D) Вставьте артикль там, где это необходимо. Переведите предложения Frank took out his book & began to learn while Robert looked out for something intresting on __ road till they reached __ school. “Let's play!” shouted __ group of __ boys as they ran out of __ school when __ lessons wewre over. Robert ran away with __ children. Frank promised to follow them in __ quarter of __ hour & took out his book once more. Then he joined __boys they continued __ game.

Frank took out his book & began to learn while Robert looked out for something intresting on THE road till they reached THE school. “Let’s play!” shouted THE group of boys as they ran out of THE school when THE lessons wewre over. Robert ran away with THE children. Frank promised to follow them in A quarter of __ hour & took out his book once more. Then he joined THE boys they continued THE game.
Фрэнк достал книгу и начал учить, пока Роберт искал что-нибудь интересное по пути, пока они не доехали до школы. "Давайте играть", крикнула группа мальчиков, выбежав из школы, когда закончились занятия. Роберт выбежал к мальчикам/с мальчиками. Фрэнк пообещал присоединиться к ним через четверть часа и снова достал книгу. Затем, он присоединился к мальчикам и они продолжили играть

Вставьте, где необходимо артикль
1. ____ Smiths sent us ____ invitation to ____ house-warming party they were giving on Saturday.
2. _____ expedition crossed ____ Attora Mountains in ______ Morocco, and then fl oated down _____ Nile.
3. ___ Jake visited _____ Netherlands on his way to _____ France.
4. ____ Netherlands is north-west of ____ Russia.
5. Being ____ citizen of _____ Russian Federation, you are protected by its _____ legislation.
6. After crossing ____ Geneva Lake we climbed ____ Mont Blanc in ___ Alps.
7. ___ Vasco da Gama was ____ fi rst to fi nd ____ way from ___ Atlantic to _____ Indian Ocean.
8. ___ International Chamber of _____ Commerce moved from ___ Amsterdam to _____ Hague.
9. _____ northern part of _____ North America belongs to _____ Canada.
10. First they wanted to go to _____ Black Sea, but then they changed their plan and went to ___ Riviera instead

1. __the__ Smiths sent us __an__ invitation to __the__ house-warming party they were giving on Saturday.
2. __the___ expedition crossed __the__ Attora Mountains in ______ Morocco, and then floated down __the___ Nile.
3. ___ Jake visited ___the__ Netherlands on his way to _____ France.
4. __the__ Netherlands is north-west of ____ Russia.
5. Being __a__ citizen of __the___ Russian Federation, you are protected by its _____ legislation.
6. After crossing ____ Geneva Lake we climbed ____ Mont Blanc in __the_ Alps.
7. ___ Vasco da Gama was ____ first to find __the__ way from __the_ Atlantic to __the___ Indian Ocean.
8. _the__ International Chamber of _____ Commerce moved from ___ Amsterdam to ___the__ Hague.
9. ___the__ northern part of _____ North America belongs to _____ Canada.
10. First they wanted to go to __the___ Black Sea, but then they changed their plan and went to ___ Riviera instead.

Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. 1. She is eating. apple. apple is ripe. 2. I do not go to. school on. Sunday. 3. This woman is. typist. She works at. office. office is not far from her. house.
4. His father is. engineer. He works at. plant. 5. Where is. table? — It is in. corner of. room, near. window. 6. Are there any. flowers in. vase? 7. She lives on. fifth floor. 8. Where is. cheese? —. cheese is on. plate. 9. There are. plates and. cups on. tea-table. 10. Is there. tea-pot on. table? Is there. tea in. tea-pot?
Упр. 19. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. Mary is. woman of. 30. She graduated from. Institute of Foreign Languages. She is. teacher. She teachers English a t. school. Mary usually goes to. school at. quarter past eight in. morning. She spends at. school four hours. She has got. son and. daughter. Her. son is. boy of. 5 and her. daughter is. girl of. 3. Mary takes her children from. nursery-school in. evening.
Упр. 20. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. 1. Му sister’s son is. school-boy. He studies at. school a t. ninth form. He is. good pupil. He lives. home for. school at. half past seven. 2. This. young woman is. engineer. She works at. factory. She usually has. lot of work. Every morning she takes her. daughter to. school. 3. That man has two children. first child was born 5 years ago and. second was born. last year.

