Раскрыть скобки Simple Past Tense или Present Perfect Tense.
1.Your contribution to the last project (be) enormous. 2. I (hear) nothing of this sort so far. 3. When you (hear) it? 4. I (speak) to him at the conference. 5. It’s what I always (say). 6. How many times I (tell) you not to bang the door! 7. anyone (ask) for me when I was out? 8. What. he (say)? 9. Margaret, you (read) my letters! Don’t deny it! 10. I don’t know how you (discover) that I (be) there that night. 11. I (come) to you to ask for information. 12. I (speak) to her about it many times. 13. The young man (tear) the envelope, (open) it and (take) out a smallsheet of paper. His hands were shaking a little. 14. I never (hear) the subject mentioned. 15. No, you can’t have another ice cream. You (have) two already. 16. Why, you not (change) at all. I (recognize) you the moment I (see) you. 17. I (hear)that flowers (grow) better in shady place. 18. I (mention) the subject once or twice. He (not to be) interested. 19. Oh, he (explain) everything: he (be out) when you (phone). 20. I wonder what (happen) there since we (leave)?

1. Your contribution to the last project (has been/was) enormous. 2. I (have heard) nothing of this sort so far. 3. When did you (hear) it? 4. I (spoke) to him at the conference. 5. It’s what I have always (said). 6. How many times have I (told) you not to bang the door! 7. Did anyone (ask) for me when I was out? 8. What did he (say)? 9. Margaret, you (have read) my letters! Don’t deny it! 10. I don’t know how you (discovered) that I (was) there that night. 11. I (have come) to you to ask for information. 12. I (have spoken) to her about it many times. 13. The young man (has torn) the envelope, (opened) it and (took) out a small sheet of paper. His hands were shaking a little. 14. I have never (heard) the subject mentioned. 15. No, you can’t have another ice cream. You (have had) two already. 16. Why, you have not (changed) at all. I (recognized) you the moment I (saw) you. 17. I (heard) that flowers (grew) better in shady place. 18. I (have mentioned) the subject once or twice. He (was not ) interested. 19. Oh, he (has explained) everything: he (was out) when you (phoned). 20. I wonder what (has happened) there since we (left)?

