Помогите придумать вопросы о временах Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Past Continuous, Present Continuous, Present Perfect чтобы задать вопросы отнокласснику

Present simple : what time do you usually get up?
во сколько ты обычно встаешь?
past simple: what did you do yesterday? Что ты делал вчера?
future simple: will you visit your granny tomorrow? Ты навестишь завтра бабушку?
past cont: what were you doing when I called you yesterday at 5? Что ты делал вчера в 5 ч, когда я тебе позвонил?
present perf: have you ever been to Spain? Ты когда-нибудь был в Испании?
past perfect: by the time you come home, had my mother already left? К тому времени, когда ты пришел домой, твоя мама уже ушла?

Таблица: Present Simple | Present Continuous | Present Perfect | Present Perfect Continuous
Конструкция и Где употребляется?

Present Simple
Настоящее простое время, это время описывает постоянные, привычные действия.
Вспомагательные слова- usually, sometimes, often, seldom, always, every day, on Sunday, etc.
В положительном предложении: I, You, We, They- read a bookS every day.
He, She, It- readS bookS every day.
В вопросительном предложении:
Do(I, You, We, They) read.
DoES(he, she, it) read.
В отрицательном предложении:
I DO NOT(don’t) read
(he, she, it) doES NOT(doesn’t) read.
every day- каждый день
on Sunday(ect)- по воскресеньям
ect- и так далее
Present Continuos
Настоящее продолжительное время. Это время описывает действия, которое продолжается в данный момент. Может описывать и договоренности на ближающее будующее.
а) I’m visiting my granny.
b) What are you doing tonight?
now-сейчас; at the moment-в данный момент. Present Continuos может вызывать раздражение(always)

Present perfect continuous правило скажите ясно и коротко

Настоящее совершенное время. Ему нет соответствий в русском языке. Нам может быть трудно понять Present Perfect, потому что англоговорящие люди иначе воспринимают понятие времени. С точки зрения русского языка действие в настоящем времени не может закончиться, на то оно и настоящее. Если действие завершилось (прошло), значит, время должно быть прошедшее. Английский язык придерживается другой логики: в нем действие в настоящем может закончиться, и пример этому – Present Perfect.

А. Dear Jason,
At last we’ve come to the Lucky Country. It’s hot and sunny. There is ha rally a cloud in the sky. It’s mid-summer here in January. The houses, cars and even the tractors in this country haye air conditioning because the temperature is between 35 °C - °C now. Most people spend their weekends on the beaoh. They swim, dive, go surfing, play volleyball or Just walk. The beaches are crowded. They are important part of Australian life. The words "Life is a beach" mean that everything is great.
See you soon. Steven
Разложите предложения по группам в : Рast Simple, Present Simpe and Present Perfect

Present Simple
It’s hot and sunny. There is a really cloud in the sky. It’s mid-summer here in January. The houses, cars and even the tractors in this country have air conditioning because the temperature is between 35°C- °C now. Most people spend their weekends on the beach. They swim, dive, go surfing, play volleyball or just walk. The beaches are crowded. There are important part of Australian life. The words "Life is a beach" mean that everything is great.
Здесь нет других времён. Может, ты просто не так записал(а) текст, проверь.

Present Perfect.) Rewrite the following text in the Past Simple.
Jim Sullivan likes music. He plays many instruments. He plays the piano, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, guitar, and bagpipes. The bagpipes are his favorite instrument to play. Not very many people play the bagpipes. Jim plays the bagpipes for celebrations. He also plays the bagpipes in parades. The audience listens to the bagpipes. They clap for Jim. They enjoy the music of the bagpipes. Jim also teaches people how to play the bagpipes. He gives lessons to children and adults. He teaches them the history of the bagpipes. He teaches them how to play music with the bagpipes. Jim is a good teacher.

Jim Sullivan liked music. He played many instruments. He played the piano, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, guitar, and bagpipes. The bagpipes were his favourite instrument to play. Not very many people played the bagpipes. Jim played the bagpipes for celebrations. He also played the bagpipes in parades. The audience listened to the bagpipes. They clapped for Jim. They enjoyed the music of the bagpipes. Jim also taught people how to play the bagpipes. He gave lessons to children and adults. He taught them the history of the bagpipes. He taught them how to play music with the bagpipes. Jim was a good teacher.

6. Употребите предложение в the Present Perfect Tense. Переведите предложения (письменно).
I read this book (already).
I have already read this book.
1.I wrote a letter to my sister (just).
2.He spent his summer holidays in Spain (never).
3.I know him very well (since 1999)
4.I washed my shoes (just).

