Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Continuous или Past Perfect
1. Last summer we (to live) in the country and (to go) to the river every day. 2. My sister (to spend) a lot of money yesterday. 3. She is so upset: she (to lose) the key to the front door. 4. By the 1st of September all the children (to return) from the country. 5. Columbus (to discover) America 500 years ago. 6. Columbus (not to know) that he (to discover) America. 7. I already (to read) five English books. 8. He (to discuss) the problem with a lot of people before he (to take) a decision. 9. Mother (to bake) a delicious cake! Sit down at the table and let’s eat it! 10. She (to read) an English book the whole evening yesterday. 11. I never (to be) to Greece. 12. They (to tell) me yesterday that you (to get) an excellent mark. 13. When you (to receive) a letter from your friend? 14. Our grandmother (to cook) dinner from twelve till three yesterday. 15. Look! What beautiful flowers she (to buy)! 16. They (to travel) along the coast of Africa last year. 17. We (not to see) each other for ages. 18. They (to eat) all the apples which I (to bring). 19. When the children (to have) dinner, they (to go) for a walk. 20. You ever (to be) to the Niagara Falls? 21. At this time yesterday they (to sit) on the sofa and (to listen) to their grandmother who (to tell) "them fairy tales. 22. My friend just (to ring) me up from London. 23. I (to stand) at the tram stop when, it (to begin) raining. 24. We (not to skate) since last winter.

1. Last summer we lived in the country and went to the river every day.
2. My sister spent a lot of money yesterday.
3. She is so upset: she has lost the key to the front door.
4. By the 1st of September all the children had returned from the country.
5. Columbus discovered America 500 years ago.
6. Columbus didn’t know that he had discovered America.
7. I already have read five English books.
8. He had discussed the problem with a lot of people before he took a decision.
9. Mother baked a delicious cake! Sit down at the table and let’s eat it!
10. She was reading an English book the whole evening yesterday.
11. I’ve never been to Greece.
12. They told me yesterday that you had got an excellent mark.
13. When have you received a letter from your friend? 14. Our grandmother was cooking dinner from twelve till three yesterday. 15. Look! What beautiful flowers she bought! 16. They travelled along the coast of Africa last year. 17. We haven’t seen each other for ages. 18. They ate all the apples which I had brought. 19. When the children have dinner, they will go for a walk. 20. Have you ever been to the Niagara Falls? 21. At this time yesterday they were sitting on the sofa and listening to their grandmother who was telling them fairy tales. 22. My friend just rang me up from London. 23. I was standing at the tram stop when, it began raining. 24. We haven’t skated since last winter.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect и Past Simple.
1. I say, Tom, let’s have dinner. — No, thank you, I already (to have) dinner. 2. I (not to meet) Peter since Monday. 3. What the weather (to be) like? It still (to rain)? — No, it (to stop) raining. 4. Where Sergei (to be)? — He (to go) home. He (to leave) the room a minute ago. 5. What you (to read) now? — I (to read) "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte. 6. They (to read) "Ivanhoe" by Walter Scott a month ago. What about you? You (to read) "Ivanhoe"? 7. My watch (to stop). There (to be) something wrong with it. 8. You (to see) Jack today? — Yes, I (to see) him at the institute. 9. You (to hear) his new symphony? — Yes, I. — When you (to hear) it? — I (to hear) it last Sunday. 10. You (to change) so much. Anything (to happen)?
Только честно

1.I say, Tom, let’s have dinner. — No, thank you, I’ve already had dinner. 2. I haven’t met Peter since Monday. 3. What is the weather  like? It is still raining? — No, it stops raining. 4. Where is Sergei? — He went home. He left the room a minute ago. 5. What are you reading now? — I’m reading "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte. 6. They read "Ivanhoe" by Walter Scott a month ago. What about you? Did you read "Ivanhoe"? 7. My watch has stopped. There is somethinоg wrong with it. 8. Have you seen Jack today? — Yes, I’ve seen him at the institute. 9. Did you hear his new symphony? — Yes, I did. — When did you hear it? — I heard it last Sunday. 10. You changed so much. Did anything happen?

