Белоснежная, краткое содержание на английском

Appearance description
Snow White is a young fourteen-year-old girl who has such an immaculate beauty that she is often called "the most beautiful in the world." The phrase "as old as roses, curls black as resin, skin white as snow" describes the most characteristic features of its appearance: red lips, ruddy cheeks, short wavy black hair decorated with a red rim with a bow, and light, almost pale skin. Being relatively short, Snow White also has a pretty slender figure and graceful little legs.

Краткое содержание книги волшебник страны Оз

В канзаской степи, с тетей Эм и дядей Генри живет девочка Дороти. Эм ведет хозяйство, Генри занимается своей фермой. Ураганы в этих местах - обычное явление, и семья то и дело прячется в погребе от разбушевавшейся стихии. Однажды Дороти не успела спрятаться, ураган подхватил домик вместе с ней песиком Тотошкой и отнес неведомо куда. Приземлился домик только в волшебной стране Оз, там, где жили Жевуны. При приземлении домик раздавил злую волшебницу, которая правила в этих краях. Жевуны возрадовались и прониклись благодарностью к Дороти, но они не могут помочь девочке вернуться Канзас. Добрая волшебница севера советует девочке пойти в Изумрудный город, чтобы попросить вернуть её домой великого и мудрого волшебника Оза. Дороти обувает серебряные башмаки раздавленной домиком злой волшебницы и отправляется в путь. По дороге она знакомится с пугавшим ворон в кукурузе Страшилой, и они продолжают путь вместе. Страшила хочет попросить, чтобы волшебник Оз дал ему немного мозгов.

В лесу им встречается Железный Дровосек, который не может двигаться, так как весь заржавел. Дороти смазывает Дровосека маслом, которое оказалось в хижине, и тот начинает двигаться. Он присоединяется к Дороти, Тотошке и Страшиле - он хочет попросить у великого мудрого Оза, чтобы тот дал ему сердца. Железный Дровосек считает, что по-настоящему любить без сердца невозможно.

По пути к ним присоединяется Лев - он считает себя жутким трусом и хочет выпросить у Оза храбрости. Друзья проходят массу трудностей и испытаний, но, наконец, оказываются в Изумрудном городе. Однако Оз постоянно предстает перед ними в новом обличье. Он ставит свое условие - все просьбы будут выполнены, если прибывшие убьют злую волшебницу, последнюю из всех, что были в этой стране. Волшебница живет на Западе, в её подчинении - робкие, запуганные Мигунами.

Друзьям приходится снова отправляться в путь. Заметив их приближение, злая волшебница пытается погубить каждого, но Трусливый Лев, Страшила, Железный Дровосек проявляют храбрость, ум и желание защитить девочку, и волшебница терпит неудачи. Она вызывает Летучих Обезьян, и только с их помощью одерживает верх. Трусливый Лев и Дороти оказываются в плену, из Страшилы вынимают солому, а Железного Дровосека бросают на острые камни. Однако радость злой волшебницы была недолгой - Дороти выливает на неё ведро воды, и, к своему удивлению, видит, что старуха тает. Очень скоро от неё остались только воспоминания да грязная лужа на полу.

Друзья идут в Изумрудный город и требуют, чтобы Волшебник дал им обещанное. Он мешкает, и тут становится понятным, что он - вовсе не мудрец и не маг, а простой обманщик. Когда-то он работал цирковым воздухоплавателем, но был, подобно Дороти, унесен ураганом и оказался в стране Оз. Здесь он смог обмануть доверчивых людей, внушил им, что является могущественным волшебником. Однако некоторые просьбы друзей он может исполнить, набивает опилками голову Страшилы, отчего тот чувствует, что становится мудрым; в грудь Железного Дровосека помещает шелковое алое сердце. Трусливый Лев получает зелье из бутылки - Волшебник уверяет, что после этого зелья Лев будет настоящим храбрецом.

Гораздо труднее исполнить просьбу девочки. Оз долго думает, и решает соорудить большой воздушный шар, на котором можно будет долететь до Америки. Волшебник вознамерился лететь туда вместе с Дороти. Но буквально в момент отлета убегает песик Тотошка, Дороти бросается за ним, и Оз один улетает на воздушном шаре. Друзья дут к волшебнице Глинде, чтобы испросить у нее совета. Глинда править страной Кводлингов, находящейся на Юге. В пути они вынуждены сражаться в Воюющими Деревьями, проходят через фарфоровую стену, сталкиваются с агрессивными Стреляющими головами. Трусливый Лев побеждает исполинского паука, который держал в страхе всех лесных жителей.

Волшебница говорит, что взятые девочкой у злой волшебницы серебряные башмачки могут перенести свою обладательницу в любое место. Дороти прощается со спутниками. Новым правителем Изумрудного города становится Страшила. Повелителем Мигунов становится Железный дровосек, а Трусливый Лев - лесным царем. Дороти и Тотошка оказываются в Канзасе, но серебряные башмачки по дороге теряются.

