18.3. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам.
1. The incident happened the other day. 2. They were at the
disco last night. 3. Columbus discovered America in 1492. 4. He
sent us a fax two hours ago. 5. Yesterday I prepared for the test
for three hours. 6. She made a lot of mistakes in the dictation.
7. Last week she flew to Japan. 8. My Granny told me a lot of
interesting stories from her life. 9. Mike bought a new com-
puter. 10. He did his job professionally. 11. They came five days
ago. 12. It took us a lot of time to find them. 13. I was born in
Moscow. 14. She said that she was sorry. 15. The weather was
windy last week.

1)      What happened the other day?

2)      Where were they last night?

3)      When did Columbus discover America?

4)      Who sent us a fax two hours ago?

5)      How long did I prepare for the test? 

6)      Who made a lot of mistakes in the dictation?

7)      What did she do last week?

8)      Who told me many Interesting stories from her life?

9)      What did Mike buy?

10)  How good did he do his job?

11)   How many days ago did they come?

12)  How long did it take us to find them?

13)  Where was I born?

14)  What did she say?

15)  What was the weather like last week?
P.S. Я нашла упражнение в печатном виде с выделенными словами. Good luck!

1) Задайте общие вопросы к данным предложениям и дайте на них краткий утвердительный и отрицательный ответы; поставьте предложения в отрицательную форму.
We are in his room.
This is his car.
He is Russian.
These are my books.
Jane is in Moscow.
2)Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам.
The walls in my room are yellow.
It is our classroom.
It is an English newspaper.

1) Are we in his room?
- Yes, we are./ - No, we aren’t.
We aren’t in his room.
Is this his car?
- Yes, it is./ - No, it isn’t.
This is not his car.
Is he Russian?
- Yes, he is./ - No, he isn’t.
He isn’t Russian.
Are these my books?
- Yes, they are./ - No, they aren’t.
These are not my books.
Is Jane in Moscow?
- Yes, she is./ - No, she isn’t.
Jane isn’t in Moscow.
2) What color are walls in my room?
Which classroom is it?
What newspaper is this?
(это если нужны специальные вопросы)
Are walls in my room yellow?
Is it our classroom?
Is it an English newspaper?
(это если нужны общие вопросы)

Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам.
1. I shall get up AT SEVEN O’CLOCK TOMORROW (3 вопроса)
2. Our lesson will be over SOON (1)
3. We shall be glad to see YOU here on Sunday (1)
4. MY SON will not spend the week-end HERE (3)
5. We shall READ INTERESTING books in the evening (2)

1) 1. What time shall I get up tomorrow?
    2. When shall I get up at seven o’clock?
    3. Shall I get up  at seven o’clock tomorrow?
2) 1. When will our lesson be over?
3) 1. Who shall we be glad to see here on Sunday?
4) 1. Who will not spend the week-end here?
     2. Whose son will not spend the week-end here?
     3. Where will my son not spend the week-end?
5) 1. What shall we do in the evening?
     2. What books shall we read in the evening?

Составьте предложения. Дайте ответы про себя. Укажите, в каких предложениях была использована конструкция be going to. Write the sentences. Give answers about yourself.
summer / are / this / you / going I Where I?
there / going / How / you I are I?
take / going / to / What / you are?
with / are / you / Who / going /?
do / going / to / you / there / What I are I?
you / stay / going / to / are / Where I?
Напишите вопросы к выделенным словам. Write the questions to the words in bold type.
Next summer I’m going to Britain.
Liz’s going to Kongo in July.
He’s going to Russia by train.
She’s going to stay on the farm.
I’m going to the beach?