1. She is eating an apple. The apple is ripe. 2. I do not go to school on  Sunday. 3. This woman is a typist. She works at an office. The office is not far from her house.
4. His father is an engineer. He works at a plant. 5. Where is a table? — It is in the corner of the room, near the window. 6. Are there any flowers in thevase? 7. She lives on the fifth floor. 8. Where is cheese? — The cheese is on the plate. 9. There are plates and cups on the tea-table. 10. Is there a tea-pot on the table? Is there tea in the tea-pot?
Упр. 19. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. Mary is a woman of 30. She graduated from the Institute of Foreign Languages. She is a teacher. She teachers English at school. Mary usually goes to school at  quarter past eight in the morning. She spends at school four hours. She has got a son and a  daughter. Her son is a boy of 5 and her daughter is a girl of 3. Mary takes her children from nursery-school in the evening.
Упр. 20. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. 1. Му sister’s son is a school-boy. He studies at school a t the. ninth form. He is a good pupil. He LEAVES (ОШИБКА) home for school at half past seven. 2. This young woman is an engineer. She works at a factory. She usually has a lot of work. Every morning she takes her daughter to school. 3. That man has two children. The first child was born 5 years ago and the second was born last year

Помогите вставить артикль the, где нужно
1.___Spain and ______Portugal occupy ____Iberian peninsula, which is separated from____France by ____Pyrences.
2. About,2,500 years ago the most civilized people in___West where Greek philosophers, writes, and artists.
3. It is said that there never have been any buildings as beautiful as the temples of ____ancient Greece.
4. Another name for Hawaii is___Sandwich Islands.
5. _____Taitii is one of____Society Islands.
6.____London lies in the valley of ___Thames.
7. ____Estonia is famous for its song festivals.
8.The Treaty of 1921 put a border between ____Northen nd ____Southern Ireland.
9. 200 years ago there were 500-600 languages in _____Australia.

1.___Spain and ______Portugal occupy __the__Iberian peninsula, which is separated from____France by _the___Pyrences.
2. About 2,500 years ago the most civilized people in_the__West where Greek philosophers, writes, and artists.
3. It is said that there never have been any buildings as beautiful as the temples of ____ ancient Greece.
4. Another name for Hawaii is_the__Sandwich Islands.
5. _____Taitii is one of__the__Society Islands.
6.____London lies in the valley of _the__Thames.
7. ____Estonia is famous for its song festivals.
8.The Treaty of 1921 put a border between ____Northen and ____Southern Ireland.
9. 200 years ago there were 500-600 languages in _____Australia.

Когда нужно вставлять артикль a а когда an?

А - если существительное начинается с согласной буквы. an - если с гласной

A пишется, когда в слове (к примеру) summer, нету гласной в начале, а вот an пишется, когда (к примеру) an interview, есть гласная в начале.
Ну вот к примеру, плохо даже звучит a apple, interview
an watch
A -гласная в не имеетсяначале
An-гласная в начале слова

2. Практическая часть.
Задание 1. Выберите и вставьте в предложение нужную форму глагола.
1. I enjoy. very much. a) to dance; b) dancing.
2. Suddenly she stopped.
a) to sing; b) singing.
3. He is busy. the article.
a) translating; b) to translate.
4. We enjoy. football.
a) playing; b) to play.
5. Then they started. the test.
a) to read; b) reading.
6. My mother. sunglasses.
a) have got; b) has got.
7. I. a parrot.
a) have got; b) has got.
8. The girl. a walkman.
a) have got; b) has got.
Задание 2. Вставьте артикли (the) и (a) где это необходимо.
1. Look! The squirrels have stored much. food at. foot of. tree. 2. In the forest we met. children who were carrying. baskets full of. berries. 3. There is much. snow in. garden. It has covered. bushes and. trees. 4. It is difficult for. birds to find. food in winter. 5. "What has happened to. bird?" — ". bird has fallen off. tree."

1. b) dancing.
2. b) singing.
3. a) translating
4. a) playing;
5. a) to read
6. b) has got.
7. a) have got;
8. b) has got.
1. Look! The squirrels have stored much. food at the foot of the tree.
2. In the forest we met children who were carrying baskets full of berries.
3. There is much snow in the garden. It has covered the bushes and the trees.
4. It is difficult for birds to find food in winter.
5. "What has happened to the bird?" — "The bird has fallen off a/the tree."