Переведите предложения, обращая особое внимание на использование Present Perfect или Past Indefinite после since.
1. Сколько я его знаю, он всегда был трудолюбивым человеком. 2. С тех пор, как я познакомилась с ним, он всегда был мне хорошим другом. 3. С тех пор, как Павел приехал в этот город, он сменил три работы. 4. За то время, что он здесь, он перессорился со всеми со- селями. 5. 3a то время, что он здесь, он посетил все музеи города. 6. С тех пор, как он приехал в Испанию, он осмотрел все достопримечательности этой страны. 7 Кейт очень изменилась за то время, что мы не видели друг друга. 8 Кейт очень изменилась с тех пор как мы виделись в последний раз. 9. Я не езжу на этой машине с тех пор, как я попала в аварию. 10. За то время, что этот дом принадлежит нам, мы три раза делали полный ремонт.

1. Since I have known him, he has always been a hardworking person. 
2. Since I met him, he has always been a good friend to me. 
3. Since Paul came to this city, he has changed three jobs. 
4. Since the time he has been here, he has quarelled with all the neighbours. 
5. Since he has been here, he has visited all the museums of the city. 
6. Since he arrived in Spain, he has visited all the sights of this country. 
7. Kate has changed for the time since we haven’t seen each other. 
8. Kate has changed a lot since we saw each other last time. 
9. I haven’t been driving this car since I had an accident. 
10. Since the time this house has belonged to us, we have done its complete repairment  three times.(/have repaired it three times)

Составьте предложения из словосочетаний на английском
·stay in bed
·drink a lot of juice
·take medicine
·have a medical check
·put a warm compress on (it)
·put a cold compress on
·use a plaster
·consult a doctor
(Present Perfect)

My sister has a headache, that’s why she has stayed in bed almost all day.
I have already drunk a lot of juice, and i feel myself better.
I have taken medicine 3 times a day.
She hasn’t had a medical check yet.
I have put a warm compress on my forehead, because i had a cold.
I have just put a cold compess on my beaten leg.
He has used a plaster, because his shoes are so uncomfortable.
My grandmother has never consult a doctor, she prefers non-traditional medicine.

Write the verbs in the correct tense. 1. She_______ (pay) for her ticket and ________ (leave). 2. I _________ (close) the door quietly because he_______________ (try) to sleep. 3. How many times ___________ (he call) since he________ (come) to New York. 4. I _________ (know) about this for some time now. 5. They ____________ (watch) TV at the moment. 6. I __________ (want) to be the first to tell her the news, but I ______ (be) too late. Someone _____________ (already tell) her. 7. The children are filthy. Where ____________ (they be)? 8. I’m going to bed. I __________ (work) for hours and I’m tired. 9. I __________ (think) she is the nicest person I ___________ (ever meet). 10. Mary _____________ (clean) the window when she _________ (notice) a crack in the glass. 11. I couldn’t open the office door because someone __________ (lock) it. 12. I agree. I ___________ (not think) you should apologise. 13. When I _____________ (phone) her she _____________ (do) her homework. 14. We ______________ (wait) for three hours when John finally _______ (arrive). 15. When I ____________ (shout) they ___________ (jump off) the roof and ___________ (run) away. 16. Don’t phone her just now. She _____________ (talk) to her boss. Present, past, present perfect, past perfectSimple or continuous

1. paid, left
2. closed, was trying
3. has he called, came
4. have known
5. are watching
6. wanted, was, had already told
7. have they been
8. have been working
9. think, have ever met
10. was cleaning, noticed
11. had locked
12. don’t think
13. phoned, was doing
14. had been waiting for, arrived
15. shouted, jumped off, ran
16. is talking

1 payed, lef
2closed, tried
3he have called, came
5are watching
6wanted, was, already told
7they were
9think, ever met
10Cleaned noticed
12dont think
13called, did
14 waited, arrived
15shouted jumped off, ran
17 spoke

