Составит 5 предложений со словами: this, there, that, those

This book is very interesting. This kite is very big. It’s my mug. This man is my dad. When I came this already was here. That woman bought milk in the store. That policeman is tall. That dog is evil. Эта книга очень интересная. Этот воздушный змей очень большой. Это моя кружка. Этот мужчина мой папа. Когда я пришёл это уже здесь было. Та женщина купила молоко в магазине. Тот полицейский высокий. Та собака злая.

Составить 7 предложений со словами a sticker. to be fond of. enjoyable. relaxing. a stamp. thrilling. to take up.

The sign consists of a sticker which must be weather resistant.
Знак представляет собой наклейку, которая должна быть устойчивой к изменению погодных условий.
I want you to be fond of me.
Я очень хочу, чтобы ты меня любил.
Two weeks enjoyable Rest - this is not enough?
Две недели приятного отдыха - этого мало?
Excellent. I spent a very relaxing evening.
Превосходно, я провел, в целом, очень спокойный вечер.
When the guards looked through her passport, they saw a stamp for Russia.
Когда охранники посмотрели ее паспорт, они увидели русский штамп.
It was so thrilling and real fun.
Это было так захватывающе и по-настоящему весело.
The doctor advised me to take up some sport to stay in shape.
Доктор посоветовал мне заняться спортом, чтобы оставаться в форме.

Составь предложения из слов health, feel fine, feel well, fell ill, fell sick, fill bod, sore eye, sore finger, headache, stomachache.

Tell him I have a headache. Скажи ему, что у меня голова болит.
Well, I feel fine, doctor. Но, я чувствую себя хорошо, док.
Do you feel well, at least? Но Вы, хотя бы, хорошо себя чувствуете?
Not being careful of his health, he fell ill. Он не заботился о своём здоровье и заболел.
Well, aren’t you a sight for these sore eyes. Боже, это бальзам на мои раздраженные глаза.
Sore fingers, the skin on the tips erased. Пальцы болят, кожа на кончиках стерта.
I thought it was a stomachache. Я думала, у меня болит живот.
Не забудьте, отметить "Лучшее решение"

Соедините слова из центральной колонки с их значениями слева и справа. У каждого слова есть значение в качестве глагола и в качестве существительного. С тремя английскими словами составьте предложения, используя любое из двух значений.
подниматься на борт
фотография, картина
печатать (на клавиатуре)
ставить, класть
представлять себе

place – место, ставить, класть
dress –одеваться, платье
board -подниматься на борт, доска
picture - фотография, картина, представлять себе
type - печатать (на клавиатуре), тип
She types well.  Она хорошо печатает.

We’re supposed to board at night.  Мы должны подняться на борт ночью.

Do you like my new dress?  Тебе нравится мое новое платье? 

We can dress as we wish now.  Сейчас мы можем одеваться так, как нам хочется

Draw a picture of your house.  Нарисуйте свой дом.

He, picturing the scene, smiled.  Он  улыбнулся, представив себе эту картину.  

Со словами arm, ear, eye, face, finger, foot, hair, teeth, hand, leg, mauth, nose, toe составить предложения

I wash my face every morning
I wash my hand
I brush my teeth
l have a little nose

I went to the gym yesterday and now my arms hurt.
We should put a hat below the ears were not cold.
He opened his eyes because of the bright light.
I saw this face once.
The girl’s fingers were very thin.
I hurt my foot when I am running.
My mum has long fair hair.
Her teeth are crystal white.
My granny has wrinkle, but very beautiful hands.
The girl has long slim legs.
The tiger has huge mouth with sharp teeth.
I saw a man with a big nose in the bus.
My toe hit the chair and I was very hurt.

