Перевести предложения с русского на английский в форме present perfect
1) Мне не нравится с 12 лет школьная форма.
2) У меня уже много друзей в школе.
3) Я хотела бы, чтобы у нам были уроки музыки по понедельникам.
4) Он знает этот предмет с 6 лет
5) Если бы я умела петь, я бы стала певицей.
6) Она дважды была в Лондоне.
7) Ты встречался с моей сестрой на этой неделе?
8) Мы усердно поработали на этом уроке.
9) Твой брат попросил меня помочь ему.
10) Она спросила нас, что мы хотели делать вечером.
11) Я предложила пойти в театр.
12) Мой друг сказал, что он хочет иметь свой стиль.
13) Мы никогда не занимались сноубордом, не так ли?
14) Я хотела бы, чтоб погода была теплее.
15) Экзамен по русскому языку такой же важный как математика.

1) I have not liked the school uniform since I was 12.
2) I have already got a lot of friends at school.
3) I wish our music lessons to have been on Mondays.
4) He has known this subject since he was 6.
5) If I could sing, I would have become a singer.
6) She has been in London two times.
7) Have you met my sister this week?
8) We have worked hard at this lesson.
9) Your brother has asked me to help him.
10) She has asked us what we wanted to do in the evening.
11) I have suggested going to the theater.
12) My friend has said that he wants to have his own style.
13) We have never snowboarded, have we?
14) I would like the weather to have been warmer.
15) The exam in Russian has been as important as mathematics.
Здесь не во всех предложениях уместна форма present perfect.

I. Translate the words and open the brackets.
1)ऀI usually (добираюсь) to school by bus.
2)ऀJane is ill. I hope she will soon (выздоровеет) it.
3)ऀI have just (получила) a letter from my friend.
4)ऀI tried to phone you, but I couldn’t (дозвониться).
5)ऀI never (встаю) early on Sundays.
II.ऀFind the mistakes and correct them.
III.ऀWrite sentences using these words. Use Present Perfect Progressive, Present Perfect.
1)ऀShe/her leg/to break.
2)ऀKate / on this project / to work / for two month.
3)ऀJohn / to forgot / already / about that trip.
4)ऀWe / our old teacher / to remember.
5)ऀIt / to rain / since Monday.
IV.ऀTranslate into English.
1.ऀСнег идет уже две недели.
2.ऀ– Что он делает?
- Он играет в теннис.
- Как давно он играет?
- Два часа.
3. Она мыла свою машину с 11 часов.

4.call (up)
5.get up
1.She has broken.
2.Kate has been working.
3.John has already forgotten
4.We have remembered.
5.It has been raining.
1.It is snowing already for 2 weeks.
2.What is he doing?
He is playing tennis.
How long has he been playing?
He has been playing for 2 hours.
3.She has been washing her car since 11 o’clock.
Скорее всего все правильно

1, get 2. get well 3. got 4. get through 5. get up
2. irregular, unhappy, disconnect, misunderstand, non-international
3. she has broken her leg. Kate has been working on  this project for 2 months. John has already forgotten about that trip. we have remembered our old teacher. it has been raining since Monday. 
4. It has been snowing for 2 weeks. what is he doing? he is playing tennis. how long has he played? 2 hours. she has been washing her car since 11 o’clock.

7. Определите время и залог глагола, переведите его на русский
Is situated; has; has made; is not working; told; was told; was founded; will help, doesn’t speak; had happened;.
EXAMPLE: has built – построили, Present Perfect, Active.

Is situated - расположен, present simple, passive
has - иметь, present simple, active
has made - сделал, present perfect, active
is not working - не работает, present continuous, active
told - говорил, past simple, active
was told - было сказано, past simple, passive
was founded - было найдено, past simple, passive
will help - поможет, future simple, active
does not speak - не говорит, present simple, active
had happend - случилось, past perfect, active

Use the present perfect or the past simple tense
1. I (meet) two of my friends today. I (meet) them on my way to the university. 2. A month ago my uncle (build) a new house in the country. We (to visit) it recently. 3 I never (to hear) this story of my father. 4 She (to be ill) last week. 5. He (forget) to close the window when he (leave) the house. 6. When the concert (to begin)? 7. It is cold today. The weather (to change) since yesterday. 8. My mother not (to come) home yet. 9. His brother not (to go) to the university yesterday. 10. Where (to be) you last night. 11. I cannot give you this book as I (to give) it to Ann. When yoy (to give) it to her. 12. I (not to come) to you yesterday because i (to be) very busy. 13. I (to see) Ann on Wednesday. 14. When you (to write) a letter to your friend? I (to write) to him last week.

