Заполните пропуски подходящей формой притяжательного местоимения в функции определения:
1)Janet put ___ bag on the cair.
2)James writes a letter to ___ mother every week.
3)Julia likes ___ English classes very much.
4)They write new word in ___ notebook.
5) Mr. Jones put on ___ classes.
6) I’m often looses ___ things?
7)Chiff gave me ___ book.
8)I’ll put on ___ best drees.
9)Rose went to the concert with ___ brother.
10)Grandfather too ___ pipe out of ___ mouth.
11)Janet put ___ left hads in ___ pocket.
12)The men took ___ bats off.

1)Janet put her bag on the cair.
2)James writes a letter to his mother every week.
3)Julia likes her English classes very much.
4)They write new word in their notebook.
5) Mr. Jones put on his classes.
6) I’m often lose my things
7) Cliff gave me his book.
8) I’ll put on my best drees.
9) Rose went to the concert with her brother.
10) Grandfather too his pipe out of his mouth.
11) Janet put her left hads in her pocket.
12) The men took their bats off.

Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу личными, притяжательными или возвратными местоимениями там, где это необходимо:
I had the matches a minute ago and now I can’t find.
You should return the purse to. owner immediately.
We’ve got a bit of a problem. Could. help. please?
The fans were all shouting at the top of. voices.
It was rather useful to exchange views; for us to hear theirs and for. to hear.
Just between you and. I think Tom is going to fail. exams.
"Did you and. friends have a nice holiday?" "Yes, it was the best holiday in. lives."
Will you give. best regards to Mr. Bradley and tell. I hope to see. next month?
Rachel has got. own calculator. She doesn’t borrow.
"This is a good photo, isn’t." "Is Megan in." "Yes, that’s … … is next to Andrew."
Mr. Lewis has only. to blame for the mistake he made.
Doctors advise us that we should exercise regularly in order to keep. healthy.
Dear friends, please, help. to drinks and toasts.
"Have you two met. before?" "Yes, we have. Vicky and. are old friends."
You worry. too much about the exams. Try to relax. and enjoy. at the party.

I had the matches a minute ago and now I can’t find them.
You should return the purse to its owner immediately.
We’ve got a bit of a problem. Could you help me, please?
The fans were all shouting at the top of their voices.
It was rather useful to exchange views; for us to hear theirs and for them to hear ours.
Just between you and me, I think Tom is going to fail his exams.
"Did you and your friends have a nice holiday?" "Yes, it was the best holiday in our lives."
Will you give my best regards to Mr. Bradley and tell him I hope to see him next month?
Rachel has got her own calculator. She doesn’t borrow it.
"This is a good photo, isn’t it?" "Is Megan in it?" "Yes, that’s she. She is next to Andrew."
Mr. Lewis has only himself to blame for the mistake he made.
Doctors advise us that we should exercise regularly in order to keep ourselves healthy.
Dear friends, please, help yourself to drinks and toasts.
"Have you two met each other before?" "Yes, we have. Vicky and I are old friends."
You worry too much about the exams. Try to relax and enjoy yourself at the party.

Перепишите предложения и заполните пропуски местоимениями -SOME, ANY or NO и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. She has…mistakes in her test.
2. He has…English books in his bookcase.
3. Why didn’t they give us…postcards to send?
4. There is.water in the kettle, they have drunk it all.
5. We could not buy cherries, so we bought.plums instead.

1. some( У неё есть несколько ошибок в ее тесте)
2.some(у него есть несколько английских книг в его шкафчике для книг).
3. Any( почему мы они не дали нам открытки, чтототправить)
4. No( Нет воды в (не помню перевод), они все выпили)
5. some (Мы не могли купить ягоды, но вместе этого мы купили несколько( не помню перевод).
Робот Хенри успешно выполнил задание?

Заполните пропуски местоимениями some, any, no, every или их производными. Предложения переведите.
1. I can see …; it is quite dark.
2. Give me … to read, please.
3. She knows … who can help you.
4. He sat at the table, but he didn’t have … to eat.
5. … is all right. My granny is much better now.
6. … can answer this question. It is too easy.
7. I met … in the street, because it was rather late.
8. I put my passport … yesterday and now I can’t find it …. – Of course, that is because you leave all your things ….
9. … knows that water is necessary for life.
10. … left a magazine in our classroom yesterday.
Помогите )


1nothing-Я не могу ничего видеть, довольно темно.
2something-Дайте мне что-нибудь почитать,
3someone-Она знает кого-то, кто может помочь тебе.
4anything-Он сидел за столом, но ему нечего было есть.
5everything-Всё в порядке. Моей бабушке гораздо лучше сейчас.
6everybody-Все могут ответить на этот вопрос. Он слишком лёгкий.
7nobody-Я не встретил никого на улице потому что было лишком поздно.
8somewhere, nowhere-Вчера я положил куда-то свой паспорт и теперь не могу найти его.
9Everybody-Все знают, что вода необходима для жизни.
10somebody-Кто-то оставил журнал в нашем классе вчера.

