Заполните пропуски словами:
pixel certain Web stylus chip perform CPU mouse
1. A. is a tiny piece of silicon containing a set of integrated circuits. 2. The. directs and coordinates the operations taking place within the computer system. 3. The arithmetic logic units. calculations on the data. 4. The common name for picture ele­ments is. 5. On colour systems, each pixel is a. combination of the three primary colours: red, green, and blue. 6. is a system by which one can navigate through the Internet and find news, pic­tures, virtual museums, electronic magazines — any topic you can imagine. 7. What makes the. especially useful is that it is a very quick way to move around on a screen. 8. A. is a pen-like input device used to write directly on the screen to enter data.

1. A chip is a tiny piece of silicon containing a set of integrated circuits. 2. The CPU directs and coordinates the operations taking place within the computer system. 3. The arithmetic logic units perform calculations on the data. 4. The common name for picture ele­ments is pixel. 5. On colour systems, each pixel is a certain combination of the three primary colours: red, green, and blue. 6. Web is a system by which one can navigate through the Internet and find news, pic­tures, virtual museums, electronic magazines — any topic you can imagine. 7. What makes the mouse especially useful is that it is a very quick way to move around on a screen. 8. A stylus is a pen-like input device used to write directly on the screen to enter data.

Заполните пропуски подходящими словами из рамки:
Consists of ● extensive renovations ● goods ● business segment ● multinational ● equipment● division, variety ● business domains ● provide services ● launched ● home appliances ● respond to
1. The shop sells a large……….of……….from TV-sets to washing machines to electronic clocks.
2. Having 30 % of the market, the company is the leader in its……….
3. Panasonic is a large……….corporation operating all over the world.
4. The corporation………. ………. 630 companies which ………. a number of………. ………. according to their main activities.
5. The advertising ……… has………. a new brand of breakfast cereals onto the market. The brand is a big success.
6. The company’s head office is located in an old historical building which needs extensive ………….
7. We produce industrial………for car manufacturers and……….after­-sale ………….
8. The retailer offers a 25% discount on all electrical……….until the end of the week.

1. The shop sells a large variety of home appliances from TV-sets to washing machines to electronic clocks.
2. Having 30 % of the market, the company is the leader in its business segment.
3. Panasonic is a large multinational corporation operating all over the world.
4. The corporation consists of 630 companies which respond to a number of business domains according to their main activities.
5. The advertising division has launched a new brand of breakfast cereals onto the market. The brand is a big success.
6. The company’s head office is located in an old historical building which needs extensive renovations.
7. We produce industrial goods for car manufacturers and provide after­-sale services.
8. The retailer offers a 25% discount on all electrical equipment until the end of the week.

Словосочетания на англ. (с переводом) со словами:
education, preparation, exploration, description, celebration, protection, communication.

Our education system is very good. ( Наша образовательная система очень хорошая)
We’ve got some preparations for the Christmas ( у нас есть некоторые приготовление к Рождеству)
Our exploration shows that live on Mars is a reality. ( наша исследование показало, что жить на Марсе - реальность)
In the description of the product we can see the instructions ( в описании к продукту мы можем увидеть инструкции)
Celebration is the best way to spend some time ( празднование - это лучший способ провести время)
We are under protection by the government ( мы находимся под защитой государства)

Нужно написать как читаются словосочетания( перевод не надо)
to manage to do something
to be worried about something
to be stressed outto be tired
to waste time
to manage time
to have time
to keep time
to create time
to make time
on time
to be really hard
to spend time
to save time
to plan time
to find time
to limit time
plenty of time

Хэв тайм
Ту Файнд тайм
Он тайм
Ту мэйк тайм

Ту менедж ту ду сам[th]инг
Ту би ворид абаут сам[th]инг
Ту би стрест аут
Ту би тайерд
Ту уэйст тайм
Ту менедж тайм
Ту [h]эв тайм
Ту кип тайм
Ту криэйт тайм
Ту мэйк тайм
Он тайм
Ту би рилли [h]ард
Ту спенд тайм
Ту сейв тайм
Ту плэн тайм
Ту файнд тайм
Ту лимит тайм
Пленти оф тайм

Переведите слова и словосочетания на английский язык. Составьте свои предложения с данными словами и словосочетаниями на английском языке:
конечно/несомненно, преимущество, расцвет/лучшая пора, сегодня/ в наши дни, в средневековые времена, постепенно, важная часть, в то же самое время, купание в море, почтовая карета/ дилижанс.

Конечно - Of course
Несомненно - Definitely
Преимущественно - Mainly
Расцвет - Prime
Сегодня - Today
В средневековье - In the middle age
Постепенно - Gradually
Важная часть - Important part
В то же время - In a same time
Купание в море - Swimming in a sea
Почтовая карета - Post coach
Today important part of study is knowledge.
Definitely smoking in a bad habit.

