present simple or present continuous
b. Although rainforests (cover) ___________________ only six per cent of the
Earth’s land surface, they (contain) __________________ about 50% of all species
of life on the planet.
c. They also (remove)________________ carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air and
(produce) _________________ oxygen (O2).
d. As they are important, why (they / vanish) __________________________?
e. Most scientists (agree) __________________ that there are two main reasons.
f. First of all, the way of life in these forests (change) ___________________.
g. In some forests, big companies (cut) ________________ down more and more
trees, (deforest) ___________________ and (cause) _________________ damage to
the land.
h. In other places, another kind of deforestation (happen) _________________
i. Here farmers (burn) ________________ more and more of the forest and (use)
_______________ the land to feed cattle.
j. Now that governments (understand) ____________________the problem, they
(begin)_______________________ to control these activities.

B) Although rainforests cover only six per cent of the Earth’s land surface, they contain about 50% of all species of life on the planet.
c) They also remove carbon dioxide(CO2) from the air and produce oxygen (O2).
d) As they are important why are they vanishing?
e) Most scientists agree that there are two main reasons.
f) First of all, the way of life in these forests is changing.
g) In some forests, big companies are cutting down more and more trees, deforesting and causing damage to the land.
h) In other places, another kind of deforestation is happening.
i) Here farmers are burning more and more of the forest and using the land to feed cattle.
j) Now that governments understand the problem, they are beginning to control these activities.

Упражнение 1
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или Present Simple.
His father (not to watch) TV at the moment. He (to sleep) because he (to be) tired. 2. Pat (not to cook) dinner at the moment. She (to talk) dinner every Monday. 3. I (not to drink) coffee now. I (to write) an English exercise. 4. I (not to drink) coffee in the evening. I (to drink) coffee in the morning. 5. Your friend (to do) his homework now? 6. Your friend (to go) to school in the morning? 7. Look! The baby (to sleep). 8. The baby always (to sleep) after dinner. 9. My grandmother (not to work). She is on pension. 10. My father (not to sleep) now. He (to work) in the garden. 11. I usually (to get) up at seven o’clock in the morning. 12. What your sister (to do) now? – She (to wash) her face and hands. 13. When you usually (to come) home from school? – I (to come) at three o’clock. 14. Where your cousin (to work)? – He (to work) at a hospital. 15. Your sister (to study) at college? – No, she (to go) to school. 16. My cousin (to go) to school every day. 17. My mother (not to play) the piano now. She (to play) the piano in the morning. 18. When you (to listen) to the news on the radio? 19. Who (to make) breakfast for you now? 20. You (to read) a magazine and (to think) about your holidays at the moment? 21. They (to be) good dancers but they (not to do) to discos very often. 22. What she (to talk) about right now?
Упражнение 2
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или Present Simple.
1. I (not to know) what to give my brother for his birthday. 2. They (to want) publish this book in July? 3. She (to think) he (to drive) dangerously. 4. He (to understand) that he (to eat) noisily, but he always (to forget) about it. 5. Who that man (to be) who (to stand) in the doorway? 6. I (to have) no time now, I (to have) dinner. 7. Your family (to leave) St. Petersburg in summer? – Yes, we always (to go) to the seaside. We all (to like) the sea. Mother (to stay) with us to the end of August, but father (to return) much earlier. 8. Where Tom and Nick (to be) now? – They (to have) a smoke in the garden. 9. What you (to do) here now? – We (to listen) to tape recordings. 10. You (to want) to see my father? – Yes, I …. 11. Michael (to know) German rather well. He (to want) to know English, too, but he (to have) little time for it now. 12. What magazine you (to read)? – It (to be) a French magazine. There (to be) good articles on sports here. You (to be) interested in sports? – Yes, I …. but I (not to know) French. 13. We (to have) an English lesson now. 14. He (to feel) in a position to lend her money. 15. I (to think) she (not to feel) safe there. 16. You (to see) what I (to mean)? 17. You (to hear) what she (to say)? 18. He (not to feel) at liberty to tell you the truth. 19. Ron has got a new job. He (to earn) a fortune as a managing director. They (to think) he (to be) a bag of money. not to knowing
2.isn’t to cooking not to drinking drinking
5.are to doing
6.are to doing to sleeping to sleeping
9.doesn’t to work
10.isn’t sleeping
11.does to works to doing to coming
14.does to work
15.does to studies
16.does to goes
17.isn’t to playing
18.are to listening
19.are to making
20.are to read, are to thinking to be, don’t to do
22.isn’t to talking

