В промежуток нужно поставить глагол в форме Present Simple or Present continuous и пояснить почему. Вот предложение: The always.(stay) in the house when it is cold.

Ответ:They always stay in the house when it is cold.
Мы вставили Present Simple потому что он употребляеться тогда когда говорят о действиях которие повторяются при каких то обстоятельствах. Здесь есть слово always которое переводится как всегда. Тоесть Мы всегда остаемся дома когда идет дождь.

The always stay in the house when it is cold. Перевод: всегда оставаться дома, когда холодно. Форма глагола stay не изменяется, т. К. Это настоящее время Present Simple. Признаком настоящего времени служит индикатор времени always.

Раскрыть скобки, вставив глаголы в одном из следующих времен: Present Continuous, Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect 1. Your brother (to go) to the country with us next Sunday? 2. Granny (not to cook) dinner now. 3. We (to cook) our meals on a fire last summer. 4. My sister (to wash) the dishes every morning. 5. When you (to go) to school? 6. What you (to prepare) for breakfast tomorrow? 7. You (to invite) your cousin to stay with you next summer? 8. How you (to help) your sister last summer? 9. I (to send) a letter to my friend tomorrow. 10. Every morning on the way to school I (to meet) my friends. 11. His grandfather (to listen) to rock’n’roll music. That (to be) strange! He always (to listen) to classical music. 12. Mother (to cook) a marvellous dinner yesterday. 13. Tomorrow Nick (not to go) to school — I (not to think

1. Will your brother go to the country with us next Sunday? 2. Granny  is not  cooking dinner now. 3. We cooked our meals on a fire last summer. 4. My sister  washes the dishes every morning. 5. When do you  go  to school? 6. What will you prepare ) for breakfast tomorrow? 7. Will you  invite  your cousin to stay with you next summer? 8. How did you  help your sister last summer? 9. I shall send a letter to my friend tomorrow. 10. Every morning on the way to school I  meet ) my friends. 11. His grandfather is  listening to rock’n’roll music. That is strange! He always  listens to classical music. 12. Mother  cooked a marvellous dinner yesterday. 13. Tomorrow Nick is not  going to school — I do not  think

с домашним заданием здесь нужно узнать что это Present Simple или Present инфинитив или Present Continuous

Present Simple и Present Continuous – это вре­ме­на, ко­то­рые вы­ра­жа­ют дей­ствие в на­сто­я­щем. Несмот­ря на эту общую черту, у них есть свои осо­бен­но­сти упо­треб­ле­ния. Для того чтобы разо­брать­ся, какое время ис­поль­зо­вать в каж­дом от­дель­ном слу­чае, необ­хо­ди­мо по­дроб­нее оста­но­вить­ся на каж­дом из вре­мен.

Present Simple – это про­стое на­сто­я­щее время. Также его на­зы­ва­ют Present Indefinite – на­сто­я­щее неопре­де­лен­ное. Как видно из на­зва­ния, дан­ное время упо­треб­ля­ет­ся для опи­са­ния дей­ствий, про­ис­хо­дя­щих в на­сто­я­щем.

Во мно­гих ан­глий­ских пред­ло­же­ни­ях можно встре­тить такие слова, ко­то­рые ука­зы­ва­ют на опре­де­лен­ное время. Это так на­зы­ва­е­мые «мар­ке­ры вре­ме­ни». На Present Simple могут ука­зы­вать такие слова как:

- usually – обыч­но

- often - часто

- always - все­гда

- seldom/rarely - редко

- hardly ever - почти ни­ко­гда

- occasionally - время от вре­ме­ни

- every day/week - каж­дый день/ каж­дую неде­лю

- sometimes - ино­гда

- in the morning/in the evening -  по утрам/ по ве­че­рам


I usually have breakfast at 8 o’clock.

We often play basketball after classes.

He always comes to school at 9 o’clock.

She seldom goes for a walk with her friends.

They hardly ever do their homework on weekends.

I occasionally go to the cinema with my classmates.

I drink juice every day.

Sometimes they speak about politics.

I make my bed in the morning.

2. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в Present Simple или Present Continuous:
1.I….(to hope) you….(to notice) all the new words as we….(to say) them.
2.What….you (to see) in the corner over there?
3.This soup….(to taste) far too salty.
4.Tom….(to come) to see us next week.
5.I….(to apologize) for the trouble we have caused you.
6.He (to say) he doesn’t want to leave yet.
7.I (to enjoy) every minute of my stay here.
8.I….(not to follow) your argument.
9……you (to notice) any change in him?
10……I (to want) a dozen good pen cils, please.
11……you (to advise) me to accept the job, or not?
12.Come home soon: we….(to miss) you badly.
13. Your story certainly (to appear) to be true.
14. How much this jug….(to hold)? ….Which jug? The one you….(to hold)?
15. It….(to get) cold, it is most annoying.

1. I….( hope) you….( notice) all the new words as we….(are saying) them.
2. What…do.you ( see) in the corner over there?
3. This soup….( tastes) far too salty.
4. Tom….(is coming) to see us next week.
5. I….(apologize) for the trouble we have caused you.
6. He ( says) he doesn’t want to leave yet.
7. I (am enjoying) every minute of my stay here.
8. I….(do not follow) your argument.
9. Do you (to notice) any change in him?
10. I ( want) a dozen good pencils, please.
11. Do you ( advise) me to accept the job, or not?
12. Come home soon: we….(are missing) you badly.
13. Your story certainly (appears) to be true.
14. How much does this jug….( hold)? ….Which jug? The one you….(are holding)?
15. It….(is getting) cold, it is most annoying.

Simple Ex. 67. Use the Simple Present, Present Continuous Past, or Past Continuous.
Part 1:
Situation: Right now Tommy (sit). at the desk. He (write). in his grammar workbook. His roommate, Bert, (sit). at his desk, but he (study, not). He (stare) out the window. Tommy (want). to know what Bert (look). at. Here is the dialogue:
T: Bert, what (you, look). at?
B: I (watch). the bicyclists. They are very skillful. I (know not). how to ride a bike, so I (admire). anyone who can. Come
over to the window. Look at that guy in the blue shirt. He (steer). his bike with one hand while he (drink). a coke with his other And all the while, he (weave). in and out of the heavy street traf fic and the pedestrian traffic. He (seem). fearless.
T: Riding a bike (be, not). as hard as it (look). I’ll teach you to ride a bicycle if you’d like.
B: Really? Great.
T: How come you don’t know how to ride a bike?
B: I never (have). a bike when I (be). a kid. My family (be) too poor. One time I (try). to learn on the bike of one of my friends, but the other kids (laugh). at me. I never (try). again because I (be). too embarrassed. But I’d love to learn now! When can we start?
Part 2
Yesterday Tommy (sit). at his desk and (write).in his gram mar workbook. His roommate, Bert, (sit). at his desk, but he (study, not). He (stare). out the window. He (watch). bicyclists on the street below. Tommy (walk). over to the window. Bert (point). out one bicyclist in particular. This bicyclist (steer). with one hand while he (drink). a with the other. And all the while, he (weave). in and out of the heavy traffic. To Bert, the bi Bert never (learn). how to ride a bike cyclist (seem). fearless. when he (be). a kid, so Tommy (offer). to teach him how. Bert (accept).gladly