Вопрос 1
When the result is more important
Выберите один ответ:
Present perfect simple (have/has done)
Present perfect continuous (have/has been doing)
вопрос 2
Текст вопроса
I. (see) that film! It was terrible.
вопрос 3
We didn’t have English class this morning. It’s the last lesson, later today.
Выберите один ответ:
We haven’t had English already.
We’ve just had English.
We haven’t had English yet.
вопрос 4
The first thing she did was go to a traditional restaurant.
Выберите один ответ:
She hasn’t tried the local food yet.
She’s already tried the local food.
She’s never tried the local food.
вопрос 5
I really need a break! I. (revise) all morning!
вопрос 6
o talk about a recent action which might not be finished
Выберите один ответ:
Present perfect simple (have/has done)
Present perfect continuous (have/has been doing)
вопрос 7
To talk about life experience
Выберите один ответ:
Present perfect simple (have/has done)
Present perfect continuous (have/has been doing)
вопрос 8
He. (learn) English for six years.
вопрос 9
To say how many times
Выберите один ответ:
Present perfect simple (have/has done)
Present perfect continuous (have/has been doing)
вопрос 10
I don’t know what octopus tastes like!
Выберите один ответ:
I’ve never tried octopus.
I haven’t been trying octopus.
I’ve already tried octopus.
вопрос 11
Sorry the kitchen’s a mess. Ollie. (cook).
вопрос 12
Who. (eat) all the cake? There’s none left.
вопрос 13
He’s learning how to make Japanese food. He started his course in April.
Выберите один ответ:
He’s been learning how to cook Japanese food since April.
He learnt how to cook Japanese food in April.
He’s already learnt how to cook Japanese food.
вопрос 14
Hey, you look different. Have you. (change) your hair?
вопрос 15
Sorry I’m late! Have you. (wait) long?
вопрос 16
Sophie wanted to visit the Burj AI Arab hotel. She went there two days ago.
Выберите один ответ:
Sophie hasn’t been to the Burj AI Arab hotel yet.
Sophie has just been to the Burj AI Arab hotel.
Sophie has already been to the Burj AI Arab hotel.
вопрос 17
To talk about a finished activity
Выберите один ответ:
Present perfect simple (have/has done)
Present perfect continuous (have/has been doing)
вопрос 18
We. (know) each other for years.
вопрос 19
They’ve been playing for forty minutes but no one. (score) a goal yet.
вопрос 20
Your hands are really dirty! What have you. (do)?
вопрос 21
To explain the ’side effects’ of an activity, e.g. why the kitchen is a mess
Выберите один ответ:
Present perfect simple (have/has done)
Present perfect continuous (have/has been doing)
вопрос 22
Текст вопроса
I. (write) five emails today.
вопрос 23
Sophie is planning to buy souvenirs. It’s on her list of things to do.
Выберите один ответ:
Sophie hasn’t bought souvenirs yet.
Sophie’s already bought souvenirs.
Sophie hasn’t bought souvenirs already.
вопрос 24
Ollie took his cake out of the oven a moment ago.
Выберите один ответ:
Ollie has been making a cake.
Ollie hasn’t made a cake yet.
Ollie has just made a cake.
вопрос 25
Can we go if we. (finish)?
вопрос 26
When the action is more important
Выберите один ответ:
Present perfect simple (have/has done)
Present perfect continuous (have/has been doing)
вопрос 27
To say how long
Выберите один ответ:
Present perfect simple (have/has done)
Present perfect continuous (have/has been doing)
вопрос 28
He’s waiting for Amy. He arrived 40 minutes ago.
Выберите один ответ:
He’s waited for Amy for 40 minutes.
He waits for 40 minutes.
He’s been waiting for 40 minutes.


1 Present perfect simple (have/has done)
2 saw
3 We haven’t had English yet.
4 She hasn’t tried the local food yet.
5  I really need a break! I have been revising all morning!
6 Present perfect continuous (have/has been doing)
7 Present perfect simple (have/has done)
8 He has been learning English for six years.
9 Present perfect simple (have/has done)
10 I’ve never tried octopus.
11 Sorry the kitchen’s a mess. Ollie has been cooking
12 Who has eaten all the cake? There’s none left.
13 He’s been learning how to cook Japanese food since April
14 Hey, you look different. Have you changed your hair?
15 Sorry I’m late! Have you been waiting long?
16 Sophie hasn’t been to the Burj AI Arab hotel yet.
17 Present perfect simple
18 We have known each other for years.
19 They’ve been playing for forty minutes but no one has scored a goal yet.
20 Your hands are really dirty! What have you been doing?
21 Present perfect continuous (have/has been doing)
22 I have written five emails today.
23 Sophie hasn’t bought souvenirs yet.
24 Ollie has just made a cake.
25 Can we go if we have finished?
26 Present perfect continuous (have/has been doing)
27 Present perfect continuous (have/has been doing)
28 He’s been waiting for 40 minutes.

Составьте предложение во временах : Past Simple, Present Progressive, Past Progresive, Present Simple, Present Perfect, Past Perfect. Все предложения разные и с переводом

 Past Simple - Yesterday I went to the park with my friends. Вчера я ходила в парк с моими друзьями.
 Present Progressive - She reading a book now. Она читает книгу сейчас.
 Past Progresive - When I came home, my brother was sweeping the floor in his room. Когда я пришел домой, мой брат подметал пол в своей комнате.
 Present Simple - They usually go to the swimming poll together. Они обычно ходят в бассейн вместе.
Present Perfect - We have already cleaned the windows. Мы уже вымыли окна.
 Past Perfect - By the time my father came back I had already cooked dinner. К тому времени, когда отец вернулся, я уже приготовила ужин.