Напишите на английском: можно предложения не посмыслу
10 предложений present continuous
10 предложений past simpl
5 предложений peresent simple

Present simple
1 My mother likes knitting
2 My brother works in a bank
3 My sister does yoga twice a week
4 My friend often reads newspapers
5 I usually go to school on foot
Present continuous
1 The children are playing football now
2 My granny is making a fruit cake at present
3 Listen! The girl is singing so beautifully
4 You are always shouting at me!
5 My granny is working in the garden now
6 The sun is shining at present
7 I am going to meet with my friends next week
8 My uncle is going to London tomorrow
9 Radio isn’t working now
10 The doctor is conducting an operation now
Past simple
1 My parents got married in 1990
2 My friend moved to Moscow in 2000
3 My cousin worked as a lawyer from 2005 to 2010
4 I visited my granny last week
5 I bought a modern laptop yesterday
6 We danced all night long
7 Mary went shopping
8 I could play the guitar when I was a teenager
9 My sister broke her leg last winter
10 Sally watered the flowers last weekend

Open the brackets and put tha verb into the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous Tense. 1. Be quiet, please. We (work) at the translation and you (make) a lot of noise. 2. He always (go) for a walk in the evening. 3. Where is Jack? — He (meet) his girlfriend at the station. She (come) at 12 o’clock. 4. She (cry). Is something wrong? 5. In the morning I (have) little time, so I (take) a shower in the evening. 6. A decade (describe) a period of ten years. 7. Her brother (work) in Canada at present. 8. She always (dream) but (do) nothing to realize her dreams. 9. He (be) so suspicious to me at the moment. I wonder why. 10. Hurry up, Jane! We all (wait) for you. 11. Turn off the gas. Don’t you see the kettle (boil)? 12. The children are still ill but they (get) better gradually. 13. Don’t bother her. She (take) her French lesson: she always (take) it in the morning. 14. The living standards (change). Every month things (get) more expensive. 15. Tom and Mary (leave) for the Netherlands tomorrow. 16.1 have just started English courses. I (study) English grammar. 17. Mercury (boil) at 357.23 degrees Centigrade. 18. We must buy new plates. — It’s useless. You always (break) plates. 19. It (surprise) me that they can’t sell their flat. 20. A woman who (look) after other people’s children is a nanny.

1. Be quiet, please. We (are working) at the translation and you (are making) a lot of noise. 2. He always (goes) for a walk in the evening. 3. Where is Jack? — He (is meeting) his girlfriend at the station. She (comes) at 12 o’clock. 4. She (is crying). Is something wrong? 5. In the morning I (have) little time, so I (take) a shower in the evening. 6. A decade (describes) a period of ten years. 7. Her brother (is working) in Canada at present. 8. She is always (dreaming) but (does) nothing to realize her dreams. 9. He (is being) so suspicious to me at the moment. I wonder why. 10. Hurry up, Jane! We are all (waiting) for you. 11. Turn off the gas. Don’t you see the kettle (is boiling)? 12. The children are still ill but they (are getting) better gradually. 13. Don’t bother her. She (is taking) her French lesson: she always (takes) it in the morning. 14. The living standards (are changing). Every month things (are getting) more expensive. 15. Tom and Mary (are leaving) for the Netherlands tomorrow. 16.1 have just started English courses. I (am studying) English grammar. 17. Mercury (boils) at 357.23 degrees Centigrade. 18. We must buy new plates. — It’s useless. You are always (breaking) plates. 19. It (surprises) me that they can’t sell their flat. 20. A woman who (looks) after other people’s children is a nanny.