1. I (have met) two of my friends today. I (met) them on my way to the university. 2. A month ago my uncle (built) a new house in the country. We (have visited) it recently. 3 I have never ( heard) this story of my father. 4 She (was ill) last week. 5. He (forgot) to close the window when he (left) the house. 6. When did the concert (begin)? 7. It is cold today. The weather (has changed) since yesterday. 8. My mother has not (come) home yet. 9. His brother did not ( go) to the university yesterday. 10. Where (were) you last night? 11. I cannot give you this book as I (have given) it to Ann. When did you ( give) it to her? 12. I (did not come) to you yesterday because I was very busy. 13. I (saw) Ann on Wednesday. 14. When did you (write) a letter to your friend? I ( wrote) to him last week.

Present perfect continuous
1) Andrew. in the country (not/ to live)
2) How long. your grandparents. this car? ( to drive)
3) They. ( not/ to cycle)
4)Tony. this book, but Mary has( not/ to read)
5) How long.he. for her? ( to wait)
6). Andy. on the blue car? ( to work)
7) My brother. hard enought. ( not/ to study)
8)How long.they. for a flat? ( to look)
9) I. my homework( not/ to do)

Странное задание) Некоторые предложения вернее будет употребить в другом времени, поэтому я написала так, как у Вас требуется в задании, ну а более правильный на мой взгляд вариант ответа я укажу в скобках.
1) Andrew hasn’t been living in the country (has not lived) 
2) How long have your grandparents been driving this car?  
3) They haven’t been cycling. ( have not cycled)
4) Tony hasn’t been reading this book, but Mary has( has not read)
5) How long has he been waiting for her? 
6) Has Andy been working on the blue car? ( has. worked)
7) My brother has not been studying hard enough. ( has not studied)
8) How long have they been looking for a flat? 
9) I have not been doing my homework( have not done)

3. Поставь глагол в скобках в Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous.
I (not to see) him for ages.
He (to do) his lessons since lunch.
I (not to hear) about him for a long time.
I (to drive) since I was 17.
Jack (to fail) his driving test three times because к doesn’t know how to park.
I think he (make) a lot of improvement.
Alice (not/pass) her driving test because she doesn’t know the rules well.
She (worry) about this for two months.
She (study) the driver’s manual for hours every day.
She (not/take) another test yet.
I (to have) a headache since I got up.
He is my friend, I (to know) him for a long time.
Ivan has a stomachacke. He (to eat) junk food all day.
I (never to hear) that song before.

Не знаю что тут какой-то момент когда ты чего не было бы неплохо так что делать если я знаю что тут такого я ещё не знаю что тут

I haven’t seen him for ages.
He has been doing his lessons since lunch.
I haven’t heard about him for a long time.
I have been driving since I was 17.
Jack has failed his driving test three times because he doesn’t know how to park.
I think he has made a lot of improvement.
Alice hasn’t passed her driving test because she doesn’t know the rules well.
She has been worrying about this for two months.
She has been studying the driver’s manual for hours every day.
She hasn’t taken another test yet.
I have had a headache since I got up.
He is my friend, I have known him for a long time.
Ivan has a stomachacke. He has been eating junk food all day.
I have never heard that song before.

Task 1. Образуйте предложения используя such и Present Perfect.
wash/dirty dishes
watch / terrible film
play/ interesting game
eat/ sweet candies
recite / difficult poem
Task 2. Past Simple или Present Perfect?
Mark (buy) a new car last Friday.
You (ever) eat rabbit’s meat? What is it like?
My mother already (finish) cooking the cake.
Molly says she never (be) here.
You already (buy) the dictionary?
Task 3. Form adverbs from the adjectives and use them in the sentences:
Cold, lazy, happy, brave, stylish
My teachers always speak to me …
This woman dresses …
This athlete fought … but didn’t win.
Her grandfather lives … with his children.
The man walked … in the street looking at the trees.
Task 4. Translate these sentences from Russian into English:
Эта пара уже вместе 10 лет, но они до сих пор бездетны.
Немой мальчик не мог объяснить продавцу, что он хотел купить.
Долина была бесконечной.
Манеры этого мужчины были неприятными.
Погода была прекрасная. Небо было безоблачным.
Task 5. Name the nationality:
the USA