Задание 1. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужную форму.
I _________________ (to go) to bed at 9 yesterday.
She ____________________ (not to read) anything last summer.
We __________________ (to fall) asleep at 11 p.m.
When __________________ you (to come) home yesterday?
The cat ___________________ (to take) some fish and then _______________ (to run) away. He ____________________ (not to leave) the bank at 6.
How long __________________ (to take) you to answer this letter?
Задание 2. Исправьте ошибки в следующих предложениях.
Mother didn’t prepared dinner yet. Why do you looking at me like this? I am not go to concerts a lot. We haven’t visit our parents last week. They are walking in the park every morning. What will you doing tomorrow? I have just wrote the letter. You is not listening to me! Have you saw my glasses? When was you born?
Задание 3. Перепишите следующие предложения в том времени, которое указано в скобках.
Helen broke her cup. (Present Perfect)
We always arrive at work on time. (Past Simple)
Our journey takes three hours. (Future Simple)
He invited her to the party. (Present Simple)
What are you listening to? (Past Continuous)
She will have cleaned all the rooms by 8. (Present Perfect)
They were dancing all evening. (Present Continuous)
I buy apples before I buy meat. (Past Perfect / Past Simple)
I read “Harry Potter”. (Present Perfect Continuous)

did not
did you come
did it take
2. mother hasn’t prepared dinner yet. why are you looking at me like this?  i go to converts a lot. we didn’t visit our parents last week. they walk in the park every morning. What will you do tomorrow? I have just written the letter. You are not listening to me! Have you seen my glasses? When were you born?
3. Helen has broken her cup
We always arrived at work on time
Our journey will take three hours
He invites her to the party
What were you listening to?
She has cleaned all the rooms by 8
They are dancing all evening
I have bought apples before i  bought meat
I have been reading harry potter

Complete the past simple of the present perfect of the verbs in the blackest.
1) I (buy) a new car last month, but I (not sell) my old car yet, so at the moment l (have) two car.
2) In the early part of the century, the industry (grow) steadily
3) the economy (grow) 7% over the past year.

 1) I bought a new car last year, but i haven’t sold my old car yet, so at the moment i have two car                                                                                        2) In the early part of the century, the industry have grown steadily                   3) the economy has grown 7% over the past year.                                                                                   

Use Present Perfect or Present Indefinite;
1. Our family (to eat) dinner at home on Saturdays and Sundays. 2. Our family (to eat) dinner at home since grandma; came to live with us. 3. I (to know) Alice very well. 4. I (to know) Alice since school time. 5. Mr. Brook (to be) outEnglish teacher. 6. Mr. Brook (to be) our English teacher for a year. 7. They (to be married) for 10 years. 8. They (to be married). 9. You (to lire) in Moscow all your life? 10. You (to live) in Moscow? 11. He (to work) at this office long? 12. He (to work) at this office?

Eat, have eaten, know, have known, is, have been, have been married, been married, have you lived, do you live, has he worked, does he work

1. Our family (eats) dinner at home on Saturdays and Sundays. 2. Our family (has eaten) dinner at home since grandma came to live with us. 3. I (know) Alice very well. 4. I (have known) Alice since school time. 5. Mr. Brook (is) our English teacher. 6. Mr. Brook (has been) our English teacher for a year. 7. They (have been married) for 10 years. 8. They (are married). 9. Have you lived in Moscow all your life? 10. Do you (live) in Moscow? 11. Has he (worked) at this office long? 12. Does he (work) at this office?