Упражнения 1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous. УТВЕРДИТЕЛЬНУЮ, ОТРИЦАТЕЛЬНУЮ, ВОПРОСИТЕЛЬНУЮ ФОРМЫ!
1. My book (to lie) on the table.
2. They (to work).
3. The doctor and her patient (to talk).
4. We (to cook) dinner. My mother (to make) a salad.
5. A young man (to drive) a car. He (to listen) music.
6. My grandfather (to read) a book.
7. The pen (to lie) on the floor.
8. You (to have) a break?
9. She still (to sing).
Упражнения 2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous. УТВЕРДИТЕЛЬНУЮ, ОТРИЦАТЕЛЬНУЮ, ВОПРОСИТЕЛЬНУЮ ФОРМЫ!
1. The boys (to run) about in the garden.
2 I (to do) my homework.
3. John and his friends (to go) to the library.
4. Ann (to sit) at her desk. She (to study) geography.
5. A young man (to stand) at the window. He (to smoke) a cigarette.
6. The old man (to walk) about the room.
7. The dog (to lie) on the floor.
8. You (to have) a break?
9. What language you (to study)?
10. Who (to lie) on the sofa?
11. What they (to talk) about?
12. It still (to rain).

Упр 1) 1 My book is lying on the table.
2 They are working.
3 The doctor and her patient are talking.
4 We are cooking dinner. My mother is making a salad.
5 A young man is driving a car. He is listening to music.
6 My grandfather is reading a book.
7 The pen is lying in the floor.
8 Are you having a break?
9 She is still singing.
Упр 2)
1. The boys are running about in the garden. 2 I am doing my homework. 3. John and his friends are going to the library. 4. Ann is sitting at her desk. She is studying geography. 5. A young man is standing at the window. He is smokeing a cigarette. 6. The old man is walking about the room. 7. The dog is lying on the floor. 8. Are you having a break? 9. What language are you studing? 10. Who is lying on the sofa? 11. What are they talking about? 12. It is still raining.

Present Continuous Упражнение 1. Read what a boy is saying. Write in am, is or are. 1. A) I’m in the park. I can see some children. They ____ playing volleyball. There’s my friend Greg! He ____ reading a book. The girl ____ eating a sandwich. The boy and the dog ____ playing with a ball. They can’t see me because I ____ sitting in a tree. What ___ you doing? ____ you listening to me? B) 1. Look! The children ____ jumping. 2. The cat ____ sleeping now. 3. My friend and I ____ not dancing now. 4. Dave ___ reading now. 5. Look! I ___ swimming. Упражнение 2. Make up negative sentences in Present Continuous ▪ the sofa / Sam / is / on / not / sitting. ▪ Are / playing / not / the cats. ▪ cooking / Mother / not / my / is ▪ Reading / friends / her / are / not Упражнение 3. Make up questions in Present Continuous ▪ now / Tom / coffee / is / drinking? ▪ playing / Now / the / boys / are? ▪ the / skipping / girl / now / is? ▪ the / eating / fish / cats / are? Как правильно написать?

Sam is not sitting on the sofa
The cats are not playing
My mother is not cooking
Her friends are not reading
Is Tom drinking coffee now?
Are the boys playing now?
Is the girl skipping now?
Are the cats eating fish?

1)I’m in the park.I can see some children. They are playing volleyball. There’s my friend Greg! He is reading a book.The girl is eating a sandwich. The and the dog are playing with a ball. They can’t see me because I am sitting in a tree. What are you doing? Are you listening to me? B)1. Look! The children are jumping.2. The cat is sleeping now.5. Look! I am swimming.

