Краткий пересказ на английском зыке
My name is Captain Walton.
My ship was exploring the Arctic when we found a man on a piece of floating ice.
He was called Victor Frankenstein.
One night, he told me a strange tale.
’My dear captain, how shall I begin?
I grew up near Geneva.
I was a happy child.
My parents had two other sons, Ernest and William, and they took in an orphan, Elizabeth.
When I was seventeen, I went to the University of Ingolstadt.
A professor there inspired me to study chemistry.
This changed my life as I became obsessed with the search for the secret of life.
I worked day and night for two years and, finally, I found the new secret.
To test my discovery, I decided to create a new life in the laboratory.
I collected parts of bodies and, after two years, I was ready to bring my creature to life.
But when I saw the monster I had created, I felt horror and disgust.
How can I describe the monster?
You could see the muscles under his thin, yellow skin.
His hair was long and black.
His teeth were pearly white, but his eyes were watery and his lips black.
When my friend Henry Clerval arrived, I said nothing about the monster, which by now had left my house.
Henry brought news of my family.
They were well and had taken in a servant called Justine.
Imagine my shock when a letter arrived form my father - my young brother William had been murdered!
I went to my parents’ house.
Just before I got there, I saw the monster running through the trees.
I realised the monster I had created killed my brother!
When I got to the house, I was horrified to discover that Justine, who had been found near the scene of the crime, was accused of the murder.
I knew she was innocent but could say nothing.
She was hanged.
Soon afterwards, while I was spending some time alone in the mountains, I met my evil creation again.
The monster begged me to listen to his story.
This is what he said:
"When I left your house, I came across a cottage and lived secretly in the barn watching an old, blind man and his children.
I learne dhow to speak and I realised how miserable I was.
I had no family, no memories, no childhood.
One day, I decided to speak to the old man.
He was kind and couldn’t see my ugly body.
But as soon as his children returned, they screamed and hit me with sticks.
I ran away.
On one occasion, I saved a girl from drowning in a river but when her friend saw me, he fired a gun at me.
This was the reward of kindness.
I promised eternal hatred and revenge on mankind.
My first victim was your young brother.
But now I want nothing more than a companion.
I want you to make me a female companion and we will live together far away from all humans, I promise."
I agreed to his demand, though the idea was terrible to me.
When I returned home, my father mentioned his wish for me to marry Elizabeth, whom I loved dearly.
But before the marriage, I needed to go to England to complete my work.
Henry came with me to England and, eventually, I completed my second creation.
As I was bringing her to life, I began to have serious doubts about what I was doing.
But suddenly, my monster arrived.
He said: "You are my creator but I am your master!"
In my confusion, I broke the body into pieces.
The monster left, saying: "I will be with you on your wedding night!"
The next day the police arrested me.
I was accused of the murder of a young man.
They showed me the body - it was my friend Henry!
My monster had claimed his third victim.
They put me in prison but, in the end, I was proved innocent.
I was haunted by what the monster had said about my wedding night and I wanted to destroy him.
On our wedding night, I was checking for the monster outside when I heard screams.
I ran upstairs, only to find Elizabeth dead!
The monster was at the window.
He laughed before he ran off into the night.
The destruction of the monster was now my only aim.
I followed him all over the Earth - the Mediterranean, the Black Sea, Russia - but he always escaped.
He went north.
I followed him to the frozen wastes of the Arctic but he as one step ahead.
I was drifting on a piece of broken ice when, dear captain, you found me.
I am dying.
Please believe my tale and promise me you will do all you can to kill this monster.’
Those were his last words.
He died in my cabin.
I went out and then I heard strange noises.
When I returned to my cabin, I saw the monster, a horrible creature, kneeling next to Frankenstein and crying.
He told me how miserable he had been and how guilty he felt.
He wanted to die and assured me he would destroy himself.
Then, he jumped out of the cabin window onto the ice and was taken away by the waves into the darkness.