Краткое содержание сказки "Удивительный Волшебник Страны Оз" пересказала Осипова А. С.

Сделайте пересказ, краткое содержание текста, на английском:
Королевская семья Соединенное Королевство является конституционной монархией. Это означает, что король или королева являются главой государства. В настоящее время это королева Елизавета II. Тем не менее, монарх имеет очень мало силы и может править только при поддержке парламента. Члены королевской семьи известны как по имени королевского дома, так и по фамилии. Королева Елизавета II родилась в 1926 году, она является пра-правнучкой королевы Виктории (1819-1901). В 1947 году королева Елизавета II вышла замуж за лейтенанта Филиппа Маунтбаттена. Муж королевы Елизаветы, сын принца Греции Эндрю и один из пра-правнуков королевы Виктории. Теперь его называют принц Филипп, герцог Эдинбургский. Королева Елизавета II и принц Филипп, герцог Эдинбургский имеют четверо детей. Королева Елизавета II и ее дети известны как дом и семья Виндзор. Чарльз, принц Уэльский, старший сын в королевской семьи. В 1981 году он женился на леди Диане Спенсер. У них двое сыновей, принц Уильям и принц Генри. Внуки королевы носят фамилию Маунтбаттен-Виндзор, хотя королевская семья остается официально Домом Виндзоров. В 2011 году старший внук королевы Елизаветы, принц Уильям, женился на мисс Кэтрин Миддлтон. Теперь они имеют звание герцога и герцогини Кембриджских.

The Royal Family The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. This means that the king or queen is the head of state. Currently, this is Queen Elizabeth II. Nevertheless, the monarch has very little power and can rule only with the support of the parliament. Members of the royal family are known both by the name of the royal house, and by name. Queen Elizabeth II was born in 1926, she is the great-great-granddaughter of Queen Victoria (1819-1901). In 1947, Queen Elizabeth II married Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten. Queen Elizabeth’s husband, son of Prince of Greece Andrew and one of the great-great-grandchildren of Queen Victoria. Now he is called Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh have four children. Queen Elizabeth II and her children are known as the house and family of Windsor. Charles, Prince of Wales, the eldest son of the royal family. In 1981, he married Lady Diana Spencer. They have two sons, Prince William and Prince Henry. The Queen’s grandchildren bear the name Mountbatten-Windsor, although the royal family remains officially the House of Windsor. In 2011, Queen Elizabeth’s elder grandson, Prince William, married Miss Catherine Middleton. Now they have the title of Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

Можно краткое содержание 8 предложений.
The international Children s Computer Centre (ICCC) in Kukhmar in the Yaroslavl region is a world-famous camp for developing young people s computer skills. It started in 1986, and in 1988 in became a UNESCO associated school. Children come here from all over the world.
At the camp there are many activities such as horse riding and boating.
Apart from the computer classes, there are classes in English, German
and French, History, Art, Ethics, Ecology and even Zoology. There are plenty of sports to take part in too, such as badminton, hockey, football, skiing and tennis. Children can also take part in theatre and dance clubs, play in musical bands and go on excursions to the local town of Pereslavl-Zalessky.
The computer classes are for all levels of ability, from simple computer
ABC’s, suchas using the internet and sending emails, to computer algebra,
digital sound editing, programming and advanced graphics.
All the children who visit the ICCC have a great time and make lots of new friends. Here is what some children said about their time there

The international Children s Computer Centre (ICCC) in Kukhmar is a world-famous camp for developing young people s computer skills. It started in 1986, and in 1988 in became a UNESCO associated school.
At the camp there are many activities such as horse riding and boating.
Apart from the computer classes, there are classes in English, German
and French, History, Art, Ethics, Ecology and even Zoology. There are plenty of sports to take part in too, such as badminton, hockey, football, skiing and tennis.
Using the internet and sending emails,  computer algebra,
digital sound editing, programming and advanced graphics.
All the children who visit the ICCC have a great time and make lots of new friends.  Here is what some children said about their time there.

Краткое содержание белый клык

Отец Белого Клыка — волк, мать, Кичи, — наполовину волчица, наполовину собака. Пока ещё у него нет имени. Он родился в Северной Глуши и выжил единственный из всего выводка. На Севере часто приходится голодать, это и погубило его сестёр и братьев. Отец, одноглазый волк, вскоре погибает в неравной схватке с рысью. Волчонок и мать остаются вдвоём, он часто сопровождает волчицу на охоту и вскоре начинает постигать «закон добычи»: ешь — или съедят тебя самого. Волчонок не может ясно сформулировать его, а просто живёт по нему. Кроме закона добычи, существует множество других, которым следует повиноваться. Жизнь, играющая в волчонке, силы, управляющие его телом, служат ему неиссякаемым источником счастья.

