Complete the postcard with the present perfect simple form of the verbs.
Dear Fiona
As you can see from this postcard, I (1). (arrive) safely.
Paul and I (2).(already/do) Lots of things even though I (3).(only/be) in New Yourk twenty four hours. I(4). (not sleep) for two days!
I (5). (visit) the Museum of Modern Art, I (6).(see) a movie and I (7). (eat) a real American breakfast. I (8).(ride)in a yellow cab and I (9). (travel) on the subway too. I (10). (not/spend) any money yet because I (11). (not/cash) any of my traveller’s cheques. Paul(12).(pay) for everything so far.I send you another card when i(13).(have) some sleep

1. A: Hi. you know many people here?
B: Yes, a few. Some of us doing English course together.
2. A: you live near here?
B: No, we. We live in Italy.
3. A: you staying in a nice hotel?
B: Actually, we like it very much.
4. A: you know this area well?
B: No, we. We never been here before.
5. A: you like the city?
B: Yes, we enjoying our stay here.
6. A: you worked here long?
B: No, I. Only one year.
7. A: Liz! What you doing here in Rio?
B: I travelling around South America!
8. A: we met before?
B: Yes, we.

As you can see from this postcard, I (1) have (arrived) safely.
Paul and I (2) have (already/done) Lots of things even though I (3).(only/be) in New Yourk twenty four hours. I(4). have (not slept) for two days!
I (5) have (visited) the Museum of Modern Art, I (6)  have (seen) a movie and I (7) have (eaten) a real American breakfast. I (8) have.(riden)in a yellow cab and I (9) have (travelled) on the subway too. I (10) have. (not/spent) any money yet because I (11) have (not/cashed) any of my traveller’s cheques. Paul(12) has (paid) for everything so far.I send you another card when i(13).(have had) some sleep

5 и более предложений на Present Perfect,

1. I have known her since 2014. (Я знаю ее с 2014 года);
2. The students have left the room. (Студенты ушли из комнаты);
3. They have known each other for ages. (Они знакомы друг с другом целую вечность);
4. My friend hasn’t phoned yet.(Мой друг еще не звонил);
5. My brother has been to London twice. ( Мой брат дважды был в Лондоне);
6. My sister hasn’t passed her driving test. (Моя сестра не прошла экзамен по вождению).   

5 предложений на + - и? present perfect

1. I have asked him.
2. You have guessed it!
3. I have believed you!
4. I have helped you.
5. You have warned me.
1. You haven’t heard anything.
2. I haven’t noticed anything.
3. I have never understood music.
4. I have never stolen anything.
5. You haven’t done anything.
1. What have you closen?
2. What have I written?
3. What have you noticed?
4. What have they found?
5. Have you seen them?

надо в обоих номерах выбрать и вставить for и since. (P.S просто я ни понимаю)
Номер 1
Answer the questions in the negative using the Present Perfect Tense. 2) Do you play computer games a lot?
3) Does Maggie often see Susan?
4) Does Alex play volleyball?
5) Do you often cut your hair?
6) Does Mike listen to rock music?
Номер 2
Write down full answers to the questions.
2) How long has it been raining? (8 am)
3) How long has the weather been cold? (christmas)
4) How long have John’s parents been married? (16 years)
5) How long have you lived in this town? (I was a little boy)
6) How long has Susan been doing sport? (a long time)
7) How long have you had this dress? (june)
8) How long has Alex been looking for a job? (two weeks)
9) How long has the spaceship been traveling in space? (a month)
10) How long has he been in London? (tuesday)

Номер 1
Answer the questions in the negative using the Present Perfect Tense. 2) Do you play computer games a lot? No.I have not played computer games since December
3) Does Maggie often see Susan? I have not seen Susan for several weeks
4) Does Alex play volleyball? he has not played volleyball since his childhood
5) Do you often cut your hair? I have not cut my hair since last month
6) Does Mike listen to rock music? He has not listened  to rock music for several years
Номер 2
Write down full answers to the questions. 
2) How long has it been raining? (8 am) it  has been raining since 8 am
3) How long has the weather been cold? the weather has been cold since christmas
4) How long have John’s parents been married? John’s parents  have been married for 16 years
5) How long have you lived in this town? l have lived in this town since I was a little boy
6) How long has Susan been doing sport? Susan has  been doing sport for  a long time
7) How long have you had this dress? I have had this dress since (june)
8) How long has Alex been looking for a job? Alex has  been looking for a job for  two weeks)
9) How long has the spaceship been traveling in space? the spaceship  has been travelling in space  for a month)
10) How long has he been in London? he has  been in London since Tuesday