My name is Captain Walton.
My ship was exploring the Arctic when we found a man.His name was Victor Frankenstein.One night, he told me that he grew up near Geneva.When he was seventeen, he went to the University to study chemistry.He wanted to find out the secret of life.He worked hard for two years and he found the new secret.He decided to create a new life in the laboratory.And he created the creature.The monster had thin, yellow skin, long black hair.His teeth were white, but his eyes were watery and his lips black.One day the monster left his house.Soon after that he received a letter, he found out that his brother William had been murdered.
Just before he got to his parent’ house, he saw the monster running through the trees.He realized that the monster killed his brother.But he could say nothing.Justine, the parents’ servant was accused of the murder.She was hanged.
Soon afterwards, he met his creation again.The monster told him that he felt lonely and asked to make a female companion.The monster promised to live together far away from all people.Victor agreed.He went to England and completed his second creation.When the monster came, he said that he was Victor’s master.Being confused, Victor broke the body into pieces.
The next day the police arrested Victor.He was accused of the murder of his friend Henry.They put Victor in prison but, he was proved innocent.
Victor wanted to destroy the monster.The wedding day came. Victor’s wife Elizabeth was dead.The monster laughed and ran off.
Victor was chasing the monster all over the Earth but he always escaped.
He followed him to the frozen waters of the Arctic but he was one step ahead.
Soon Victor died in the captain’s cabin.Suddenly the captain saw the monster in his cabin, he was next to Frankenstein.He was crying.
He told the captain that he felt guilty and wanted to die.Then, he jumped out of the cabin window onto the ice and was taken away by the waves into the darkness.

Написать краткий пересказ на русском, каждый абзац по отдельности. БЕЗ использования переводчика
Systems software are the programs designed to control the operation of a computer system. They do not solve specific problems. They are written to assist people in the use of the computer system by performing tasks, such as controlling all of the operations required, to move data into and out of a computer and all of the steps in executing an application program. The person who prepares systems software is referred to as a systems programmer. Systems programmers are highly trained specialists and important members of the architectural team.
Applications software are the programs written to solve specific problems (applications), such as payroll, inventory control, and investment analysis. The word program usually refers to an application program, and the word programmer is usually a person who prepares applications software.
Often programs, particularly systems software, are stored in an area of memory not used for applications software. These protected programs are stored in an area of memory called readonly memory (ROM), which can be read from but not written on.
Firmware is a term that is commonly used to describe certain programs that are stored in ROM. Firmware often refers to a sequence of instructions (software) that is substituted for hard ware. For example, in an instance where cost is more important than performance, the computer system architect might decide not to use special electronic circuits (hardware) to multiply two numbers, but instead write instructions (software) to cause the machine to accomplish the same function by repeated use of circuits already designed to perform addition.

Системное программное обеспечение - это комплекс программ, предназначенных для управления работой компьютерной системы. Они не решают конкретных проблем, они пишутся, чтобы помочь людям в использовании компьютерной системы. Человек, создающий программное обеспечение, называется системным программистом.
Программное обеспечение - это программы, написанные для решения конкретных проблем.
Часто программы, хранятся в области памяти, не используемой для прикладного программного обеспечения. Эти программы хранятся в области памяти, называемой read only memory (ПЗУ), с которой можно считавать, но не записывать.
Прошивка - это термин, который обычно используется для описания определенных программ, которые хранятся в ПЗУ. Микропрограммное обеспечение часто ссылается на алгоритм, который заменяет аппаратное обеспечение, чтобы заставить ПК выполнять ту же функцию путем повторного использования схем, с целью экономии средств.

Напишите краткий пересказ игры: scrabble, на английском, желательно без перевочика

The classic board game Scrabble appeared in the distant 1948 and is known to many in Russia thanks to the national clone called Scrabble. This is a crossword game in which you do not have to guess the words, but compose them from a limited number of letters, showing all your best combinatorial skills.
Each word brings points depending on the value of the letters used. In addition, the player receives various bonuses depending on where he has this word on the playing field, as well as for using all seven letters at once. The basic rule of laying out the words - it is necessary to use at least one letter of the word already laid out. At the same time, one should try not to let the opponent get to the bonus fields before himself.