Краткое содержание красной шапочки на английском. Максимум 6 предложений!

In the village lives a little girl, beloved by her mother and grandmother, who sewed her a red hat. One day Little Red Riding Hood was carrying grandma’s presents (pies, a pot of fresh butter) and met a wolf. When he found out where the girl was going, he ran to his grandmother first, he ate an old woman, changed into her clothes, and lay down on the bed. Appearing in the house of my grandmother, Little Red Riding Hood put the basket on the table and went to the bed. Paying attention to the unusual grandmother’s look, she asked why she had such big hands (she received an answer: "to embrace"), ears (to hear better), eyes (in order to better see). The last question - about teeth - was fatal: after Answer "to eat," the wolf devoured the girl. His growl was heard by the lumberjacks who ran into the house and killed the wolf. From his belly, Grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood got out. They buried the wolf in the forest and invited woodcutters for tea and butter pies.

Написать краткое содержание первой главы сказки "Золушка", на английском языке?

Cinderella  usaually wears old clothes.She cleans the house every day and she cooks for her sisters. At night she usually reads a book. In the picture  Cinderella is wearing a beautiful dress at the moment. She is talking to a prince. Cindreella’s sisters are standing at the door. They are looking at her. They are angry. 
Cinderella is sitting on a chair. The prince  has got a shoe in his hand. Her sisters are looking at Cinderela and the prince. There’s a mouzse under the table.It’s smiling.

Краткое содержание книги золотая рыбка на английском

The old man lived with his old woman at the very blue sea; They lived in a dilapidated dugout exactly thirty years and three years.     The old man threw the seine twice - there was nothing, the third time he pulled out a goldfish. Rybka asked to release her. The old man let go. I came home told my wife. My wife said to ask for a trough. She gave the fish a trough. The old woman said to ask the hut. Gave a fish and a hut. The old woman wanted to become a pillar noblewoman. She became a noblewoman and sent an old man to serve in the stable.     I wanted to become a queen. She made her a fish and a queen. I wanted to become the sea lord, so that the fish would serve her.     The old man gave the fish a request to the fish, but nothing said the fish, just a tail on the water splashed and went into the deep sea. For a long time at the sea he waited for an answer, he did not wait, he returned to the old woman-look: again there is a dugout before him; on the threshold sits his old woman, and before her a broken trough.

