You are just one of 6,000 million people, who live on our Earth. So can your actions really make a difference to its future? The answer is yes, they certainly can. Because if you try to live in a way that will save the world rather than destroy it, you won’t be alone. Your example will encourage your friends andfamily to do the same. Then they will tell their friends and families about helping to care for the environment.
Here are some ways in which you, your friends and your family can begin trying to save the Earth right now.
1. Try not to waste energy. 2. Keep yourself informed about environmental problems. 3. Before you throw anything away, stop and think. Might someone else have a use for it? 4. Take as much rubbish as you can to local recycling centres. 5. If you have a choice avoid buying packaged goods. 6. Don’t waste paper. 7. Before you buy anything, ask yourself if you really need it. 8. Walk or cycle whenever possible. 9. Never drop litter. 10. Help to clean up your local environment. 11. Try to reduce noise pollution. 12. Put out food for wild animals in winter.
Here are several points towards saving the Earth. It won’t always be easy to follow them. Your friends and family may not always agree with you. And if you can manage to carry out at least some of them, you will know that youare contributing towards saving the Earth
Пересказ на английском с пунктами кратко

Попробую сама если нет то сокращу не будешь же ты на ОГЕ или ЕГЭ писать мол: Сократите Перевод: Вы всего лишь один из 6000 миллионов человек, которые живут на нашей Земле. Могут ли ваши действия действительно повлиять на его будущее? Ответ - да, конечно. Потому что, если вы попытаетесь жить таким образом, чтобы спасти мир, а не уничтожить его, вы не останетесь в одиночестве. Ваш пример будет поощрять ваших друзей и семьи делать то же самое. Затем они расскажут своим друзьям и семьям о помощи в заботе об окружающей среде.
Вот несколько способов, которыми вы, ваши друзья и ваша семья можете начать пытаться спасти Землю прямо сейчас.
1. Старайтесь не тратить энергию. 2. Держите себя в курсе проблем окружающей среды. 3. Прежде чем выбросить что-нибудь, остановитесь и подумайте. Может ли кто-то другой использовать его? 4. Возьмите столько мусора, сколько сможете, в местные центры переработки. 5. Если у вас есть выбор, не покупайте упакованные товары. 6. Не тратьте бумагу. 7. Прежде чем покупать что-либо, спросите себя, действительно ли это вам нужно. 8. Прогулка или цикл, когда это возможно. 9. Никогда не бросайте мусор. 10. Помогите очистить местную среду. 11. Попробуйте уменьшить шумовое загрязнение. 12. Окуните в пищу для диких животных зимой.
Вот несколько моментов для спасения Земли. Это не всегда будет легко следовать им. Ваши друзья и семья могут не всегда соглашаться с вами. И если вам удастся выполнить хотя бы некоторые из них, вы поймете, что делаете вклад в спасение Земли

Супер краткий пересказ Danny story. Побыстрей

I was four months old when my mother died. I was the only child in the family and there were just my father and I. We lived in a gypsy caravan, which my father owned. He washed me and took care of me like any mother would do with her son. But I never was unhappy.
I helped my father in the workshop. His workshop was a stone-made building that he had built by himself.
We earned for living by repairing engines in our workshop. It was a fine workshop, enough big to repair one machine. Although we had electric lights in the workshop, we were not allowed to have them in the caravan as it was dangerous. So we got our heat and light in the same way as the gypsies had done years ago.
We had a wood-burning stove and we used to make stew with it. We had all the furniture and all comforts we needed.
I really liked to live in that caravan. I really liked father’s stories. And no doubt, my father was the best father any boy ever had.
If you don’t know my father well, you may think he was serious. But he wasn’t. He is was actually a lot of fun. But he never smiled with his mouth. He had bright blue eyes and when he thought of something funny, you could see a golden light dancing in the middle of each eye. I can’t say my father was an educated, I doubt he had read many books in his life, but he was an excellent storyteller. He always told me bedtime stories. The best stories were turned into serials and went on many nights running.