Задание № 10. Употребите слова в скобках в необходимой по контексту грамматической форме и заполните пропуски в предложениях полученными словами.
1. Tom Hanks is a very … actor. (FAME)
2. He is a … person who likes being around people. (CHARM)
3. He enjoys doing many … things. (INTEREST)
4. Matthew has … reading without his glasses. (DIFFICULT)
5. Sharon showed her … by moving into her own flat. (INDEPENDENT)
6. All toys should be checked for … (SAFE).
7. The weather is hot and … (SUN).
8. There is a restaurant on the campsite which serves very … food (TASTE).
9. Are you an … person? (ADVENTURE)
10. We offer you an opportunity to see animals in their … habitat in the heart of Africa (NATURE).

1. Tom Hanks is a very … actor. (FAMOUS)
2. He is a … person who likes being around people. (CHARMING)
3. He enjoys doing many … things. (INTERESTING)
4. Matthew has … reading without his glasses. (DIFFICULTY)
5. Sharon showed her … by moving into her own flat. (INDEPENDENCE)
6. All toys should be checked for … (SAFETY).
7. The weather is hot and … (SUNNY).
8. There is a restaurant on the campsite which serves very … food (TASTY).
9. Are you an … person? (ADVENTUROUS)
10. We offer you an opportunity to see animals in their … habitat in the heart of Africa (NATURAL).

Переведите слова и словосочетания о скобках. Предложения переведите:
1. It is sometimes difficult to make a correct diagnosis (в ранних стадиях) of some diseases. 2. (Потеря аппетита) is a very important symptom, which a physician must always pay particular attention to. 3. (Повышение тем­пературы) has been persisting for several months since it was a pneumonic form of tuberculosis. 4. Dullness in the lungs, accelerated respiration, dry or moist rales and crepitation may be (доказательством) of lobular pneumonia.
(Резкое увеличение) of the number of leucocytes is often the evidence of a certain inflammatory process in the human body.

Иногда бывает трудно поставить правильный диагноз (не) некоторых заболеваний. 2. (Аппетит Потеря) -это очень важный симптом, который врач всегда должен уделять особое внимание. 3. (Повышение температуры) сохраняется в течение нескольких месяцев, так как это была легочная форма туберкулеза. 4. Тупость в легких, ускоренное дыхание, сухие или влажные хрипы и crepitation может быть () лобулярной пневмонии. ((Отрицание) количества лейкоцитов часто является свидетельством определенного воспалительного процесса в организме человека

1. Иногда бывает сложно сделать правильный диагноз (в ранних стадиях) некоторых заболеваний. 2. (Потеря аппетита) - очень важный симптом, на который врач должен всегда уделять особое внимание. 3. (Повышение температуры) сохраняется в течение нескольких месяцев, поскольку это была пневмоническая форма туберкулеза. 4. Тупость в легких, ускоренное дыхание, сухое или влажное хриплое и крепирование могут быть (доказательством) лобулярной пневмонии. (Резкое увеличение) количества лейкоцитов часто является свидетельством определенного воспалительного процесса в организме человека.

Составьте из данных словосочетаний предложения
1) rich culture
2) tropical climate
3) sandy beatches
4) ancient temples
5) holiday destination
6) cultural features
7) friendly people
8) strong wills
9) wooden houses
10) delicate history

All the countries near the equator have tropical climates
I had a dream that I was getting a tan at a sandy beach, and I guess that is my holiday destination
Many of the ancient temples in India with the culture features, have a very rich culture and delicate history behind them
Most of the villages in Russia have wooden houses, but very friendly people
I have a strong will about becoming a doctor in the future

1. Greece has very old rich culture.
2. In Africa there is tropical climate.
3. In Italy there are a lot of beautiful sandy beaches.
4. In Egypt there are so many ancient temples!
5. My holiday destination is to have a rest and have fun with my family and friends!
6. Cultural features are very big.
7. In my country people are very friendly and kind.
8. My brother has strong wills.
9. My grandma lived in wooden houses.
10. Each country has its own delicate history.

Составьте 4 предложения со словосочетанием on the one hand. on the other hand( с одной стороны. С другой стороны)

1) On the one hand, I want to move to the city, on the other hand, it is rather peaceful and quiet in the countryside. С одной стороны я хочу переехать в большой город, с другой стороны в деревне спокойно и тихо.
2) It is, on the one hand, a great decision. В каком-то смысле, это отличное решение.
3) On the one hand, we suffered a great loss. В каком-то смысле, мы понесли большие потери.
4) On the one hand, I’m sure they are pretty nice, on the other hand, they can be aggressive sometimes. С одной стороны, я уверен, что они довольно милые, с другой стороны, они временами могут проявлять 

Составьте свои 2-3-4 предложения, используя словосочетания со словами : wisdom(мудрый) и confess(признание) с переводом

Wisdom - это мудрость, а не мудрый.
Confess - это признаться, а не признание.
I have to confess to mom that I have done it. (Надо признаться маме, что я сделал(а) это. )
Do I have to confess my sins now? (Теперь я должен (должна) признаться в своих грехах?)
I hope Laura will gain a little wisdom in future.(Надеюсь, Лаура поумнеет в будущем. )
How to say wisdom in Korean? (Как сказать "мудрость" по-корейски?)