Поставь глаголы в скобках в Present Simple или Present Continuous.
1. What you (do) here? I (wait) for a friend. 2. He (speak) French? Yes, he speaks French well. 3. Someone (knock) at the door. 4. Don’t go into the classroom. The students (write) a dictation there. 5. The man who (read) a book is our English teacher. 6. Let’s go for a walk. It (not/rain). 7. Where is Joe? He (look for) hes key. 8. Don’t disturb Ed. He (do) his homework. 9. We usually (watch) TV two for a change. 10. What’s that noise? Sam (play) ball.

1. are you doing - am waiting
2. does he speak - speaks
3. is knocking
4. are writing
5. is reading
6. is not raining
7. is looking for
8. is doing
9. We usually watch
10. is playing 

1 What are you doing here? I am waiting for a friend.
2 Does He speak French? Yes, he speaks French well.
3 Someone is knocking at the door.
4. The students are writing a dictation there.
5 The man who is reading a book is our English teacher.
6 Lets go for a walk. It isnt raining outside.
7. He is looking for HIS key.
8. He is doing his homework.
9 We usually watch TV two for a change.
10. Sam is playing ball.

10 предложений в Present Simple и Present Continuous

Present Simple. 1. I go to school every day. 2. My mother doesn’t work. 3. My father works as a translator. 4 Kate sings very well. 5. My little brother doesn’t go to school. 6. We go to the cinema every Sunday. 7. They attend English lessons three times in a week. 8. I don’t go to the hospital when I catch a cold I prefer to stay in bed. 9. We don’t have Math every day at school. 10. He doesn’t work on Sunday.
Present Continues. 1. Look! It is raining. 2. I’m reading a book now. 3. Listen! Kate is singing. 4. My little brother is doing homework. 5. We are going to the fitness-club now. 6. They are playing football now. 7. You are missing your train. 8. I’m not listening to music now. 9. Look! The cat is playing with a dog. 10. She is not writing now.

№ 3 Раскройте скобки, употребив форму Present Continuous
1. I _________ (go) to the supermarket tomorrow.
2. My sister _________ (give) me her car when she gets her new one.
3. We _________ (have) a barbecue on Sunday.
4. All my friends _________ (come) to my party next week.
5. We _________ (take) my niece to Aquapark later today.
6. The train _________ (leave) in ten minutes.
2 из 2
7. We _________ (go) to the zoo tomorrow.
8. On Friday I _________ (go) to Rob´s party.
9. My teacher _________ (go) to school tomorrow.
10. Rhonda _________ (stay in) on Friday.
11. Bill _________ (go) to the cinema at the weekend.
12. _________ Susan _________ (work) this week?
13. _________ your English _________ (get) better?
14. I _________ (see) the manager tomorrow.
15. He _________ (play) tennis this afternoon.
16. Sue _________ (come) to see us tomorrow.
17. I _________ (go) to the theatre this evening.
18. At what time _________ Katy _________ (arrive) tomorrow.
19. I _________ (not work) this evening.
20. I _________ (not use) the car this evening.
21. When _________ you _________ (take) me to the zoo?
22. I _________ (start) piano lessons soon.
23. We _________ (go) camping tomorrow.
24. Pete´s parents _________ (take) him to Holland next week.
25. My favourite TV program _________ (start) in a minute.

1. I __am___ (going) to the supermarket tomorrow. 
2. My sister __is__ (giving) me her car when she gets her new one. 
3. We __are__ (having) a barbecue on Sunday. 
4. All my friends __are__ (coming) to my party next week. 
5. We _are__ (taking) my niece to Aquapark later today. 
6. The train __is_ (leaving) in ten minutes.
7. We __are___ (going) to the zoo tomorrow. 
8. On Friday I _am___ (going) to Rob´s party. 
9. My teacher __is__ (going) to school tomorrow. 
10. Rhonda ___is___ (staying in) on Friday. 
11. Bill __is__ (going) to the cinema at the weekend. 
12. _Is___ Susan _________ (working) this week? 
13. __Is__ your English _________ (getting) better? 
14. I __am___ (seeing) the manager tomorrow.
15. He __is___ (playing) tennis this afternoon. 
16. Sue ___is__ (coming) to see us tomorrow. 
17. I __am___ (going) to the theatre this evening. 
18. At what time __is__ Katy _________ (arriving) tomorrow. 
19. I ___am__ (not working) this evening. 
20. I __am___ (not using) the car this evening. 
21. When _are___ you _________ (taking) me to the zoo? 
22. I __am__ (starting) piano lessons soon. 
23. We __are___ (going) camping tomorrow. 
24. Pete´s parents __are__ (taking) him to Holland next week. 
25. My favourite TV program _______is (starting) in a minute.