Заполните пропуски притяжательными местоимениями и переведите предложения: 1 I’m a worked. name’s petrc v. 2 ted is a shoolboy. marks are good 3 Ann and Bess are engineers. sons are pioneers 4 please give me. exercise-book, Jane

1. I’m a worker. My name’s Peter. Я - рабочий. Моё имя - Питер.
2. Ted is a schoolboy. His marks are good. Тед - школьник. У него хорошие отметки (его отметки хорошие)
3. Ann and Bess are engineers. Their sons are pioneers. Энн и Бесс - инженеры. Их сыновья - пионеры.
4. Please give me your exercise-book, Jane. Джейн, передай мне свою тетрадь.

Заполните пропуски местоимениями much, many, little, few. Переведите. T. There are _____________ tables in the class. We needn’t more
____2. There are_____________ windows in the classroom. It’s
very dark.
___________________There is _____________ milk in the fridge. Let’s go to the
________There are_____________ apples on the table. You may not
go in the garden.There are_____________ text-books on the bookshelf. There
is not any place for them on it6. There are_____________ shops in my street, that’s way I go
on the center.7. There is _____________chalk for the blackboard. Bring it to
me, please.

Many tables
few windows
little milk
many apples
few text-books
few shops
much chalk
1. В классе много столов. Нам не нужно больше.
2. В классе мало окон. Очень темно.
3. В холодильнике мало молока. Пойдем в магазин.
4. На столе много яблок. Ты можешь не ходить в сад.
5. На полке мало учебников. Там нет места для них.
6. На моей улице мола магазинов, поэтому я езжу в центр.
7. Много мела для доски. Принеси мне его, 

Заполните пропуски местоимениями some, any, no.
Are there ……. new houses in your street? – Yes, ……. of them are beautiful.
Do ……. of you speak Italian? – Unfortunately, ……. of us do,
……. child knows it.
Have you read ……. good books lately? – Yes, I’ve read …….
There are ……. new students in our group this year. I know everybody.
There isn’t ……. fish for the cat today. I have ……. fish.
He asked me if I knew ……. of those people. I told him I knew ……. of them. They were all strangers to me.
……. of us can tell you how to get there. We all know the way well.
Could you say ……. words about it? – Not now. I have ……. time. I’m sorry.
How could you do such a dishonest thing! ……. decent person will do it.
Заполните пропуски местоимениями some, any, no.
Did you have ……. snow last winter? – Yes, there was …….
Are there ……. sentences you can’t translate?
……. people always tell the truth. It’s their principle.
Were there ……. of your teachers at the meeting? – Yes, there were …….
Choose ……. book you like.
In of these books there are ……. pictures. They won’t be interesting for the boy.
……. of his friends could help him. He was alone.
Can you give me ……. information about the man?
I’ve never seen ……. of them in my life.
He asked me …… questions but I couldnouldn’t answer ……. of them.

Are there …any…. new houses in your street? – Yes, …some…. of them are beautiful.
Do …any…. of you speak Italian? – Unfortunately, …no one…. of us do,
…no…. child knows it.
Have you read …any…. good books lately? – Yes, I’ve read …some….
There are …no…. new students in our group this year. I know everybody.
There isn’t …any…. fish for the cat today. I have …no…. fish.
He asked me if I knew …any…. of those people. I told him I knew …some…. of them. They were all strangers to me.
…any…. of us can tell you how to get there. We all know the way well.
Could you say …some…. words about it? – Not now. I have …no…. time. I’m sorry.
How could you do such a dishonest thing! …any…. decent person will do it.
Заполните пропуски местоимениями some, any, no.
Did you have …any…. snow last winter? – Yes, there was …some….
Are there …any…. sentences you can’t translate?
…some…. people always tell the truth. It’s their principle.
Were there …any…. of your teachers at the meeting? – Yes, there were ……some.
Choose …any…. book you like.
In of these books there are …no…. pictures. They won’t be interesting for the boy.
…none…. of his friends could help him. He was alone.
Can you give me …any…. information about the man?
I’ve never seen …any…. of them in my life.
He asked me …some… questions but I couldn’t answer …any…. of them.

12. Заполните пропуски местоимениями some или any. Переведите предложения на русский язык:
1. You will need. warm clothes there.
2. I don’t have. money with me.
3. Please, give me. more coffee. – I’m sorry, but there isn’t … more coffee.
4. I’m sorry, but I didn’t have. time to prepare my lessons last night.
5. It was in Greece that ancient civilization was highly developed.
6. I didn’t have. stamps, so I went to the post-office to buy.
7. Please, put. water in that vase, the flowers are dying.
8. There are. famous museums in that city but we didn’t have time to visit.
9. The doctor gave me. medicine for my cough.
10. There aren’t. students in the room at the moment.