Мэри Поппинс, краткий пересказ восьмой главы

Краткий пересказ всей повести.
Повествование в этой сказочной повести начинается с того, что семейство Бэнкс, собравшись утром за чаем, обсуждает вопрос о поисках новой няни. В доме уже побывало множество нянь, но ни одна из них не смогла ужиться с детьми – Джейн, Майклом и близнецами. И тут вдруг на пороге дома появляется решительная молодая особа, которая представляется Мэри Поппинс и заявляет, что она – их новая няня. Откуда взялась Мэри Поппинс перед дверью дома Бэнксов – неизвестно, возникает такое чувство, что она появилась здесь прямо из воздуха или спустилась с неба на большом зонтике-трости, который она держит в руках.
   Мэри Поппинс не похожа на всех прочих нянь. Она – Мисс Совершенство, так как не имеет совершенно никаких недостатков (разве что очень любит смотреть на свое отражение в витринах магазинов – но разве это недостаток для очаровательной женщины?) Она строга и требовательна, но вместе с тем прекрасно понимает детей. Она рассказывает им чудесные сказки и поит микстурой, которая прямо у нее в ложке превращается в мороженое, она может въезжать по лестничным перилам вверх и расстегивать крючки и пуговицы на детской одежде с помощью взгляда.
   Кроме того, Мэри понимает не только детей, но и животных, и даже статуй – благодаря ей дети знакомятся с Мальчиком с дельфином в городском парке и узнают подробности о жизни одной бродячей собаки и собаки одной из их соседок. А еще Мэри обращает особое внимание на манеры – у нее самой манеры просто превосходны. А кроме зонтика, она приносит в дом с собой большую ковровую сумку, из которой достает самые разные вещи, причем, иногда такие, которые вряд ли поместятся в обычную сумку.
   Одним словом, Мэри Поппинс – очень необычная няня, второй такой просто не существует. Она волшебница, но волшебница, которая целиком сосредоточена на детских проблемах, и появляется всегда там, где требуется помощь детям. На вопрос Джейн и Майкла о том, как долго Мэри пробудет у них, она отвечает, что все зависит от ветра – ведь с помощью ветра и своего зонтика она и перемещается от одних своих воспитанников к другим. Мэри Поппинс совершает для детей немало чудес – но все эти чудеса интересны только самим детям, в мире взрослых они не имеют никакой ценности. Мэри рассказывает и показывает детям, что творится в зоопарке ночью, а также рассказывает о доме, в котором обитают дети, нарисованные на блюде из фарфора.
   А еще дети узнают от нее, откуда на небе появляются звезды – их туда относит именно Мэри Поппинс, и на самом деле это звезды из фольги, которые Мэри берет у Майкла и Джейн и приклеивает на небо. Сейчас дети оказываются именно в том мире, о котором мечтали – мире, наполненном чудесами. Только их беспокоит один вопрос: не забудут ли они обо всем этом, когда станут взрослыми - ведь взрослые часто не помнят даже самые яркие впечатления из своего детства. Но все же они верят, что такую няню, как Мэри Поппинс, они не смогут забыть никогда.

Нужен пересказ от лица Byrne (не больше одного листа) + в конце нужно еще написать - "what lesson did Byrne draw from the experience)"
Byrne arrived in Marshfield an hour before the meeting was due to start. He wondered why Drake, the chairman, had thought it so important that he should be present.
He let himself into the local Party office, a shop in the High Street which had been turned into an office during the election in 1950. There was a photograph of himself on one of the walls taken nine years ago which advertised:
Mr. John Byrne, your new M. P. 2 will attend at3 these offices from 6. 30 p. m. onwards every Friday evening. Bring your problems to your new Labour M. P. 2 He will solve them for you.
Perhaps that was the trouble, he thought. He had intended to be present every Friday evening when he was elected, for a year he had attended regularly. Every Friday he had interviewed a couple of dozen constituents about their housing problems, their pensions and a lot of individual problems.
After a year he started to make excuses. He could not find houses for people when the houses did not exist, and in any case these constituency problems were better dealt with by letter. What was the point in spending every Friday evening in the dirty office, when there was so little he could do to help the people who waited patiently to see him?
He decided that they had called him in order to make him promise to attend more regularly in future.
I must win them back, he thought, for if he lost Marshfield he had lost everything - no seat, no right of entry to the House of Commons. 4
Jimmy March, the Party secretary, entered the room with his pile of agendas and started to place them on each of the chairs. He was, too, obviously avoiding Byrne, whom he must have noticed.
"Hello, Jimmy," Byrne called cheerfully, "always on the job."
"Oh, hello."
Byrne could feel the hostility in the emphatic way March moved round the room.
"I hear there’s likely to be a spot of bother tonight," Byrne said.
"Of course, I’ll be along more regularly on Fridays in future now we’re in Government."5
"It’ll be a change to see you," March said indifferently.

