Open the brackets using the verb in the right tense (present simple, present perfect, present continuous, past simple, past continuous, future simple). l. When you called I (take) a shower. 2. Sally (do) her homework at the momen 3. We (sleep) when someone knocked at the door. 4. I (go to London next year. 5. He always (put) his keys in the wrong place. 6. Gary (travel a lot last year. 7, never (be) to Moscow 8. Why you (laugh)? 9. She (call) me tomorrow. 10. I already (to meet) Mr. Bin and his wife. 11. They (ge) home very late last night. 12. She (play) tennis when she was younger? 13 Dad and me (play) now. l4. Petroleum engineer sometimes (go) to work by helicopter. 15. You (go) to Canada next winter? 16. The gas production usually (fall) when the pressure goes down.

l. When you called I (was taking) a shower. 2. Sally (is doing) her homework at the moment. 3. We (were sleeping) when someone knocked at the door. 4. I (will go) to London next year. 5. He always (puts) his keys in the wrong place. 6. Gary (travelled) a lot last year. 7. I (have never been) to Moscow 8. Why are you laughing? 9. She (will call) me tomorrow. 10. I Have already met Mr. Bin and his wife. 11. They (went) home very late last night. 12. Did she play tennis when she was younger? 13 Dad and me (are playing) now. l4. Petroleum engineer sometimes (go) to work by helicopter. 15. Will you go to Canada next winter? 16. The gas production usually (falls) when the pressure goes down.

Переведите предложения, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past, Future Simple, Present, Past Progressive и в Present Perfect (Active Voice):
1. Когда вы видели его в последний раз? 2. Нева впадает в Балтийское море 3. Почему он не пришел к нам вчера? 4. Мистер Браун звонил по телефону
(make a call), когда секретарь принесла ему утреннюю почту. 5. Моя сестра читает английские книги в оригинале. 6. Вы когда-нибудь были в Лондоне? 7. Кто встречал вас на вокзале? 8. С кем ты обсуждал этот вопрос на прошлой неделе? 9. Когда он приходит домой после работы? 10. Кто выращивает цветы в этом саду? 11. Дождь уже начался. 12. В Петербурге часто идет дождь. 13. Ты вечно играешь в компьютерные игры! 14. Никто не слушал, что он говорил. 15. Мы не можем поехать за город, мы не сдали последний экзамен. 16. – Вы можете отдать эту книгу Тиму? – Конечно, я не отдам ее ему завтра.

The Verb to be. Глагол "to be" в английском языке.

Значение этого глагола - "быть, находиться". В отличие от других английских глаголов, глагол "to be" спрягается ( т. Е. Изменяется по лицам и числам ):

I amя есть ( нахожусь, существую)He is
She is
It isон есть (находится, существует)
она есть (находится, существует)
он, она, оно, это (о неодушевленных предметах) естьWe areмы есть (находимся, существуем)You areты, вы есть (находитесь, существуете)Тhey areони есть (находятся, существуют)

I am in the room.
Я нахожусь в комнате.  
The book is on the table.
Книга лежит на столе.

В данных примерах глагол "to be" является полнозначным глаголом. Так же, как и в русском языке, глагол "to be" может быть глаголом-связкой в именном сказуемом ( в значении "есть" ). В отличие от русского языка, в английском языке глагол-связка никогда не опускается, поскольку английское предложение имеет строго фиксированный порядок слов: подлежащее (subject) + сказуемое (verb) + дополнение (object). 
I am a doctor.
Я врач. (Я есть врач. ) 
The weather is bad.
Погода плохая.  
They are from Paris.
Они из Парижа.

Итак, глагол-связка "to be" в английском предложении никогда не опускается, т. К. Он входит в именное сказуемое, и его место после подлежащего. На русский же язык глагол "to be" в данных случаях не переводится. И, конечно же, вы переведете такие предложения, как "Я счастлив", "Книга интересная", "Он наш учитель", употребив глагол "to be" в правильной форме: "I am happy", "The book is interesting", "He is our teacher".

Глагол "to be" не требует вспомогательного глагола для образования вопросительной или отрицательной формы. Чтобы задать вопрос нужно поставить глагол "to be" перед подлежащим: "Am I happy?", "Is the book interesting?", "Is he our teacher?". А для образования отрицательной формы достаточно поставить отрицательную частицу "not" после глагола "to be": "I am not happy", "The book is not interesting", "He is not our teacher". В разговорной речи отрицательная частица "not" часто сливается с глаголом "to be", образуя сокращения: "isn’t / aren’t"; или глагол "to be" сливается с личным местоимением:"I’m / we’re / you’re / he’s / she’s / it’s / they’re." 
+He is a student. 
-He is not a student. 
? Is he a student? 
Yes, he is. No, he is not. (No, he isn’t.) 
+She is hungry. 
-She is not hungry. 
? Is she hungry? 
Yes, she is. No, she is not. (No, she isn’t.)