1)Put the verbs in the correct from(use Present Perfect)
a) Oh, your room_____ ( to change)
-Yes, it ____. We _______ (to decorate) it.
b) ___ you ____ ( to do) your homework, Oliver?
-Yes, i _____
c) _____ your father _______ (to buy) a new car?
-No, he ____. He ______ ( to repaint) his old car.
d) Oh noSomeone _______ ( to eat) my apple.
e)______ your mother _____(to cook) your favorite fruit cake?
-Yes, she ____.
f) I _____ ( to be) to London twice.
3) Fill in the gaps with the given words. There are two extra.
Слова: oven, sofa, pictures, bathroom, garden, wardrobe, carpet, desk, fridge, flat, TV-set, bookcase, bedrooms, house, cooker, floor, kithen.
We live a _____.The flat is on the first _____. It si big. It has two_____. There is also a living-room, a kithen and a______ in our flat. Our fridge is not very large: there is a table, four chairs, a _______, a______ and an ______ in our kithen. I have my own bedroom. The bedroom is small : there is a bad, a _______ for my clothes, a_____ for my books, a _____ with my computer and a chair in it. The living room is large: there are two armchairs, a_______ and a ________ in the living room. There is a _______ on the floor.On the wall there are two _________. I like my flat. It is very comfortable.
Помогите люди !

a) Oh, your room has changed. Yes, it has. We have decorated it.
b) Have you done your homework, Oliver? Yes, I have.
c) Has your father bought a new car? No, he hasn’t. He has repainted his old car.
d) Oh no! Someone has eaten my apple.
e) Has your mother cooked your favorite fruit cake? Yes, she has.
f) I have been to London twice.
We live a FLAT. The flat is on the first FLOOR. It is big. It has two BEDROOMS. There is also a living-room, a kitchen and a BATHROOM in our flat. Our KITCHEN is not very large: there is a table, four chairs, a COOKER, a FRIDGE and an OVEN in our kitchen. I have my own bedroom. The bedroom is small: there is a bed, a WARDROBE for my clothes, a BOOKCASE for my books, a DESK with my computer and a chair in it. The living room is large: there are two armchairs, a SOFA and a TV-SET in the living room. There is a CARPET on the floor.On the wall there are two PICTURES. I like my flat. It is very comfortable.

I / you / we / they have done it.
I / You / We / They haven’t done it.
Have I / you / we / they done it?
1 Ann has just watered the flowers.
2 Mum has already gone to her work.
3 I have already seen this film.
4 We have just taken the bus.
5 Bob has just entered the shop.
6 They have already read this book.
7 The children have made a present for their mother.

1. Ann has just watered the flowers.
Ann hasn’t just watered the flowers.
Has Ann just watered the flowers?
2.Mum has already gone to her work.
Mum hasn’t already gone to her work.
Has mum already gone to her work?
3.I have already seen this film.
 I haven’t already seen this film.
 Have I already seen this film?
4 We have just taken the bus.
We haven’t just taken the bus.
Have we just taken the bus?
5 Bob has just entered the shop.
Bob hasn’t just entered the shop.
Has Bob just entered the shop?
6 They have already read this book.
They haven’t already read this book.
Have they already read this book?
7 The children have made a present for their mother.
The children haven’t made a present for their mother.
Have the children made a present for their mother?

Раскройте скобки, употребляя Present Simple или Present Perfect.
1. I already (to do) my homework. Now I can go for a walk. 2. I (to do) my homework every day. 3. He just (to come) home. 4. He always (to come) home at 5 p.m. 5. Nick (to play) football in the evening. 6. She already (to come) from school. Now she is doing her homework. 7. I (to read) this book this year. 8. I never (to be) to Washington. 9. You ever (to be) to New York? 10. You ever (to see) the eruption of a volca­no? 11. I (not yet to eat) today. 12. You (to play) the piano today? 13. What you (to prepare) for today? 14. Look at this bird-house. Mike (to make) it himself. He (to make) a bird house every autumn. 15. Where you (to put) my pen? I cannot find it.