Present Continuous 1. Her best friend (write) writed___________ a test at the moment. 2. Look! Sarah and Andy (come) __comed_________ home. 3. ______You_____they_______spefks____ (speak) English now? 4. She __________ (not watch) TV. 5. I ___________ (not do) my homework. 6. ___________ Max ___________ (play) the piano? Yes, he is. 7. I __________ (sunbathe) on the beach. 8. He __________(make) pizza at the moment. 9. Where are you? They ___________ (wait) for you! Present Simple. 1. We sometimes ________ (use) a dictionary in class. 2. Eliza _________ (not get up) at ten o´clock. 3. I _________ (eat) a pizza every weekend. 4. My sister _________ (not live) in London. 5. _________ you _________ (like) my new car? 6. _________she_________(play) tennis every Monday? 7. He never___________(swim) in the swimming pool. 8. _________they__________(study) French? 9. Liza always_______ (have) breakfast at 7 o’clock. Irregular verbs-Past Simple (write the past form of the verbs) Past Simple. 1. Marta and Felix _________________ (see) the new film yesterday. 2. She _________________ (make) a cake, it was delicious. 3. They _________________ (do) their homework yesterday. 4. _______ she__________(visit) her grandparents yesterday? 5. _________ you (bake) ______________a cake for your birthday last week? 6. Yesterday Mr. Bird (get up) _________________ at 6.45. 7. We _________________ (go) to New York last January. 8. She _________________ (paint) a picture. 9. Max_________________ (send) a letter two days ago.

Present Continious
(am/is/are + V-ing)

1. is writing
2. are coming
3. Are you speaking
4. isnt’t watching
5. am not doing
6. Is Max playing
7. am sunbathing
8. is making
9. are waiting
Present Simple

1. use
2. doesn’t get up
3. eat
4. doesn’t live
5. Do you like
6. Does she play
7. swims
8. Do they study
9. has
Past Simple
1. saw
2. made
3. did
4. Did she visit
5. Did you bake
6. got up
7. went
8. painted
9. sent

1. Her best friend ( is writing) a test at the moment. 2. Look! Sarah and Andy (are coming) home. 3. (Are) they (speaking) English now? 4. She  (is not watching) TV. 5. I  (am not doing) my homework. 6. (Is) Max  (playing) the piano? Yes, he is. 7. I  (am sunbathing) on the beach. 8. He (is making) pizza at the moment. 9. Where are you? They (are waiting) for you!  
1. We sometimes  (use) a dictionary in class. 2. Eliza  (does not get up) at ten o´clock. 3. I (eat) a pizza every weekend. 4. My sister  (does not live) in London. 5. (Do) you  (like) my new car? 6. (Does) she (play) tennis every Monday? 7. He never (swims) in the swimming pool. 8. Do they (study) French? 9. Liza always (has) breakfast at 7 o’clock.  
1. Marta and Felix (saw) the new film yesterday. 2. She (made) a cake, it was delicious. 3. They (did) their homework yesterday. 4. (Did) she (visit) her grandparents yesterday? 5. (Did) you (bake) a cake for your birthday last week? 6. Yesterday Mr. Bird (got up) at 6.45. 7. We  (went) to New York last January. 8. She  (painted) a picture. 9. Max (sent) a letter two days ago.

раскройте скобки Present Simple Present Continuous Past Simple Future Simple
1. Kate (to cook) dinner every day. 2. Kate (to cook) dinner tomorrow. 3. Kate (to cook) dinner now.
4. Kate (to cook) dinner yesterday. 5. I (not to eat) ice cream every day. 6. I (not to eat) ice cream now.
7. I (not to eat) ice cream tomorrow. 8. I (not to eat) ice cream yesterday. 9. He (to spend) last summer
in the country. 10. He (not to spend) last summer in the country. 11. He (to spend) last summer in
the country? 12. Where he (to spend) last summer? 13. She (to help) mother yesterday. 14. She (not to
help) mother yesterday. 15. She (to help) mother yesterday? 16. How she (to help) mother yesterday?
17. You (to go) to school every day? 18. You (to go) to school now? 19. You (to go) to the south next sum
mer? 20. You (to go) abroad last summer? 21. What your brother (to do) every day? 22. What your
brother (to do) now? 23. What your brother (to do) tomorrow? 24. What your brother (to do) yesterday?
25. What you (to get) for your birthday 2 days ago?

