- Напишите любые 30 вопросов
- Прочитайте отрывок из письма. Напиши ответ своему другу по переписке. Ответь...
- Космическая полиция выясняет у Рика, кто находится рядом с ним. Напиши...
- Написать на английском языке! Прочитай отрывок из письма твоего друга...
- Учебник 2 класс. Задание : Роми расспрашивает тебя о том, что...
- Какое транспортное средство лучше подойдёт для путешествий, и почему? (Вопрос...
- Say what your classmate must do to be a good pupil....
- Прочитай текст и напиши ответы на вопросы. Hello, boys...
- Напишите по английски 10 вопросов и 10 ответов к ним
- Напиши вопросы к данным утвердительным предложениям, которые начинаются с глагола с...
Напишите любые 30 вопросов
How old are you?
Will you have tea or coffee?
Do you read a book?
Who invites guests for the party?
What happened to us?
What makes you feel upset?
Do you play computer games?
Is this his book?
Are you at home?
Was he at the cinema yesterday?
Where are you going to move?
What would you like to read?
I am a pessimist, is not / are not I?
You can cook this dish, can not you?
You will cook spaghetti and bacon for dinner, will not you?
They were not playing hide-and-seek at that time yesterday, were they?
You never visit your aunt, do you?
There are flowers in all the rooms, are not there?
Your cat purrs so sweetly, does not it?
Let’s have a party, shall we?
1. Как тебя зовут?
2. Сколько лет?
3. Где живёшь сейчас?
4. Где родился?
5. Как зовут маму?
6. Как зовут папу?
7. Есть братья/сестры?
8. Кем мечтаешь стать?
9, Учишься в школе?
10. Как хорошо ты учишься (по пятибальной шкале)?
11. Есть ли животные?
12. Какая твоя заветная мечта?
13. Какой цвет глаз?
14. Иы блондин/брюнет?
15. Длинные волосы, средней длины или короткие?
16. Болеешь чем-нибудь?
17. Был на луне?
18, Красил ногти на ногах?
19. Красил ногти на руках?
20, Одевал ли трусы на голову?
21. Мазал ли ночью кого-нибудь пастой?
22. Врал?
23. Кто по знаку зодиака?
24. Когда ты родился?
25. Твой рост ( в см)?
26. Все ли молочные зубы выпали?
27. Искал ли когда-нибудь на ночном небе созвездия?
28. Как часто ты рисуешь?
29. Ты считаешь себя лучше других?
30. Купался ли ты в море?
на английском не уверена.
1.Whats your name?
2.How old are you?
3.Where do you live now?
4.Where he was born?
5.Whats mommys name?
6.What is the name of the Pope?
7.Have brothers/sisters?
8.Who want to be?
9.In school?
10.How well you learn (on a five-point scale)?
11.Is there any animals?
12.What is your dream?
13.What color eyes?
14.Iy blonde/brunette?
15.Long hair, medium or short?
16. Sick with something?
17.Were on the moon?
18, Painted toenails?
19.Painted fingernails?
20. Wearing underpants on his head?
21.Mazal any night someone paste?
23. Who is your zodiac sign?
24.When you were born?
25. Your height ( in cm)?
26.Do all milk teeth fall out?
27. Searched for ever on the night sky constellations?
28.How often do you draw?
29. Do you consider yourself better than others?
30. If you swam in the sea?
Прочитайте отрывок из письма. Напиши ответ своему другу по переписке. Ответь на его вопросы.
I have got a lot of pets. In my house, there are two cats, a dog, three hamsters and a parrot. I like care of them every day. My mum helps me feed them all. When l grow up, l want to be a vet and take care of animals. Have you got any pets? What hobbies do you have? What do you want to be when you grow up?
Best wishes,
Dear Tom,
Thanks a lot for your last letter. Very glad youre OK. Sorry, I havent written for ages because I was very busy. Ready to answer your questions at last.
Well, I have also two cats in my house. Moreover, my hobbies are painting and singing. Finally, I want to be a designer when I grow up.
Anyway, thats all for now. I have to go. Looking forward to hearing from you!
Best wishes,
(Твое имя)
в правом верхнем углу пишешь свой адрес и дату.
Dear Tom,
Thank you for your letter. It was great to hear from you again! I am sorry. I havent not answered earlier. I was really busy with my schoolwork.as for me, I have a cat, dog and fish.my hobby is drawing, singing, but most of all I love to take care of their animals. when I grow up I want to be like you a vet and build a hospital.
I got to go now. It is time my homework. Write back soon.
и свое имя без точки
надеюсь, что помогла)
Космическая полиция выясняет у Рика, кто находится рядом с ним. Напиши вопросы полиции и ответы Рика.
-Кто рядом с вами?
-Это мои друзья!
Who is that?
-This is my friends.
1)вы перешли дорогу в неположенном месте?
You crossed the road in the wrong place?
ой, извините, не хотел.
Oh, sorry, did not want to.
2)ваши документы с собой?
Your documents with you?
Да, конечно!
Oh sure!
Написать на английском языке!
