Ответьте на вопросы по тексту
1.What does the body require for life?
2.Can food be utilized in the form in which it is eaten?
3.How is the processing of the food by the body called?
4.What are enzymes?
5.What does our food consist of?
6.Where are proteins found?
7.What are proteins necessary for?
8.What do carbohydrates provide body cells with?
9.Where is body fat stored?
10.How does body fat act?
11.How much water is it necessary to drink daily?

For life to continue, the body requires fuel in the form of oxygen and food.
Respiration provides the oxygen. Our food, however, cannot be utilized by the body in the form in which it is eaten. It must be specially processed by the body before it can be of any use. This special processing is known as digestion. It is brought about by the action on the food of certain substances called enzymes which are made by the body and mixed with the food during its passage through the body.
The food we eat consists of protein, carbohydrate and fat. It also contains small quantities of vitamins and minerals.
Proteins are found in meat, fish, eggs, milk and cheese. They are broken down into amino – acids during digestion. Protein is necessary for cell growth and repair.
Carbohydrates are found in sweet and starchy foods such as sugar, flour and potatoes.
They are broken down into glucose during digestion. Carbohydrates provide body cells with the energy required to perform their functions.
Fats are found in meat, fish, dairy products and vegetable oils. The digestive process breaks them down to fatty acids. Fats provide energy and body fat, which is stored in a layer beneath the skin. It acts as a reserve source of energy when needed, and also as insulation which helps maintain body temperature in cold weather.
The body required water for the production of blood, digestive juices, urine and sweat. Many foods contain a large quantity of water but it is still necessary to drink more than a liter of fluid daily.

1 The body requires fuel in the form of oxygen and food.
2 No, it can’t
3 The processing’s called digestion
4 Enzymes’re certain substances which are made by the body (and mixed with the food passing through the body)
5 Our food consists of protein, carbohydrate, fat and small quantities of vitamins and minerals
6 They (proteins) are found in meat, fish, eggs, cheese and milk
7 They’re necessary for cell growth and repair
8 Carbohydrates provide body cells with the energy required to perform their functions
9 Body fat’s stored in a layer beneath the skin
10 It acts as a reserve source of energy when needed and also as insulation, helping maintain body temperature in cold weather
11 It’s necessary for us to drink more than a liter of fluid daily

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The planet we live on is the Earth. There are four oceans and six continents on the Earth. The continents are: Europe and Asia, Africa, Australia, North America and South America. The continents are very large. There are usually many countries on the continents. Russia, Great Britain, France, Germany, Spain, Italy are in Europe. China, India, Vietnam are in Asia. Canada and the United States are in America. Egypt is an African country. The largest country in the world is Russia. The smallest country is the Vatican.
People of different nationalities live in these countries. They speak different languages. Each country has its national flag and its own traditions and symbols.
English is the most popular language nowadays. People use it all over the world because it’s an international language.
In the UK, the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand people use English as their native language. These are English-speaking countries.
The capital of the UK is London. There are four parts in the UK: Scotland, Wales, England and Northern Ireland. The Union Jack is the flag of the UK. The capital of the USA is Washington DC. The Americans speak American English.The capital of Canada is Ottawa. The Canadians speak English and French. The capital of Australia is Canberra. There is only one country in Australia. It has got the same name as the continent. Australia is a very big country. The capital of New Zealand is Wellington. The New Zealanders are very friendly people and Wellington is very beautiful. It has got places for shopping and buying souvenirs.
Answer the questions according to the text “Continents and Countries”
1) How many continents and oceans are there on the Earth?
2) What countries are named in the text?
3) What continents are named in the text?
4) What are the largest and smallest countries in the world?
5) What language is an international?
6) What countries are English speaking countries? Why?
7) What is the capital of the UK, the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealander?

1)There are four oceans and six continents on the Earth.
2) Russia, Great Britain, France, Germany, Spain, Italy are in Europe.
3) Europe and Asia, Africa, Australia, North America and South America.
4) The smallest country is the Vatican.
5)English is the most popular language nowadays. People use it all over the world because it’s an international language.
6) In the UK, the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand people use English as their native language. These are English-speaking countries.
7) The capital of the UK is London.
The capital of the USA is Washington DC. The capital of Canada is Ottawa.
The capital of Australia is Canberra.
The capital of New Zealand is Wellington.