Прочитай глаголы и запиши в каком времени они употреблены.
Пример: is travelling – Present Continuous
1. Plays
2. Will listen
3. Are flying
4. Finished
5. Was looking
6. Press
7. Were cleaning
8. Thought
9. is existing
10. were watching

1.            Plays – Present Simple

2.            Will listen – Future Simple

3.            Are flying – Present Continuous

4.            Finished – Past Simple

5.            Was looking – Past Continuous

6.            to press - Infinitive

7.            Were cleaning – Past Continuous

8.            Thought – Past Simple

9.            is existing  – Present Continuous

10.          were watching - – Past Continuous

Составить 5 предложений в Present Simple и 5 предложений в Present Continuous

I go to school every day
i usually help my mom
what does he usually do at this time?
he does his homework every evening
usually i go to the training at 15:40                      
                                                                  Present Simple   
i am going to the party now
i am watching a TV programme now
he is eating a cake now
she is dancing now
what is she doing?                                  
                                                                  Present Continuous

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в present continuous.
1. The boys (to run) about in thegaden.
2. I (to do) my homework.
3. John and his friends (to go) to the library.
4. Ann (to sit) at her desk. She (to study) geography.
5. A yyoung man (to stand) at the window. He (to smoke) a cigarette.
6. The old man (to walk) about the room.
7. The dog (to lie) on the floor.
8. You (to have) a break?
9. What language you (to study)?
10. Who (to lie) on the sofa7
11. What they (to talk) about?
12. It still (to rain).

1. The boys are running about in thegaden.
2. I am doing my homework.
3. John and his friends are going to the library.
4. Ann is sitting at her desk. She is studying geography.
5. A young man is standing at the window. He is smoking a cigarette.
6. The old man is walking about the room.
7. The dog is lying on the floor.
8. Are you having a break?
9. What language are you studying?
10. Who is lying on the sofa?
11. What are they talking about?
12. It is still raining.

Exercise 2. Open the brackets using the present continuous. (how long / you / stay in Paris?) (you / drink / tea?) (where / you / stay?) (why / you / watch TV now?) (she / work in a bar?) (what / he / do?) (why / she / call her friend now?) (I / lose weight?) (we / work tomorrow?) (when / you / arrive?) Exercise 3. Open the brackets using the present continuous. I ______ to the cinema. (not/to run) We ______ a bird house. (not/to make) Look! Christine ______ (not/to smile) She ______ the books to the library. (not/to take) You ______ in front of the computer. (not/to sit)

1) how long are you staying in Paris?
2) Are you drinking tea?
3) where are you staying?
4) why are you watching TV now?
5) is she working in a bar?
6) what is he doing?
7) why is she calling her friend now?
8) am i losing weight?
9are we working tomorrow?
10) when are you arriving?
11) i am not running to the cinema
11) we are not making a bird house
12) Look! Christine is not smiling
13) she is not taking the books to the library
14) you are not sitting in front of the computer

6 предложений по теме present continuous

1. I am reading an interesting book. – Я читаю интересную книгу.
2. Next week we are buying a new car. – На следующей неделе мы покупаем новую машину.  
3. This film is too boring. I am leaving. – Этот фильм слишком скучный, я ухожу.
4. The weather is improving. – Погода улучшается.
5. I am sitting at my table and writing. Я сижу за столом и пишу.
6. I’m leaving tomorrow. Я уезжаю завтра.

