Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времён: Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Continuous, Past Continuos, Present Perfect, Past Perfect.
1. Let’s go for a walk. The rain (to stop) and the sun (to shine).
2. If you (to help) me, I (to do) this work well.
3. I always (to get) up at eight o’clock, but tomorrow I ( to get) up a little later.
4. What you (to read) now? I (to read) Tom’a book. l (to be) in a hurry Tom soon (to come), and l (to want) to finish reading the book before he (to come).
5. As soon as you ( to see) your friend, tell him that I (to want) to see him.
6. When I (to come) home yesterday, my brother (to sleep)
7. When you (to come) to see us? I (to come) tomorrow if I (not to be) busy.
8. I (not to like) apples.
9. He (to come) home at five o’clock yesterday.
10. I (to ring) you up as soon as I (to come) home tomorrow
11. I ( to show) you my work if you (to like).
12. He (to come) home by six o’clock yesterday.
13. Pete certainly (to help) you with your English if you (to ask) him.
14. This little boy never (to see) a crocodile.
15. Send me a telegram as soon as you (to arrive)
16. He (to know) the results before we (to meet)
Сделайте. Очень

1 Let’s go for a walk. The rain had stopped and the sun is shining.
2 If you help me, I will do this work well.
3 I always get up at eight o’clock, but tomorrow I will get up a little later.
4 What are you reading now? I am reading Tom’s book. I am in a hurry Tom soon will come and I want to finish reading the book before he comes.
5 As soon as you see your friend, tell him that I want to see him.
6 When I came yesterday, my brother was sleeping.
7 When will you come to see us? I will tomorrow If I am not busy.
8 I don’t like apple.
9 He came home at five o’clock yesterday.
10 I will ring you up as soon as I come home tomorrow.
11 I will show you my work if you like.
12 He had come by six o’clock yesterday.
13 Pete will certainly help you with your English if you ask him.
14 This little boy has never seen a crocodile.
15 Send me a telegram as soon as you arrive.
16 He knew the results before we had met.

Как написать предложение я делаю домашку в отрицательном и вопросительном предложении и в таких временах:
Present Simple
Past Simple
Present Continuous
Present Perfect

1. I do my homework. I don’t do my homework.
2. I did my homework. I didn’t do my homework.
3. I’m doing my homework. I am not doing my homework.
4. I’ve done my homework. I haven’t done my homework.

Put the verbs in the lines from popular songs below into the Present Perfect Continuous.
All my life I. (wait) for you to bring a fairy tale my way.
I. (live) in a fantasy without meaning.
You. (work) on the love.
And he. (play) undercover all the while.
He. (tell) lies.
I. (work) from seven to eleven every night. I. (try), I really did the best I could.
I. (cry), my tears fell like rain.

All my life I’ve been waiting for you to bring a fairy tale my way. I’ve been living in a fantasy without meaning. (Anastacia "Left Outside Alone")
You’ve been working on the love. And he’s been play undercover all the while. He’s been telling lies.(Paula Abdul "Cold-Hearted")
I’ve been working from seven to eleven every night. I’ve been trying, I really did the best I could. I’ve been crying, my tears fell like rain.(Led Zeppelin "Since I’ve Been Loving You")

I have been waiting for you
I have been  living
You have been working
And He has been playing
He has been telling
I have been working
I have been trying
I have been crying

Выпишите предложения в которых сказуемое выражено глаголом в present perfect и переведи их на русский язык:
1. He has two sisters and a brother.
2. He has never been to London before.
3. She wrote the letter today.
4. She has written a latter today.
5. I have just done my homework.
Определите время глагола в каждом предложении. Поставьте их в отрицательную и вопросительную форму:
1. She has bought a
new pair of shoes.
2.She buys a pair of shoes every year.
3. She bought that pair of shoes last month.
4. She will buy brown shoes tomorrow.
5. Look! She buying shoes right now.