1) 6 Continents and 5 oceans
2) UK, London, Canada, Ottawa, Australia, New Zeland
3) Europe and Asia, Africa, Australia, North America and South America
4) The largest country in the world is Russia. The smallest country is the Vatican
5) English language
6)In the UK, the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand people use English as their native language. These are English-speaking countries
7)The capital of the UK is London, The capital of the USA is Washington DC, The capital of Canada is Ottawa, The capital of Australia is Canberra, The capital of New Zealand is Wellington.

This is an office. It is in Moscow in Prechistenka street. The office is large. The computers are new. The tables are grey. The programmers Alex and Max are at their tables. The lamps are above the tables. The diskettes are in the boxes on the tables. The paper is under the tables. The programmers Alex and Max are nice. They are brothers.
Alex: «Max, will you open my site{»
Max: «OK. Why?»
Alex: «Will you find a new picture!»
Max: «Oh, who is this girl? Is she your new girl-friend?»
Alex: «She is not my girl - friend. She is our new secretary.*
Max: «Where is she from?»
Alex: «She is from our university.»
Max: «How nice!»
Ответьте на следующие альтернативные вопросы по тексту:
1. Is the office in Moscow or in London? 2. Is the office in Prechistenka street or in varvarka street? 3. Is the office large or small? 4. Are the computers in the office old or new? 5. Are the tables in the office black or grey? 6. Are the programmers Alex and Max at their tables or in the street? 7. Are the lamps in the office above or under the tables? 8. Are diskettes in the boxes on the tables or under the tables? 9. Is the paper under the tables or on the tables? 10. Are the programmers Alex and Max nice or bad people? 11. Is the girl in the picture a new secretary or a new programmer? 12. Is she from the university or from the college?

ОФИС Это офис. Он находится в Москве на улице Пречистенка. Офис большой. Компьютеры новые. Столы серые. Программисты Алекс и Макс за своими столами. Лампы над столами. Дискеты в ящиках на столах. Бумага под столами. Программисты Алекс и Макс хороши. Они братья.  Алекс: "Макс, откроешь ли ты мой сайт{» Макс: "Хорошо. Причина?» Алекс: "Вы найдете новую картинку!» Макс: «о, кто эта девушка? Она твоя новая девушка-друг?» Алекс: «она не моя девушка - друг. Она-наш новый секретарь. * Макс: "Откуда она?» Алекс: «она из нашего университета. » Макс: "Как мило!» Ответьте на следующие альтернативные вопросы по тексту: 1. Офис в Москве или Лондоне? 2. Офис на улице Пречистенка или на улице Варварка? 3. Офис большой или маленький? 4. Компьютеры в офисе старые или новые? 5. Столы в офисе черные или серые? 6. Программисты Алекс и Макс за столами или на улице? 7. Светильники в офисе над или под столами? 8. Дискеты в ящиках на столах или под столами? 9. Бумага под столами и на столах? 10. Это программисты Алекс и Макс хорошие или плохие люди? 11. Девушка на снимке новый секретарь или новый программист? 12. Она из Университета или колледжа?

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The first design of the Channel Tunnel was proposed in 1751. Since
that time, dozens of proposals had been considered before the actual
tunneling began. The work proceeded very quickly and was successfully
completed in 6 years. The Tunnel was opened for traffic on May 7, 1994.
The Channel Tunnel actually consists of three tunnels: the two
running tunnels* and the service tunnel**. Single-track railway lines are
laid down in each of the running tunnels. Normally, one of them carries
passenger and freight trains from Britain to France and the other carries
trains in the opposite direction. If one of the running tunnels is closed
down for maintenance, the other is used for train movement in both
directions. A smaller third tunnel lies between the two train tunnels. It is
called the service tunnel. There is a roadway inside it, so maintenance
workers and emergency teams can reach any point of the Tunnel system
in their road vehicles. The service tunnel is linked to the running tunnels
at regular intervals by cross-passages***. In case of emergency or a train
breakdown, the passengers will leave the train through one of the cross-
passages into the service tunnel where road vehicles will evacuate them
to a safer place.
The total length of the Tunnel is about fifty kilometers. Thirty-seven
kilometers of the line are under the waters of the English Channel. The
electric trains run every three minutes during peak hours, providing the
carrying capacity of 4,000 vehicles per hour in both directions.
A typical passenger shuttle consists of twenty-six wagons. A half of
them are double-deck carriages for carrying cars of average size. Thirteen
single-deck wagons are used for transporting buses and vans. Freight
shuttles consist of twenty-five single-deck wagons. Each of them is capable
of carrying a vehicle weighing up to forty-four tons. Two electric
locomotives are coupled in front and at the rear of each shuttle.
The time of crossing the Tunnel is thirty-five minutes, about an hour
less than by ferry. Passengers and drivers remain in their vehicles. The
gauge of the tunnel railway is standard that is why the tunnel can be
used for international passenger and freight trains.
Notes: *running tunnel – железнодорожный тоннель
**service tunnel – служебный тоннель
***cross-passage – поперечный переход
X. Ответьте на общие вопросы в соответствии с содержанием
1. Was the first design of the Channel Tunnel proposed in 1851?
2. Had only two projects been considered before the actual tunneling
3. Did the construction proceed very quickly?
4. Are double-track railway lines laid down in the running tunnels?
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5. Is there a roadway inside the service tunnel?
6. Do the electric trains operate in the Channel Tunnel?
7. Does a typical passenger shuttle consist of 26 wagons?
8. Is the time of crossing the Channel Tunnel 30 minutes?
9. Are two electric locomotives coupled in front and at the rear of each
10. Can the Tunnel be used for international passenger and freight