Simple Present, Present Continuous Past, or Past Continuous.
Part 1:
Situation: Right now Tommy (is sitting). at the desk. He (is writing). in his grammar workbook. His roommate, Bert, (is sitting). at his desk, but he (is not studying). He (is staring) out the window. Tommy (wants). to know what Bert (is looking). at. Here is the dialogue:
T: Bert, what (are you looking). at?
B: I (am watching). the bicyclists. They are very skillful. I (do not know). how to ride a bike, so I (admire). anyone who can. Come
over to the window. Look at that guy in the blue shirt. He (is steering). his bike with one hand while he (is drinking). a coke with his other. And all the while, he (is weaving). in and out of the heavy street traffic and the pedestrian traffic. He (seems). fearless.
T: Riding a bike (is not). as hard as it (looks). I’ll teach you to ride a bicycle if you’d like.
B: Really? Great.
T: How come you don’t know how to ride a bike?
B: I never (had). a bike when I (was). a kid. My family (was) too poor. One time I (tried). to learn on the bike of one of my friends, but the other kids (laughed). at me. I never (tried). again because I (was). too embarrassed. But I’d love to learn now! When can we start?
Part 2
Yesterday Tommy (was sitting). at his desk and (writing).in his grammar workbook. His roommate, Bert, (was sitting). at his desk, but he (was not studying). He (was staring). out the window. He (was watching). bicyclists on the street below. Tommy (walked). over to the window. Bert (pointed). out one bicyclist in particular. This bicyclist (was steering). with one hand while he (was drinking). a with the other. And all the while, he (was weaving). in and out of the heavy traffic. Bert never (leart). how to ride a bike cyclist (seemed). fearless. when he (was). a kid, so Tommy (offered). to teach him how. Bert (accepted).gladly

3. Вставьте предлог ( out of, into, after)
The police are running ….a burglar.
Bill ran…….her on his way home.
We ran….solt, so we went to buy some.
4. Поставьте глагол в present simple или present continuous.
1. He usually (go) to school with his friends.
2. Tim (surf) the Net at the moment.
3. Be quiet! Sandy (sleep).
4. We (like)to play volleyball.
5. Water (not /boil) at 80 C’.
6. They (leave) next week.
7…….she (work) now?
5. Вставьте should или shouldn’t.
1. You ….carry a large sum of money with you.
2. You….be careful in crowded streets.
3. You….keep your wallet in your back pocket
4. You …. do your homework every day.
5. You… speak with your classmates during the lesson.

The police are running after the burglar.
Bill ran into her on his way home.
We ran out of salt, so we went to buy some.
1. He usually goes to school with his friends.
2. Tim is surfing the Net at the moment.
3. Be quiet! Sandy is sleeping.
4. We like to play volleyball.
5. Water does not boil at 80 C’.
6. They are leaving next week.
7 Is she working now?
1. You  shouldn’t carry a large sum of money with you.
2. You should be careful in crowded streets.
3. You shouldn’t keep your wallet in your back pocket
4. You should do your homework every day.
5. You shouldn’t speak with your classmates during the lesson.

Make up sentences using the Present Continuous Tense.
I.) I/play/tennis/with/my/friend/now. 2) We/walk/on/the/ beach/now. 3) They/have/a/great/time/at/the/camp/at/the/ moment. 4) Angela/paint/a/beautiful/picture/now. 5) Tina/ and/Pam/stay/in/a/five-star/hotel. 6) It/rain/outdoors/at/the/ moment. 7) Bobby/prepare/for/the/test/in/his/room. 8) The/ dog/bark/at/some/strangers. 9) The/water/in/the/kettle/boil. 10) Somebody/knock/at/the/door. 11) The/children/still/sleep. 12) You/watch/the/sunset/now. 13) The/girls/choose/the/ rostumes/for/the/party. 14) We/wait/for/the/bus/at/the/ bus-stop. 15) A/little/girl/cry.

I am playing tennis with me friend now.We are walking on the beach now.They are having a great time at the camp at the moment.Angela is painting a beautiful picture now. Tina and Pam are staying in a five-star hotel. It is raining outdoors at the moment. Bobby is preparing for the test in his room. The dog is barkingat some strangers.The water in the kettle is boiling.Somebody is knocking at the door. The children are still sleeping. You are watching sunset now. The girls are choosing the rostumes for the party. We are waiting for the bus at the bus-stop. A little girl is crying