Выполните Задания: Conjugate 1 example in all forms. Go 1. Conjugate all these verbs in Present Perfect: To do, to come, to have, to see, to find, to cook, to invite, to visit, to translate, to ask. 2. Put the sentences in negative and interrogative forms: 1. He has already written the letter. 2. They have just arrived home. 3. Nastya is having a birthday party. There is a list of things to do with marks of their realization/ You should compose the right sentences. Things to do Write invitation cards + Phone friends+ Set the table- Send out cards+ Cook a cake- Put flowers on the table- Buy a basket of ice-cream- 4. Ask all types of questions to this sentence: Jill has visited us many times. 5. Answer the questions: 1. Have you ever travelled abroad? 2. Have you ever lived in a foreign country? 3. Have you ever met a native speaker of English? 4. Have you ever been to an English speaking country? 5. Have you ever listened to English or American pop music? 6. Have you ever seen an English or American film? 7. Have you ever read an English newspaper or magazine? Yes, I have, No, I haven’t, Yes, very often, No. never. 6. Translate the letter, using following verbs: To be-been, to see- seen, to send-sent, to buy-bought, to take-taken, to meet-met, to visit-visited Дорогая Татьяна Петровна! Я уже побывала в Лондоне и Оксфорде. Я посетила Национальную галерею и Музей науки. Я видела Биг Бен. Я купила несколько учебников английского языка. Я сделала много фотографий. Я отослала пять открыток своим друзьям. Я встретила много друзей в Лондоне. С наилучшими пожеланиями, Таня.

1) a) (TO DO) Present perfect
I have done
you have done
he/she/it has done
we have done
you have done
they have done
b)Present perfect
I have come
you have come
he/she/it has come
we have come
you have come
they have come
c) ((TO HAVE))
Present perfect
I have had
you have had
he/she/it has had
we have had
you have had
they have had
d) ((TO SEE))
Present perfect
I have seen
you have seen
he/she/it has seen
we have seen
you have seen
they have seen
e) ((TO FIND))
Present perfect
I have found
you have found
he/she/it has found
we have found
you have found
they have found
f) ((TO COOK))
Present perfect
I have cooked
you have cooked
he/she/it has cooked
we have cooked
you have cooked
they have cooked
g) ((TO INVITE))
Present perfect
I have invited
you have invited
he/she/it has invited
we have invited
you have invited
they have invited
h)(( TO VISIT ))
Present perfect
I have visited
you have visited
he/she/it has visited
we have visited
you have visited
they have visited
Present perfect
I have translated
you have translated
he/she/it has translated
we have translated
you have translated
they have translated
j) ((TO ASK))
Present perfect
I have asked
you have asked
he/she/it has asked
we have asked
you have asked
they have asked

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Present Perfect или в Past Simple.
1. We just (to come) home but our children (to come) home an hour ago.
2. I already (to come) from school. Now I am having dinner.
3. When it (to stop) raining? It (to stop) raining two hours ago.
4. You (to send) him a telegram last week?
5. She never (to drive) a car before.
6. He (to read) the text and now he can retell it.
7. Jane (not to be) to the cinema this week.
8. Don’t you know who (to open) the door?
9. Five years ago he (to be) a typist.
10. When he (to see) you? He (to see) me this week._
11. It’s the best thing he ever (to make).
12. Where I (to put) my bag? I can’t find it.
13. Somebody (to telephone) me? — Your mother (to telephone) you there times this morning.
14. I am happy. I just (to receive) a telegram from my friend.
15. When they (to move) to a new flat? They (to move) there last month.

