- Напишите описание железного человека (ИГРУШКИ) НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ
- Описание человека на английском. Человека можно выдумать,
- Спиши раскрывая скобки объясни правописание прилагательных с не когда пути...
- Нужно перевести текст на английский язык о книге общее...
- Нужно полное описание человека любого
- Перевести на английский язык описание картин. 1)На картине изображена...
Напишите описание железного человека (ИГРУШКИ) НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ
Tony Starck – Howard and Maria Starck’s adopted son. When Howard learned that his wife will have big problems with the child’s birth, it concluded the alliance with the alien robot that that pumped over endurance of the baby. Because of frauds of the robot the child whom called Arno, was born clever, but the patient. Howard and Maria sent it to be treated in hospital, and to himself adopted Tony healthy and at all not less clever. Tony was real super - the genius (and thus the rare slacker), it came to prestigious educational institution (where got acquainted with Bruce Benner) and after his adoptive parents died in road accident, Tony inherited their company.

Описание человека на английском. Человека можно выдумать,
My neighbour Alex is 18 years old and he is a student. Alex is quite good looking. He is not very tall. He is well-built and has got broad shoulders, sturdy chest and strong back. His neck is quite short and Alex is very sporty; he does karate and goes running every day. That is why he has got well-developed muscles. His arms and legs are quite short, but they are very firm, his fingers are stumpy and his feet are not very large. Alex is very strong; he can lift heavy things easily.
Alex is pale-skinned. His hair is red. It is of medium length, curly and very thick. He has got handsome roundish face. His forehead is quite low; he has got thick eyebrows. Alex has got bright green almond-shaped eyes. His nose is not very big and it is a little snub. He has got small ears. His lips are neither full nor thin. He is usually clean-shaven and wears a neat small beard on his chin. As many people with red hair, Alex has got freckles on his face. He also has got a small scar on his forehead.
Alex usually wears casual or sport clothes. He likes wearing jeans very much. He prefers wide blue jeans. He enjoys wearing sports shoes too. He often chooses clothes of brown, green or blue colours. These colours suit him very well.
Спиши раскрывая скобки объясни правописание прилагательных с не
когда пути (не) одинаковые, несоставляют вместе планов. Дружба одного разумного человека дороже всех (не) разумных. Там, на (не) ведомых дорожках следы невиданных зверей. Дружба- самое (не) обходимое для жизни, так как никто не захочет жить без друзей. Скутер совсем (не) похож на велосипед. Полезные друзья-это друг прямой, друг искренний. Вредные друзья это друг лицемерный, друг (не) искренний.
Образец-прил необычное не пишется слитно 1 без не употребляется нет противопоставление с союзом а.
Дружба одного разумного человека дороже всех не разумных. Там, на неведомых дорожках следы невиданных зверей. Дружба самое необходимое для жизни, так как никто не захочет жить без друзей. Скутер совсем не похож на велосипед. Полезные друзья -это друг прямой, друг искренний. Вредные друзья это друг лицемерный, друг неискренний,
Нужно перевести текст на английский язык
о книге
общее впечатление от произведения. Для меня автор открылся прежде всего как человек который способен чувствовать, а это дано не каждому.
Понравилось: интрига в начале, далее довольно захватывающий сюжет, и здорово описанное автором состояние влюбленности, настолько естественное и правдоподобное.
Не понравилось: Сложилось такое впечатление что муза покинула автора в момент встречи 3-их главных героев, дальше меня покинула интрига. Вся эта история с КГБ и инопланетянами была немножечко странной. Но в целом книга очень хорошая и интересная. Всем советую прочитать.
Liked: intrigue at the beginning, then quite a fascinating plot, and the authors beautifully described state of love, so natural and believable. I did not like it: I got the impression that the muse left the author at the time of the meeting of the 3 main characters, then the intrigue left me. The whole story with the KGB and aliens was a bit strange. But in general the book is very good and interesting. I advise everyone to read it.
Liked: the intrigue at the beginning, then quite gripping story, and great described the state of love, so natural and believable.
Did not like: the impression that the Muse has left the author in the moment of encounter 3 main characters, then left me intrigue. The whole story with the KGB and aliens were a little strange. but overall the book is very good and interesting. I advise everyone to read.
Нужно полное описание человека любого
Ever since I first met my admirable friend she has been my favourite, irreplaceable companion.
The first thing you notice about her, are her blue eyes, small upturned nose and large sensuous mouth, which make her face very photogenic. At first glance you can also see her long, blond hair, as well as slender body which make her look really amazing. As a rule she enjoys wearing atypical (нетипичный) clothes.
The most characteristic thing about her is her sense of humour. It is rare to cheer everybody up in different situations, yet she always manages to do it. Moreover, she is the life and soul of a party, which makes her extremely sociable. Pointing out her tendency to be incredibly precise and insistant. Some people claim she may seem quick-tempered but in reality deep down, she is really an amiable person.
She has a very unpredictable lifestyle, for this reason she spends a lot of time exercising. In her spare time she goes either to a swimming pool or climbing in the mountains which I admire most. In the future she would love to fulfil one of her childhood dreams, namely to become an actress.
To sum up, she really deserves admiration due to her ambition and optimism. She shows people how to be a better person. I hope our friendship will never end. Перевести на английский язык описание картин.
1)На картине изображена мама с дочкой (возможно сестра). Она читает ребёнку книгу и пытается её чему-то научить. Малышка выглядит забавно и явно не испытывает интерес. Они находятся на улице, скорее всего на заднем дворе дома.
2)На картине изображён молодой человек. Скорее всего он студент и устроился на работу, чтобы заработать денег. Он работает в кафе быстрого питания. Сейчас он скорее всего занят приготовлением бургера. На нём белая форма и головной убор. В руках у него специальные, кухонные приборы для приготовления пищи.
3)На картине изображён мальчик и возможно его мама или классный руководитель. Он помогает ей пересадить цветы. На руках у него специальные перчатки для работы с землёй, а так же горшочки с розовыми цветами. Судя по фону, они находятся в каком-то саду, где много цветов. Они довольны своей работой.
1) The picture shows a mother with her daughter (maybe a sister). She reads a book to a child and tries to teach her something. The baby looks funny and obviously does not have any interest. They are on the street, most likely in the backyard of the house.
2) The picture depicts a young man. Most likely he is a student and got a job to earn money. He works in a fast food cafe. Now he is probably busy preparing a burger. He has a white uniform and a hat. In his hands are special, kitchen appliances for cooking.
3) The picture shows a boy and maybe his mother or class teacher. He helps her transplant flowers. In his hands he has special gloves for working with the ground, as well as pots with pink flowers. Judging by the background, they are in some kind of garden, where many flowers. They are satisfied with their work.
1) The picture shows a mother with her daughter (maybe a sister). She reads a book to a child and tries to teach her something. The baby looks funny and obviously does not have any interest. They are on the street, most likely in the backyard of the house.
2) The picture depicts a young man. Most likely he is a student and got a job to earn money. He works in a fast food cafe. Now he is probably busy preparing a burger. He has a white uniform and a hat. In his hands are special, kitchen appliances for cooking.
3) The picture shows a boy and maybe his mother or class teacher. He helps her transplant flowers. In his hands he has special gloves for working with the ground, as well as pots with pink flowers. Judging by the background, they are in some kind of garden, where many flowers. They are satisfied with their work.