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Mr. Jones, having murdered his wife, was burying her in the garden one night, when his neighbour, hearing the noise, asked him what he was doing. "Just burying the cat," said Mr. Jones. "Funny sort of time to bury a cat," said the neighbour. "Funny sort of cat," said Mr. Jones. Now it is obvious to everyone that, in a community such as the one in which we live, some kind of law is necessary to try to prevent people like Mr. Jones from killing their wives. When the world was at a very primitive stage, there was no such law, and, if a man
chose to kill his wife or if a woman succeeded in killing her husband, that was their own business and no one interfered officially But, for a very long time now, members of every community have made laws for themselves in self-protection. Otherwise it would have meant that the stronger man could have done what he liked with the weaker, and bad men could have joined together and terrorized the whole neighbourhood. If it were not for the law, you could not go out in broad daylight without the fear of being kidnapped, robbed or murdered. There are far, fai more good people in the world than bad, but there are enough of the bad to make law necessary in the interests of everyone. There is no difficulty in understanding this but it is just as important to understand that law is not necessary just because there are bad people in the world. If we were all as good as we ought to be, laws would still be necessary. If we never told lies, never took anything that didn’t belong to us, never ommitted to do anything that we ought to do and never did anything thai ve ought not to do, we should still require a set of rules of behaviour, in other words laws, to enable us to live in any kind of satisfactory state. How ts one good man in a motor-car to pass another good man also in a motor-car coming in the opposite direction, unless there is some rule of the road? People sometimes hover in front of one another when the> are walking on the pavement before they can pass, and they may even collide. Not much harm is done then, but, if two good men in motorcars going in opposite directions hover in front of one another, not knowing which side to pass, the result will probably be that there will be two good men less in the world. So you can see that there must be laws, however good we may be. Unfortunately, however, we are none of us always good and some of us are bad, or at any rate have our bad moments, and so the law has to provide for all kinds of possibilities. Suppose you went to a greengrocer and bought some potatoes and found on your return home that they were mouldy or even that some of them were stones, what could you do if there were no laws on the subject? In the absence of law you could only rely upon the law of the jungle. You could go back to the shop, demand proper potatoes and hit the shopkeeper on the nose if he refused to give them to you. You might then look round the shop to try to find some decent potatoes. While you were doing this, the shopkeeper might hit you on the back of the neck with a pound weight. Altogether not a very satisfactory morning’s shopping. Or you might pay your money to go to see a film at a cinema. You might go inside, sit down and wait. When the cinema was full, there might be flashed on the screen: "You’ve had it, Chums". And that might be the whole of the entertainment. If there were no law, the manager could safely remain on the premises and, as you went out, smile at you and say: "Hope you’ve enjoyed the show, sir." That is to say, he could do this safely if he were bigger than you or had a well-armed bodyguard. Every country tries, therefore, to provide laws which will help its people to live safely and as comfortably as possible. This is not at all an easy thing to do, and no country has been successful in producing laws which are entirely satisfactory. But we are far better off with the imperfect laws which we have, than if we had none at all.
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Law and sеciety 
Mr. Jones, having murdered his wife, was burying her in the garden one night, when his neighbour, hearing the noisе, asked him what he was doing. 
“Just burying the сat,” said Mr. Jones. 
“Funny sort of time to bury a cat,” said the neighbour. 
“Funny sort of cat,” said Mr, Jones.
Now it is obvious to everyone that, in а community such as the one in which we live, some kind оf law is necessary to try to prevent people like Mr. Jones from killing their wives. When the world was at а very primitive stage, there was no such law, and, if а man chose to kill his wife оr if a woman succeeded in killing her husband, that was their own bisinеsз and no one interfered оfficially.
But, for а very long time now, members of every community have made laws for themselves in sеlf-protection. Otherwise it would have meant that the stronger man could have done what he liked with the weaker, and bad men could have joined together and terrorized the whole neighbourhood.
If it were not for the law, you could not go out in broad daylight without the fear of bеing kidnapped, robbed or murdered. There are far, far more good people in the world than bad, but there are enough of the bad to make law necessary in the interests of everyone. 
There is no difficulty in understanding this but it is just as important to understand that law is not necessary just because there are bad people in the world. If we were all as good аs we ought to be, laws would still be necessary. If we never told lies, never took anything that didn’t belong to us, never omitted to do anything that we ought to do and never did anything that we ought not to do, we should still require.a set of rules of behaviour, in other words laws, to enable us to live in any kind of satisfactory state.
How is one good man in a motor-car to pass another good man also in а motor-car coming in the opposite direction, unless there is some rule of the road? People sometimes hover_ in front of one another when they are walking on the pavement before they can pass, and they may even collide. Not much harm is done then, but, if two good men ia motor-cars going in the opposite directions hover in front of one another, not knowing which side to pass, the result wiIl probably be that there will be two good men less in the world. 
So you can see that there must be laws, however good we may be. Unfortunately, howevеr, we are none of us always good and some of us are bad, gr at any rate have our bad moments, and so the law has to provide for all kinds of possibilities. Suppose you went to a greengrocer and bought some potatoes and found on your retuп home that they were mouldy or even that some of them were stones. What could you do if there were no laws on the subject? In the аbsenсе of law you could only rely upon the law of the jungle. You could go back to the shop, demand proper potatoes and hit the shopkeeper on the nose if he refused to give them to you. You might, then look round the shop to try to find some decent potatoes. While you were doing this, the shopkeeper might hit you on the back of the neck with a pound weight. Altogether not a very satisfactory morning shopping.
Or you might pay your money to go to see а film at a cinema. You might go inside, sit down and wait. When the cinema was full, there might be flashed on the screen: “You’ve had it, Chums”. And that might be the whole оf the entertainment. If there were no law, the manager could safely remain on the premises and, as you went out, smile at you and say: “Норе уou’ve enjoyed the show, sir, “That is to say, he could do this safely if he were bigger than you оr had а well-armed bodyguard. Every country tries, therefore, to provide laws which will help its реople to live safely and as comfortably as possible. This is not at аll an easy thing to do, and no country has been successful in producing laws which are entirely satisfactory.

Краткое содержание: Твір на англійській мові про моє село

Fresh light air, the silence is such that only wind gusts, early cocks instead of an alarm clock are heard - all this is associated, with me, with only one word - the village.
My native village is small, in comparison with the city, beautiful, picturesque. My village Vasilivka is called, I really like its name. He was named in honor of one local farmer Vasily, who for the first time in the village built a house, and so to speak, began life here.
Our village is rich in steppes, slopes and hills. The steppe in the spring is all florid, it is so beautiful that even the city, not local, come there to be photographed, and even those who flashed past the village.
And in the steppe, our pride of the village - the river! The river - oh, which is beautiful and beautiful, and even surprisingly clean. In the summer there are all children and adults, bathing, sunbathing and just resting with families. Also, there are a lot of animals, geese, who like to swim there and cows grazing on the shore. And even in the river are found otters, I am very afraid of them, white herons and there is even caresses.
In the steppe, we live on bunnies and gopher, and once, when it was very cold and fierce winter people saw there even a wolf.