Краткий пересказ текста The Yeoman Warders

The Beefeaters are most famous for their striking red and gold uniform, but they actually only wear this on formal occasions. Most of the time they wear a dark blue uniform wit
Бифитеры являются самыми известными за их яркий красный и золотой мундир, но они на самом деле только носить это на официальных мероприятиях. Большую часть времени они носят темно синей форме с красной отделкой.

Составить краткий пересказ на английском о дикобразе с переводом на русский.

Porcupine is an unusual animal, whose body is literally spiked with long needles. Many people have seen it only in book pictures or in a zoo. The porcupine seems morose and dangerous. Is it really?
Porcupines belong to the family of mammals, belong to the detachment of rodents. The length of the adult body is 38 to 90 cm, the length of the tail can reach 25 cm. The back and sides of the animal are covered with needles. It has a mottled color due to the alternating dark and white bands on the needles. In total, there are 13 species of porcupines. Porcupines live in Europe, Africa, India and South America, as well as in the United States and Canada. Porcupines can be found in Central Asia and Kazakhstan.

Краткий пересказ:
Chiloren in Victorian Time.
Victoria was the Queen of England, from 1837 to 1901. During early Victorian times, poor children worked from the age of five to feed themselves and their families. These jobs weren’t easy and were often dangerous.
Many Children worked as chimney sweeps because they were small and thin. They climbed up narrow chimneys to clean them. Street children or orphans usually did this jod.
A Lot of children also worked in cotton factories. When the cotton threads broke, children went into the machines to fix them. This was very dangerous.
Other children worked in coal mines. They pushed trucks of coal of they opened and closed doors to let air through tunnels.
The masters were often cruel. Children worked long hours for very low wages. A lot of children had health problems and accidents.
Lord Shaftesbury helped to stop adults from using young children at work. He started free schools for poor children. By the end of Victorian times all children went to school until the age of 10.

Чилорен в викторианском времени. Виктория была Королевой Англии с 1837 по 1901 год. В ранние викторианские времена бедные дети работали с пяти лет, чтобы прокормить себя и свои семьи. Эти задания были нелегкими и часто опасными. Многие дети работали трубочистами, потому что они были маленькие и тонкие. Они забрались вверх по узким дымоходам, чтобы очистить их. Беспризорных детей или детей-сирот, как правило, это йод. Много детей также работали на хлопковых заводах. Когда хлопчатобумажные нити сломались, дети зашли в машины, чтобы починить их. Это было очень опасно. Другие дети работали на угольных шахтах. Они толкали грузовики угля, из них открывали и закрывали двери, чтобы пропускать воздух через туннели. Мастера часто были жестокими. Дети работали долгие часы за очень низкую зарплату. У многих детей были проблемы со здоровьем и несчастные случаи. Лорд Шафтсбери помог остановить взрослых от использования маленьких детей на работе. Он основал бесплатные школы для бедных детей. К концу викторианской эпохи все дети пошли в школу до 10 лет.