1. I have already read the book
Я уже прочитал книгу
2. I have just written a letter to my sister
Я только что написал письмо моей сестре
3. He has never spent his summer holidays in Spain
Он никогда не проводил каникулы в Испании
4. I have known him very well since 1999
Я его хорошо знал ещё с 1999 г.
5. I have just washed my shoes
Я только что помыл свою обувь

1) Различия между Past Simple и Present Perfect :? 2) Образование Past Simple и Present Perfect :? 3) Слова маркеры Past Simple и Present Perfect :?

1) Past Simple используется, когда мы говорим о событии, случившимся в прошлом, а Present Perfect говорит о результате. Например: I played football with my friends yesterday. Я играл с друзьями в футбол вчера(событие, которое произошло в прошлом)
I have already read this book. Я уже прочитал эту книгу(результат прочтения книги) или I have already done my homework. Я уже сделал домашнее задание(тоже результат)
2) Past Simplе: глагол(V) во второй форме или, если это правильный глагол - с окончанием -ed. Если коротко, то V2/ed
Present Perfect:
have/has+V3(глагол в третьей форме) или V+ed, если это правильный глагол
3) У Past Simple это yesterday(вчера), last month/week/year/century (прошлый месяц/неделя/год/век и т. Д. ), ago(назад, например three days ago)
У Present Perfect это already(уже), since(с какого-то момента, например since last month), yet(ещё, пока что), for(на протяжении, в течение, например for a week).

Придумайте предложение короткое на Present simple и Present Perfect

I always РLAY tennis after the lessons. (Present Simple ) - Я всегда играю теннис после занятий. Обычное действие, периодически повторяется.
I HAVE DONE my homework. (Present Perfect ) Я уже сделал домашнее задание. Действие завершено

Present Perfect: I have done my homework already.We have no classes today, our teacher has fallen ill.Have you seen this film?
Present simple: Do you like rock? I do not like black coffee.We analyse what our clients may need, develop a new product, produce a sample, improve it and sell it.

1) Open brackets using Past Continuous or Past Simple.
1.She (to wash) the floor at 4 o’clock yesterday.
2.I (to meet) Nick at 3 o’clock yesterday.
3.When I (to go) to the museum, I (to see) a big crowd of people in the street.
4.They (to play) in the yard in the evening yesterday.
5.They (to play) in the yard the whole evening yesterday.
2)Open brackets using Present Perfect or Past Simple.
1.He (to go) already?
2.When you (to see) him last?
3.I (not to see) him for ages.
4.His health (to improve) greatly since I (to see) him last.
5.You (to pass) your driving test yet? – Yes, I (to pass) it in May, but I (not to buy) a car yet.

1.She was washing at four o’clock yeasterday.
2.I was meeting Nick at three o’clock yesterday.
3.When I was going to the museum, I saw a big crowd of people in the street.
4.They played in the yard in the evening yesterday.
5.They were playing in the yard the whole evening yesterday.
1.Has he gone already?
2.When did you see him last?
3.I haven’t seen him for ages.
4.His health has improved greatly since I saw him last.
5.Have you passed your driving test yet? – Yes, I passed it in May, but I haven’t biught a car yet.

Perfect Tenses
Open the brackets using one of these tenses: Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect
Ex: We … (to be) to Paris many times.
We have been to Paris many times.
Предложения переписывать полностью
1. Ema … (to lose) her keys. So she can’t open the door.
2. I hope we … (to finish) our job by 12 o’clock.
3. When she went outside in the morning, the rain … (not to stop) yet. *
4. The show turned out to be much longer than we … (to expect).
5. Your brother just … (to leave) for the bank?
6. The boys were best friends. How long. they (to know) each other? *
7. Shaila … (not to lay) the table before we come.
8. You. (to clean) your room by tomorrow evening? *
9. The exam will start at 9 o’clock. We. (not to read) all these books by the exam time. *

1)Ema has lost her keys.So she can’t open the door.
2)I hope we will have finished our job by 12 o’clock
3)When she went outside in the morning, the rain hasn’t stoped yet.
4)The show turned out to be much longer than we had expected.
5)Has you brother just left to the bank?
6)The boys were best friends. How long they have known each other?
7)Shaila hadn’t lay the table, befote we came.
8) Will you have cleaned your room by tomorrow evening?
9)The exam woll started at 9 o’clock.We won’t have read all these books by the exam time.