1. We have just come home but our children came home an hour ago.
2. I have already come from school. Now I am having dinner.
3. When did it stop raining? It stopped raining two hours ago.
4. Did you sent him a telegram last week?
5. She has never driven a car before.
6. He has read the text and now he can retell it.
7. Jane wasn’t at the cinema this week.
8. Don’t you know who has opened the door?
9. Five years ago he was a typist.
10. When did he see you? He saw me this week.
11. It’s the best thing he has ever made.
12. Where have I put my bag? I can’t find it.
13. Has somebody telephoned me? — Your mother telephoned you there times this morning.
14. I am happy. I have just received a telegram from my friend.
15. When did they move to a new flat? They moved there last month.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple или to be going to.
My plane (to take off) for New York this time tomorrow.
I (to watch) this film in the cinema. (plans)
Do you like this dress? Oh, I (to buy) it for you.
We (to leave) for Scotland tomorrow evening by car. (arrangement)
Задание 12.
Раскройте скобки, определяя, нужен ли артикль перед географическими названиями.
(The) Nile, (the) Lake Erie, (the) Red Sea, (the) Mediterranean Sea, (the) Suez Canal.
Задание 14.
Раскройте скобки, употребляя Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Past Simple или Future Simple.
1. I (to show) you my work if you (to like). 2. He (to come) home at six o’clock yesterday. 3. Pete certainly (to help) you with your English if you ask him. 4. This little boy never (to see) a crocodile. 5. Let’s go for a walk. The rain (to stop) and the sun (to shine). 6. I (to do) this work well. I just (to need) enough time. 7. I always (to get) up at eight o’clock, but tomorrow I (to get) up a little later. 8. What you (to read) now? — I (to read) Tom’s book. I (to be) in a hurry. Tom soon (to come), and I (to have) to give it back to him. 9. I (to want) to see your friend. He (to come) here tomorrow? 10. When I (to come) home every day, my mother already (to cook) dinner.

My plane (takes off) for New York this time tomorrow.
I (am going to watch) this film in the cinema.
Do you like this dress? Oh, I (will buy) it for you.
We (are leaving) for Scotland tomorrow evening by car.
The Nile, Lake Erie, the Red Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, the Suez Canal.
1. I (will show) you my work if you (like).
2. He (came) home at six o’clock yesterday.
3. Pete will certainly (help) you with your English if you ask him.
4. This little boy has never ( seen) a crocodile.
5. Let’s go for a walk. The rain (has stopped) and the sun (is shining).
6. I (am doing) this work well. I just (need) enough time.
7. I always (get) up at eight o’clock, but tomorrow I (will get) up a little later.
8. What are you ( reading) now? — I (am reading) Tom’s book. I (am) in a hurry. Tom is soon (coming), and I (will have) to give it back to him.
9. I ( want) to see your friend. Will he ( come) here tomorrow?
10. When I ( come) home every day, my mother has already ( cooked) dinner.

1. Прочитайте предложения. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect или Past Simple.
1. I (to live) in France in 1997.
2. This is the first time I (to have) pamella.
3. You) to be) busy this morning?
4. Jill (to buy) a new cat two weeks ago.
5. The rain (to stop) and the sun is shining in the sky again.
6. The rain (to stop) half an hour ago.
7. I (not to see) you for a long time.
Задание 2. Прочитайте предложения. Выберите правильный модальный глагол.
1. I can’t stay in bed tomorrow morning because I have to / must work.
2. Tom can / is able to drive but he hasn’t got a car.
3. I gave him the text- book so that he may / might learn his lesson.
4. Mike isn’t here. He should / had to leave early.
5. The building may / had to be preserved obligatory and renovated in their original state.
6. This hotel must / should be cozy and comfortable.
7. We may /will be allowed define the style of the interior as classical.

Present Perfect или Past Simple.
1. I (lived) in France in 1997.
2. This is the first time I (have had) pamella.
3. Were you busy this morning?
4. Jill (bought) a new cat two weeks ago.
5. The rain (has stopped) and the sun is shining in the sky again.
6. The rain (stopped) half an hour ago.
7. I (have not seen) you for a long time.
1. I can’t stay in bed tomorrow morning because I have to work.
2. Tom can drive but he hasn’t got a car.
3. I gave him the text-book so that he might learn his lesson.
4. Mike isn’t here. He had to leave early.
5. The building had to be preserved obligatory and renovated in their original state.
6. This hotel must be cozy and comfortable.
7. We may define the style of the interior as classical.