Раскройте скобки и запишите предложения в Present Perfect по модели: Mr. Lanigan is a photographer.(to take a lot of pictures) HE HAS TAKEN A LOT OF PICTURES.
1.Patrick is a doctor.(to cure many patients)
2.Mary is a typist.(to type a lot of different documents)
3.Megan is a traveller.(to see many places)
4.Mr.Tomson is a film director.( to make many good films)
5. Sarah is a translator.(to translate a lot of foreign novels)
6.Mrs.Stone is successfula writer.(to write ten novels and twenty short stories)
7. Robert is a good guide.(to work out his own route)
8. My father is an architect.(to dasign many famous buildings)
9.Ann is a good swimmer.(to win many prizes)
10.My friend is a scientist.(to invent many usuful devices)

1. He has cured many patients.
2. She has typed a lot of different documents.
3. She has seen many places.
4. He has made many good films.
5. She has translated a lot of foreign novels.
6. He has written ten novels and twenty short stories.
7. He has worked out his own route.
8. He has designed many famous buildings.
9. She has won many prizes.
10. She/He has invented many useful devices.

He has cured.
She has typed
She has seen
He has made
She has traveled
She has written
He has worked
He has designed
She has won
He has invented

Choose the present perfect or past simple:
1. I _________________ (see) three police cars this morning (it’s still morning).
2. After he _________________ (arrive) home, he _________________ (unpack) and _________________ (go) to bed early.
3. A: What’s wrong?
B: I _________________ (break) a glass!
4. My grandparents only _________________ (know) each other for a few months before they _________________ (get) married.
5. I _________________ (be) in London for three years. I love it here.
6. We _________________ (see) Julie last night.
7. He _________________ (be) a teacher before he _________________ (become) a musician.
8. When the boss _________________ (walk) into the room, we _________________ (know) someone was going to get fired.
9. The children _________________ (break) a window in the school last week.
10. He _________________ (see) that film last year.

See - saw
arrive- arrived
unpack- unpacked
know -knew
get -got
be- was
break broke

1. I (have seen) three police cars this morning.
2. After he (had arrived) home, he (unpacked) and (went) to bed early.
3. A: What’s wrong?
B: I (have broken) a glass!
4. My grandparents have only (known) each other for a few months before they (got) married.
5. I (have been) in London for three years. I love it here.
6. We (saw) Julie last night.
7. He (had been) a teacher before he (became) a musician.
8. When the boss (had walk) into the room, we (knew) someone was going to get fired.
9. The children (broke) a window in the school last week.
10. He (saw) that film last year.

PRESENT PERFECT 1. It’s the first time he (to translate) the text himself 2. I where he (to put) his note-book? wonder 3. This season she (not to play loan tennis. 4. I to know) John for 10 ycars. 5. Mary alrcady (not to fill) in documents for thc embassy. 6. You (to finish the report about the attending the intcrnational conferencc 7. Shc (to pay) the bills 8. It is the most difficult test 1 (to write) ever. 9. The representative of the company (not to come) yet? 10. Your secretary (to finish) the report? Not yet. She is working on it still.

1. It’s the first time he has translated the text himself
2. I wonder where he has put his note-book? 
3. This season she hasn’t played loan tennis.
4. I’ve known John for 10 years.
5. Mary hasn’t already filled in documents for the embassy.
6. You have finished the report about the attending the international conference.
7. She has paid the bills.
8. It is the most difficult test I have ever written.
9. Hasn’t the representative of the company come yet?
10. Has your secretary finished the report? 

Open the brackets.Use Present Perfect, Past Simple, Present Simple and Present Continuous.1.Where(to be) your father? He just (to go) to buy the press.2.You (to go) to the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine? Yes. When you(to go) there? I (to go) there last Saturday.3.Could you lend me your mobile phone to call my parents? I(to lose) mine.4.You(to see) Olha’s new computer? She (to buy) it through the Internet this week.5. It still (to rain)? No, it (to stop) raining recently.6.You( to hear) the current events? No, I (not to hear) them yet.7.The term "mass media" ( to appear) in the 1920s.8.I (to hate) advertisement on the TV.But yesterday I (to enjoy) it: it (to be) very funny.

