Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous.
1. The boys ( to run) about in the garden.
2. I (to do ) my homework.
3. John and his friends (to go) to the library.
4. Ann (to sit) at her desk. She (to study) geography.
5. A young man (to stand) at the window. He (to smoke) a cigarette
6. The oid man (to walk) about the room.
7. The dog (to sit) on the floor.
8. You (to have) a break?
9. What language you (to study)?
10. Who (to lie) on the sofa?
11. What they (to talk) about?
12. It still (to rain).

1 are running
2 am doing
3 are going
4 is sitting/ is studying
5 is standing/ is smoking
6 is walking
7 is sitting
8 Are you having a break?
9 What language are you studying?
10 Who laying on the sofa?
11 What they talking about?
12 raining

1Are running
2am doing
3are going
4is sitting
5is stanting, is smoking
6is walking
7is sitting
8 are having
9are studing
11 are tslking
12is raining
Задание очень лёгкое мог(да) сам(а) сделать!

Составить 3 предложения с местоимением я, ты, он, она, они мы. Вопросительное, отрицательное, положительное.
в Present continuous

I am reading. I am not reading. Am i reading?
You are watching TV. You are not watching TV. Are you watching TV?
He is running. He is not running. Is he running?
She is coming. She is not coming. Is she coming?
They are eating. They are not eating. Are they eating?
We are sleeping. We are not sleeping. Are we sleeping?
Это все элементарно. Местоимение+to be (а точнее am или are или is)+глагол с окончанием ing. 
Вопрос To be + местоимение  + глагол с ing 
Отрицание Местоимение + to be + not + глагол с ing

Present Simple or Present Continuous?
I. Open the brackets
Present Simple – Present Continuous
She talks every day. – She is talking now.
1. He (to take) books. – He (take) a book now.
2. I (to play) cards every evening. – I (play) cards now.
3. They (to go) to the university every day. – They (go) to the university now.
4. We (to work) from day till night. – We (work) extra this week.
5. We (to plant) garden every year. – We (plant) any this year.
6. What they (to eat) at breakfast? – What they (to eat) now?
7. Everybody (to have) a good time every Saturday. Everybody (to have) a good time now?
8. Your sister (to rest) after the university? – Your sister (to rest) now?
9. We (not to watch) TV in the evening. – We (not ot watch) TV now.
10. My mother (not to clean) at an office. – My mother (not to clean) now.
11. I (not to sleep) in the daytime. – I (not to sleep) now.
12. How often she (to take) medicine? – She (to take) medicine now?
13. What your brother (to drink) in the evening? – What your brother (to drink) now?
14. What language they usually (to speak)? – They (to speak) English now?
15. What you (to read) after dinner? – What you (to read) now?

1.takes; is taking
2.play; am playing
3.go; are going
4.work; are working
5.plant; are planting
6.what do they eat; what are they eating
7.has; is everybody having
8.Does you sister rest; is your sister resting
9.don’t watch; aren’t watching
10.doesn’t clean; isn’t cleaning
11.don’t sleep; am not sleeping
12.How often does she take; is she taking
13.what does your brother drink; what is your brother drinking
14.what language do tjey usually speak; are they speaking
15.what do you read; what are you reading

1. Takes, is taking, ply, playing, has, ar

Complete with the present simple or the present continuous
1. Their new CD is great! Whfat.do. you.think.(think)
2. There’s Jenny! She.at use! (wave)
3. I.his story I.he’s lying ( not believe, think)
4.you.your fist toy? (remember)
5. She.blue cheese. She never eats it. (hate)
6. I’m not sure I can buy this bike. I.it’s too expensive. (think)
7.this bag.to Pam? (belong)
8. Paul.very cheerful these days. (not teem)
9. Timothy.it music lesson at the moment (love)
10. They.a word! They can’t speak our language (not understand)
11. You can go out with your friends. I.(not mind)
12. What.this word.(mean)

1. Their new CD is great! What do you think?
2. There’s Jenny! She is waving at use!
3. I don’t believe his story, I think he’s lying.
4. Do you remember your first toy?
5. She hates blue cheese. She never eats it.
6. I’m not sure I can buy this bike. I think it’s too expensive.
7. Does this bag belong to Pam?
8. Paul doesn’t teem very cheerful these days.
9. Timothy loves it music lesson at the moment
10. They don’t understand a word! They can’t speak our language!
11. You can go out with your friends. I don’t mind.
12. What does this word mean?