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Red Square has witnessed many important events in the life of Russian people. Though time has changed
the face of Red Square it has remained the main square and the heart of the city.
Visitors from home and abroad stream here to enjoy the beauty of the historic buildings and monuments
of which the Kremlin comes first. The Kremlin represents centuries of Russian history and one is usually
struck by the austere and powerful appearance of its walls and towers.
Like the Tower of London the Kremlin was used as a fortress and a sovereign’s residence. Now it houses
the President’s office and a number of museums including the Armory Chamber and the Diamond Fund.
In the centre of the square by the Kremlin wall is the Lenin Mausoleum, erected in 1930 by A. Shchusev.
The architect interpreted the traditions of the pyramids in a modern way and have the monument a laconic
architectural form which was popular in the twenties. Behind the Mausoleum there is a necropolis of
some outstanding statesmen and political leaders.
On the southern side of Red Square is St. Basil’s Cathedral (Vasily Blazheny), a masterpiece of ancient
Russian architecture. It was built in 1555-61 in memory of the victory over Kazan (1552). The monument
standing in front of the Cathedral tells us of the people’s victory over the Polish invaders in 1612. The
inscription on the monument reads: “To Citizen Minin and Prince Pozharsky from a grateful Russia.” The
monument is the work of I. Martos (1752-1835). Not far from the Cathedral is what is called the Lobnoye
Mesto, a platform of white stone more than 400 years old. The tsar’s edicts were proclaimed there and
public executions carried out. To the right of the Cathedral on the territory of the Kremlin we can see a
tall tower, more like a column, over 80 meters high. It is the Bell Tower of Ivan the Great built in the 15 th
century. There are twenty-two large bells and over thirty small ones in it. For centuries the eastern side of
Red Square had been associated with trading. The first stone shops were built here in the 16th century.
Today on their site stands the State Department Store, better known as GUM.
If we walk up from St. Basil’s to the opposite end of the square we face a red brick building. This is the
History Museum. In the west Red Square is adjoining the Kremlin. Just on the other side of the Kremlin
wall we can see the building of the former Senate, an outstanding architectural monument built by Matvei
Kasakov (1738-1813), now the seat of the Administration of the President. The main and tallest tower of
the Kremlin is the Spasskaya tower. It has long since become one of the symbols of Moscow. People all
over Russia listen to the Kremlin clock on the Spasskaya tower striking midnight and it seems to them
that they are listening to the beating of the heart of our capital.

Я могу перевести: Красная площадь стала свидетелем многих важных событий в жизни русского народа. Хотя время изменилосьлицо Красной площади оставалось главной площадью и сердцем города. Посетители из дома и заграницы направляются сюда, чтобы насладиться красотой исторических зданий и памятниковиз которых Кремль на первом месте. Кремль представляет многовековую историю России, и, как правило, пораженный строгим и мощным обликом его стен и башен. Как и Лондонский Тауэр, Кремль использовался как крепость и резиденция государя. Теперь он домаофис президента и ряд музеев, включая Оружейную палату и Алмазный фонд. В центре площади у Кремлевской стены находится Мавзолей Ленина, построенный в 1930 году А. Щусевым. Архитектор интерпретировал традиции пирамид по-современному и имел памятник лаконичнымархитектурная форма, которая была популярна в двадцатых годах. За Мавзолеем есть некропольнекоторые выдающиеся государственные деятели и политические лидеры. На южной стороне Красной площади находится собор Василия Блаженного (Василий Блаженный), шедевр древнегоРусская архитектура. Он был построен в 1555-61 годах в память о победе над Казанью (1552 г. ). Монументстоящий перед собором, рассказывает нам о победе народа над польскими оккупантами в 1612 году. Надпись на памятнике гласит: «Гражданин Минин и князь Пожарский из благодарной России». Памятник - работа И. Мартоса (1752-1835). Недалеко от собора находится так называемое ЛобноеМесто, платформа белого камня более 400 лет. Там были провозглашены указы царяпроводились публичные казни. Справа от Собора на территории Кремля мы видимвысокая башня, больше похожая на колонну высотой более 80 метров. Это колокольня Ивана Великого, построенная в 15-мвека. В нем двадцать два больших колокола и более тридцати маленьких. В течение столетий восточная сторонаКрасная площадь была связана с торговлей. Первые каменные магазины были построены здесь в 16 веке. Сегодня на их сайте находится Государственный универмаг, более известный как ГУМ. Если мы поднимемся от святого Василия до противоположного конца площади, мы окажемся в здании из красного кирпича. ЭтоИсторический музей. На западе Красная площадь примыкает к Кремлю. Только на другой стороне Кремлястены мы видим здание бывшего Сената, выдающийся архитектурный памятник, построенный МатвеемКасаков (1738-1813), ныне местность Администрации Президента. Основная и самая высокая башняКремль - Спасская башня. Он давно стал одним из символов Москвы. Люди всенад Россией слушают кремлевские часы на Спасской башне, поразив полночь, и им кажетсячто они слушают избиение сердца нашей столицы.

