Написать 7-10 предложений на тему "Моя любимая одежда" на английском языке. От имени мальчика 10 лет

I love all my clothes. She’s cool and beautiful. But most of all I love my shorts, a cap and a T-shirt with the inscription "King". Mom buys me pretty beautiful things. All. I go to them with pleasure, because they like me. I have very bright things, they are immediately evident. Перевод: Я люблю всю свою одежду. Она у меня крутая и красивая. Но больше всего я люблю свои шорты, кепку и футболку с надписью "Король". Мама мне покупает очень красивые вещи. Я хожу в них с удовольствием, потому что они мне нравятся. У меня очень яркие вещи, они сразу бросаются в глаза.

Написать 8-10 предложений как я провёл день (не выходной) на английском 7 класс даю .

1 Today I’d like to tell you about my day. 2 I wake up at 6 o’clock. 3 I get up and go to the bathroom. 4 I wash my face, clean my teeth and have a shower, if I have enough time. 5 After that I get dressed, put on make-up and comb my hair. 6 Before leaving home I usually have breakfast. 7. Then I go to school.8.When my lessons is over I go home.9.In the evening I prefer to relax at home. 10 Sometimes I watch TV or read a book or I may surf the Internet. 11 When it’s late, I go to bed and sleep.

Написать 7 предложений про нашу вселенную по английски

Our universe is very big. There are many planets and stars, very beautiful and mysterious. And there are galaxies such as the milky way. Universe studies the science of astronomy. She studies it, learns the secrets. We all love to watch the stars, part of a vast universe. But how many more secrets she keeps. Внимание, перевод: Наша Вселенная очень большая. Есть много планет и звезд, загадочных и очень красивых. И есть галактики, такие как Млечный путь. Вселенную изучает наука астрономия. Она изучает его, узнает секреты. Мы все любим наблюдать за звездами, частями огромной вселенной. Но сколько еще секретов она хранит.

Был жаркий, солнечный день, по двору летали сонные мухи, мышки сидели в норах. Кот Федот скучал и решил пойти к Тузику. Тузик хозяйский пес. Как всегда охранял дом и гонял кур от своей миски с едой. Федоту нравилось ходить к Тузику. Он на него мяукал или шипел, а Тузик в ответ лаял или рычал. Вдвоем им некогда не было скучно.
Тузик как обычно в это время катался на лыжах с горки и распугивал кур. Снег искрился, его язык развивался на ветру, ему было хорошо и весело. Вот спускаясь в очередной раз он увидел Федота и проезжая мимо него по привычке дернулся в его сторону и упал.
Очнувшись Тузик увидел миску с мухами, подкрадывающихся кур и кота Федота, который смотрел на него с явным любопытством. Тузик не долго думая залаял, куры разбежались, Федот зашипел и начался очередной нормальный день.

It was a hot, sunny day, sleeping flies were flying along the yard, mice were sitting in holes. The cat Fedot was bored and decided to go to Tuzik. Tuzik is the master dog. As always guarded the house and chased the chickens from their bowl of food. Fedot liked to go to Tuzik. He mewed at him or hissed, and Tuzik responded with barking or growling. Together they were never bored.
Tuzik, as usual, was skiing downhill at that time and frightened away the chickens. The snow sparkled, its language developed in the wind, it was good and fun. Then going down again he saw Fedot and driving past him, out of habit, jerked in his direction and fell.
Waking up, Tuzik saw a bowl of flies, stalking hens and cat Fedot, who looked at him with obvious curiosity. Tuzik barked for a long time, the hens scattered, Fedot hissed and another normal day began.
Глаголы стоят в прошедшем время

Написать 10 предложений о том, чтобы было бы, если бы ты была бездомным человеком. (На английском, желательно ещё с переводом на русский).

1. If I was homeless, I’ll be free.
2. Possible, that I will be lonely sometimes.
3. I will make new homeless friends.
4. We will create a New World.
5.We will bring ☮peace and joy to everyone.
6. We will be praying all the time, from time to time.
7. We will find some birds, an will be singing with them sometimes, because sometimes we need some time to think.
8. We will be flying all together.
9. Everyone will love everyone and everything.
10. God is Love.