Put the verb in brackets into the Present Continuous or the Present Simple.
1.Mike (talk) to his classmates every day in class. Right now he (talk) to Polly.
2.Polly and Mike (sit) next to each other in class every day, so they often (help) each other with their grammar exercises. Right now Polly (help) Mike with an exercise on present verb tenses.
3.It (rain) a lot in this city, but it (rain, not) right now. The sun (shine).
4.Diana (wash) her hair every other day.
5.I (think) he is a kind man.
6.He (have) a cat.
7.I (see) a butterfly. You (see) it?
8.Every morning, the sun (shine) in my bedroom.
9.Are you in a hurry? – Yes, I (walk) quickly because I’m cold. I (want) to get home as soon as possible.
10.Where’s your father? – He (be) in the bathroom. He (shave).

1.Mike (talks) to his classmates every day in class. Right now he (is talking) to Polly.
2.Polly and Mike (sit) next to each other in class every day, so they often (help) each other with their grammar exercises. Right now Polly (is helping) Mike with an exercise on present verb tenses.
3.It (rains) a lot in this city, but it (is not raining) right now. The sun (is shining).
4.Diana (washes) her hair every other day.
5.I (think) he is a kind man.
6.He (has) a cat.
7.I (see) a butterfly. Do you (see) it?
8.Every morning, the sun (shines) in my bedroom.
9.Are you in a hurry? – Yes, I (am walking) quickly because I’m cold. I (want) to get home as soon as possible.
10.Where’s your father? – He (is) in the bathroom. He (is shaving).

Put the verb in brackets into the Present Continuous or the Present Simple.
1.I (look) at the clock right now. I (want) to know the time.
2.I’m in my apartment. I (try) to study. I (hear) the music from the next apartment. The music is loud.
3.You (always to complain) that waiters are rude.
4.I (walk) to school every day. I (take, not) the bus.
5.You (always to borrow) money!
6. What (you, read) right now? — I (read) my grammar b ook.
7.Robert (cook) his own dinner every evening.
8.That’s worried because the number of people without job (increase).
9.Robert is a vegetarian. He (eat, not) meat.
10.(you, cook) your own dinner every day?

1.I (am looking) at the clock right now. I (want) to know the time.
2.I’m in my apartment. I (am trying) to study. I (hear) the music from the next apartment.
3.You (are always complaining) that waiters are rude.
4.I (walk) to school every day. I (do not take) the bus.
5.You (are always  borrowing) money!
6. What (are you reading) right now? — I (am reading) my grammar book.
7.Robert (cooks) his own dinner every evening.
8.That’s worrying because the number of people without job (is increasing).
9.Robert is a vegetarian. He (does not eat) meat.
10.(Do you cook) your own dinner every day?

Вот 3 предложения на английском языке: 1. We are working in the field now. 2. They compose a new tune at the moment. 3. They ride bikes in the park now.
Нужно каждое предложение сделать положительным, отрицательным, и вопросительным и поставить их в трёх временах: present continuous, past continuous, future continuous. Мне

С остальными аналогично

Present Continuous
1 we are working in the field now
We aren’t working in the field now
Are we working in the field now?
2 they are composing a new tune at the moment
They aren’t composing a new tune at the moment
Are they composing.
3 they are riding bikes in the park now
They aren’t riding.
Are they riding.
Past Continuous
1we were working in the field the whole day
We weren’t working in the field the whole day
Were we working in the field the whole day?
2 they were composing a new tune at the moment
They weren’t composing e new tune at the moment
Were they composing a new tune at the moment?
3 they were riding bikes in the park from 5 to 7 o’clock
They weren’t riding.
Were they riding.
Future Continuous
1 we will be work in the field tomorrow
We won’t be work in the.
Will we be work in the.
2 they will be compose a new tune at this time tomorrow
They won’t be compose.
Will they be compose.
3 they will be ride bikes in the park tomorrow
They won’t be ride.
Will they be ride.

