Write about you plans for the coming weekend. Use the correct structures: the Present Continuous Tense or may /might

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Напишите о своих планах на предстоящие выходные. Используйте правильные структуры: настоящее непрерывное время или может / может

My plans for the coming weekend are to go to the country. I am going to visit my granny and grandpa. They live in the village not far from my town. They are waiting for me because  they want me to help them. I am going to help them. I am going to look after their domestic animals: a cow, a horse, a dog and a cat with five kittens. May be I ’ll go there with my parents.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или в Present Simple.
1.They (to do) their homework in the afternoon.
2.They (not to go) for a walk in the evening.
3.My father (not to work) on Sunday.
4.He (to work) every day.
5.I (to read) books in the evening.
6.I (not to read) books.
7.I (to write) an exercise now.
8.I (not to write) a letter now.
9.They (to play) in the yard now.
10.They (not to play) in the street now.
11.They (to play) in the room now.
12.He (to help) his mother every day?
13.He (not to help) his mother every day.
14.You (to go) to school on Sunday?
15.She (to work) in a shop now?
16.He (to deliver) letters now?
17.You (to go) to the opera with your friend?

1) They are doing their homework in the afternoon.
2)They are not going for a walk in the evening.
3)My father is not working.
4)He works every day.
5) I am reading books in the evening.
6) I am not reading books/
7) I am writing an exercine now.
8) I’m not writing now.
И так далее:
 Для того чтобы по­стро­ить про­стое утвер­ди­тель­ное пред­ло­же­ние, мы ис­поль­зу­ем гла­гол в пер­вой форме. Пер­вая форма гла­го­ла – это ин­фи­ни­тив без ча­сти­цы to. На­при­мер, у гла­го­ла to play пер­вая форма – play. Дан­ная форма ис­поль­зу­ет­ся c ме­сто­име­ни­я­ми I, you, we, they, или же со сло­ва­ми, их за­ме­ня­ю­щи­ми. Что же ка­са­ет­ся ме­сто­име­ний he, she, it, то здесь к гла­го­лу до­бав­ля­ет­ся окон­ча­ние –s.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времён: Present Continuous, Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple.
1. Kate (to cook) dinner every day.
2. Kate (to cook) dinner tomorrow.
3. Kate (to cook) dinner now.
4. Kate (to cook) dinner yesterday.
5. I (not eat) every day.
6. I (not to eat) ice cream now.
7. I (not to eat) ice cream tomorrow.
8. (not to eat) ice cream yesterday 9. He (to spend) last summer country.
10 He (not to spend) last summer in the country.
11. He (to spend) last summer in the country?
12. Where he (to spend) last summer?
13. She (to help) mother yesterday.
14. She (not to help) mother yesterday.
15. She (to help) mother yesterday?
16. How was she (to help) mother yesterday?
17. You (to go) to school every day?
18. You (to go) to school now?

1. Kate cooks dinner every day. 
2. Kate will cook dinner tomorrow. 
3. Kate is cooking dinner now. 
4. Kate cooked dinner yesterday. 
5. I do not eat every day. 
6. I am not eating ice cream now. 
7. I won’t eat ice cream tomorrow. 
8. I didn’t eat ice cream yesterday.
9. He spent last summer in country. 
10 He didn’t spend last summer in the country. 
11. Did he spend last summer in the country? 
12. Where he did spend last summer? 
13. She helped mother yesterday. 
14. She didn’t helped mother yesterday. 
15. Did she helped mother yesterday? 
16. How was she helping mother yesterday? 
17. Do you go to school every day? 
18. Are you going to school now?

Написать 7 предложения в present simple и 7 предложений в present continuous, чтобы там была фраза подметать пол.

Present  Simple
1. My mother usually sweeps the floor  in the morning.
2. My sister lets  me to sweep the  floor.
3. She begins to sweep the floor.
4.He asks me to sweep the floor.
5.Granny sweeps the floor in the  evening.
6.My aunt  sweeps the floor in the kitchen after dinner.
7. Dad doesn’t like when someone sweeps the floor.
Present Progressive.
1. My mother is sweeping the floor  now.
2. My sister is sitting in the room now.
3. She is playing tennis now.
4.He is writing the letter now.
5.Granny is kniting now.
6.My aunt  is cooking in the kitchen.
7. Dad is fixing the car now.

Present Simple / Future Simple.
1) If you don’t go away, I (call) the police!
2) I (not wait) if he is late again.
3) What will you do if the weather (be) bad on holiday?
4) If I stay here, I (not be) happy.
5) If I (be) unhappy, I won’t work hard.
6) She’ll have some German lessons before she (go) to Berlin.
7) If Peter (ring), tell him I will never see him again.
8) He (be) happy if he wins his next match.
9) She won’t be able to go until she (feel) much better.
10) If the bus (not come) soon, I’ll be late for school.
11) I want to speak to him before he (go) out.
Present Simple - Present Continuous - Future Simple
1) He (phone) you tomorrow when he (get) home from work.
2) I (be) very busy now. Why? What you (do)?
3) Tom (not be) lazy. He (work) hard every day.
4) How often you (go) to the theatre?
5) We (go) to England for our holiday next year.
6) Wait for me! I (come) as soon as I (finish).
7) You (work) hard today! Yes, I have a lot to do.
8) What he usually (do) at weekends? He usually (play) tennis.
9) I (read) a very interesting book at the moment.
10) He is enjouing his holiday. He (have) a nice room in the hotel.