Прочитай отрывок из письма твоего друга по переписке и напиши ответ. Ответь на его
…. I know you’re fond of sports and take an active part in different competitions. When did the
last school sporting event take place? Who took part in it? Did you enjoy it and why?
Please, write me soon.
Best wishes,
Извиняюсь за почерк
Там, где сильно начеркано, это буква r
Под звёздочками писать необходимое (без звёзд и скобок, конечно же)
Следи за пунктуацией
Думаю, все верно

Учебник 2 класс. Задание : Роми расспрашивает тебя о том, что любит делать твой друг. Допиши её вопросы и напиши свои ответы.
* Does he/she like.
* Does he/she want.
* Does he/she.
* What games.
* Does.
1. Does he/she like swimming?
Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesnt.
2. Does he/she want to go to Australia?
Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesnt.
3. Does she do gymnastics?
Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesnt.
Does he play football?
4. What games does he/she play?
He/she plays Monopolia. (здесь любые настольные игры)
5. Does he/she watch films?
Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesnt.
Какое транспортное средство лучше подойдёт для путешествий, и почему?
(Вопрос из английского языка, но напишите, по русски, на английский я сама переведу)
Если для долгого путешествия, то это машина так как, это будет быстрее и много времени не затратишь. Ещё это может быть автобус(заказной) можно поехать со всем классом, с группой(универа). А если вы за здоровый образ жизни, То это Велосипед
Для путешествий лучше всего подходит самолёт, потому что он быстрый и комфортабельный. На нем можно долететь до любой точки мира.
Say what your classmate must do to be a good pupil.
ответить на вопрос!
( в скобках напишите перевод)
Перевод: Сказать, что ваш одноклассник должен делать, чтобы быть хорошим учеником?
Ответ: Need a good student.To do homework, not skip classes, do not play on the phone when there is a lesson, listen to teacher.If something is not clear ask.Іts very simple.
Перевод ответа: Нужно хорошо учится. Делать домашние задания, не пропускать уроки, не играть на телефоне когда идет урок, слушать учительницу. Если что-то не понятно спросить. Все очень просто
Прочитай текст и напиши ответы на вопросы.
Hello, boys and girls! My name is George. Im from Wales. Im nine and Im in the third form. I go to school on weekdays but I do not go to school on Saturdays and Sundays. I usually have five lessons. But yesterday I had six lessons. My favourite subjects are Maths and Informatics. Last year I also liked Music but now I do not. Every summer I go to my Granny, she lives in the country. I ride my bicycle, swim in the river and play volleyball with my friends. Next summer I hope I will go to California with my parents. Ill visit Disneyland and Ill see lost of intersting places. Then Ill go to the summer camp. I think Ill have a wonderful time there.
1.What is the boys name?
2.Where is he from?
3.How old is George?
4.Where does he go on wekldays?
5.Does George go to school weekends?
6.How many lessons has he got every day?
7.How many lessons did he have yesterday?
8.What are Georges favourite subjects?
9.What subject did he like last year?
10. Where does George go every summer?
11.What does he do in the country?
12.Where will George go next year?
13.What will he do there?
14.Where will George go then?
15.Will he have a good time in the camp?
Ответы на вопросы: (могут быть ошибки, я в 2 кл)
Hes name is George.
Georges from is Wales.
He is nine old.
George go to school on weekdays.
But he doesnt go to school on Saturdays and Sundays.
George has a 5 lessons every day.
He had a 6 lessons yesterday.
The Georges favorite lessons are Maths and Informatics.
He liked Music last year.
George go to the Grandma every summer.
He will hope go to California with your parent.
He will visit Disneyland.
Then George will go to the camp.
He will have a wonderful time there.
Напишите по английски 10 вопросов и 10 ответов к ним
.1.Is there a pet for you? Yes, I have a cat 2. What do you do in your spare time? I spend my free time with my friends. 3. What kind of games do you like? I like games on the computer.4. Do you have a sister or brother? Yes, I have a sister (brother).5 Do you have many friends? Yes, I have a lot of friends. 6 Do you help your mother around the house? Yes, I help my mother to clean the house.7. What genres do you prefer? I like comedy and fantasy most of all.8. Were you ever in an underwater museum? No, I did not go there. Which book do you like the most? I like the book Harry rubbed it very interesting.10. Have you ever seen a giraffe? I saw him (a) he is very long
Напиши вопросы к данным утвердительным предложениям, которые начинаются с глагола с вопросительных слов и словосочетаний
1. I played chess with my father yesterday.
Did. What. When. Who.
2. He goes for a walk in the park every day.
Does. What. Where.How often.Who.
3. Mary and Ben are working in the garden.
4. My sister and I studied French last summer.
1. Did I (you) play chess with my (your) father?
What did you play with my father yesterday?
When did we play chess with my father?
Who played chess with my father yesterday?
2. Does he go for a walk in the park every day?
Where does he go for a walk in the park every day?
How often does he go for a walk in the park every day?
Who goes for a walk in the park every day?
3. Are Mary and Ben working in the garden?
What are they do in the garden?
Where are they working?
Who are working in the garden?
4. Did my sister and I ( you ) study French last summer?
What did we study last summer?
When did we study French?