1. Where are you going this summer?
-This summer I am going to Spain
2. How are you going there?
-I am going there by plain.
3. What are you going to take?
-I am going to take clothes
4. Who is going with you?
-My parents are going with me
5. What are you going to do there?
-I am going sunbathing(загорать) and swim
6. Where are you going to stay?
-We are going to stay at the hotel

1) Написать предложения во множественном числе, внеся необходимые изменения:
1. Is this sailor an Englishman?
2. My tooth is white.
3. That man is an engineer.
4. This story is very interesting.
5. What colour is the box?
6. What is that man? He is a pilot.
2) Поставить вопросы к выделенным словам:
1. We are in the CLASS-ROOM.
2. I am a CADET.
3. MY BROTHER is a sailor.
4. He is TWENTY years old.
5. The ship is in the DOCK.
6. His suit is BLACK.
7. Our college has a good LIBRARY.
8. They have MANY mistakes in their dictations.
9. That ship has a SMALL crew.
3) Вставить a lot of, many, much, few, a few, little:
1. Walk quicker. We have very. time.
2. I have got. money. Let’s go to the bar.
3. He had. books by this writer.
4. There is. petrol in the tank.
5. There is. snow in the street today.

1. Are these sailors Englishmen?
2. My teeth are white.
3. These men are engineers.
4. These stories are very interesting.
5. What colors are the boxes?
6. What are these men? They are pilots.
1. Where are we?
2. What is your position?
3. Where does your brother work?
4. How old is he?
5. Where is the ship?
6. What color is his suit?
7. Does our college has a library?
8. How many mistakes in their dictations?
9. How many crew does that ship have?
3) 1. few
2. much
3. many
4. a lot of
5. little

1 Are these sailors Englishmen?
2 My teeth are white.
3 Those men are engineers.
4 These stories are very interesting.
5 What colour are the boxes?
6 What are those men? They are pilots.
1 Where are you(we)?
2 What are you?
3 Who is a sailor?
4 How old is he?
5 Where is the ship?
6 What colour is his suit?
7 Does your( our) college have a library?
8 How many mistakes do they have in their dictations?
9 What kind of crew does that ship have?
 1 little
2 a lot of
3 a lot of/a few/few
4 a lot of/little
5 a lot of/ little

Задай вопросы к выделенным словам. Выполни упражнение в тетради.
Ex. Sue has 3 pizzas for dinner every Friday.
What does Sue have for dinner every Friday.
1. They go to the cinema every week.
2. We enjoy watching the news on TV in the evening.
3. Polly meets the doctor every week.
4. I’m good at English.
5. My parents were interested in pets when they were small.
6. Ted kept a cat and a puppy at home last year.

1. When do they go to the cinema?
2. When do you enjoy watching the news on TV?
3. When does Polly meets the doctor?
4. What are you good at?
5. When were your parents interested in pets?
6. Where did Ted keep a cat and a puppy last year?

1Where do they go every week?
2When do we enjoy watching the news on TV?
3Who meets the doctor every week?(Если выделео Polly)(When does Polly meet the doctor? Если выделено every week)
4What am I good at?
5When were my parents interested in pets?
6Where did Ted keep a cat and a puppy last year?

1. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам.
1. Tom McKenzy works for a newspaper.
2. In summer we usually go to the seaside.
3. I can read English books quite well.
2. Составьте предложения из данных слов. Помните о порядке слов.
1. Not far/ we/ from/ the park/ live.
2. Kate’s/ is/ a doctor/ father/ good.
3. He/ interesting/ give/ you/ a book/ can.
4. In/ have/ your/ pocket/ you/ what/ do/?
3. Переведите на английский язык.
1. Когда встает твой брат? Он встает в семь часов утра. Но вчера он встал в 9 часов утра.
2. Марк сейчас не дома. Он в школе.
3. У меня каждый день шесть уроков.

1.Uncle Podge likes a little job. Does Uncle Podge like a little job. Дядя Подж не любит много работать. 2. Tom McKenzy works for a newspaper. Does Tom McKenzy work for a newspaper? Том Маккензи работает в газете 3. In summer we usually go to the seaside. Do we usually go to the seaside in summer? Летом мы обычно ездим на море. 4. Look. Jack is swimming to a big rock.Look! Is Jack swimming to a big rock? Смотри, Джек плывет к большой скале. Общие вопросы требуют ответа "Да" или "Нет".

1. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам.
1. Tom McKenzy works for a newspaper.
2. In summer we usually go to the seaside.
3. I can read English books quite well.
2. Составьте предложения из данных слов. Помните о порядке слов.
1. Not far/ we/ from/ the park/ live.
2. Kate’s/ is/ a doctor/ father/ good.
3. He/ interesting/ give/ you/ a book/ can.
4. In/ have/ your/ pocket/ you/ what/ do/?
3. Переведите на английский язык.
1. Когда встает твой брат? Он встает в семь часов утра. Но вчера он встал в 9 часов утра.
2. Марк сейчас не дома. Он в школе.
3. У меня каждый день шесть уроков.

Where does McKenzey work?
When do we(you) usually go to the seaside?
How can you read English books?
1. We live not far from the park.
2. Kate’s father is a good doctor.
3. He can give you an interesting book.
4. What do you have in your pocket?
When does your brother get up? He gets up at 7 o’clock in the morning.
But yesterday he got up at 9 o’clock in the morning.
Mark isn’t at home now.He is at school.
I have six lesons every day.

Задание 1.
Употребите нужную форму прилагательных. Переведите предложения.
1. Last week’s meeting was (short).
Задание 2.
Преобразуйте следующие предложения из действительного залога
в страдательный. Переведите предложения.
1. The policeman stopped me in Greed Road this morning.
Задание 3.
Поставьте предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную форму. Переведите.
1. I will see Andrew tonight.
2. The second word in the first sentence means "kind".
Задание 4.
Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам. Переведите предложения.
1. We went to Paris yesterday (yesterday - выделенное слово).

1. Last week’s meeting was short.
1. I was stopped by the policeman in Greed Road this morning.
1. I will not see Andrew tonight.
2. The second word in the first sentence does not mean "kind".
1. Shall I see Andrew tonight?
2. Does the second word in the first sentence mean "kind"?
1. When did we go to Paris?
1. Встреча на прошлой неделе была короткой.
1. Сегодня утром на Грид-роуд меня остановил полицейский.
1. Сегодня вечером я не встречусь с Андреем.
2. Второе слово в первом предложении не означает «добрый».
1. Я увижу Андрея сегодня вечером?
2. Второе слово в первом предложении означает «добро»?
1. Когда мы отправились в Париж?

5. Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам:
I got up at 8 o’clock.
Peter bought new jeans last week.
Mother fed the dog in the morning.
We traveled to Liverpool on Sunday.
The boy walked with his dog.
(выделенные слова: 1)at 8 o’clock. 2) new jeans. 3)the dog. 4)We. 5)with his dog.).
6. Составьте предложения из данных слов.
finished, last year, My friend, school.
in the garden, did not, Grandfather, work.
told, The teacher, an interesting, us, story.
born, My grandmother, in Moscow, was.
on TV, What, yesterday, did, watch, you?
7. Переведи с русского языка на английский:
1. Мама купила молоко и хлеб.
2. Том написал мне письмо три дня назад.
3. Мы рисовали открытку вчера.
4. Я легла спать в 9 часов вечера в субботу.

1. When did I get up?
2. What kind of jeans did Peter buy?
3. Who did mother feed in the morning?
4. Who traveled to Liverpool on Sunday?
5. Whom did the boy walked with?
1. My friend finished the school last year.
2. Grandfather didn’t work in the garden.
3. The teacher told us an interesting story.
4. My grandmother was born in Moscow.
5. What did you watch on TV yesterday?
1. Mother bought milk and bread.
2. Tom wrote me a letter two days ago.
3. We draw a postcard tomorrow.
4. I went to bed at 9 o’clock in the evening on Saturday.