1. Раскройте скобки, используя способ выражения будущего времени (Present Simple, Present Continuous, to be going to, Future Simple)
1. I ( paint) my living room green.
2. It’s very cold in here. Oh, I (close) the window.
3 Mary (visit) he r parents this evening.
4 The seminar (start) at 8 a. m. on Monday.
5 I’m sure it (to be) hot tomorrow.
6 This film is awful. We (go) watch it.
7 Eveline (stay) at her granny for a couple of days. They arranged it long ago.
8 I promise I (take care) of your dog.
9 Look! The sky is dark. It (snow).
10 A new swimming pool (open) on 10 June.
2. Написать тип и раскрыть скобки.
1. If he … (practice) every day, he … (become) a champion
2. If Bob … (not keep) his word, Anna … (be angry) with him.
3. Unless someone (to ask) you politely, (to refuse) to do anything.
4. I (to wear) my old boots when I (to work)
5. If you … (lend) me the money, I … (pay) you back next month.
6. When I (to cook) salads, I (to use) only olive oil.
7. We (not use) calculators when we (write) tests.
8. I … (not talk) to you anymore if you … (insult) me.

Present Simple, Present Continuous, to be going to, Future Simple)
1. I (amm going to paint) my living room green.
2. It’s very cold in here. Oh, I (will close) the window.
3 Mary (is visiting) her parents this evening.
4 The seminar (starts) at 8 a. m. on Monday.
5 I’m sure it (will be) hot tomorrow.
6 This film is awful. We (aren’t going to) watch it.
7 Eveline (will stay) at her granny for a couple of days.
8 I promise I (will take care) of your dog.
9 Look! The sky is dark. It (is going to snow).
10 A new swimming pool (opens) on 10 June.
1. If he … (practices) every day, he … (will become) a champion. 1
2. If Bob … (does not keep) his word, Anna … (will be angry) with him. 1
3. Unless someone ( asks) you politely, ( refuse) to do anything. 0
4. I ( wear) my old boots when I ( work). 0
5. If you … (lend) me the money, I … (will pay) you back next month. 1
6. When I ( cook) salads, I ( use) only olive oil. 0
7. We (do not use) calculators when we (write) tests. 0
8. I … (will not talk) to you anymore if you … (insult) me. 1

2. Поставьте предложения в Past Indefinite и сделайте вопросительную и отрицательную формы.
a) It (to be) the second of May yesterday.
b) Mike (to give) her the box of sweets.
c) The children (to see) their parents.
3. Поставьте предложения в Present Continuous и сделайте вопросительную и отрицательную формы.
a) My brother (to study) English here.
b) She (to listen) to the radio now.
c) The teacher (to ask) the students.
4. Напишите общий вопрос и специальные вопросы (who? What, When? Where? И т.д. ) к следующим предложениям.
a) My uncle watches TV in the evening.
b) They are playing tennis now.
c) Ann bought a new book yesterday.
Answer the questions.
1. What should vegetarians eat?
2. What is the famous Caucasian longevity?
3. What are the advices in eating?
4. What do the Chinese and Japanese eat?
5. Whom would you like to be?

a) It was the second of May yesterday. Was it the second of May? It wasn’t the secobd if May.
b) Mike gave her the box of sweets. Did Mike give her the box of sweets? Mike didn’t give her the box of sweetsm
c) The children saw their parents. Did the children see their parents? The children didn’t see their parents.
a) My brother is studying English here. My brother isn’t studying English here. Is my brother studying English here?
b) She is listenibg to the radio now. She isn’t listening to the radio now. Is she listening to the radio now?
c) The teacher is asking the students. The teacher isn’t asking the students now. Is the teacher asking the students now?
4. Напишите общий вопрос и специальные вопросы (who? What, When? Where? И т. Д. ) к следующим предложениям.
a) My uncle watches TV in the evening. Does my uncle watch TV in the evening? Who watches TV in the evening?
b) They are playing tennis now. Are they playing tennis now? What are they playing now?
c) Ann bought a new book yesterday. Did Ann buy a new book yesterday? When did Ann buy a new book?
Answer the questions.
1. What should vegetarians eat? Vegetarians should eat fruit and vegetables.
2. What is the famous Caucasian longevity? It is the ability to live a long life.
3. What are the advices in eating? You should eat healthy food.
4. What do the Chinese and Japanese eat? They eat a lot of fish, seafood and rice.
5. Whom would you like to be? I’d like to be a good person. I’d like to be a dietician.