Task 1. 
I have washed these such dirty dishes.
I have watched such a terrible film.
I have played such an interesting game.
I have eaten such sweet candies.
I have recited such a difficult poem.
Task 2. 
Mark bought a new car last Friday. (Past Simple)
Have you ever eaten rabbit’s meat? (Present Perfect) What is it like?
My mother has already finished cooking the cake. (Present Perfect)
Molly says she has never been here. (Present Perfect)
Have you already bought the dictionary? (Present Perfect)
Task 3. 
My teachers always speak to me cold.
This woman dresses stylish.
This athlete fought brave but didn’t win.
Her grandfather lives happy with his children.
The man walked lazy in the street looking at the trees.
Task 4.
This couple has been together for 10 years and they stil don’t have children.
The dumd boy couldn’t explain to the seller what he wanted to buy.
The valley was endless.
This man’s manners were nasty.
The weather was great. The sky was cloudless.
Task 5.
the USA-American

Write the seperfect ntences in Present Perfect or Past Simple Tense.
1. yesterday/make/a/we/cake.
2. just/I/do/it.
3. go/not/they/last Saturday/school/to.
4. an/2009/he/in/become/actor.
5. a/new/she/buy/already/jacket.
6. not/yet/I/get/licence/my/driving.
7. stay/you/where/last week?
8. today/make/tree/we/house/a.
9. yesterday/acting/an/we/have/class.
10. already/she/do/it.
11. play/not/you/last winter/hockey.
12. 2007/he/to/in/go/Rome.
13. a/she/catch/just/taxi.
14. When/you/back/get?
15. leave/just/Mr White /house/the.
16. be/you/London/ever/in?

We made a cake yesterday
I have just done it
They don’t go to school last Saturday
He became an actor in 2009
She has already bought a new jacket
I have not gotten my license driving yet
Where did you stay last week?
We made a tree house today
We had an acting class yesterday
She has already done it
You don’t play hockey last winter
He went to Rome in 2007
She has just caught a taxi
When did you get back?
Mr. White has just left the house
Have you ever been in London?

Используйте глаголы в скобках в Present Perfect или Past Simple.
I …… just (do) my homework.
We (leave) the party two hours ago.
She …… never (be) to New Zealand.
Last night I (feel) tired and (go) to bed early.
It (be) very cold yesterday.
Bob (know) Bill for ten years.
The Ivanovs (live) in Dmitrov since 1992.
Pushkin (write) a lot of wonderful poems.
She (write) two essays this week.
Gregory (put) a new poster on the wall.
Two days ago he (give) them sweets
Mother ……already (wash) the dishes.
Betty (buy) a new book about wild animals a week ago.
We (not finish) our work yet.
Mrs Lee (bake) a wonderful cake.

I have just done my homework.
We left the party two hours ago.
She has never been to New Zeland.
Last night I felt tired and went to bed early.
It was very cold yesterday.
Bob has known Bill for ten years.
The Ivanovs have lived in Dmitrov since 1992.
Pushkin wrote a lot of wonderful poems.
She has written two essays this week.
Grigory put a new poster on the wall.
Two days ago he gave them sweets.
Mother has already washed the dishes.
Betty bought a new book about wild animals a week ago.
We haven’t finished our work yet.
Mrs Lee baked a wonderful cake.

Упражнение 3. Put the following sentences into the correct tense: Simple Past, Simple Present, Present Continuous or Past Continuous, Present Perfect. I _______ (listen) to the radio while Mary _________ (cook) dinner. You __________ (buy) this book yesterday? Last Friday Jill _________ (go) home early because she _________ (want) to see a film. When your brother usually __________ (get) home in the evening? Jane always __________ (bring) us a nice present. What those people __________ (do) in the middle of the road? You __________ (read) this book? While Fred _________ (sleep), Judy _________ (watch) TV. When I _________ (be) young, I _________ (think) Mary _________ (be) nice — but now I _________ (think) she’s fantastic. Jill _________ (walk) home when she _________ (see) her husband’s car outside the cinema Look there! Sue and Tim __________ (run) to school. Jack’s father _________ (not work) in London — he _________ (not speak) English. Joe __________ (buy) a car yesterday. Their father often __________ (go) to rock concerts. While you _________ (sleep), mother _________ (arrive).

I (was listening) to the radio while Mary (was cooking) dinner.(Did you buy) this book yesterday? Last Friday Jill (went) home early because she (wanted) to see a film.When (does your brother usually get) home in the evening? Jane always (brings) us a nice present.What (are those people doing) in the middle of the road? (Have you read) this book? While Fred (was sleeping), Judy (was watching) TV.When I (was) young, I (thought) Mary (was) nice — but now I (think) she’s fantastic.Jill (was walking) home when she (saw) her husband’s car outside the cinema.Look there! Sue and Tim (are running) to school.Jack’s father (does not work) in London — he (does not speak) English.Joe (bought) a car yesterday.Their father often (goes) to rock concerts.While you (were sleeping), mother (arrived).