Переводчик коряво чуть но все же

Нужно составить краткий пересказ текста:
The United Kingdom, officially the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, is an island nation and constitutional monarchy in north-western Europe.
Great Britain is the largest of the British Isles. It comprises, together with numerous smaller islands, England and Scotland, and the principality of Wales. Northern Ireland, also known as Ulster, occupies the north-eastern part of the island of Ireland.
The United Kingdom is bordered to the south by the English Channel, which separates it from continental Europe, to the east by the North Sea, and to the west by the Irish Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. The only land border is between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. The total area of the United Kingdom is 242,752 sq km. The capital and largest city is London.
The names «United Kingdom*, «Great Britain*, and «England» are often used interchangeably. The use of «Great Britain*, often shortened to « Britain*, to describe the whole kingdom is common and widely accepted, although strictly speaking it does not include Northern Ireland.
However, the use of «England» to mean the «United Kingdom* is not acceptable to members of the other constituent countries, especially the Scots and the Welsh.
England and Wales were united administratively, politically, and legally by 1543. The crowns of England and Scotland were united in 1603, but the two countries remained separate political entities until the 1707 Act of Union, which formed the Kingdom of Great Britain with a single legislature. From 1801, when Great Britain and Ireland were united, until the formal establishment of the Irish Free State in 1922, the kingdom was officially designated the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
Hong Kong, which has 200,000 of the 6 million combined population of the dependencies, was returned to China in 1997.
The maximum overall length of the United Kingdom is 1,264 km: the most northerly point is Out Stack in the Shetland Islands. The most southerly is St Agnes in the Scilly Isles. The kingdom’s maximum width is 670 km. The mainland of the island of Great Britain is 974 km at its longest and 531 km at its widest; however, the highly indented nature of the island’s coastline means that nowhere is more than about 120 km from the sea.
Relative to its size, the scenery of the United Kingdom is very diverse and can change dramatically within short distances. This diversity reflects in part the underlying rocks, which range from the ancient mountains of the Highlands of Scotland to the recent deposits in eastern England.
All of the United Kingdom, except the area of England south of the Thames, was covered with ice during the ice age, and glaciation shaped its most spectacular scenery, including the English Lake District, the loughs of Northern Ireland, the Welsh valleys, and most of Scotland, including the lakes.
The climate of the United Kingdom is mild relative to its latitude, which is the same as that of Labrador in Canada. The mildness is an effect of the warm Gulf Stream. This current brings the prevailing south-westerly winds that moderate winter temperatures and bring the depressions which are the main day-to-day influence on the weather. The western side of the United Kingdom tends to be warmer than the eastern; the south is warmer than the north. The mean annual temperature is 6" С in the far north of Scotland; 1ГС in the south-west of England. Winter temperatures are seldom below — 10"C and summer temperatures rarely higher than 32*C. The sea winds also bring plenty of moisture; average annual precipitation is more than 1,000 mm.
Rain tends to fall throughout the year, frequently turning to snow in the winter, especially in Scotland, the mountains of Wales, and northern England. The western side of Britain is much wetter than the eastern: average rainfall varies from more than 5,000 mm in the western Highlands of Scotland, to less than 500 mm in parts of East Anglia in England.
The population of United Kingdom is more than 56 mln people, but it is one of the world’s leading commercial and industrialized nations. In terms of gross national product (GNP) it ranks fifth in the world, with Italy, after the United States, Japan, Germany, and France.
As I uderstood from the text
According to the text
According to the author
As it is said in th text
As the author puts it
According to the figuries (data, information, opinion) from the text