1. Kate cooks dinner every day.
2. Kate will cook dinner tomorrow.
3. Kate is cooking dinner now. 
4. Kate cooked dinner yesterday.
5. I don’t eat ice cream every day.
6. I am not eating ice cream now. 
7. I will not eat ice cream tomorrow.
8. I didn’t eat ice cream yesterday.
9. He spent last summer in the country.
10. He didn’t spend last summer in the country.
11. Will he spend the summer in the country?
12. Where did he spend last summer?
13. She helped mother yesterday.
14. She didn’t help mother yesterday.
15. Did she help mother yesterday?
16. How did she helped mother yesterday? 
17. Do you go to school every day?
18. Are you going  to school now?
19. Will you go to the south next summer?
20. Did you go abroad last summer?
21. What does your brother do every day?
22. What is your brother doing now?
23. What will your brother do tomorrow?
24. What did your brother do yesterday? 
25. What did you get for your birthday 2 days ago?

Put the verb in the correct form, present continuous or present simple.
Let’s go out. It ______ ( not/rain ) now.
2. Julia is very good at language. She ______ ( speak ) four languages very well.
3. Hurry upEverybody ______ ( wait ) for you.
4. ’ ______ ( you/listen ) to the radio?’ ’No, you can turn it off.’
5. ’ ______ ( you/listen ) to the radio every day?’ ’No, just occasionally.’
6. The River Nile ______ ( flow ) into the Mediterranean.
7. Look at the river. It ______ ( flow ) very fast today -much faster than usual.
8. We usually ______ ( grow ) vegetables in our garden but this year we ______ ( not/grow ) any.
9. ’How is your English?’ ’Not bad. It ______ ( improve ) slowly.’
10. Ron is in London at the moment. He ______ ( stay ) at the Park Hotel. He ______ ( always/stay ) there when he’s in London.
11. Can we stop walking soon? I ______ ( start ) to feel tired.
12. ’Can you drive?’ ’I ______ ( learn ). My father ______ ( teach ) me.’
13. Normally I ______ ( finish ) work at 5.00, but this week I ______ ( work ) until 6.00 to earn a bit more money.
14. My parents ______ ( live ) in Bristol. They were born there and have never lived anywhere else. Where ______ ( your parents/live )?
15. Sonia ______ ( look ) for a place to live. She ______ ( stay ) with her sister until she finds somewhere.
16. ’What ______ ( your father/do )?’ ’He’s an architect but he ______ ( not/work ) at the moment.’
17. ( at a party ) Usually I ______ ( enjoy ) parties but I ______ ( not/enjoy ) this one very much.
18. The train is never late. It ______ ( always/leave ) on time.
19. Jim is very untidy. He ______ ( always /leave ) his things all over the place.

1 It’s not raining now.
2 speaks
3 is waiting
4 Are you listening to the radio?
5 Do y listen.
6 flows
7 is flowing
8 grow. haven’t grown
9 is improving
10 is staying. He always stays.
11 am starting
12 have learned. taught me.
13 finish. have been working
14 live. Where do your parents live?
15 is looking. will stay
16 What does your father do?
isn’t working
17 I enjoy. but I’m not enjoying.
18 it is always leaving.
19 always leaves

1.Let’s go out. It  ( is not raining ) now. 
2. Julia is very good at language. She  ( speaks ) four languages very well. 
3. Hurry up ! Everybody (is waiting) for you. 
4. ’ ( Are  you listening ) to the radio?’ ’No, you can turn it off.’ 
5. ’ ( Do you listen ) to the radio every day?’ ’No, just occasionally.’ 
6. The River Nile ( flows ) into the Mediterranean. 
7. Look at the river. It  (is flowing ) very fast today -much faster than usual. 
8. We usually ( grow ) vegetables in our garden but this year we  ( do not grow ) any. 
9. ’How is your English?’ ’Not bad. It  ( is improving ) slowly.’ 
10. Ron is in London at the moment. He ( staying ) at the Park Hotel. He  ( always stays ) there when he’s in London. 
11. Can we stop walking soon? I  ( am starting ) to feel tired. 
12. ’Can you drive?’ ’I  (am  learning ). My father  (is  teaching ) me.’ 
13. Normally I  ( finish ) work at 5.00, but this week I  ( work ) until 6.00 to earn a bit more money. 
14. My parents  ( live ) in Bristol. They were born there and have never lived anywhere else. Where  ( do your parents live )? 
15. Sonia  ( is looking ) for a place to live. She  (is  staying ) with her sister until she finds somewhere. 
16. ’What  ( does your father do )?’ ’He’s an architect but he  (is not working ) at the moment.’ 
17. ( at a party ) Usually I  ( enjoy ) parties but I  ( am not enjoying ) this one very much. 
18. The train is never late. It ( always leaves ) on time. 
19. Jim is very untidy. He  ( always /leaves ) his things all over the place.