1) If you don’t go away, I will call the police! 
2) I will not wait if he is late again. 
3) What will you do if the weather is bad on holiday? 
4) If I stay here, I will not be happy. 
5) If I am unhappy, I won’t work hard. 
6) She’ll have some German lessons before she goes to Berlin. 
7) If Peter rings, tell him I will never see him again. 
8) He will be happy if he wins his next match. 
9) She won’t be able to go until she feels much better. 
10) If the bus doesn’t come soon, I’ll be late for school. 
11) I want to speak to him before he will go out. 
1) He will phone you tomorrow when he gets home from work. 
2) I am very busy now. Why? What are you doing? 
3) Tom is not lazy. He works hard every day. 
4) How often do you go to the theatre? 
5) We will go to England for our holiday next year. 
6) Wait for me! I will come as soon as I finish. 
7) You are working hard today! Yes, I have a lot to do. 
8) What does he usually do at weekends? He usually plays tennis. 
9) I am reading a very interesting book at the moment. 
10) He is enjouing his holiday. He has a nice room in the hotel.

Составить 10 предложений в Present Continuous со словами: get up, go jogging, have breakfast, go to school, have lunch, do homework, have a cup of tea, work on computer, watch a DVD, do the shopping, eat dinner, go to bed, painter, doctor, baker, teacher, waintet, mechanic, taxi driver, postman.

He is getting up at 7 o’clock in the morning. She is going jogging after school lessons. I am going to school at 9 o’clock. I am having lunch at school. He is doing homework with his dad. She is having a cup of tea with mom’s cakes. He is working on computer. We are watching DVDs on my TV. They are doing the shopping in the market. We are eating dinner and talking about news. He is going to bed without teddy. I am painter, but it’s my hobby. He is a doctor and he is going home. My brother baker and he is going to his girlfriend on the bike. My new teacher telling me about life. My taxi driver driving very fast. Postman going to Maria’s home.

Составить 5 предожений в Present Continuous и 5 предложений в Present Simple

Present Continuous - глагол am (I), is (he, she, it), are (we, they, you)+ глагол с окончанием ing
I am studying English now.
She is writing a letter to her friend at the moment.
We are doing our homework right now.
He is not reading a book at the moment.
Are you singing now?
Present Simple -глагол без частицы to для I, we, they, you или глагол с окончанием s/es для he, she, it.
Для отрицательной формы I, we, they, you +don’t+ глагол без частицы to или he, she, it+ doesn’t + глагол без частицы to
He gets up at 6 o’clock every morning.
I clean my teeth every day.
We watch TV every evening.
I don’t speak Chinese.
She doesn’t know Russian Literature well.

A. Paскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен: Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple; Present Continuous, Past Continuous
1. Where your brother (to work)? He (to work) at an institute.
2. Your grandmother (to sleep) when you (to come) home yesterday?
3. What your brother (to do) tomorrow?
4. l (not to go) to the shop yesterday. I (to go) to the shop tomorrow.
5. Where Kate (to go) when you (to meet) her yesterday?
6. Look at these children: they (to skate) very well.
7. You (to fikate) last Sunday? Yes, we (to skate) the whole day last Sunday.
8. My brother can skate very well. He (to skate) every Sunday.
9. What you (to do) now? I (to enjoy) the party.
10. What you (to do) at three o’clock yesterday? I (to have) dinner.

1. Where does your brother work? He works at an institute.(Pr.S) 
2. Was your grandmother  sleeping when you came home yesterday?(past.cont and past.s)
3. What will your brother do tomorrow? (Fut.S.)
4. l didn’t go to the shop yesterday. I will go to the shop tomorrow. (past s. and fut.s)
5. Where was Kate going when you met her yesterday?(past cont. and past s,) 
6. Look at these children: they are skating very well. (pr.cont.)
7. Did you skate last Sunday? Yes, we were skating the whole day last Sunday.(past s. and past cont)
8. My brother can skate very well. He skates every Sunday.(pr s)
9. What are you doing now? I am enjoying the party. (pr cont)
10. What were you doing at three o’clock yesterday? I was having dinner.(past cont)

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времён : present continuous, present simple
1 Kate ( to took ) dinner every day. Kate ( to took ) dinner now.
2 I ( not to eat ) ice cream every day. I ( not to eat ) ice cream now.
3 You ( to go ) to school every day? You ( to go ) to school now?
4 What your brother ( to do ) every day? What your brother ( to do ) now?

1. Kate tooks dinner every day. Kate is tooking dinner now.
2. I don’t eats ice-cream every day. I am not eating ice-cream now.
3. Do you goes to school every day? Are you going to school now?
4. What does your brother do every day? What is your brother doing now?
Вам в пятом классе такую легкотекучий задают реально?

1)Kate take dinner every day
Kate took dinner now
2)I don’t eat ice cream every day
I didn’t ice cream now
3)Do you go to school every day?
Did you go to school now?
4)What do your brother do every day?
What did your brother do every day?

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в соответствующем времени: Present Simple или Present Continuous.
1.Kate always (like) to talk about the weather.
2.We (travel) every summer.
3.The cat (eat) fish at the moment.
4.The dog (bark) at my guest now
5.I (listen) to the teacher now.
6.Mary often (go) to England
7.I (wash ) my face every morning.
8.My parents (travel) every summer
9.We (choose ) a prsent for our friend at the moment
10.I (speak) to my mother now
11.She (translate) from Russian into English now
12.He always(leave) home at 8 o’clock

1 Kate always likes to talk about the weather
2 We travel every summer
3 The cat is eating fish at the moment
4 The dog is barking at my guest now
5 I am listening to the teacher now
6 Mary often goes to England
7 I wash my face every morning
8 My parents travel every summer
9 We are choosing a present for our friend at the moment
10 I am speaking to my mother now
11 She is translating from Russia into English now
12 He always leaves home at 8 o’clock