1. I have already done my homework. Now I can go for a walk.
2. I do my homework every day.
3. He have just come home.
4. He always comes home at 5 p.m.
5. Nick has played football in the evening.
6. She has already come from school. Now she is doing her homework.
7. I have read this book this year.
8. I have never been to Washington.
9. You have ever been to New York?
10. You have ever seen the eruption of a volca­no?
11. I haven’t eaten today yet.
12. Have you played the piano today?
13. What have you prepared for today?
14. Look at this bird-house. Mike has made it himself. He makes a bird house every autumn. 15. Where have you put my pen? I cannot find it.

1.) I have already done my homework. Now I can go for a walk.
2.) I do my homework every day.
3.) He have just come home.
4.) He always comes home at 5 p.m.
5.) Nick has played football in the evening.
6.) She has already come from school. Now she is doing her homework.
7.) I have read this book this year.
8.) I never was to Washington.
9.) You have ever been to New York?
10.) You have ever seen the eruption of a volca­no?
11.) I haven’t eaten today yet.
12.) Have you played the piano today?
13.) What have you prepared for today?
14.) Look at this bird-house. Mike has made it himself. He makes a bird house every autumn.
15.) Where have you put my pen? I cannot find it.

Нужно перевести текст в present perfect
Every school has its own traditions.These are the holidays we celebrate and the parties we organise at school.
Ann and Den are going to have the Ribbon Festival in their school next Friday.All the boys and girls are going to wear colourful bright ribbon that day.The pupil who has the most beautiful costume is going to be the King or the Queen at the fancy drees party.Children are going to perform a new play, sing songs and recite funny poem.They are going to have much fun.

У каждой школы есть свои традиции. Это праздники, которые мы отмечаем, и вечеринки, которые мы организуем в школе. Энн и Ден собираются провести Фестиваль Лента в своей школе в следующую пятницу. Все мальчики и девочки собираются носить красочную яркую ленту в тот день. Ученик, у которого самый красивый костюм, станет королем королевы Необычные деревья Вечеринки. Дети собираются исполнить новую пьесу, поют песни и произносят забавное стихотворение. Они собираются повеселиться.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect, Present Continuous, Present Simple или Past Simple.
1. Please give me a pencil, I (to lose) mine. 2. I (not to meet) Peter since Monday. 3. Nina just (to finish) work. 4. Where Sergei (to be)? — He (to go) home. He (to leave) the room a minute ago. 5. What you (to read) now? — I (to read) "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte. 6. They (to read) "Ivanhoe" by Walter Scott a month ago. What about you? You (to read) "Ivanhoe"? 7. My watch (to stop). There (to be) something wrong with it. 8. You (to see) Jack today? — Yes, I (to see) him at the institute. 9. You (to hear) the new symphony by M. — Yes, I. — When you (to hear) it? — I (to hear) it last Sunday. 10. You (to change) so much. Anything (to happen)? 11. What you (to do) here at such a late hour? You (to write) your composition? — No, I (to write) it already. I (to work) at my report. — And when you (to write) your composition? — I (to finish) it two days ago. 12. I say, Tom, let’s have dinner. — No, thank you, I al-I ready (to have) dinner. 13. What the weather (to be) like? It still (to rain)? — No, it (to stop) raining.

1. Please give me a pencil, I (have lost) mine. 2. I (have not met) Peter since Monday. 3. Nina has just ( finished) work. 4. Where is Sergei? — He (has gone) home. He ( left) the room a minute ago. 5. What are you ( reading) now? — I (am reading) "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte. 6. They ( read) "Ivanhoe" by Walter Scott a month ago. What about you? Have you ( read) "Ivanhoe"? 7. My watch (has stopped). There (is) something wrong with it. 8. Have you ( seen) Jack today? — Yes, I (saw) him at the institute. 9. Have you ( heard) the new symphony by M. — Yes, I have. — When did you ( hear) it? — I ( heard) it last Sunday. 10. You (have changed) so much. Has anything ( happened)? 11. What are you ( doing) here at such a late hour? Are you ( writing) your composition? — No, I (have written) it already. I (am working) at my report. — And when did you ( write) your composition? — I ( finished) it two days ago. 12. I say, Tom, let’s have dinner. — No, thank you, I have already ( had) dinner. 13. What is the weather  like? Is it still ( raining)? — No, it (has stopped) raining.

