Раскройте скобки: (Past Simpl, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continious)
1. What you (to do) here since morning?
2. He (to run) for ten minutes without any rest.
3. You (to find) your notebook? No! I already (to look) for it for two hours, but I (not yet to find) it.
4. (To wait) for you since three o’clock.
5. Ann ( to read) for an hour already. She already (to read) sixty pages.
6. My uncle (to buy) his bike three years ago.
7. I (to write) a letter since I came home.
8. Where are your gloves? I (to put) them into my pocket.
9. We (to know) each other for four years.
10. They (not to sleep) during last night.

What have you been doing here since morning? 2. He has been running for ten minutes without any rest. 3. Did you find your notebook? No! I have already been looking for it for two hours, but I haven’t found it yet. 4. I have been waiting for you since three o’clock. 5. Ann has already been reading for an hour. She has already read sixty pages. 6. My uncle bought his bike three years ago. 7. I have been writing a letter since I came home. 8. Where are your gloves? I put them into my pocket. 9. We have been knowing each other for four years.

Перепишите следующие предложения и заполните
пропуски, употребив глаголы в скобках в
соответствующем времени. Переведите предложения на
русский язык.
а) в Present Simple или Present Progressive
1. Water. (boil) at 100 degrees Celsius.
2. What time. the banks. in Britain (close)?
3. The number of people without jobs. (increase). Many plants
arc not operating.
4. Ron is in London at the moment. He. (stay) at Hilton Hotel.
c) в Past Simple, Past Progressive или Present Perfect
1. Tom. (burn) his hand when he. (cook) the dinner.
2. I. (break) a plate last night. I. (do) the washing-up when it
. (slip) out of my hand.
3. I. (not see) George since last Friday.
4. We. (not have) a car

1. Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
2. What time do the banks close in Britain?
3. The number of people without jobs is increasing. Many plants
are not operating.
4. Ron is in London at the moment. He is staying at Hilton Hotel.
c) в Past Simple, Past Progressive или Present Perfect
1. Tom burnt his hand when he was cooking the dinner.
2. I broke a plate last night. I was doing the washing-up when it
slipped out of my hand.
3. I have not seen George since last Friday.
4. We did not have a car.
1. Вода кипит при 100 градусах Цельсия.
2. В какое время закрываются банки в Великобритании?
3. Увеличивается число людей без рабочих мест. Многие заводы
не работают.
4. Рон сейчас в Лондоне. Он остановился в отеле Хилтон.
1. Том обжег руку, когда готовил обед.
2. Я разбил тарелку вчера вечером. Я мыл посуду, когда она
выскользнула из моей руки.
3. Я не видел Джорджа с прошлой пятницы.
4. У нас не было машины.

Объясните время Present Perfect и Present Simple! Очень, очень

Present Perfect.
Это настоящее завершенное время. То есть процесс происходил в настоящем, но уже кончился.
Примеры: Она уже написала. Он уже съел.
Формулу предложения я прикрепила в файле.
 V3 значит глагол в третьей форме, то есть глагол из третьего столбика таблицы неправильных глаголов. Я думаю вы ее уже изучали.
Present Simple
Простое настоящее время.  
Примеры: Я часто ей пишу. Я обычно гуляю в понедельник. Они всегда ходят в кино.
Формулу предложения я прикрепила в файле.
Eg значит пример.
Я не знаю, что конкретно Вас интересует в этих временах. Если Вам что-то непонятно или интересно пишите не стесняясь, объсню

Составить 5 предложений с Present Perfect на английском

1) I have done my homework.
2) She has blocked my attack.
3) Kitty has sayed my audio is popular.
4) Tim has knocked out the teacher.
5) Pitty has beated her husband.

I’ve already done my homework
я уже сделал домашнюю работу
she has never done it before.
она никогда раньше этого не делала
I have had a good time recently.
недавно я хорлшо провел время
the Smiths haven’t been to Italy yet.
Смиты еще не было в Италии
Has he ever been to the theatre?
он когда-нибудь был в театре?