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Первая конструкция туннеля канала была предложена в 1751 году. Поскольку
в то время десятки предложений были рассмотрены до фактического
началось туннелирование. Работа продолжалась очень быстро и успешно
завершено через 6 лет. Туннель был открыт для движения 7 мая 1994 года.
Канальный туннель фактически состоит из трех туннелей: двух
ходовые туннели * и туннель обслуживания **. Однопутные железнодорожные линии
установленных в каждом из туннелей. Обычно один из них несет
пассажирские и грузовые поезда из Великобритании во Францию, а другой -
поезда в противоположном направлении. Если один из запущенных туннелей закрыт
вниз для обслуживания, другой используется для движения поездов в обоих
направления. Меньший третий туннель лежит между двумя железнодорожными туннелями. Это
называемый сервисным туннелем. Внутри есть проезжая часть, поэтому обслуживание
рабочие и команды по чрезвычайным ситуациям могут достичь любой точки туннельной системы
в их дорожных транспортных средствах. Сервисный туннель связан с работающими туннелями
через регулярные промежутки времени пересекаются ***. В случае чрезвычайной ситуации или поезда
поломка, пассажиры покинут поезд через один из кросс-
проходы в сервисный туннель, где дорожные транспортные средства будут эвакуировать их
в более безопасное место.
Общая протяженность тоннеля составляет около пятидесяти километров. Тридцать семь
километров линии находятся под водами Ла-Манша.
электропоезда работают каждые три минуты в часы пик, обеспечивая
пропускная способность 4000 автомобилей в час в обоих направлениях.
Типичный пассажирский челнок состоит из двадцати шести вагонов. Половина
это двухэтажные вагоны для перевозки автомобилей среднего размера. 13
однопалубные вагоны используются для перевозки автобусов и микроавтобусов. Перевозка грузов
челноки состоят из двадцати пяти одноэтажных вагонов. Каждый из них способен
перевозящих автомобиль весом до 45 тонн. Два электрических
локомотивы соединены спереди и сзади каждого челнока.
Время пересечения тоннеля составляет тридцать пять минут, около часа
меньше, чем на пароме. Пассажиры и водители остаются в своих транспортных средствах.
калибр туннельной железной дороги является стандартным, поэтому туннель может быть
используется для международных пассажирских и грузовых поездов.

1. Была ли первая конструкция туннеля канала предложена в 1851 году?
2. Если бы фактическое туннелирование было рассмотрено только два проекта
3. Произошло ли быстрое строительство?
4. Установлены ли двухпроходные железнодорожные линии в туннелях?
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5. Есть ли проезд внутри туннеля?
6. Действуют ли электропоезда в туннеле канала?
7. Существует ли типичный пассажирский челнок из 26 вагонов?
8. Является ли время прохождения туннеля канала 30 минут?
9. Включены ли две электрические локомотивы спереди и сзади каждой
10. Может ли Туннель использоваться для международных пассажирских и грузовых перевозок