Поставь глаголы в правильную форму (to be gong to/Future Simple/Present Progressive)
It is raining all day today. It (be wet) IS GOING TO BE WET tomorrow.
– Have you decided what to do in the evening?
- Yes, I (go) _____ to a birthday party.
– There are many dark clouds. It (snow) _____.
– Do you like the weather?
- Not very much, and I (stay) _____ at home today.
– Do you have any plans for the weekend?
- Yes, I (visit) _____ my grandparents.
– It will be sunny and warm tomorrow.
Поставь глаголы в правильную форму (Present Perfect)
1). ___ you ___ the flowers ___, Jane? (water/yet)
2). – I ___ the flowers ___. (water/yesterday)
3). Today Steve and I ___ ___ the paths in the garden. (sweep/already)
4). Tom ___ ___ the room. (already/clean)
5). ___ you ___ Jimmy, the dog, ___? (feed/yet)
6). The father ___ ___ it. (feed/just)
7). He ___ it ___. (every day/do)
Поставь глаголы в правильную форму
If the weather (be) IS lovely Jane and her friends (swim) WILL SWIM in the river.
If the weather (be) _____ fine Jane and her friends (have) _____ a picnic.
If there (be) _____ fog Jane (invite) _____ her friends to the café.
If her parents (agree) _____ they (take) _____ Jane and her friends to the countryside.
If it (be) _____ very hot they (go) _____ to the beach.
If there (be) _____ rain they (stay) _____ at home.

1. Yes, I m going to a birthday party.
2. It’s going to snow.
3. Not very much and I am going to stay at home today.
4. I’m going to visit my grandparents.
1) Haven’t you watered the flowers yet, Jane.
2) I watered the flowers yesterday.
3) have already swept
4) Tom has already cleaned the room.
5). Haven’t you fed Jimmy the dog yet?
6) The father has just fed it.
7. ) He does it everyday.
If the weather is fine Jane and her friends will have a picnic.
If there is fog Jane will invite her friends to the cafe.
If her parents agree they’ll take Jane and her friends to the countryside.
If it is very hot they will go to the beach.
If there is rain they’ll stay at home.

She is going to school now. Нужно переделать под 7 времен ( Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Future Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect) + вопрос и отрицание ко всем этим 7 предложениям. Должно получиться 21 предложение ( 7 по временам,7 по вопросам,7 по отрицанию )

1. PrSimp: She goes to school.
Does she go to school?
She does not go to school.
2. PrCont: She is going to school now.
Is she going to school now?
She is not going to school now.
3. PrPer: She has gone to school.
Has she gone to school?
She has not gone to school.
4. PastSimp: She went to school.
Did she go to school?
She did not do to school.
5. FSimp: She will go to school.
Will she go to school?
She will not go to school.
6. PastCont: She was going to school.
Was she going to shcool.
She was not going to school.
7. PastPer: She had gone to school.
Had she gone to school?
She had not gone to school.

Present S. She goes to school every day. She doesn’t go to school every day. Does she go to school every day?
Present C. She is going to school now. She isn’t going to school now. Is she going to school now?
Present P. She has already gone to school. She has never gone to school.Has she gone to school?
Past S. She went to school yesterday. She didn’t go to school yesterday. Did she go to school yesterday?
Future S. She will go to school next day. She won’t go to school the next day. Will she go to school the next day?
Past C. She was going to school yesterday at 8 o’clock. She wasn’t going to school yesterday at 8 o’clock. Was she going to school yesterday at 8 o’clock?
Past Perfect She had gone to school. She hadn’t gone to school. Had she gone to school?

В каком случае пишется perfect continuous а в каком present perfect

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В первом случае ребенок удивляется результату в настоящий момент (он вырос на целый миллиметр за год - результат: мальчик подрос, хоть и немного). Во втором случае упор ставится на длительность действия, которое началось в прошлом и которое продолжается в настоящем.
В первом случае употребляется Present Perfect Simple, а во втором Present Perfect Continuous. В первой ситуации нам интересен окончательный результат. Во втором случае нам важен процесс.