Соединенное Королевство, официально Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии, является островной нацией и конституционной монархией в северо-западной Европе.
Великобритания является крупнейшим из Британских островов. Он включает вместе с многочисленными меньшими островами Англию и Шотландию и княжество Уэльс. Северная Ирландия, также известная как Ольстер, занимает северо-восточную часть острова Ирландия.
Соединенное Королевство граничит с югом от Английского канала, который отделяет его от континентальной Европы, на востоке от Северного моря, а на западе - Ирландского моря и Атлантического океана. Единственная сухопутная граница между Северной Ирландией и Ирландской Республикой. Общая площадь Соединенного Королевства составляет 242 752 кв. Км. Столицей и крупнейшим городом является Лондон.
Названия «Великобритания», «Великобритания» и «Англия» часто используются взаимозаменяемо. Использование «Великобритании», часто сокращавшееся до «Британии», для описания всего королевства является общим и общепринятым, хотя, строго говоря, оно не включает Северную Ирландию.
Однако использование «Англии» для обозначения «Соединенного Королевства» неприемлемо для членов других стран-учредителей, особенно шотландцев и валлийцев.
Англия и Уэльс были объединены в административном, политическом и юридическом плане на 1543. Короны Англии и Шотландии были объединены в 1603 году, но две страны оставались отдельными политическими образованиями до принятия Союзом 1707 года, который сформировал Королевство Великобритании с единым Законодательная власть. С 1801 года, когда Великобритания и Ирландия были объединены, до официального создания Ирландского свободного государства в 1922 году, королевство официально было объявлено Соединенным Королевством Великобритании и Ирландии.
В 1997 году в Китай был возвращен Гонконг, в котором насчитывается 200 000 из 6 миллионов объединенных групп населения.
Максимальная общая длина Соединенного Королевства составляет 1264 км: самая северная точка - это Out Stack на Шетландских островах. Самым южным является Св. Агнес на островах Силли. Максимальная ширина королевства составляет 670 км. Материк острова Великобритании составляет 974 км в самом длинном и 531 км в самом широком; однако, с высочайшим изъяном характером береговой линии острова означает, что нигде больше, чем примерно в 120 км от моря.
По своим размерам, декорации в Соединенном Королевстве очень разнообразны и могут резко измениться на короткие расстояния. Это разнообразие частично отражает лежащие в основе породы, которые простираются от древних гор нагорья Шотландии до недавних месторождений в восточной Англии.
Все Соединенное Королевство, за исключением района Англии к югу от Темзы, было покрыто льдом во время ледникового периода, а оледенение сформировало его самые захватывающие пейзажи, в том числе Английский Озерный край, луны Северной Ирландии, долины Уэльса и большей частью Шотландии, включая озера.
Климат Соединенного Королевства мягкий относительно своей широты, что аналогично климату Лабрадора в Канаде. Мягкость - эффект теплого Гольфстрима. Этот поток приносит преобладающие юго-западные ветры, которые замедляют зимние температуры и приносят депрессии, которые являются основным повседневным воздействием на погоду. Западная сторона Соединенного Королевства имеет тенденцию быть более теплым, чем восточная; на юге теплее, чем на севере. Среднегодовая температура составляет 6 ° С на крайнем севере Шотландии, 1ГС на юго-западе Англии. Зимние температуры редко ниже - 10 ° С, а летние температуры редко выше 32 ° С. Морские ветры также приносят много влаги; среднегодовое количество осадков составляет более 1000 мм.
Дождь, как правило, выпадает в течение года, часто зимою превращаясь в снег, особенно в Шотландии, в горах Уэльса и в северной Англии. Западная сторона Британии гораздо влажна, чем восточная: среднее количество осадков колеблется от более 5000 мм в западном нагорье Шотландии до менее 500 мм в частях Восточной Англии в Англии.
Население Соединенного Королевства составляет более 56 миллионов человек, но оно является одним из ведущих в мире коммерческих и промышленно развитых стран. Что касается валового национального продукта (ВНП), он занимает пятое место в мире, а Италия - после Соединенных Штатов, Японии, Германии и Франции.