1 Тебе понадобятся немного теплых вещей ( Some )
2 У меня нет денег с собой ( Any )
3 Принесите мне еще кофе( Some ). Извините, но кофе больше нет ( Any )
4 Извините, у меня не было времени, чтобы сделать домашнее задание прошлой ночью ( Any )
5 Именно в Греции была развита древняя цивилизация ( нечего вставлять )
6 У меня не было марок ( Any ), поэтому я пошел на почту, чтобы их купить ( Some )
7, налейте воды в вазу ( Some ), а то цветы подыхают твою ж мать
8 В городе есть несколько известных музеев ( Some ), но у нас не было времени посетить какой-нибудь ( Any ) 
9 Доктор дал мне лекарства от моего кашля ( Some )  
10 В комнате ( мб это подразумевается класс, я хз ) нет студентов сейчас ( Any )

Заполните пропуски соответствующими возвратно-усилительными местоимениями. 1. The student cannot solve this equation ____ we must show him how to do it. 2. must we take the measurement ___ or shall we get the figures from the table? 3. An automatic machine tool can do this work ____. В следующих предложениях определите время и залог сказуемого. Предложение переведите. 1. The research into the properties of these metals IS DONE at one of moscow institutes. 2. All these metal parts ARE CUT automatically. 3. In the first year the students ARE TAUGHT many important subjects. 4. The huge automatic unit in the shop IS LOOKED AFTER by only a few men. :-)

1 themselves
2 ourselves
3 itself
1 IS DONE -Present Simple Passive
2 ARE CUT - Present Simple Passive
3 ARE TAUGHT - Present Simple Passive
4 IS LOOKED AFTER - Present Simple Passive
1. Изучение свойств этих металлов проходит в одном из московских институтов.
2 Все эти металлические детали отключаются автоматически.
3 На первом курсе студентам преподают много важных предметов.
4 Только несколько человек смотрят за этим огромным автоматическим блоком в магазине.

1. Поставьте правильные формы в пропуски: do/does/don’t /doesn’t
a).…….I need my book?
b). …… a lion eat leaves?
c).……. Helen take the bus?
d) She ……….like to sing.
2. Вычеркните лишнее слово из логического ряда:
a) Maths, Science, Thursday, Physical Education, Technology
b) sharpener, notebook, pencil case, umbrella, ruler
c) bathroom, bedroom, living room, kitchen, furniture
d) budgie, tortoise, cat, goat, guinea pig
3. Соотнесите страну и национальность:
the UK
the USA
4. Образуйте множественное число существительных:
5. Выберите правильное местоимение:
a) This is my brother. Look at ….(he/him)
b) Susan is my best friend. I can tell ….all my secrets. (she/her)
c) …. grandpa is very funny.(my/me)
6. Выберите правильную временную форму:
a) Lara always ….at 7 o’clock. (get up, gets up, got up)
b) Look! He ….a car. (repairs, repair, is repairing)
c) Dolphins ….with one eye open. (sleeps/sleep/is sleeping)
d) I often ….for a walk. (go/goes/am going)
e) Bill ….TV every evening. (watch/watches/is watching)
f) What ….she doing? (does/is/ can)
g) Dennis can sing but he….draw. (isn’t/can’t/ can)
h) There’s a sofa in my room but there ….any chairs. (isn’t/aren’t/ are)
i) How often … they swim? (have/do/are)
j) Linn usually ….up at 7 o’ clock. (wakes/wake/ woke)
7. Образуйте время Present Continious
a) He ………….a newspaper now. (read)
b) They ……………….flowers in the garden.(plant)
c) I …………….to music at the moment. (listen)
8. Reading «Emus». Answer questions.
Emus are very large birds. They live in Australia. They are very tall. They can’t fly but they can run very fast. They live for nearly 30 years. They eat leaves, fruit and insects and they drink a lot of water. They also like sitting in the mud.
a) Where do emus live?
b) How many years do they live?
c) What do they eat and drink?
d) What do they like?
9. You are on holiday. Write a postcard to your friend. Include:
the place you are in;
how you like it
what the weather is like
what you are doing
Dear Mary,
How are you? I am having a great time here in _____________________________
See you soon!

1 a)do b)does  c)does d)doesn’t  2a)Thursday b) umbrella c)furniture d)budgie   3 The UK-British Italy-Italian The USA-American Russia-Russian Canada-Canadian France-French Japan-Japanese Australia- Australian England-English   4dolls boys watches balls glasses ladies women children windows     5 a)him b)her c)my   6 a)gets up b) is reparing c)sleep d)go e) watching f) is g)can’t h)aren’t i) do j) makes   7  a)is reading  b) are planting c)am listening        8  a) in Australia   b)nearly thirty years c)they eat leaves, fruit and insects, they drink water d)sitting in the mud      9.Yalta, I like it here very much.The weather is sunny and hot.I am lying on the beach and writing you a postcard.Life is great!