Описание картины «московский дворик» на английском.

The painting by V. Polenov "The Moscow Courtyard" was written in 1878. she brought the artist fame and fame, she tells the viewer about something native and close, living in every person’s consciousness since childhood.
The painting depicts a typical corner in old Moscow, with the Church of the Savior on Peski, located near the old street Arbat. The usual courtyard is permeated with sunlight on one of the bright sunny days of summer. The green grass is strewn across the courtyard, with all sorts of shades. In the sky, cirrus clouds float easily, the sun rises and warms the earth with its warmth, lighting the dome of churches with a bright shine and shortening the shadow. The courtyard is gradually revitalized.

Надо описать картину ’мона лиза’ на английском языке.

The painting the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci is believed to be a portrait of Lisa Gherardini, who was a spouse of a Florentine merchant.In the portrait we can see a fairly young woman sitting half-turned on a chair. Her gaze is fixed on us. There is a scarcely perceptible smile on her face. Her wavy hair falls on her shoulders. Her head is covered with a dark veil. Her face, brightly lit, is framed with dark objects, which brings our attention to it.
The woman is sitting upright with her arms folded. She is wearing a deep-green dress. Her shoulders are covered with a shawl.
Looking at the portrait we can see that the woman is sitting on the balcony. Behind her back there is a desolate land with a lake. In the background snow-covered mountains are seen.
The portrait is considered to be one of the best specimens of a portrait genre.
Считается, что картина Леонардо да Винчи «Мона Лиза» – это портрет Лизы Герардини, жены флорентийского торговца.
На портрете изображена достаточно молодая женщина, сидящая на стуле вполоборота. Ее взгляд устремлен на зрителя. На губах играет чуть заметная улыбка. Волнистые волосы спадают на плечи. Голова покрыта легкой темной вуалью. Ее ярко освещенное лицо обрамлено темными предметами, что приковывает наше внимание к нему.
Женщина сидит прямо, ее руки сложены. Она одета в темно-зеленое платье. На ее плечи накинута шаль.
Глядя на портрет, можно заметить, что женщина сидит на балконе. За ее спиной простирается пустынная местность с озером. На заднем плане виднеются заснеженные горы.
Эта картина является одним из лучших образцов портретного жанра.

описание картины на английском "Девочка с персиками"

In the painting “Girl with peaches” (the famous portrait of Vera Mamontova by Russian artist Valentin Serov) we can see a girl in a light pink dress, sitting at the table. The girl is about twelve years old.

She is dark-skinned and there is bright blush on her cheeks. She has got thick dark hair, which is a bit tousled. The girl has got a pretty roundish face. Her eyebrows are dark and thick. She has got big brown eyes. 

The girl is sitting in a light room. I think it is a dining room. Behind the girl there is a big window in a white wooden frame. Through the window we can see some leaves of the trees in the garden. The leaves are light green and yellow. The walls in the room are white. There is a big white porcelain plate on the wall next to the window with a beautiful blue pattern on it. Behind the girl we can also see a statuette of a soldier.

There are some dark brown wooden chairs in the room and a small table beside the window. The big table, at which the girl is sitting, is covered with a white tablecloth.

The girl is holding a big yellow peach in her hands. On the table in front of the girl there are three more peaches. There are also some dry maple leaves and a small knife.

N the painting “Girl with peaches” (the famous portrait of Vera Mamontova by Russian artist Valentin Serov) we can see a girl in a light pink dress, sitting at the table. The girl is about twelve years old.
She is dark-skinned and there is bright blush on her cheeks. She has got thick dark hair, which is a bit tousled. The girl has got a pretty roundish face. Her eyebrows are dark and thick. She has got big brown eyes. 
The girl is sitting in a light room. I think it is a dining room. Behind the girl there is a big window in a white wooden frame. Through the window we can see some leaves of the trees in the garden. The leaves are light green and yellow. The walls in the room are white. There is a big white porcelain plate on the wall next to the window with a beautiful blue pattern on it. Behind the girl we can also see a statuette of a soldier.
There are some dark brown wooden chairs in the room and a small table beside the window. The big table, at which the girl is sitting, is covered with a white tablecloth.
The girl is holding a big yellow peach in her hands. On the table in front of the girl there are three more peaches. There are also some dry maple leaves and a small knife.
На картине «Девочка с персиками» (знаменитый портрет Веры Мамонтовой русского художника Валентина Серова) мы видим девочку в светло-розовом платье, сидящую за столом. Девочке около двенадцати лет.
Она смуглая, на ее щеках яркий румянец. У нее густые, темные, немного взъерошенные волосы. У девочки круглое лицо и густые темные брови. У нее большие карие глаза.
Девочка сидит в светлой комнате. Мне кажется, что это столовая. За девочкой большое окно в белой деревянной раме. Через окно видно листья деревьев в саду. Они светло-зеленые и желтые. В комнате белые стены. На стене рядом с окном висит белая фарфоровая тарелка с красивым синим узором. За девочкой мы также видим фигурку солдата.
В комнате есть несколько темно-коричневых деревянных стульев и маленький столик у окна. Большой стол, за которым сидит девочка, покрыт белой скатертью.
Девочка держит в руках большой желтый персик. На столе перед девочкой еще три персика. Также на столе лежат сухие кленовые листья и маленький ножик.