3) Circle the correct item
1 have/has watched this film. 2) We have began/begun the work. 3) Den have/has done his homework, 4) Molly has break/ broken her toy. 5) Julia and Betty have/has cut the vegetables. 6) He/we have paid for pizza. 7) You have/has ironed this dress. 8) Children have has/had supper. 9) I/she have switched off the light. 10) Martin has went/gone. 11) The girl has drew/drawn a nice picture. 12) You/he has returned from the trip. 13) They have/has gathered the’ harvest’. 14) She/they has packed the things. 15) We have chose/chosen the present. 16) The train have/has arrived.
4)Make up sentences using the Present Perfect Tense.
1) You/to wash/the/dishes. 2) They/to buy/a/new/computer. 3) She/to wash/her/skirt. 4) I/to paint/the/fence. 5) The/dog/ to eat/a/piece/of/meat. 6) Sheila/and/Elsa/to make/a/cake. 7) My/father/to read/this/newspaper. 8) Henry/to order/a/ cup/of/coffee. 9) The/children/to buy/ice cream. 10) The/ rain/to stop. 11) Mrs Franks/to lose/her/key. 12) Sarah/to go/ to/the/supermarket. 13) We/to pass/the/exam/successfully. 14) Joe/to leave/this/book/at/home. 15) Nick/and/Alex/to see/this/film.

1)you have washed the dishes.
2)They have bought a new computer.
3)she has washed her skirt.
4)I have painted the fence.
5)The dog has eaten a piece of meat.
6)Shelia and Elsa have made a cake.
7)My father has read this newspaper.
8)Henry has ordered a cup of coffee.
9)The children have bought an ice-cream.
10)The rain has stopped.
11)Mrs Franks has lost her key.
12)Sarah has gone to the supermarket.
13)We have passed the exam successfully.
14)Joe has left this book at home.
15)Nick and Alex have seen this film.

4)1.You have to washed the dishes
2.They have to bought a new computer
3.She has to washed her skirt
4.I have to painted the fence
5.The dog has to rate a piece of meat
6.Sheila and Elsa have to made a cake
7. My father has to read this newspaper
8.Henry has to ordered a cup of coffee
9.The children have to bought ice cream
10.The rain has stop
11.Mrs Franks has to lost her key
12.Sarah has to gone to the supermarket
13.We have to passed the exam successfully
14.Joe has to left this book at home
15.Nick and Alex have to seen this film

Напишите 15 предложений Present perfect

1)I have done my homework. I can go for a walk.2)I have lost my key. I can’t enter my flat.3)My mum has just made a cake.4)Ann has already washed up.5)We have had dinner today.6)I’ve arrived in Moscow today.7)He’s lost his key.8)He hasn’t prepared for English exam.9)They haven’t come home yet.10)You have just won the prize!11)I have never met him before.12)I haven’t been tired yet.13)I have taken on my coat before I went out.14)I have just cut my finger.15)We have finished work this week.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Continuous или Past Perfect.
13.She was doing her flat the whole just (to ask) him whether he (to have) a spare ticket.14.We (to enter) the stadium just as the football players (to come) out on the field.15.At the entrance to the stadium we (to meet) Sergei.16.He (to show) us to our seats and (to ask) me if I (to play) football in my childhood.17.We (to agree) to meet in the snack bar during the interval.

1. Last summer we (to live) in the country and (to go) to the river every day. 2. My sister (to spend) a lot of money yesterday. 3. She is so upset: she (to lose) the key to the front door. 4. By the 1st of September all the children (to return) from the country. 5. Columbus (to discover) America 500 years ago. 6. Columbus (not to know) that he (to discover) America. 7. I already (to read) five English books. 8. He (to discuss) the problem with a lot of people before he (to take) a decision. 9. Mother (to bake) a delicious cake! Sit down at the table and let’s eat it! 10. She (to read) an English book the whole evening yesterday. 11. I never (to be) to Greece. 12. They (to tell) me yesterday that you (to get) an excellent mark. 13. When you (to receive) a letter from your friend? 14. Our grandmother (to cook) dinner from twelve till three yesterday. 15. Look! What beautifulflowers she (to buy)! 16. They (to travel) along the coast of Africa last year. 17. We (not to see) each other for ages. 18. They (to eat) all the apples which I (to bring). 19. When the children (to have) dinner, they (to go) for a walk. 20. You ever (to be) to the Niagara Falls? 21. At this time yesterday they (to sit) on the sofa and (to listen) to their grandmother who (to tell) "them fairy tales. 22. My friend just (to ring) me up from London. 23. I (to stand) at the tram stop when, it (to begin) raining. 24. We (not to skate) since last winter.