Pas Simple and Present Perfect tenses 1. The boy.(spill) the water on the carpet. It is still wet 2) I.(be) to Russia once however, I. (not/see) Kremlin Palace when I.(be) there. 3) I.(have) enough! I will quit my job tomorrow! 4) The weather. (not/be) nice yesterday. It.(be) rainy and cold 5) It.(be) a busy and tiring week for all of us, now we deserve a great weekend! 6) Melis.(not/come) home early last night because her car.(break down) and she. (have to/wait) for the car service to arrive. 7 ) Jill.(just/graduate) from college and now she is looking for a suitable job. 8). you. (cook) your famous chocolate cake? It smells wonderful here! 9) The friends. (argue) the last time they. (meet). 10) I. (never/watch) The Lord of the Rings series. I. (read) the books last year, though. 11) Cathy. (spend) all her life for her family and she is proud of it. 12. A: When is the last train to London? B: I am sorry! It. (already/leave). 13.) The old couple. (be) married for almost thirty years. 14) My niece. (grow) into a beatiful young lady since I last. (see) her. 15) Irem. (just/eat ) her dinner, now she is waiting for her dessert to be served. 16) Charlie. (not/go) on a vacation for a year 17) I am still looking for my bag in the house. I. (not/find) it yet. 18) We. (not/buy) a new tree since last Christmas. 19). Jack.(take) a shower yet? 20) I. (not/play) tennis since I last.(hurt) my leg in the match. 21) Oh, where. you. (be)? We. (not/hear) from you for a long time! 22) Tom. (take) care of his mother when she. (get) seriously ill last week. 23). you ever. (do) bungee jumping in your life? 24) Sam. (do) bungee jumping last summer.

1. has spilt
2. was // didn’t seen // was
3. have had
4. wasn’t // was
5. has been
6. didn’t come // broke down // had to wait
7. has just graduated
8. have you cooked
9. argued // met
10. have never watched // read //
11. has spent
12. has already left
13. has been
14. has grown up
15. has just eaten
16. hasn’t gone
17. haven’t found
18. haven’t bought
19. Has Jack taken.
20 haven’t played // hurt
21 where have you been? // haven’t heard
22. took // got
23. Have you ever done.
24. did

Variant 1
Level 1
1. Mark the word with the corresponding stressed sound.
1. [e]
A) ground B) weather C) taste D) ocean
2. [ei]
A) mathematics B) education C) digital D) experiment
3. [ai]
A) ecology B) energy C) channel D) science
Level 2
2. Arrange the headings of the paragraphs according to the content.
1. Next generation video-game character
2. Squeeze a little lime into seawater to cut carbon
3. Long live plastics
A) Using a high-powered machine that can generate temperatures hotter than the Sun, scientists have created a new form of ice that is hotter than boiling water.
B) Scientists have found a way to cut levels of C02 in the atmosphere — potentially even turning back the environmental clock to pre-industrial times.
C) A new advanced computer imaging method can take your picture and then make your video game move quickly, thanks to work out of the Max Planck Institute for Computer Science.
D) With plastics in museums decomposing, a new effort seeks to recycle materials commonly thought to be unalterable.
Level 3
3. Which tense form is used in sentences?
1. The spacecraft takes its name from ships named Discovery.
2. Public databases are created.
3. The San Francisco museum has introduced earth and space sciences.
A) The Present Perfect Passive
B) The Past Simple Active
C) The Past Simple Passive
D) The Present Simple Active
E) The Past Continuous Active
F) The Present Perfect Active

1. [e] B
A) ground B) weather C) taste D) ocean
2. [ei] B
A) mathematics B) education C) digital D) experiment
3. [ai] D
A) ecology B) energy C) channel D) science1. The spacecraft takes its name from ships named Discovery. The Present Simple Active2. Public databases are created. The Present Simple Passive(нет в таблице этого варианта)
3. The San Francisco museum has introduced earth and space sciences. The Present Perfect Active
Level 2
1. Next generation video-game character C
2 Long live plastics D
3  Squeeze a little lime into seawater to cut carbon B

Level 1
1. B
2. B
3. D
Level 2
1. С
2. B
3. D
Level 3
1. D
2. The Present Simple Passive
3. F