Ответьте, на вопросы по тексту. Заранее БОЛЬШОЕ
The BBC is probably the best well-known non-commercial radio and television system, formed by royal charter in 1927 to «educate and enlighten» the citizens. The letters BBC stand for the British Broadcasting Corporation, a very large television and radio organization based in the United Kingdom of Great Britain.
It includes five national radio stations, more than 30 local radio stations, two national television stations, the International BBC World Service and BBC Worldwide Television.
The BBC is a public service. It is paid for by taxes, by advertisers, and all the major political parties have equal rights to give political broadcasts.
There are four radio channels. Radio 1 has mostly pop music; Radio 2 has light music, comedy, sport. Radio 3 has classical and modern music, talks on serious subjects, old and new plays.
Radio 4 presents current news reports, talks and discussions.
The BBC also has two television channels BBC 1 and BBC 2.
BBC 2 offers more serious programmes than BBC 1. It shows discussions, adaptations of novels into plays and films, operas and concerts.
BBC 1 offers lighter plays and series, humor and sport, but there are also some interesting documentaries.
BBC documentaries like «Animal Planet», «Discovery», or «Wildlife» are popular in many countries of the world.
1)What do the letters BBC stand for?
2)When and why was the BBC formed?
3)What units does the BBC consist of?
4)How do you understand the phrase «The BBC is a public service»?
5)In theory can the BBC help one of the political parties to win elections?
6)Why do you think different radio and television channels specialize in different programmes?
7)Which of the two TV channels – BBC 1 or BBC 2 – a lover of classics may choose?
8)Have you ever watched any of the BBC documentaries? What impression did they make on you?

1.The BBC is probably the most famous non-commercial radio and television system 
 2.formed by royal charter in 1927 to «educate and enlighten» the citizens.
3.It includes five national radio stations, more than 30 local radio stations, two national television stations, the International BBC World Service and BBC Worldwide Television.
4.I think? that It is paid for by taxes, by advertisers, and all the major political parties have equal rights to give political broadcasts.
5. It is paid for by taxes, by advertisers, and all the major political parties have equal rights to give political broadcasts.
6.Because it is convenient
7.BBC 2 offers more serious programmes than BBC 1. It shows discussions, adaptations of novels into plays and films, operas and concerts.
8.I watched "Animal Planet". It was very interesting. I love classics, that’s why I like these films

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Canada has an area of nearly ten million square kilometres. Its western coast is washed by the Pacific Ocean and its eastern coast- by the Atlantic Ocean. There are many islands in the north of Canada.
Canada has mountains, high plains and low plains. Canada is a country of lakes. Besides the Great Lakes, which lie on boarder with the USA, there are many other very large lakes, for example, Great Bear Lake, Great Slave Lake and Lake Winnipeg.
Canada also has large rivers: the Mackenzie, the Yukon, and the St. Lawrence.
The Niagara Falls is one of the most splendid sights in the world.
Canada has several climatic regions. Winter in Canada lasts from four to five month with heavy snowfalls.
The north of the country near the Arctic is tundra with great forests to the south. The central plains form the prairies.
The population of Canada is over 24 million people. There are 330,000 Indians and 25,000 Eskimos, who live mostly in the North.
The capital of Canada is Ottawa. Other large important towns are Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, Edmonton, Hamilton, Winnipeg and Quebec.
Machine-building, motor-car, ship-building, hydro-electric industries are highly developed.
Canada is a federal state and a member of the Commonwealth. Formally the head of the state is the King or Queen of England, represented by the Governor-General, who is named by the Canadian cabinet.
The leading figure in the political life of the country is the Prime Minister.
Canada consists of the provinces of Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Colambia and Yukon and the North-West Territories.
The Federal Parliament consists of the Senate, whose members are appointed by the Governor-General, and the House of Commons whose members are elected by the people for a period of five years.
The cabinet is headed by the Prime Minister.
The seat of the Federal Parliament and government is Ottawa, the federal capital.
There are several political parties, which are represented in Parliament: the Progressive Conservative Party, the Liberal Party and the New Democratic Party. They differ mostly in policy, their attitude to the USA, to the question of the French and English elements of the population and to provincial policies.
1. What country is Canada? 2. What is the population of Canada? 3. What branches of industry are highly developed? 4. What kind of state is Canada? 5. How many Houses does the Canadian Federal Parliament consist of? 6. Who is the head of the state and of the government?