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The Dead Father and His Wish :
Long ago in the land of Persia there ruled a Sultan called Mustafa in the kingdom of Nasra. He ruled the kingdom wisely and just. The people in the kingdom were in peace and prosperity. The Sultan had a very beautiful wife but had no child.
The Sultan and his wife prayed to god. "Oh God! I have enough wealth. My people are in peace. But I have no heir to my kingdom". He prayed to God again and again. After long years, his wife had a child of beauty. The king was in joy. They called the child as Zakir. The child grew in to an intelligent young man. He loved his father and mother most. He learned war fare also. Mustafa considered that he was suitable to be a King.
So he conducted a ceremony and declared him as his prince. Some days later Mustafa tell ill and died suddenly. Zakir burled his father in a grave and he came to the throne as a Sultan. He also ruled the kingdom peacefully. One day in his dream his father asked him to dig his grave. Zakir told his mother about it. His mother thought that it would disagree his father. But her son insisted on digging up the grave of his father.
He thought that his father’s orders must be obeyed. So he decided to dig the grave. The next morning he went to the grave and dug it with the spade. He was praying to god and his father. Suddenly he heard a different sound from the space. There he found some steps in the grave. He was surprised a while and stepped down slowly. There he saw a big room below the grave. He moved inside the room with watchful eyes in the darkness. To his surprise he saw some statues in the corner of the room. They were eight in number. All of them were made of gold, their dress glittering with diamonds and other precious stones. They were arranged in a straight line. He counted them. They were eight.
Zakir never had heard of the statues he had seen there. When he went near the eighth statue, it said. "There is a ninth one out side the cave in the kingdom. You go and get it!" He thought that the ninth one would be more precious and beautiful than those. So he came out of the grave. When he came out, he met an old man on the way. The old man told Zakir. ’Are you the king? If it is right I am waiting for you majesty".
When Zakir said "yes", the old man asked him to hurry and find the ninth statue saying that it was his father’s wish. He also gave him a magical mirror. He said "It will reflect only one girl in the kingdom and that is your ninth statue."
Zakir took the mirror from the old man. Soon the old man disappeared from there. Zakir took the mirror and entered each and every house to find his ninth statue. He showed the mirror to all the maidens one by one. But no one was figured in the mirror. Days passed he continued his searching. Finally one day he passed by a house. He heard a melodious song that made him to stay there for a while. He wanted to see the girl for a while. So he entered the house. There he saw her father and asked him permission to meet his daughter. He said, “Your majesty" It is my luck that you are in my house. You can see her now".
The old noble man asked his daughter to come out. When she came out Zakir showed the mirror in front of her. There he saw a wonderful figure of beauty in the mirror.
“Yes! Yes! I have found the ninth statue here! No! No, my princess" he shouted in joy. He was amazed at her beauty and fell in love with her.
Then Zakir asked her father to give her away in marriage. The old noble man readily agreed. Zakir went to the palace and met his mother and told all that happened in the old man’s house. She also asked him to marry the old man’s daughter. So Zakir married her with the blessings of all in the kingdom and fulfilled the wish of his father in the dream. He and his princess ruled their kingdom with justice for long.

Long ago in the land of Persia there ruled a Sultan called Mustafa in the kingdom of Nasra.
He and his wife had a son Zakir.
Suddenly Mustafa fell ill and died.
Zakir buried his father in a grave and he came to the throne as a Sultan.
One day in his dream his father asked him to dig his grave.
The next morning he went to the grave and dug it with the spade.
There he saw a big room with eight gold statues in the corner of the room below the grave.
When he came out of the grave, he met an old man on the way who asked him to find the ninth statue saying that it was his father’s wish.
He also gave him a magical mirror.
Zakir took the mirror and entered each and every house to find his ninth statue. Finally one day he entered the house and saw her father and asked him permission to meet his daughter.
When she came out Zakir showed the mirror in front of her.
There he saw a wonderful figure of beauty in the mirror.
Zakir married her with the blessings of all in the kingdom and fulfilled the wish of his father in the dream.