Past Simple + Present Perfect
Mary (win) the lottery last year.
have won
has win
has won
We (prepare / already) dinner. *
have already prepared
already prepared
has prepared already
have prepared already
James (find) your ring in the garden yesterday. *
has found
has been founding
I (see / not) anyone yet. *
has not was
have not saw
have not seen
We (be / not) to the zoo so far *
were not
have not been
was not
have not be
(you / read) the book yet? *
Did you read
Was you reading
Has you read
Have you read
How often (you / travel) abroad till now? *
did you travel
have you travelled
have you travel
was you travelling
(you / be) at home last night? *
did you
was you
were you
have you
When (he / tell) you that? *
did he tell
did he told
has he tell
has he told
He (come / just) home. *
he just came
has came
have come
has just come

Mary (win) the lottery last year. won
We (prepare / already) dinner. have already prepared
James (find) your ring in the garden yesterday. found
I (see / not) anyone yet. have not seen
We (be / not) to the zoo so far. have not been
(you / read) the book yet? Have you read
How often (you / travel) abroad till now? have you travelled
(you / be) at home last night? were you
When (he / tell) you that? did he tell
He (come / just) home. has just come

Ответьте: Задание 52.
Present Perfect or Past simple?
1. It(not snow) this week
2.(see) the news on television
3. Mike(leave) school in 1999
4. I dont know where my brother is. You(see) him?
5. Where is your key? I dont know. I(lose) it
6. We (visit) the local museum the other day
7. Ann is on holiday. She (go) to France
8. When the last train (leave)
9. Would you like something to eat? No, thanks. I just (have) lunch
10. The weather (be) good when you (be) on holiday?
11. We (not see) each other for a long time
12. Its the most interesting book I ever (read)
13. He (drink) too much coffee today
14. What you (do) at the weekend?
15. John is hungry. He (not eat) anything since breakfast
16. She (not go) to the library three days ago
17. How long you (know) Bill?
18. Olga always (want) to visit Great Britain
19. You (hear) from Jack recently?
20. Mark Twain (live) in the state of Missouri

It hasn’t snowed this week.
You saw the news on television last night.
Mike left school in 1999.
I don’t know where my brother is. Have you seen him?
Where is your key? I don’t know. I have lost it.
We visited local museum the other day.
Ann is on holiday. She has gone to France.
When did the last train leave?
Would you like something to eat? No, thanks. I have just had lunch.
The weather was good when you were on holiday?
We haven’t seen each other for a long time.
It is the most interesting book I have ever read.
He has drunk too much coffee today.
What did you do at the weekend?
John is hungry. He hasn’t eaten anything since breakfast.
She didn’t go to the library three days ago.
How long have you known Bill?
Olga always wanted to visit Great Britain.
Have you heard from Jack recently?
Mark Twain lived in the state of Missouri.

Придумать на английском 10 предложений в Present Perfect и 10 предложений в Past Simple

Present Perfect
1 She has already done her homework.
2 He has written many books.
3 I have finished my control work.
4 She has gone out.
5 I have lost my key.
6 He has visited many countries.
7 I have washed ny hair before breakfast this morning.
8 She has won many prizes for her paintings.
9 We have already been here for a week.
10 Frankie has had a bike for a few years.
Present Simple
1 We did not (didn’t) take a vacation last year.
2 I lived in Mexico for many years.
3 I played football yesturday afternoon.
4 Five years ago, she was a waitress in a restaurant.
5 In June, I went to Canada with my family again.
6 We hired a car yesterday.
7 Tanya and I travelled around Morocco.
8 She didn’t do anything yesterday.
9 He didn’t sleep well last night.
10 They didn’t play basketball two days ago.

Английский язык - задания с PRESENT PERFECT.
Раскройте скобки и запишите глаголы в Present Perfect.
1) The boy.(eat) cereals.
2) We.(not drink) our coffee yet.
3) He.(go) to school.
4). Your mother.(buy) sugar?
5) The children.(swim) in the sia.
6) My friend.(ride) his new bike in the park.
7) Mary.(run) very fast in the competition.
8) The kids.(sit) on the grass.
Запишите предложения в вопросительной или в отрицательной форме.
1) The kids/sleep/in a tent (?)
2) My father/drink/coffee (-)
3) My mother/buy/fruit and vegetables (+)
4) Your father/sell/his car (?)
5) Tom/ride/the bike (-)
6) I/drink/сoke/for luch (-)
7) Sally/read/a magazine (+)


1) The boy has eaten cereals.