Open the brackets and put the verbs into the Future Indefinite, the Future Perfect, the Present Indefinite or the Present Perfect Tense.
1. By 8 o’clock they (have) dinner. 2. By the end of the week he (finish) the translation. 3. Before you (come) I (do) all the work. 4. She (look) through the article by 12 o’clock. 5. They (receive) our letter by Monday. 6. By the time we (get) to the forest the rain (stop). 7. I think he (answer) the letter by this time. 8. We (begin) to work after we (read) all the instructions. 9. We (not do) anything until he (take) necessary steps. 10. The committee (prepare) the plan by tomorrow. 11. I suppose when my letter (reach) you I already (return) from your voyage. 12. He (pass) an exam after he (learn) all the material. 13. I am afraid they (not discuss) all the questions by the time they (come). 14. We (not be able) to start the experiment before we (obtain) the necessary data. 15. The secretary already (look) through all the papers before the boss (come). 16. My train (leave) by the time you (come) to the station.

1. By 8 o’clock they will have had dinner.
2. By the end of the week he will have finished the translation.
3. Before you come I will have done all the work.
4. She will have looked through the article by 12 o’clock.
5. They will have received our letter by Monday.
6. By the time we get to the forest the rain will have stopped.
7. I think he will have answered the letter by this time.
8. We will begin to work after we read all the instructions.
9. We will not do anything until he takes necessary steps.
10. The committee will have prepared the plan by tomorrow.
11.I suppose when my letter reaches you will have already returned from your voyage.
12. He will pass an exam after he learns all the material.
13. I am afraid they will not have discussed all the questions by the time they come.
14. We will not be able to start the experiment before we obtain the necessary data.
15. The secretary will have already looked through all the papers before the boss comes.
16. My train will have left by the time you come to the station.

Open the brackets and put the verbs into the Future Indefinite, the Future Perfect, the Present Indefinite or the Present Perfect Tense.
1. By 8 o’clock they (have) dinner. 2. By the end of the week he (finish) the translation. 3. Before you (come) I (do) all the work. 4. She (look) through the article by 12 o’clock. 5. They (receive) our letter by Monday. 6. By the time we (get) to the forest the rain (stop). 7. I think he (answer) the letter by this time. 8. We (begin) to work after we (read) all the instructions. 9. We (not do) anything until he (take) necessary steps. 10. The committee (prepare) the plan by tomorrow. 11. I suppose when my letter (reach) you I already (return) from your voyage. 12. He (pass) an exam after he (learn) all the material. 13. I am afraid they (not discuss) all the questions by the time they (come). 14. We (not be able) to start the experiment before we (obtain) the necessary data. 15. The secretary already (look) through all the papers before the boss (come). 16. My train (leave) by the time you (come) to the station.

1. By 8 o’clock they (will have had) dinner. 2. By the end of the week he (will have finished) the translation. 3. Before you (come) I (will have done) all the work. 4. She (will have looked) through the article by 12 o’clock. 5. They (will have received) our letter by Monday. 6. By the time we (get) to the forest the rain (will have stopped). 7. I think he (will have answered) the letter by this time. 8. We (shall begin) to work after we (have read) all the instructions. 9. We (will not do) anything until he (takes) necessary steps. 10. The committee (will have prepared) the plan by tomorrow. 11. I suppose when my letter (reaches) you I will have already (returned) from your voyage. 12. He (will pass) an exam after he (learns) all the material. 13. I am afraid they (will not have discussed) all the questions by the time they (come). 14. We (shall not be able) to start the experiment before we (obtain) the necessary data. 15. The secretary will have already (looked) through all the papers before the boss (comes). 16. My train (will have left) by the time you (come) to the station.