1)2. Он никогда не был в Лондоне до этого времени
4. Она еще напишет письмо сегодня
5. Я только что закончил делать дз
2)1. Она купила новую обувь(pr.perf)
2. Она покупает каждый год новую пару обуви(Present simple)
3)она купила эту пару обуви месяц назад(past simple)
4)она купит коричневые ботинки завтра(Future simple)
5)смотри, она покупает ботинки(Pr.cont)

Напишите 10 предложений в Present Continuous и 10 в Present Perfect

1. I am watching TV at the moment.
2. My friends are playing football outside.
3. She is reading a book now.
4. We are doing homework at the moment.
5. Is she reading a book now?
6. Are they playing football outside?
7. Are we doing homework at the moment?
8. We aren’t doing homework, we are playing computer games.
9. They aren’t playing football, they are playing tennis.
10. She isn’t reading a book now, she is reading comics.
1. We have finished work this week.
2. I have just cut my finger.
3. She has already phoned her cousin.
4. They haven’t done the dishes yet.
5. He hasn’t had breakfast today.
6. I have never been to Thailand.
7. Have you ever been to Brazil?
8. Has the letter been sent yet?
9. Have they done the dishes?
10. Has she phoned her cousin?

Раскрыть Скобки
Present Perfect vs Present Pefect Countinuous
1)It(not/rain) for three hours! And it is still rainning
2)How many times (you/visit)Scotland?
3)I(be) in London for three years
4)She (eat) chocolate all morning, so she feels bad
5)julie(work)at the office since 6 o clock
6)How much milk(she/buy)? Is it enough for the breakfast?
7)Sue(work) for this company for ten years now?
8)I(not see) the baby. I don’t know how the baby looks
9)They (not work) in the garden all morning
10)How long David (write) songs?
11) How many songs she (write) so far

1) It HAS BEEN RAINING for three hours! And it is still raining
2) How many times HAVE YOU VISITED Scotland?
3) I HAVE BEEN in London for three years
4) She HAS BEEN EATING chocolate all morning, so she feels bad
5) Julie HAS BEEN WORKING at the office since 6 o’clock 
6) How much milk HAS SHE BOUGHT? Is it enough for the breakfast?
7) HAS Sue BEEN WORKING for this company for ten years now?
8)I HAVEN’T SEEN the baby. I don’t know how the baby looks
9) They HAVEN’T BEEN WORKING in the garden all morning
10) How long HAS David BEEN WRITING songs?
11) How many songs HAS she WRITTEN so far?

I. Перепишите и переведите предложения, поставив глагол в
нужную форму
1. Before the invention of steel all railways cars ( to make – Past Perfect Passive) of wood.
2. We arrived at the railway station when the train ( to approach –Present Continuous
Active) the platform.
3. The construction of the new circular road which ( to link – Future Indefinite Active)
several districts ( to start) –Present Perfect Active) recently.

, Перед изобретением стали все железнодорожные вагоны (чтобы сделать - Past Perfect Passive) из дерева. 2. Мы приехали на железнодорожную станцию, когда поезд (чтобы приблизиться -Present ContinuousActive).3. Строительство новой круглой дороги, которая (для связи - Future Indefinite Active)несколько районов (для начала) -Present Perfect Active) недавно.

Use Present Simple, Present Continuous or Present Perfect. Hello Nancy It (1) _________ (be) time since my last letter to you. I (2) ____________ (still/work) at ABS and the company (3) _____________ (do well). This is very fortunate as many of my friends (4) ___________ (lose) their jobs. Our savings (5) _____________ (take) a disastrous dive because of the economy. I (6) ____________ (know) the situation everywhere is difficult and I (7) __________ (be) happy I still have a job. My friend Michael and his wife Georgia (8) ______________ (now, live) in Virginia. Michael (9) ______________ (finish) studying massage therapy. He (10) __________ (run) a small clinic in partnership with another woman. He and Georgia (11) _____________ (look) for a full-time job, though, as they (12) _____________ (lose) money also. As I say, many people (13) __________ (have) a hard time now.

