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Уважаемые господа!
Благодарим Вас за письмо от 25 апреля с просьбой сообщить дополнительные сведения относительно сенсорных переключателей, а также сделать предложение на этот товар.
Мы еще раз обращаем Ваше внимание на то, что наши изделия отличного/высокого качества и обладают рядом преимуществ по сравнению с аналогичными товарами на мировом рынке. Наши переключатели пользуются большим спросом, поэтому назначенные нами цены несколько выше, чем у наших конкурентов.
Переключатели могут быть поставлены в течение 2-3 недель после получения Вашего заказа, однако сроки поставки будут в значительной степени зависеть от количества заказанного Вами товара.
Наши условия платежа: траттой с оплатой через 30 дней после предъявления.
С уважением,

Dear sirs!
Thank You for your letter of April 25 with a request for more information concerning the touch switches, and also to make an offer on this item.
We once again draw your attention to the fact that our products are excellent/high quality and have a number of advantages over similar products in the world market. Our switches are in great demand, so our assigned prices are slightly higher than our competitors.
The switches can be delivered within 2-3 weeks of receiving your order, but the delivery time will largely depend on the quantity of the goods you have ordered.
Our terms of payment: by bill of exchange with payment 30 days after presentation.
With respect,

Dear sirs!
Thank You for your letter of April 25 with a request for more information concerning the touch switches, and also to make an offer on this item.
We once again draw your attention to the fact that our products are excellent/high quality and have a number of advantages over similar products in the world market. Our switches are in great demand, so our assigned prices are slightly higher than our competitors.
The switches can be delivered within 2-3 weeks of receiving your order, but the delivery time will largely depend on the quantity of the goods you have ordered.
Our terms of payment: by bill of exchange with payment 30 days after presentation.
With respect,

Составьте предложение из данных слов и поставьте к нему 5 типов вопросов
often, last, we, summer, went, our, to, village

Last summer we often went to our village.
1) Who did often go to our village last summer?
2) Did we often go to our village last summer?
3) Last summer we often went to our village, didn’t we?
4) Where did we often go last summer?
5) When did we often go to our village?

Last summer we often went out to village.
1. What did you do last summer?
2.When you often go to the village?
3.Who went out to the village often last summer?
4.You often went out to village this summer or last?
5.Last summer you often went out to village, didn’t you?

Составьте утвердительные, вопросительные и
отрицательные предложения из данных слов, обращая
внимание на порядок слов.
1. Do /you /have/ too/ think/ much/ power/ mass media?
2. I /news/ read/ prefer/ to/ online.
3. You / trust/ everything/ can’t.
4. What/ mass/ do/ media/ you/ think about?
5. I am/ in/ interested/ not/ news.
6. Do/ always/ you/ believe/ mass media?
7. I/ listening to the radio/ don’t think/ my English/ can improve.
8. How/ today’s media/ are/ different from/ those of 30 years ago?
9. I/ online/ sometimes/ in English/ read/ news.
10.I/ newspaper/ don’t/ a favourite/ have/.
11.Do/ you/ television shows/ from/ other countries/ever/ watch?
12.I/ radio stations/ that/ most/ think/ play/ boring old music.

Do you think mass media have too much power?
I prefer to read news online
You can’t trust everything
What do you think about mass media?
I am not interested in news
Do you always believe mass media?
I don’t think I can improve my English listening to the radio
How today’s media are different from those of 30 years ago?
Sometimes I read news in English online
I don’t have a favorite newspaper
Do you ever watch television shows from other countries?
I think that most radio stations play boring old music

В искусстве в широком смысле правдивое, объективное, всестороннее отражение действительности специфическими средствами, присущими видам художественного творчества. Общими признаками метода реализма является достоверность в воспроизведении действительности. Вместе с тем реалистическое искусство обладает огромным разнообразием способов познания, обобщения, художественного отражения действительности (Г. М. Коржев, М. Б. Греков, А. А. Пластов, А. М. Герасимов, Т. Н. Яблонская, П. Д. Корин и др. ) Реалистическое искусство XX в. Приобретает яркие национальные черты и многообразие форм. Реализм — явление противоположное модернизму.

In art in a broad sense, a true, objective, comprehensive reflection of reality by specific means inherent in the types of artistic creativity. Common signs of the method of realism is the reliability in the reproduction of reality. At the same time, realistic art has a vast variety of methods of cognition, generalization, and artistic reflection of reality (GM Korzhev, MB Grekov, AA Plastov, AM Gerasimov, TN Yablonskaya, P. D Korin, etc.) Realist art of the 20th century. acquires vivid national features and variety of forms. Realism is a phenomenon opposite to modernism.