Чем отличаются past simple, present perfect, past perfect progressive, past perfect, past progressive

Одна из главных бед наших в английском - это неправильное
употребление времен английских глаголов. Привожу здесь очень даже
полезное пособие. После двух прочтений насмерть запоминается.
Система английских времен с точки зрения употребления глагола “to vodka”
1. Во-первых, необходимо уяснить, что в этом языке существуют глаголы:
1.1. Неопределенные (Indefinite), т. Е. Неизвестно, пьешь ты или нет,
1.2. Длительные (Continuous), т. Е. Ты давно и продолжаешь,
1.3. Завершенные (Perfect), т. Е. Ты либо вышел из запоя, либо уже окончательно напился и вырубился.
2. Во-вторых, существует объективное:
2.1. Настоящее (Present) - ваше отношение к спиртному,
2.2. Прошлое (Past) - темное или светлое,
2.3. Будущее (Future) – то, что нам светит: цирроз, белая горячка и т. Д.
3. Теперь все смешиваем.
3.1. Present:
3.1.1. Present Indefinite (настоящее неопределенное), см. Выше.
I vodka every day. Я пью водку каждый день. Вместо
every day можно употреблять выражения: usually, seldom, often,
from time to time, from melkaya posuda, bolshimi glotkami…
3.1.2. Present Continuous (настоящее длительное) :
I am vodking now. – Я пью водку сейчас.
Для эмфатического усиления с этим временем можно употреблять
He is constantly vodking! – Он постоянно поддатый!
3.1.3. Present Perfect (настоящее завершенное) :
I have already vodked. Я уже нажрамшись. (В ответ на
предложение выпить)
3.1.4. Present Perfect Continuous (настоящее завершенно-продолженное) :
I have been vodking since childhood.
- Я пью водку с детства (тип inclusive).
- Я пил водку с детства, но уже не пью (тип exclusive).
3.2. Past :
3.2.1. Past Indefinite (прошедшее неопределенное) :
I vodked yesterday. Я напился вчера.
(не путать со временем 3.1.3. Там ты напился только что).
3.2.2. Past Continuous (прошедшее длительное) :
Часто употребляется, как придаточное предложение к главному во
времени 3.2.1
- Unfortunately, I was vodking at the moment my wife came.
- К несчастью, я пил водку в тот момент, когда пришла жена.
3.2.3. Past Perfect (прошедшее завершенное) :
Также употребляется, как придаточное.
- I had already vodked when my wife came.
- Я уже упился, когда вошла жена.
3.2.4. Past Perfect Continuous (прошедшее звершенно-продолженное) :
- I had been vodking for about a month when my wife came.
- Я пил водку уже около месяца, когда вошла моя жена.
3.3. Future :
3.3.1. Future Indefinite (будущее неопределенное) :
I will vodka tomorrow. Я буду пить водку завтра.
Примечание: В придаточных предложениях времени и условия
(т. Е. При отсутствии подходящего времени и условий) вместо
времени 3.3.1. Употребляется время 3.1.1.:
- If I vodka tomorrow I will be sick the day after tomorrow.
- Если я выпью завтра, я буду болеть послезавтра.
3.3.2. Future Continuous (будущее длительное) :
I will be vodking tomorrow at 5. Я буду заниматься
употреблением горячительных напитков завтра в 5.
Примечание: При горячем желании опохмелиться вместо
времени 3.3.1. Можно употреблять время 3.3.2. :
- Soon! Soon I will be vodking!
- Скоро! Скоро я буду пить водку!
3.3.3. Future Perfect (будущее завершенное) :
Употребляется при планировании состояния опьянения
- To morrow by 5 o’clock I will have vodked.
- Завтра к пяти я буду нажрамшись.
3.3.4. Future Perfect Continuous (будущее завершенно-длительное) :
- By to morrow morning I will have been vodking for a week.
- К завтрашнему утру я буду пить водку неделю