2) We haven’t drunk our coffee yet.

3) He has gone to school.

4) Has your mother bought sugar?

5) The children have swum in the sea.

6) My friend has ridden his new bike in the park.

7) Mary has run very fast in the competition.

8) The kids have sat on the grass.


1) Has the kid slept in a tent?

2) My father hasn’t drunk coffee.

3) My mother has bought fruit and vegetables

4) Has your father sold his car?

5) Tom hasn’t ridden the bike

6) I haven’t drunk coke for lunch.

7) Sally has read a magazine 

Exercise 1.
Fill the gaps with one of the phrases below.
black and white, cinema DVD-copy, events, way, animated cartoon, leisure
Films play an important role in the life of any society. The cinema has become part of the modern (1) _________ of life.
The possibilities of the film are unlimited. In the earliest years, its power to show modern (2) _________ was appreciated. That’s why the film has become a new form of entertainment and is considered to be one of the best ways of spending one’s (3) _________ time.
There are a lot of different kinds of films: action films, horror films, thrillers, science-fiction (sci-fi) films, adventurous, mystery films, documentaries, animated cartoon films. Besides, the films may be color or (4) ________, full-length or short, sound or silent, three-dimensional (3D) or wide-screen.
We can see films either in the (5) ________ or on the TV. As I am often short of time, I have almost no time for going to the cinema. For this reason, I see films on television more frequently. I prefer action films and amusing comedies. The life is so difficult nowadays and I want to relax a little, sometimes even to laugh.
Sometimes I become excited watching (6) ________ films. Especially I like Walt Disney’s cartoons “Duck Tales”, or “Winnie-the-Pooh’s Adventures”. In my opinion, the animated cartoon films are popular both with children and adults, while educational films are arranged mainly for schoolchildren and students.
In Great Britain and the USA, the films (“movies” as they often call them) sell more than one billion tickets a year. Movies are also shown on television and can be rented or purchased as a (7) ________.
All in all, attending movies is quite an inexpensive leisure time activity that is very popular.
Exercise 2.
Choose the present perfect or past simple:
I _________________ (see) three police cars this morning (it’s still morning).
After he _________________ (arrive) home, he _________________ (unpack) and _________________ (go) to bed early.
A: What’s wrong?
B: I _________________ (break) a glass!
My grandparents only _________________ (know) each other for a few months before they _________________ (get) married.
I _________________ (be) in London for three years. I love it here.
We _________________ (see) Julie last night.
He _________________ (be) a teacher before he _________________ (become) a musician.
When the boss _________________ (walk) into the room, we _________________ (know) someone was going to get fired.
The children _________________ (break) a window in the school last week.
He _________________ (see) that film last year.
Exercise 3.
Fill in the gaps with for or since.
Meredith has lived here _________ 1997.
Meredith has lived here _________ eighteen years.
John has had the ball_________ last July.
He has had the ball _________ eight months.
Molly has liked fairy-tales _________ she was a tiny baby.

(1) way of life (2) events (3) leisure (4) black and white (5) cinema
(6) animated cartoon  (7) DVD-copy.
I (have seen) three police cars this morning.
After he (arrived) home, he (unpacked) and (went) to bed early.
I (have broken) a glass!
My grandparents had only (known) each other for a few months before they  (got) married.
I (have been) in London for three years.
We (saw) Julie last night.
He (had been) a teacher before he (became) a musician.
When the boss (walked) into the room, we (knew) someone was going to get fired.
The children (broke) a window in the school last week.
He (saw) that film last year.
Meredith has lived here since 1997.
Meredith has lived here for eighteen years.
John has had the ball since last July.
He has had the ball for eight months.
Molly has liked fairy-tales since she was a tiny baby.