Взять слова из текста и составить 5 общих предложений и 5 специальных предложении ВОТ ТЕКСТ:
Mellish school is in the slums of Brooklyn for pupils between twelve and fifteen years of age. There are about 1500 pupils there, and 90 teachers.
It’s a problem school, perhaps one of the most difficult schools in America. The white teachers can’t walk to the school because they may be attacked. They all drive to school, and their cars have special locks. There’s always a black policeman at the door of the school. He has a radio contact with the school guards. Pupils must have a written permission from the teacher if they want to go to the toilet. There’s a guard outside the washroom. Only one child can go into the washroom at a time, and he can’t stay there long.
The children who live in that district go to that school. They are all black children. However, why do the teachers work there?
“It’s very hard of course,” says Jane Flinch, a forty- five-year-old teacher. Most children have problems at home. Some of them are beaten by their parents. Some of them sleep at the lessons because they had to work at night. Some of the children get sick at the lessons because they didn’t have breakfast or even a meal for a day or two.
It’s the love of the job that keeps the teachers in that school. They teach and do social work. They feel that they are doing something good for the children who need help.
“There’s also the problem of violence,” says one of the teachers. “Sometimes when I go into a class, I can feel that some of the children are like a dynamite. However, I feel quite safe. I am sure that other pupils will help me.” There is very little money for teaching in that school. There is no money to buy food for the children.
The principal of the school has been there for many years. A lot of his happy optimism has gone. “No, I’m not optimistic about the future. Look around you,” he says and points out of the window at the high wall round the school. ”It’s not a very bright sight: buildings have holes instead of the windows, shops are closed, groups of people are sitting on the steps of the houses. They have nowhere to go and nothing to do.”
“We need money,” he says, “money is the only way to help this school and these people, and, of course, jobs for the people.”

Is Mellish school in the slums of Brooklyn for pupils between twelve and fifteen years of age?
Are there about 1500 pupils there, and 90 teachers?
Can the white teachers walk to the school?
Is there always a black policeman at the door of the school?
Must pupils have a written permission from the teacher if they want to go to the toilet?
Do they feel that they are doing something good for the children who need help?
Why do the teachers work at that school?
Why do any students sleep at the lessons?
Why do any children get sick at the lessons?
How much money is there for teaching in that school?
There is no money to buy food for the children.
What has holes instead of the windows, shops are closed, groups of people are sitting on the steps of the houses?
What is the only way to help this school and these people?

Составить предложения со словом: to come out

1)Let us know how the exams come out-Дайте нам знать, как проходят экзамены.                                                                                                             2)I want you to come out. Я хочу, чтоб ты пришёл в себя.                                                                           3Halloween is when the evil come out to play. Хэллоуин - это время, когда зло выходит, чтобы пошалить. )

Составить 15 предложений с глаголами:
Do up
Give up
Make up
Pick up
Put up
Set up
Take up
Turn up
Нужно хоть раз, но использовать все словосочетания.

1)You don’t need to do up the top button.
2) Nicky is thinking of giving up her job.
3)They are always arguing, but they MAKE UP again very quickly.
4)Whose turn is it to pick up the kids from school?5)A truck picks up the recycling once a week.
6)I can put up with the house being messy, but I hate it if it’s not clean.7)He’s so moody - I don’t know why she puts up with him.8)They have a lot to put up with.
9)A parent must set a good example for the children.
10)I took up smoking when I was at school.
11)Chris has taken up jogging.
12)She turned up at my house late one night.
13)Hundreds of people turned up to see the ship dock at Southampton.
14)She invited loads of friends to her party, but only a handful of them turned up.

составить 10 любых предложений с любыми из этих слов: etiquette, polite, rude, globe, ground, respect, make eye contact, avoid, shake hands, strength, firm handshake, obliged, appreciate, confused, side to side, nod your hear, advice. (С переводом )

I would like to get your advice regarding this unpleasant situation-я бы хотел получить ваш совет на счёт этот неприятной ситуации

1 You must be polite. Вы должны быть вежливым.
2 you mustn’t be rude. Вы не должны быть грубым.
3 You should follow etiquette. Вам следует следовать правилам этикета.
4 In some countries it is rude to make an eye contact. В некоторых странах считается грубым смотреть в глаза.  
5polite people always shake hands. Вежливые люди всегда пожимают друг другу руки.  
6everybody must appreciate good relations. Всем следует ценить хорошие отношения.  
7 When you respect a person, you are polite. Когда вы уважаете человека, вы ведете себя вежливо.
8 etiquette is important all over the globe. Этикет важен во всем мире.
9 a firm handshake can be considered rude in some countries. Твердое рукопожатие может считаться проявлением грубости в некоторых странах.  
10 we should appreciate advice of old people.

Составить 5 предложений со словом Sick и 5 предложений со словом Ill

1.I felt sick to my stomach.
2."You look sick, Helen"- said Jeorge.
3.I thought maybe you are sick, because you weren’t at work yesterday.
4.Dianna was sick and she needes a doctor.
5.The sick people is usually surrounded by doctors.
1. Fionna is ill, she has got a flu.
2.She felt ill and she went to the doctor.
3.A familiar headache started and she started feeling ill.
4.Was our teacher ill long?
5.Daisy was ill that morning, so she didn’t go to work.