1.Canada is a country of lakes. 
2.The population of Canada is over 24 million people.
3.Machine-building, motor-car, ship-building, hydro-electric industries are highly developed.
4.Canada is a federal state and a member of the Commonwealth.
5.Canada consists of the provinces of Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Colambia and Yukon and the North-West Territories.
6.The cabinet is headed by the Prime Minister

Man has never been satisfied with simply talking. For some reason he has always considered his words and ideas to be so important that he has for­ever tried to find ways of recording them on paper. Just as man has developed so many systems of writ­ing, so he has also developed various tools with which to write.
One of the first instruments developed by man for writing was the stylus. This was a sharp instrument made of bone or metal and with it the writer could scratch his message onto stone or wood. It was used for thousands of years and was very practical: it could also be used as a weapon. Julius Caesar was killed with one in 44 BC.
The ideas of a pen and ink were developed by the Egyptians. Their version of the pen was made from bamboo. They sharpened one end of the stem to make a nib; that is the point with which you actually write. They then filled the hollow part of the stem with ink and squeezed it to force the ink onto the nib. It was a good idea but, as you can imagine, when paper was later introduced, a much finer instrument was needed.

The problem was solved with the introduction of the quill pen. The quill is one of the large feathers on the wing or tail of a swan or goose. The quill also gave us the word "pen". You see, feather in Latin is "penna". However, because this pen was in fact a feather, it had to be sharpened quite often and so a special instrument was made for this purpose - the penknife.
The quill was used from the 6th to the 18th centu­ries, and then in the 19th century a machine was in­vented which successfully made a nib out of metal and this could then be fitted into a holder and dipped into a bottle of ink. Finally, in 1884, a young Ameri­can, Lewis Waterman, found a way of putting the ink into the holder and the fountain pen as we know it was completed.
Although the fountain pen was very popular, a new kind of pen was introduced just before the Second World War, which became more popular. This was the ball pen or as a lot of people calls it, the biro. It was developed by a Hungarian living in Argentina whose name was, interestingly enough, Joseph Biro.
1. How long has man been interested in writing?
a. It’s a recent development.
b. For thousands of years.
c. It started when he discovered the quill pen.
d. As soon as he learnt how to make paper.
2. The quill pen was better than the stylus because the people could
a. kill their enemies with it.
b. force the ink through onto the nib.
c. write more finely on paper.

d. make clear signs on wood or stone.
3. The penknife was first used to
a. cut bamboo.
b. keep the end of the quill sharp.
c. cut feathers off a goose.
d. cut the tail off a swan.
4. What were the advantages of a nib made from metal?
a. You didn’t need a penknife any more.
b. The pens couldn’t be filled with ink.
c. You couldn’t use bottles of ink more easily,
d. It made the pen much lighter.
Answer the following questions with a phrase or a sentence.
5. How did Julius Caesar die?
6. Who made the very first version of the fountain pen?
7. What were the disadvantages of the quill pen?
8. Where does the word biro come from?
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Человек никогда не был доволен просто разговором. По какой-то причине он всегда считал, что его слова и идеи так важны, что он навсегда пытался найти способы записи их на бумаге. Так же, как человек разработал так много систем написания, поэтому он также разработал различные инструменты для написания.
Одним из первых инструментов, разработанных человеком для письма, был стилус. Это был острый инструмент из кости или металла, и вместе с ним писатель мог поцарапать свое сообщение на камне или дереве. Он использовался в течение тысяч лет и был очень практичным: его также можно было использовать в качестве оружия. Юлий Цезарь был убит одним из 44 до н. Э.
Идеи ручки и чернил были разработаны египтянами. Их версия пера была сделана из бамбука. Они затачивали один конец стебля, чтобы сделать наконечник; это точка, с которой вы на самом деле пишете. Затем они заполнили пустую часть стебля чернилами и сжимали его, чтобы нанести чернила на наконечник. Это была хорошая идея, но, как вы можете себе представить, когда была введена бумага, понадобился гораздо более тонкий инструмент.
Проблема была решена с введением пера. Перо является одним из больших перьев на крыле или хвосте лебедя или гуся. Перо также дал нам слово «перо». Понимаете, перо на латыни - «пенна». Однако, поскольку это перо было на самом деле пером, его нужно было затачивать довольно часто, поэтому для этой цели был создан специальный инструмент - перочинный нож.
Перо использовалось с 6 по 18 века, а затем в 19 веке была изобретена машина, которая успешно изготовила нить из металла, и затем ее можно было установить в держатель и окунуть в бутылку чернил. Наконец, в 1884 году молодой американец Льюис Уотерман нашел способ поместить чернила в держатель и перьевую ручку, поскольку мы знаем, что она была закончена.
Хотя авторучка была очень популярна, новый тип ручки был введен непосредственно перед Второй мировой войной, которая стала более популярной. Это была ручка с шариком или, как ее называют многие, биро. Он был разработан венгром, проживающим в Аргентине, чье имя было, как ни странно, Джозефом Биро.