Вопрос 1
Текст вопроса
Write the bold sentence in reported speech.
’I studied music for five years.’
Alex said.
Вопрос 2
Текст вопроса
Correct and write the sentence. She said she knows the answer.
Вопрос 3
Текст вопроса
Write the bold sentence in reported speech.
’I feel ill.’
Sandra said.
Вопрос 4
Текст вопроса
Write the bold sentence in reported speech.
’What’s your name?’
The police officer asked me.
Вопрос 5
Текст вопроса
Correct and write the sentence. Ryan said had bought the tickets.
Вопрос 6
Текст вопроса
Correct and write the sentence. She asked did I spoke French.
Вопрос 7
Текст вопроса
Write the bold sentence in reported speech.
’We can help you.’
Will said.
Вопрос 8
Текст вопроса
Correct and write the sentence. Sara asked if had he finished.
Вопрос 9
Текст вопроса
Correct and write the sentence. They asked me come back later.
Вопрос 10
Текст вопроса
Write the bold sentence in reported speech.
’I’ve been to Shanghai.’
She said.
Вопрос 11
Текст вопроса
Correct and write the sentence. She told me don’t speak in the library.
Вопрос 12
Текст вопроса
Write the bold sentence in reported speech.
’I’m going into town.’
Mark said.
Вопрос 13
Текст вопроса
Write the bold sentence in reported speech.
’It will rain on Tuesday.’
The weather forecast said. on Tuesday.
Вопрос 14
Текст вопроса
Correct and write the sentence. She asked me where was my sister.
Вопрос 15
Текст вопроса
Correct and write the sentence. He said her that he loved her.
Вопрос 16
Текст вопроса
Write the bold sentence in reported speech.
’Are you over eighteen?’
The teacher asked Amy.
Вопрос 17
Текст вопроса
Match the direct and indirect (reported) speech forms.
Past simple
Ответ 1
Present continuous
Ответ 2
Present simple
Ответ 3
Ответ 4
Ответ 5
Ответ 6

1. Alex said that he studied music for five years.
2. She said she knew the answer.
3. Sandra said that she felt ill.
4. The police officer asked me what my name was.
5. Ryan said he had bought the tickets.
6. She asked if I spoke French.
7. Will said that they could help him/her.
8. Sara asked if he had finished.
9 They asked me to come back later.
10. She said that she had been to Shanghai.
11 She told me not to speak in the library.
12 Mark said  that he was going into town.’
13The weather forecast said  it would rain on Tuesday.
14 She asked me where my sister was.
15 He said to her that he loved her.
16 The teacher asked Amy if she was over eighteen.
17.Past Simple - ответ 2.

1 Alex said that he had studied music for five years.
2 She said she knew the answer.
3 Sandra said that she felt ill.
4 The police officer asked me what my name was.
5 Ryan said he had bought the tickets.
6 She asked if I had spoken French.
7 Will said that they could help him.
8 Sara asked if he had finished.
9 They asked me to come back later.
10 She said that she had been to Shanghai.
11 She told me not to speak in the library.
12 Mark said that he was going into town.
13 The weather forecast said it would rain on Tuesday.
14 She asked me where my sister was.
15 He told her that he loved her.
16 The teacher asked Amy if she was over eighteen.
17. Если Past Simple в прямой речи-Past Perfect в косвенной
Если Present Simple в прямой-Past Simple в косвенной -некорректно задан вопрос или не хватает вариантов ответа