1. Currently, my friend.for a new house
c)were looking
d)are looking
2.You know, they hardly ever.this drink
b)are buying
c)is buying
3.Pete.coffee now with us because he.it at all.
a)isn’t drinking/isn’t liking
b)doesn’t drink/isn’t liking
c)isn’t drinking coffe/doesn’t like
d)doesn’t drink/likes
4.".football on TV?" "No, never. They hate all sports!"
a)are your parents watched
b)are you parents watching
c)your parents watch
d)do you parents often watch
5.Oh, look! Anna.here!
b)is coming
6."what." "It’s a programme about dolphins"
a)you watch
b)you have watched
c)do you watch
d)are you watching
7.What.I.a new detective. It is really frightening!
a)do you do, read
b) are you doing, am reading
c) do you do, am reading
d) are you doing, reads

1. Currently, my friends.for a new house. d) are looking
2. You know, they hardly ever.this drink. d) buy
3. Pete.coffee now with us because he.it at all. c) isn’t drinking coffe/doesn’t like
4.".football on TV?" "No, never. They hate all sports!" d) do you parents often watch
5. Oh, look! Anna.here! b) is coming
6."what." "It’s a programme about dolphins". d) are you watching
7. What.I.a new detective. It is really frightening! b) are you doing, am reading

Составьте 5 предложений вопросительных и 4 отрицательных по Present Simple и Present Continuous

Вопросительные по Present Continuous:
1) Are you reading a book at the moment? 2) Are they dancing tango right now?
3) Is he fishing at the moment?
4) Why are they singing right now?
5) Is she eating fish?
Вопросительные по Present Simple:
1) Do you play hockey?
2) Does she perform on the stage?
3) Does he go to school?
4) Does your dog eat cheese?
5) Do you listen to pop music?
Отрицательные по Present Continuous:
1) I don’t like swimming
2) He is not dancing on the stage
3) She is not singing eveyday
4) It is not drinking water
Отрицательные по Present Simple:
1) He doesn’t play on the piano
2) She doesn’t smile
3) It doesn’t play with toys
4) It isn’t cute

Вопросительные предложения Present Continuous.
1)Are you all right?
2)Where’s she going?
3)Are you working now?
4)Is it snowing?
5)Is Jeremy sleeping?
Отрицательные предложения Present Simple
1)I don’t get up at 6 in the morning.
2)She doesn’t speak Spanish.
3)Bill doesn’t have lunch at work.
4)They don’t play soccer every day.

Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в Present Indefinite или Present Continuous Tense. 1. I’m sure that you (like) him. 2. They (lay) the foundations next week. 3. You (see) a signpost at the end of the 4. He has cut my road. hair too short. Don’t worry; it (grow) again very quickly. 5. You (understand when you are older. 6. The cat (scratch) you if pull you its tail. 7.I be) back at 8.30.8. If he doesn’t work hard he (not pass) his exam. 9. She (go) on a cruise next summer. 10. I move) to a new flat next week. 11. I am sorry that the child saw the accident. I don’t think it matters. He soon (forget) all about it. 12. I(wait) here till he comes back. 13. He (not write) to you unless you write to him. 14. There (be) a big meeting here tomorrow.

1. I’m sure that you (will like) him.
2. They (are laying) the foundations next week.
3. You (will see) a signpost at the end of the road.
4. He has cut my hair too short. Don’t worry; it (will grow) again very quickly.
5. You (will understand) when you are older.
6. The cat (will scratch) you if you pull its tail.
7.I’ll ( be) back at 8.30.
8. If he doesn’t work hard, he (won’t pass) his exam.
9. She (is going) on a cruise next summer.
10. I’m (moving) to a new flat next week.
11. I am sorry that the child saw the accident. I don’t think it matters. He will soon (forget) all about it.
12. I’ll (wait) here till he comes back.
13. He (won’t write) to you unless you write to him.
14. There (will be) a big meeting here tomorrow.