criminal arrested?
- His bag has been stolen.
- Have my things been moved?
- English is not spoken here.
- The bridge was not built in 1999.
- Was the car invented in in 1930?
- These computers haven’t been used by NASA.
- This invention is being used by millions of people.

Напишите предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах. 1.They are divorced. 2. She is keen on classical music and art. 3. Pauls hobbies are tennis and computer games. 4. They are always ready to help. 5. Our language teacher is from Manchester. 6. I am sociable and friendly. 7. Patricks Russian is fiuent. 8. Brendas nephew is crazy about cartoons. 9. They are interested in rock music. 10. This room is bright.

Are they divorced?
They aren’t divorced
Is she keen on classical music and art?
She isn’t keen on classical music and art
Are Pauls hobbies tennis and computer games?
Pauls hobnies aren’t tennis and computer games
Are they always ready to help?
Ther aren’t always ready to help
Is our language teacher is from Manchester?
Our language teacher isn’t from Manchester
Am I sociable and friendly?
I am not sociable and friendly
Is Patricks Russian fiuent?
Patricks Russian isn’t fiuent
Is Brendas nephew crazy about cartoons?
Brendas nephew isn’t crazy about cartoons
Are they interested in rock music?
They aren’t interested in rock music
Is this room is bright?
This room isn’t bright

VIII. Переведите предложения и напишите их в вопросительной и отрицательной формах: 1) There are many students at the lesson 2) There is a visitor in the office. 3) There were people in the room. 4) The was some sense in what he proposes. 5) There will be a meeting tomorrow. 6) There will be many girls in our class.

1. Много учеников на уроке. Are there many students at the lesson? There are not many students at yhe lesson.
2. Посетитель в офисе. Is There  a visitor in the office? There is not a visitor in the office
3. Люди были в комнате. Were There  people in the room? There were not people in the room.
4. Было некое чувство в том, что он делает. Was There some sense in what he proposes? The was not some sense in what he proposes.
5. Завтра будет встреча. Will There be a meeting tomorrow? There won"t be a meeting tomorrow.
6. В классе было много девочек. WillThere  be many girls in our class? There won"t be many girls in our class.

ответить на вопрос "What do you Know about the British royal family of nowadays? Ответ запишите на английском языке(если не сложно напишите перевод на русском).

What do you Know about the British royal family of nowadays? Что ты знаешь о британской королевской семье в наше время?
The British royal family – pride of British. Royalties of a role in government don’t play, but the faith in the monarch and honoring for centuries of history became an integral part of the English mentality. The authorities in power represented by parliament don’t cause special trust in ordinary British, unlike the king and the queen – venerators of tradition and the center of national unity.
Today royalties represent the country abroad, performing social and ceremonial functions. Importance of the royal family for British is indisputable. For people their monarchs – a moral standard and an example for imitation. When in the royal family there are problems or someone from them behaves improperly to the situation, the whole country takes it very much to heart — as own miss. Annually on the corresponding celebrations the queen makes the speech in which she addresses all nation, bringing up and setting on a right track, right for all Great Britain.
Британская королевская семья – гордость англичан. Члены королевской семьи роли в управлении государством не играют, но вера в монарха и почитание за века истории стали неотъемлемой частью английского менталитета. Действующая власть в лице парламента не вызывает особого доверия у рядовых англичан, в отличие от короля и королевы – блюстителей традиций и средоточия национального единства.
На сегодняшний день члены королевской семьи представляют страну за рубежом, выполняя социальные и церемониальные функции. Важность королевской семьи для англичан неоспорима. Для людей их монархи – нравственный эталон и пример для подражания. Когда в королевской семье возникают проблемы либо кто-то из них ведет себя неподобающе своему положению, вся страна принимает это близко к сердцу — как собственный промах. Ежегодно на соответствующих торжествах королева выступает с речью, в которой обращается ко всей нации, воспитывая и наставляя на верный для всей Великобритании путь.