Поставить глаголы из скобок в Past Simple или Present Simple, Past Continuous или Present Continuous.
1. Where you (to be) yesterday? I (to be) at
home the whole day. How strange. I (to ring) you
up at two o’clock, but nobody (to answer). Oh,
I (to be) in the garden. I (to read) your book and (not
to hear) the telephone. 2. What you (to do) at five
o’clock yesterday? I (to work) in the library
I (to be) there, too, but I (not to see) you. 3. Nina (to
celebrate) her birthday yesterday. Her room looked
beautiful, there (to be) many flowers in it. When I (to
come) in, somebody (to play) the piano, two or three
pairs (to dance). 4. Listen! Somebody (to play) the pi-
ano. 5. I (to like) music very much. 6. When I (to look)
out of the window, it (to rain) heavily and people (to
hurry) along the streets. 7. What you (to do) at seven
o’clock yesterday? I(to have) supper. 8. When I (to
come) home yesterday, I (to see) that all my family (to
sit) round the table. Father (to read) a letter from my
uncle, who (to live) in Kiev. 9. Yesterday I (to work) at
my English from five till seven. 10. It (to rain) the whole
day yesterday. 11. Where your sister (to be) now? She
(to be) in her room. She (to do) her homework. 12. He
(to brush) his teeth at the moment. He (to clean) them
thoroughly morning and night. 13. Don’t disturb her
while she (to sleep). 14. You (to talk) nonsense. You
never (to talk) sense. 15. My mother (to sit) in the surn
light now and I (to set) the table.

1.Where were you yesterday? I was at home the whole day.How strange, I rang you up at two o’clock, but nobody  answered.Oh, I was in the garden. I was reading your book and didn not   hear the telephone.2. What  were you doing at five o’clock yesterday? I was  working in the library. I was there, too, but I did not  see you. 3. Nina  celebrated her birthday yesterday. Her room looked beautiful, there were many flowers in it. When I came  in, somebody was  playing the piano, two or three pairs were  dancing.4. Listen ! Somebody is  playing the piano.
5. I  like music very much. 6. When I  looked out of the window, it was raining  heavily and people were hurring along the streets. 7. What  were you  doing at seven o’clock yesterday? I was  having supper. 8. When I  came  home yesterday, I saw that all my family was sitting round the table. Father was  reading a letter from my uncle, who lived in Kiev.
 9. Yesterday I was working at my English from five till seven. 10. It was raining the whole day yesterday. 11. Where  is your sister now? She is in her room. She is doing her homework. 

Как понять правило present Continuous tense

Мы употребляем Present Continuous (еще называют Present Progressive) (форма to be (am\is\are + V-ing) обычно (есть и др. Способы употребления) указывая на процесс, длящийся непосредственно в момент речи. Смотрим на контекст или такие слова, как now, at the moment и тому подобные.
He goes to school (Present Simple)-Мы просто говорим о том, что он ходит в школу. Это факт, он делает это постоянно, нам не важна периодичность и т. Д. Просто ходит. Все.
He is (=he’s) going to school now (Present Progressive)- Он совершает процесс-идет в школу. Прямо сейчас идет. Этот процесс может оборваться в любую секунду. Здесь есть слово указатель-now. Но его может не быть-нужно смотреть на контекст.

1). (look for) Mr Harris.
He is upstairs.I 2). (go) there myself.
Oh really? Can I come with you?
Of course. 3). (you/work) here?
Yes.I 4). (work) in the Sales Department.How about you?
I 5). (be) Mr Harris secretary, Susan Blair.
Tony Miller.Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you, too.
6). (you/do) anything later?
We could go for a coffe after work?
I usually 7). (leave) work at four, but today I 8).(stay) late because we 9). (have) an important meeting and Mr Harris 10). (need) me.Sorry - some other time, perhaps.
Надо поставить или Present Simple или Present Continuous.
Только вас! Если что то это упражнение 26 в книге Enterprise 2

Для будущего: различия в этих временах составляют в том, что Present Continuous – ЛЮБОЙ ПРОЦЕСС, длящийся какое-то длительное время или происходящий right NOW. Все, что делается в момент разговора – Pr. continuous.
Так же любые чувства, эмоции – love, hate and so on – однозначно Pr. Simple. Туда же и слова-показатели (usually, sometimes, often, so on)
Simple – ФАКТ.
Continuous – ПРОЦЕСС.
1. am looking for
2. i’m going
3. do you work
4. i work
5. i am
6. are you doing
7. leave
8. i am staying
9. have.
10. needs.