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Victoria at School
Victoria goes to Carlton Hill Primary School. The school is about ten
or eleven years old. Altogether there are only about 100 children in the whole school. There are four classes with about 25 children in each.
Vicky is in an introductory class which means her class has some fouryear-olds and some five-year-olds. W hen Vicky reaches six she will go into another class.
There are five desks in Vicky’s classroom. Each has their own colour.
There are some pictures on the pegs to hang their coats, so they can easily recognize their own.
There are a lot of interesting things on the walls such as Alphabet
posters, shapes, numbers, picture cards with words to learn, posters of
animals, paintings done by the children.
There is a nature table with buds and flowers. All the different kinds
of flowers are labelled.
There are shelves with books on and a rack covered with books.
There is a lovely Wendy House which takes up one comer of the room.
It is hand-made out of wood. You can fit about six or seven children in
without being cramped together. It is just like a miniature ideal home.
Near where all the books are, there is a big carpet with an armchair where
Miss Cull, Vicky’s teacher, sits when she reads to them, and when they
sing songs, all the children gather round her on the carpet.
Comment upon the following details and describe Vicky’s classroom.
1. W hy is Vicky’s class called introductory?
2. Why are there only five desks in the classroom?
3. W hy are there pictures on the pegs?
4. Explain the choice of objects you can see on the wall.
5. W hat is the function of the nature table?
6. Why is the wooden house called Wendy House?
7. Is it a good idea for the children to play on the carpet?
8. Can you think of some other things that can be found in Vicky’s
classroom and that are not mentioned in the text?

Виктория в школе 
Виктория идет в начальную школу Карлтон-Хилл. В школе около десяти 
или одиннадцать лет. Всего в области насчитывается всего около 100 детей в школе. Есть четыре класса с около 25 детей в каждой.  
Вики во вступительном классе, что означает ее класс имеет некоторые четырехлетним детям и пяти-летних. Огда Вики достигает шести лет она пойдет в другой класс.  
Есть пять столов в классе Вики. Каждый из них имеет свой собственный цвет.  
Есть некоторые фотографии на прищепки, чтобы повесить их пальто, чтобы они могли легко распознать свое.  
Есть много интересного на стенах, такие как алфавит 
плакаты, фигуры, цифры, карточки со словами, чтобы узнать, плакатов 
животные, картины, выполненные детьми.  
Есть природа стол с бутонами и цветами. Все различные виды 
цветов промаркированы.  
Есть полки с книгами и шкаф завален книгами.  
Есть прекрасный домик, который занимает один угол комнаты.  
Это хенд-мейд из дерева. Вы может поместиться около шести или семи детей в 
не будучи тесновато вместе. Это просто как миниатюрный идеальный дом.  
Недалеко от места, где все книги, есть большой ковер с креслом, где 
Мисс калл, учитель Вики, сидит, когда она читает их, и когда они 
поют песни, все дети собираются вокруг нее на ковре.  
Прокомментировать следующие реквизиты и описания классной комнаты Вики.  
1. Зачем класс Вики называется вводным? 
2. Почему существует только пять парт в классе? 
3. Почему есть фотографии на прищепки? 
4. Объяснить выбор объектов вы можете увидеть на стене.  
5. Как функция природы таблице? 
6. Почему деревянный дом под названием Венди дома? 
7. Это хорошая идея для детей, чтобы играть на ковре? 
8. Вы можете придумать какие-то другие вещи, которые можно найти в вики 
классе и которые не упоминаются в тексте?

просто переведите этот текст: Вот вопрос-What are the two ’most American’ holidays? Fill in the gaps the correct prepositions. И снизу пошёл текст
Americans have a big party on Independence Day. Some towns and cities have parades with music bands and flags _on__ the Fourth of July. The atmosphere of the family party, with hot dogs and hamburgers _in_ the afternoon and the fireworks _at_ night makes the Fourth of July a national birthday party. Thanksgiving Day is _on_ the fourth Thursday _in_ November. People started to celebrate it _in_ 1621. _On_ Thanksgiving all people in the family gather in the house of their parents and eat a large traditional dinner.