It (1)  (has been a long) time since my last letter to you. I (2) (am still working) at ABS and the company (3) (is doing well). This is very fortunate as many of my friends (4) (have lost) their jobs. Our savings (5) (have taken) a disastrous dive because of the economy. I (6) (know) the situation everywhere is difficult and I (7) am happy I still have a job. My friend Michael and his wife Georgia (8)  are (now living) in Virginia. Michael (9) (has finished) studying massage therapy. He (10) (is running) a small clinic in partnership with another woman. He and Georgia (11) (are looking) for a full-time job, though, as they (12) (have lost) money also. As I say, many people (13) (are having) a hard time now.

По английскому)
Open the brackets using the verb in the right form (Present Perfect Passive):
1. Open water swimming ________________ (include) into the programme of the Olympic Games since 2008
2. The water polo match ____________ (play) since 1869.
3. The Wimbledon championship _________________ (hold) since 1877.
4. Rugby teams __________________ (organize) all over Britain since 1845.
5. The Derby Horse Race ____________(hold) since 1780.
6. Football ______________ (play) for hundreds of years.
7. The University boat-race ____________(row) on the Thames almost every spring since 1836.
8. Football ___________(include) into the programme of the Olympic Games since 1900.
II. Open the brackets using the verb in the right form (Present Perfect Passive or Past Simple Passive):
1. The Olympic Games __________ (organize) in 1896.
2. The anthem __________(play) at the opening and closing ceremony since 1958.
3. The first Paralympic Games __________ (start) in 1948.
4. The Tour de France cycling race __________ (hold) for more than a century.
5. The 2004 Olympic Games _____________ (hold) in Greece.
6. The first water polo world championship ____________ (take) place in 1973.

Part 1.
1. Open water swimming has been included into the programme of the Olympic Games since 2008.
2. The water pollo match has been played since 1869.
3. The Wimbledon championship has been held since 1877.
4. Rugby teams have been organized all over Britain since 1845.
5. The Derby Horse Rase has been held since1790.
6. Football has been played for hundreds of years.
7. The University boat-rave has been rowed on the Thames almost every spring since 1836.
8. Football has been included into the programme of the Olympic Games since 1900.
Part 2.
1. The Olympic games were organized in 1896.
2. The anthen has been played at the opening and closing ceremony since 1958.
3. The first Paralympic Games were started in 1948.
4. The Tour de France cycling race has been held for more than a century.
5. The 2004 Olympic Games were held in Greece.
6. The first water polo world championship was taken place in 1973.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требу-
ющейся форме, так чтобы получить Present Continuous
или Present Perfect.
1. What’s the matter? Why he (to stop)? 2. My cousin (to
look) for a job, but he (not to find) a job yet. 3. It (to be)
impossible for her to feel at home here. 4. What you (to
study) now? 5. They just (to give) you a pay rise. 6. Sophie
is busy. She (to knit) a sweater for her grandson. 7. You only
(to have) a piece of cake? You (not to eat) much. 8. People
(to plant) carrots and tomatoes now. 9. You (to go) to plant
tomatoes this year? 10. Johnny, who finally (to find) a new
job, (to give) a big party. 11. How long you (to be) sick? 12.
You (to see) any good movies recently? 13. What you (to
look) forward to? 14. Nancy (to look) forward to this
weekend. 15. She (to go) to read Shakespeare and she (not to
go) to

1. What’s the matter? Why he stoping?
2. My cousin looks for a job, but he finds a job yet.
3. It is impossible for her to feel at home here.
4. What you studying now?
5. They just giving you a pay rise.
6. Sophie is busy. She knits a sweater for her grandson.
7. You only haves a piece of cake? You eating much.
8. People planting carrots and tomatoes now.
9. You go to planttomatoes this year?10. Johnny, who finally finds a newjob, gives a big party.
11. How long you are sick?
12. You sees any good movies recently?
13. What you looks forward to?
14. Nancy looking forward to thisweekend.
15. She goes to read Shakespeare and she isn t go to