I arrived in Marshfield an hour before the meeting. I wondered why Drake, the chairman had thought that my presence was so important. I went into the local Party office. I had to be present every Friday evening and I intended to do so for years. My work was to interview a couple of dozen constituents about their housing problems, their pensions and a lot of individual problems.
After a year of elections I started to make excuses. I couldn’t find houses for people when the houses didn’t exist. I thought that these constituency problems were better dealt with by letter. In reality there was so little I could do to help people, who waited patiently to see me.
I wanted to believe that they had called me in order to make me promise to attend more regularly in future. I thought that I must win them back for if I lost Marshfield I would have lost everything -no seat, no right of entry to the House of Commons.
Entering the room I met Jimmy March, the Party secretary. It seemed to me that he was avoiding me. I felt that he was rather indifferent to me. I understood that something was wrong and tried to promise to be along more regularly on Fridays in future. I drew from my experience that I should do my useless work and make image that I am helping people.

Составьте краткий пересказ по английскому the british way off life из учебника Афанасьева Верещагина

I go to school that was built in the 1980’s to replace an overcrowding school in our local town centre. The main building of our school is two storey with four classes on each floor. We also have classes in outer buildings. Our classrooms are large and every classroom, in the main teaching block, has its own resource area. In all classrooms there is a CD Rom computer, overhead projector, white board and flip chart. We have interactive whiteboards in most classes. Each class is well resourced for all curriculum areas. Music Room We have a well equipped music room where class and individual lessons are held. Many of our students play a variety of musical instruments. As far as we are aware, we are the only school in our area to have a ’Singing and Signing’ Choir. Library This is our reference library. It is used by all the classes weekly and also at lunch times. Every classroom has its own mini libraries too. Computers We have a computer suite of 32 computers as well as computers in every classroom. There about 1,150 students in my school, including 200 in the sixth form. It is called a Technology College and specialises in Computers and Maths. My school has over 1200 computers (including over 400 tablet PC’s) I am in Year 8. I am presently having to decide what GCSEs I would like to start working towards. I sit my GCSE exams next year. Some subjects are compulsory like Maths, English, Science and a foreign language. I am not sure what other GSCEs I will be taking. I will have to decide soon

Краткий пересказ. Many highland games take place all over Scotland every year. The most famous meeting is in Braemar, a small village in the Scottish Highlands. The games are always on the first Saturday in September. Many athletes travel to Scotland each year to take part in the games. They compete in events like the hammer throw, shot put and the hill run. There are also music and dancing competitions. Marching bands perform for the crowds. They wear traditional clothing and play the bagpipes. The most popular event of the day is the’tug of war’. Two teams hold onto a rope and try to pull the other team over the line. ’Tossing the caber’ is also popular. The athletes have to run holding a heavy tree trunk, the caber, upright. Then, they stop and throw it towards the sky. Tickets always sell out months before the games start. It’s a great day out for all the family.

Many highland games in Scotland every year. The games are always on the first Saturday in September. Many athletes travel to Scotland each year to take part in the games. They compete in events like the hammer throw, shot put and the hill run. There are also music and dancing competitions. Marching bands perform for the crowds. They wear traditional clothing and play the bagpipes. The most popular event of the day is the’tug of war’. Two teams hold onto a rope and try to pull the other team over the line. Tickets always sell out months before the games start. It’s a great day out for all the family.