Какие два большие Американских праздника? Заполните промежутки правильными предлогами.
Американцы устраивают многочисленную вечеринку в День независимости. У некоторых городов есть парады с музыкальными полосами и флагами на День независимости США.
Атмосфера семейного праздника, с хот-догами и гамбургерами в этот день и фейерверк а ночью делают в День независимости США национальной вечеринкой по случаю дня рождения. День благодарения - на четвертый четверг ноября. Люди начали праздновать его в 1621. На День благодарения все люди в семье собираются в доме их родителей и едят большой традиционный ужин.

8. Подберите фразы, подходящие по смыслу из 2-х колонок, переведите предложения на русский язык.
1) In case I don’t find her at home,
2) I shall come in time
3) I shall go there
4) She wouldn’t have got engaged to old Mr Green
a) unless the train is late.
b) provided you accompany me.
c) I shall leave her a note.
d) unless she had been fond of him.
9. Переведите текст на русский язык.
It’s time we studied the phenomenon of science fiction and fantasy popularity nowadays. The reason for this choice of the topic is the following. Lately, there has been a splash of interest for the science fiction all over the world. But everything having to do with supernatural, mysterious and extraordinary has ever been of great interest to the readers, and at present, this interest has not only remained, but increased. And modern science fiction offers plenty of the items to satisfy the reader’s longing for supernatural. Fantasy has long developed into a self-contained form of writing. This supplementary category of science fiction includes stories based upon some change or disturbance or local anomaly in physical conditions, some extraordinary powers, for example, magic powers a man possesses.
All science fiction is based in this or that way upon fantasy, upon something unrealistic, artificial, something invented by the author, the stories, which in some way deal with something of a magic. A lot of books written deal with this, more are to come and the popularity isn’t ceasing. Science fiction is the branch of literature that deals with the effects of change on people in the real world as it can be projected into the past, the future or to distant places. It often concerns itself with scientific and technological change, and it usually involves matters whose importance is greater than the individual or the community; often civilization or the race itself are in danger.
At the hard core of almost every true science fiction story is the idea that the quality that makes humanity human is curiosity; if people only saw the stars every thousand years, they would not adore but go mad; the reader who misses the intellectual level of discourse is missing what more than anything else distinguishes science fiction from other forms of fiction. In the science fiction story, it is essential to reveal not the character but the relationship of a man to his environment, whether man-made or natural, or of a man to other men or to other creatures or to his own creations.
10. Составьте 5 вопросов к тексту: а) общий; б) альтернативный;
в) разделительный; г) вопрос к подлежащему; д) специальный

Пришло время изучать феномен научной фантастики и популярности фантазий в наши дни. Причиной такого выбора темы является следующее. В последнее время интерес к научной фантастике во всем мире вызвал большой интерес. Но все, что связано с сверхъестественными, таинственными и экстраординарными, когда-либо представляло большой интерес для читателей, и в настоящее время этот интерес не только остался, но и увеличился. И современная научная фантастика предлагает множество предметов, чтобы удовлетворить стремление читателя к сверхъестественному. Фантазия давно превратилась в самостоятельную форму письма. Эта дополнительная категория научной фантастики включает истории, основанные на некоторых изменениях или беспорядках или местной аномалии в физических условиях, некоторые необычные силы, например, магические способности, которыми обладает человек.
Всякая научная фантастика основана тем или иным образом на фантазии, на что-то нереалистичное, искусственное, что-то, изобретенное автором, истории, которые каким-то образом имеют дело с чем-то вроде магии. Многие книги, написанные с этим, требуют большего, и популярность не прекращается. Научная фантастика - это отрасль литературы, которая затрагивает последствия перемен для людей в реальном мире, поскольку их можно прогнозировать в прошлое, будущее или отдаленные места. Он часто относится к научным и технологическим изменениям и обычно включает вопросы, значение которых больше, чем индивидуум или сообщество; часто цивилизация или сама раса находятся в опасности.
В тяжелом ядре почти каждой настоящей научной фантастики есть идея о том, что качество, которое делает человечество человеческим, является любопытством; если бы люди видели только звезды каждую тысячу лет, они бы не обожали, но сошли с ума; читатель, который пропускает интеллектуальный уровень дискурса, отсутствует, что больше, чем что-либо другое, отличает научную фантастику от других форм художественной литературы. В научной фантастике важно раскрывать не характер, а отношение человека к его окружению, будь то искусственное или естественное, или от человека к другим людям или к другим существам или к его собственным творениям.