Задание 1.
Fill the gaps with one of the phrases below.
black and white, cinema DVD-copy, events, way, animated cartoon, leisure
Films play an important role in the life of any society. The cinema has become part of the modern (1) _________ of life.
The possibilities of the film are unlimited. In the earliest years, its power to show modern (2) _________ was appreciated. That’s why the film has become a new form of entertainment and is considered to be one of the best ways of spending one’s (3) _________ time.
There are a lot of different kinds of films: action films, horror films, thrillers, science-fiction (sci-fi) films, adventurous, mystery films, documentaries, animated cartoon films. Besides, the films may be color or (4) ________, full-length or short, sound or silent, three-dimensional (3D) or wide-screen.
We can see films either in the (5) ________ or on the TV. As I am often short of time, I have almost no time for going to the cinema. For this reason, I see films on television more frequently. I prefer action films and amusing comedies. The life is so difficult nowadays and I want to relax a little, sometimes even to laugh.
Sometimes I become excited watching (6) ________ films. Especially I like Walt Disney’s cartoons “Duck Tales”, or “Winnie-the-Pooh’s Adventures”. In my opinion, the animated cartoon films are popular both with children and adults, while educational films are arranged mainly for schoolchildren and students.
In Great Britain and the USA, the films (“movies” as they often call them) sell more than one billion tickets a year. Movies are also shown on television and can be rented or purchased as a (7) ________.
All in all, attending movies is quite an inexpensive leisure time activity that is very popular.
Задание 2.
Choose the present perfect or past simple:
I _________________ (see) three police cars this morning (it’s still morning).
After he _________________ (arrive) home, he _________________ (unpack) and _________________ (go) to bed early.
A: What’s wrong?
B: I _________________ (break) a glass!
My grandparents only _________________ (know) each other for a few months before they _________________ (get) married.
I _________________ (be) in London for three years. I love it here.
We _________________ (see) Julie last night.
He _________________ (be) a teacher before he _________________ (become) a musician.
When the boss _________________ (walk) into the room, we _________________ (know) someone was going to get fired.
The children _________________ (break) a window in the school last week.
He _________________ (see) that film last year.
Задание 3.
Fill in the gaps with for or since.
Meredith has lived here _________ 1997.
Meredith has lived here _________ eighteen years.
John has had the ball_________ last July.
He has had the ball _________ eight months.
Molly has liked fairy-tales _________ she was a tiny baby.

(1) way of life (2) events (3) leisure (4) black and white (5) cinema
(6) animated cartoon  (7) DVD-copy.
I (have seen) three police cars this morning.
After he (arrived) home, he (unpacked) and (went) to bed early.
I (have broken) a glass!
My grandparents had only (known) each other for a few months before they  (got) married.
I (have been) in London for three years.
We (saw) Julie last night.
He (had been) a teacher before he (became) a musician.
When the boss (walked) into the room, we (knew) someone was going to get fired.
The children (broke) a window in the school last week.
He (saw) that film last year.
Meredith has lived here since 1997.
Meredith has lived here for eighteen years.
John has had the ball since last July.
He has had the ball for eight months.
Molly has liked fairy-tales since she was a tiny baby.

Составе предложения в Presen Simple Tense, в Present Progressive Tense, в Present Perfect Tense!
Из слов:
To play football, to play volleyball, to ride a bike, to skate, to ski, swim.

1. I play football every day. I’m playing football this week. I have already played foorball today. 
2. He often plays volleyball. He is playing volleyball now. He has never played volleyball.
3. She always rides a bike to school. She still riding a bike. She hasn’t ridden bike to school yet.
4. They skate again. They are currently skating. They haven’t skated recently.
5. We ski every winter. We are skiing this winter. We have already skied today.
6. You sometimes swim in the swimming pool. You are swimming in the sea at the moment. You have never swam in the river.

Напишите три схемы предложения (утвердительное, отрицательное, вопросительное) в Present perfect

+. The General of the Army has come to speak with you. – К вам пришел генерал армии поговорить.
- Morris hasn’t seen either Mr. or Mrs. Elton. – Моррис не видел ни миссис, ни мистера Элтона.
? Has Molly succeeded to pass the test? – Молли удалось пройти тест?
Это хватит если нет то напиши в комментарии я там напишу если это не хватит.

Составьте по одному предложению на английском с временами (Present Simple Tense, Present Continuous Tense, Present Perfect Tense, Past Simple Tense, Future Simple Tense, Past Continuous Tense, Be going to, Present Perfect Continuous Tense) в каждом предложении должно быть задействовано хотя бы одно из этих слов (float
graduate from
do for living
bring up) и должно быть ключевое слово по типу tommorrow, at the moment

1. In my line of work I lift heavy things every day.
2. I’m chewing an apple right now.
3. I’ve never realised he was so caring.
4. Yesterday he announced the winners of the contest.
5. She saw a caterpillar crawling on her knee when she looked down.
6. I’m going to bring this issue up tomorrow. 
7. I’ve been trying to memorise this poem for several hours now.

Это легко мая любимая тема если что у него все правильно я в временах очень хорошо разбираюсь

Составьте 5 предложений утвердительных и 5 предложений вопросительных, Present Simple, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Present Progressive, Present Continuous. Очень надо

1. Я люблю путешествовать. I enjoy travelling.
2. Мы ходим в кино два раза в неделю. We go to the cinema twice a week.
3. Он плавает действительно хорошо. He swims really well.
4. Она водит машину каждый день. She drives every day.
5. Ты хорошо понимаешь математику.   You understand Maths well.
1. Мы используем электронные книги сейчас. We are using electronic books quite now.
2. Посмотри! Они дерутся. Look! They are fighting.
3. Поторопись! Нас ждут студенты. Hurry up! Students are waiting for us.
4. Они не слушают музыку в этот момент. They aren’t listening music at the moment.
5. Где они ждут Ольгу? Where are they waiting for Olga? 

Напишите 10 предложений в present perfect continuous

We have been decorating our house since five o’clock. 
He has been reading the book for three hours.
Carmen has been working on the project since morning.
I have been waiting for him for several hours.
She hasn’t been reading your letters since January.
I haven’t been teaching English since 2011.
He hasn’t been skiing in the mountains for a month.
We haven’t been painting the walls for a long time.
Has the dog been barking for more than an hour?
We haven’t been painting the walls for a long time?