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Constitutional and administrative law
The French Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, whose principles still have constitutional value
Constitutional and administrative law govern the affairs of the state. Constitutional law concerns both the relationships between the executive, legislature and judiciary and the human rights or civil liberties of individuals against the state. Most jurisdictions, like the United States and France, have a single codified constitution with a bill of rights. A few, like the United Kingdom, have no such document. A "constitution" is simply those laws which constitute the body politic, from statute, case law and convention. A case named Entick v Carrington illustrates a constitutional principle deriving from the common law. MrEntick’s house was searched and ransacked by Sheriff Carrington. When MrEntick complained in court, Sheriff Carrington argued that a warrant from a Government minister, the Earl of Halifax, was valid authority. However, there was no written statutory provision or court authority. The leading judge, Lord Camden, stated that,
The great end, for which men entered into society, was to secure their property. That right is preserved sacred and incommunicable in all instances, where it has not been taken away or abridged by some public law for the good of the whole. If no excuse can be found or produced, the silence of the books is an authority against the defendant, and the plaintiff must have judgment.
The fundamental constitutional principle, inspired by John Locke, holds that the individual can do anything but that which is forbidden by law, and the state may do nothing but that which is authorised by law. Administrative law is the chief method for people to hold state bodies to account. People can apply for judicial review of actions or decisions by local councils, public services or government ministries, to ensure that they comply with the law. The first specialist administrative court was the Conseild’État set up in 1799, as Napoleon assumed power in France.

 Constitutional and administrative law
Constitutional and administrative
laws govern the affairs of the state. Constitutional lawconcerns both the relationships between the executive, legislature and judiciary and the humanrights or civil liberties of individuals against the state. Most jurisdictions, like the United Statesand France, have a single codified
constitution, with a Bill of Rights. A few, like the UnitedKingdom, have no such document; in those jurisdictions the constitution is composed of statute, case law and convention.The fundamental constitutional
principle, inspired by John Locke, is that the individualcan do anything but that which is forbidden by law, and the state may do nothing but that whichis authorized by law.Administrative law is the chief method for people to hold state bodies to account. Peoplecan apply for judicial review of actions or decisions by local councils, public services orgovernment ministries, to ensure that they comply with the law. The first specialistadministrative court was the Conseil d’Etat set up in 1799, as Napoleon assumed power in France.

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John Barker was born in London. He has a mother, Margaret Barker, a father, Richard Barker, and a younger sister Sally. Richard Barker is a children’s doctor and Margaret Barker teaches music at school. The family live in London at 19 Green Street. John’s aunt and uncle and his cousins live in Scotland but they often come to London to visit the Barkers. John went to school when he was five (all children in Great Britain do). John wants to speak French, Russian and Spanish well. John would like to be a journalist, travel all over the world and meet a lot of interesting people. He wants to work for a newspaper or a magazine. John isn’t always a good pupil. He has too many things to do. He loves football and photography. John takes the pictures of the places he visits. He has some very good pictures of the Lake District and Scotland. This year John is working a lot. He wants to be one of the best pupils in his class. After he finishes school, John wants to go to London University.

John Barker live with his father, mother and yonger sister Sally.His father’s name is Richard Barker and he is a children’s doctor. John’s mother’s name is Margaret Baker and she is a music teacher at shcool.John has got aunt, uncle and cousins too. They all live in Scotland and they often come to London to visit the Barkers.John went to school when he was five years old.John wants to speak French, Russian and Spanish and he would like to be a journalist. Because the journalist travel all over the world and meet a lot of interesting people and he want to work for a newspaper or a magazine.John loves football and photography.This year John is working a lot because he want to be a one of the best pupils in his class.After school he wants to study at London University.