At the age of 16, we write an examination called GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education). We usually study from 8 to 12 GCSE subjects during the Years 10 and 11; and then choose subjects we will have the exams in.
After Year 11, we have to decide what to do next. There are different opportunities. Some of my friends decide to go to colleges of further education, which prepare students for work, and I will go to the sixth form. Most secondary schools have sixth-form departments but there is no such department in my school. That’s why I will go to a special sixth-form college. I like it more because at college the atmosphere is different and pupils are treated as adults. At the 6th form stage, pupils are highly specialized in three or four subjects and take A level exams. Good A level results in at least 3 subjects are necessary to get a place at a university or Art and Music College to get higher education. But not all pupils will get higher education after the sixth form. If you fail A level exams, you can go to colleges of further education or start looking for a job. But I hope to get a place at a university. Сделать пересказ

В возрасте 16 лет, мы пишем экзамену gcse (Общий сертификат о среднем образовании). Мы обычно учатся от 8 до 12 выпускных экзаменов в школе предметам в течение многих лет 10 и 11; и выберите элементы, которые у нас будут экзамены. После 11 лет, мы должны решить, что делать дальше. Существуют различные возможности. Некоторые из моих друзей решили пойти в колледжи дальнейшего образования, которые готовят студентов для работы, и я пойду в шестой форме. Большинство средних школ имеют шестой-форма отделы, но там нет такого отдела в моей школе. Вот почему я пойду на специальный шестой форма колледж. Мне нравится это лучше, потому что атмосфера в колледж отличается от школы и студентам относятся как к взрослым. На 6-м этапе форма, студенты имеют узкую специализацию по трем или четырем предметам и сдавать экзамены уровня. Хороший уровень результатов, по крайней мере 3 темы нужны, чтобы получить место в университете или искусства и музыкальном колледже получить высшее образование. Но не все студенты получают высшее образование после шестой форме. Если Вы не уровень экзамены, вы можете поступить в колледжи дальнейшего образования или начать искать работу. Но я надеюсь получить место в университете.

Сделать пересказ по rumpelstilskin

The kidnapper of children, disgusting, evil dwarf-hunchback Rumplestiltskin lay on the bottom of the sea, a damn good witch, from the 15th century to the present day. His, turned into a greenish stone, buys in an antique store widow killed by a gangster policeman, the remaining one with a baby-son. The saleswoman look like a witch, said that the stone grants the wishes. Rumplestiltskin fulfills a woman’s desire and enlivens her husband. But the fulfillment of desires has removed the spell and the dwarf wants to get paid - her child.

Краткий пересказ, переведите правильно:
Alexander Borodin was a genius in two fields: music and chemistry. Composing music was really a hobby for him, but he is considered one of the greates Russian composers. His opera "Prince logor" is considered to be one of the most inlportan historical Russian operas.
He studied piano and cello as a youth, but got interested in chemistry after trying to make fireworks. He studied medicine, and became a surgeon for the Russian army. Later, he became professor of chemistry at the Medico-Surgical Academy in St. Petersburg, and spent the rest of his life teaching students there. He loved teaching. He also spent a lot of his time doing scientific experiments.
He said in a letter that writing music was just a hobby. Music filled his time when he was away from the chemistry lab or classroom. In fact he would often pause during discussions on music to check on experiments! He also said that he could only compose when he was too sick to give lectures.

Александр Бородин был гением по двум направлениям: музыка и химия. Сочинение музыки было для него настоящим хобби, но он считается одним из самых великих русских композиторов. Его опера "Князь Игорь" считается одной из самых важных исторических российских опер. Он учился пианино и виолончели в молодом возрасте, но заинтересовался химией после попытки сделать фейерверк. Он изучал медицину и стал хирургом в российской армии. Позже, он стал профессором химии в Медико-хирургической Академии в Сантк-Петербурге и всю оставшуюся жизнь он посвятил обучению студентов там. Он любил преподавать. Он также тратил много времени на научные эксперименты.
Он сообщал в письме, что написание музыки было просто хобби. Музыка заполняла его время, пока он был вдали от химической лаборатории или класса. По факту, он очень часто останавливал дискуссии о музыке, чтобы проверить свои эксперименты. Он также говорил, что он мог сочинять только тогда, когда он был слишком болен для того, чтобы давать лекции.