1.Where is your father? He just had gone to buy the press.
2.Have you gone to to the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine? Yes. When did you go there? I went there last Saturday.
3.Could you lend me your mobile phone to call my parents? I have lost mine.
4.Did you see Olha’s new computer? She bought it through the Internet this week.
5. Is it still raining? No, it has stopped raining recently.
6.Have you heard the current events? No, I have not heard them yet.
7.The term "mass media" appearedin the 1920s.
8.I hate advertisement on the TV.But yesterday I enjoyed it: it was very funny.

The Present Perfect Tense 7. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в the Present Perfect Tense. Переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. I never (be) there. 2. You ever (work) in a bank? 3. He never (drive) his father’s car. 4. You ever (win) any lottery? 5. They never (visit) that place.

Вот по английски:
1. I have never been there. 2. Have you ever worked in a bank? 3. He has never driving his father’s car. 4. Have you ou ever wined any lottery? 5. They have never visited that place.
Вот по русски (перевод):
1. Я никогда не был там. 2. Ты когда-нибудь работал в банке? 3. Он никогда не водил автомобиля своего отца. 4. Ты когда-нибудь выигрывал в любой лотерее? 5. Они никогда не посещали это место.

Сегодня я хочу рассказать о своей любимой монете.
Она не как все монеты.
Она лежит в пластмассовой коробочке.
Мы с ней так много пережили.
Я люблю эту монетку
Мне подарила её бабушка на золотое день рождение.
Этой монете 3 года.
На ней написан мой знак зодиака: козерог.
Монета из чистого золота и серебра
Вот она
Перевести на английский язык в Present Perfect

Today I want to tell about the favourite coin. She not as all coins. She lies in a plastic box. We with her have very much worried. I love this coin! I was presented by her grandmother for gold birthday. This coin is 3 years old. On her my zodiac sign is written: capricorn. A coin from pure gold and silver! Here she!

Today I want to tell you about my favorite coin.It is not like all coins.It lies in a plastic box.We have experienced so much.I love this coin! My grandmother gave it to me on the golden day of birth.This coin is 3 years old.My zodiac sign is written on it: Capricorn.A coin of pure gold and silver! Here she is!

Put the verb into the correct form, the Past Simple or the Present Perfect Tense в Active Voice:
1. I can’t speak about the book. I (not/ read) it yet. 2. Every day I (wind up) my watch at 7 o’clock in the morning. 3. It’s Friday. You (see) him this week? 4. Your father (buy) books at the House of Books? 5. He (tell) this joke many times. 6. You already (translate) the sentences into French? 7. She (work) much and usually (get) many good marks. 8. You (be) to the Hermitage? 9. Mother (make) a cake yesterday? 10. Where they (be) last week? 11. I want to see how much he (change) since I (see) him last. 12. I (not/know) what Harry (say) to you.

1. I can’t speak about the book. I haven’t read it yet. ( Present Perfect Active )
2.Every day I wound up my watch at 7 o’clock in the morning. ( Past Simple Active )
3. It’s Friday. Have you seen him this week? ( Present Perfect Active )
4. Has your father bought books at the House of Books?(Present Perfect Active ) или Did your father buy books at the House of Books? (Past Simple Active )
5. He told this joke many times. ( Past Simple Active )
6. Have you already translated the sentences into French? ( Present Perfect Active )
7. She worked much and usually got many good marks. ( Past Simple Active )
8. Have you been to the Hermitage? ( Present Perfect Active )
9. Did mother make a cake yesterday?( Past Simple Active )
10 Where were they last week? ( Past Simple Active )
11. I want to see how much he has changed since I saw him last. ( Present Perfect Active )
12. I didn’t know what Harry said to you. ( Past Simple Active )

10 предложений в Present Perfect (Для 6 класса)

I have lived here for months-я живу тут протягом кількох місяців;
Have you seen " Hamlet"? If not, let’s go tonight-ти бачив " Гамлета"? Якщо ні, давай сходимо на виставу сьогодні ввечері;
I haven’t seen her since Tuesday-я не бачив її з вівторка;
Have you eaten this morning? Ти їв сьогодні вранці?;
We’ve been married for 27 years-ми одружені вже 27 років;
Have you ever been to Paris? Ти коли-небудь був у Парижі?

1. I have been to London.
2. Have you ever been to London?
3. I have already done my homework.
4.Have you done your homework.
5. I haven’t been to Japan.
6. Have you ever been to Japan?
7. How long have you been learning English.
8. I haven’t got a new computer yet.
9. I have been learning English for 6 years.
10. Have you done your homework.
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