Написать 10 предложений о Лермонтове и о его внешности на английском

Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov was born on 15 October 1814 in Moscow. He spent his childhood in the village of Tarkhany which was located in Penza Oblast. As the saying goes in the 17th century one of the Scottish Earls of Learmont settled in Russia and Mikhail was his descendant. Scientists also made a supposition that famous Scottish poet Thomas Learmonth was his relative. According to established fact Mikhail Lermontov was a descendant of Yuri (George) Learmont who was a Scottish officer. In the 17th century he moved to Russia.
Mikhail’s father, Yuri, was a serviceman. His mother Maria Arsenyeva died when Mikhail was a child. Lermontov’s grandmother, Yelizaveta Alekseyevna, brought him up after Maria’s death. At the age of ten Mikhail had problems with health and they moved to the Caucasus. The fertile climate of this region was good for Mikhail. From that time he loved the Caucasus.
Lermontov spent his childhood in the intellectual atmosphere and he became interested in English literature. He studied Byron’s poetry. When Mikhail was a child he was taught by a Frenchman named Gendrot. But Yelizaveta Alekseyevna decided that additional education was necessary for her grandson and took him to Moscow where the young poet entered the gymnasium. While there Lermontov developed a passion for the poetry of Zhukovsky and Pushkin. After a while he met Katerina Khvostovaya whom he loved. Lermontov inscribed some poems to her. At the same time the young poet developed a talent for sarcastic humor. Moreover he could draw caricatures and pin somebody down with an epigram or nickname.
In 1830 after studying at gymnasium Mikhail entered Moscow University. That year his father died and this event made a lasting impression on him. Lermontov’s sorrow was apparent in his poems "Forgive me, Will we Meet Again?" and "The Terrible Fate of Father and Son". Lermontov was not a student for a long time. In 1832 because of misunderstanding with professor Malov he left the university.
After studying for two years at university Lermontov decided to change his career choice. Between 1830 and 1834 Lermontov attended the cadet school. In those years he started writing poetry. He became interested in Russian history and medieval epics and it was apparent in some his poems including the Song of the Merchant Kalashnikov and Borodino.
In 1837 Pushkin died. His death produced a strong impression on Lermontov. Consequently he wrote a poem “Death of the Poet” which displeased the Tsar. Lermontov was immediately exiled to the Caucasus. But this region was native for him because he spent there his childhood.
In 1838 and 1839 Lermontov was in Saint Petersburg. Mikhail loved Barbara Lopukhina and he described his love in the novel Princess Ligovskaya which he didn’t complete. In 1840 the son of French ambassador challenged Lermontov to a duel. As a result Mikhail returned to the army. He joined hand-to-hand combat at the Battle of the Valerik River. This event was a basis for his poem Valerik. By 1839 Lermontov wrote one of his famous novels, A Hero of Our Time. Mikhail Lermontov became a great poet of Russian literature. He is also called “the poet of the Caucasus”. Lermontov was a founder of the Russian psychological novel.
In July 1841 because of Lermontov’s joke Nikolai Martynov challenged him to a duel. Martynov killed Lermontov with his first shot. Mikhail Lermontov was interred at Tarkhany.

Lomonosov was a small man. He was plump. He has pink cheeks. He had white hair. Hair curly. The eyes were large blue. The lips are pale. Lomonosov loved creativity.

написать 5-6 предложений причины изучения английского

Пригодится в путешествиях.  В какую бы страну вы ни поехали, английский пригодится в любом случае. Например, уличные вывески часто пишутся как на местном, так и на английском языке. Владея английским, вы сможете с легкостью преодолеть языковой барьер и наслаждаться поездкой.

2. Самый популярный язык в мире.  Изучение английского — хорошая инвестиция. В более чем 60 странах английский является официальным языком. А это значит, куда бы вы ни поехали, у вас скорее всего будет возможность поговорить на английском и воспользоваться своими знаниями.

3. Открывает широкие карьерные возможности.  Каждый из нас хочет быть успешным. Знание иностранного языка поможет вам получить желаемую должность. В эпоху глобализации работодатели ценят людей, способных общаться на иностранных языках.

4. Образование.  Если ваша цель — первоклассное образование, то скорее всего вам понадобится английский язык. В большинстве престижных университетах мира обучение полностью или частично ведется на английском.

5. Бизнес.  Вы мечтаете расширить границы своего бизнеса? Без английского вам никуда, ведь он используется в качестве лингва франка во многих сферах бизнеса, и является ключем к успеху в деловом общении.

Английский язык нужно учить! Во многих профессиях нужен английский: переводчик, путешественник. Если ты собираешься путешествовать по разным странам мира то тебе нужно будет говорить на разных языках. Один из самых распространённых иностранных языков это английский

Написать 7 предложений на тему Образование 21 века на английском языке!

Our world is changing, and in order to prepare for our children. In the 21st century educators must create a curriculum that will help students connect with the world.Schools in the 21st century will become nerve centers, a place for teachers and students to connect with those around them and their community. Teachers in this new environment will become less instructors and more orchestrators of information, giving children the ability to turn knowledge into wisdom.In order to educate in the 21st century, teachers and administrators need to cultivate and maintain the student’s interest in the material. They must also try to increase their student’s curiosity, which will help them become lifelong learners. Next they should be flexible with how they teach and give learners the resources to continue learning outside of school.

Написать загадку про супер героя. (про супер мэна или бэтмена и т. Д) на английском. Можете на русском. Не больше 15 предложений.

1. What has a neck but no head? У чего есть шея, но нет головы?

2 What is found over your head but under your hat? Что находится над головой, но под шляпой?

3. What gets wet while it’s drying? Что намокает во время высыхания?

4. I have all the knowledge you have. But I am small as your fist that your hands can hold me. Who am I? У меня есть все твои знания. Но я маленький, как твой кулак, так что я могу поместиться в твоих руках. Кто я такой?

5. The more you have of it, the less you see. Чем больше у вас есть этого, тем хуже вы видите.

Он летает в облаках назовите кто он?

3. match and make sentences.
Варианты ответов:
1. Go to bed late
2. Touch that not pan
3. Take an aspirin
4. Not take an umbrella with you
5. Not hurry
6. Drive too fast
7. Leave too fast
8. Leave your bag here.
Буквы к вариантам ответа:
а. Get wet
b. Have an cold
c. Be tired tomorrow
d. Feel better
f. Burn yurself
g. Lose it
h. Be late
Первое предложение:
1. If you wear a coat, you won’t be cold(этих слов не написала, ибо предложение же есть)
2. If you.
3. If you.
4. If you.
5. If you.
6. If you.
7. If you.
8. If you.

1. If you go to bed late, you will be tired tomorrow.
2. If you touch that not pan, you will have a cold
3. If you take an aspirin, you will feel better
4. If you don’t take umbrella with you, you will get wet
5. If you don’t hurry, you will be late
6. If you drive too fast, you will burn yourself.
7. If you leave too fast, you will 
8. If you leave your bag here, you will lose it.
Ты ответ какой-то наверное не добавил(а), ведь первых частей 8 а вариантов 7.