Описание костюма на английском языке. БЫСТРЕЙ

На английском -The complex of clothes with a feather included a shirt, most often with oblique polka, I will sing, a belt, an apron, a breastplate, a maggot-like headdress such as magpies, bird feathers and beads, shoes woven of bast or leather. This costume prevailed in the southern provinces of European Russia: Voronezh, Kaluga, Kursk, Ryazan, Tambov, Tula, Orel, and partly Smolensk. It is considered to be the oldest among the Eastern Slavs. Scientists suggest that its main parts - shirt, ponya, kitschy headwear - were already part of the female costume during the formation of the ancient Russian people, that is, in the VI-VII centuries.
 На русском -Комплекс одежды с понёвой включал в себя рубаху, чаще всего с косыми поликами, понёву, пояс, передник, нагрудник, кичкообразный головной убор типа сороки, ук рашения из птичьих перьев и бисера, обувь, плетенную из лыка или кожаную. Этот костюм преобладал в южных губерниях Европейской России: Воронежской, Калужской, Курской, Рязанской, Тамбовской, Тульской, Орловской, частично Смоленской. Его принято считать наиболее древним у восточных славян. Ученые предполагают, что его основные части — рубаха, понёва, кичкообразный головной убор — уже были составляющими женского костюма в период формирования древнерусской народности, то есть в VI—VII веках.

Описание острова Тасмания на английском языке

The island of Tasmania (Tasmania Island) is situated 240 km South of the Australian mainland (separated from it by bass Strait). From the South-West coast of the island washed by the Indian ocean, and from the East – water Terminologi sea. The island in 1642, was opened by the resident of the Netherlands by Abel Tasman, after whom later was named. 
The island of Tasmania has an area of 67 800 sq km and is part of the Great Dividing range of Australia. The island’s shores greatly indented by bays, among which the Bay Macquarie, Bay, storm, etc. 
The terrain in Tasmania is very diverse. He is represented by hills, plains, volcanoes, plateaus, valleys, etc. the Height of the plateau and highlands of an average of 600-1000 m. the highest point of the island is the peak of mount Ossa, the height of which is at 1617 m above sea level. The largest rivers of the island are the river Tamar, Macquarie, flowing North, and the Derwent river. The island of Tasmania in ancient times was severely cut by a glacier, hence the significant number of lakes, which are mostly situated on the Central plateau. 
Slightly less than half of the area of Tasmania covered by forest. Characteristic plants are the eucalyptus, the representatives of the Myrtle, acacia, tirucalli and many other rare plants. 
Unique is the fauna of the island of Tasmania, home to kangaroos, Tasmanian devils, marsupial wolf the thylacine, slender-billed Petrel, etc. In the waters Demonologia sea lives the little penguin. 
Nature on the island of Tasmania is unique. The island is largely covered with evergreen forests, which are dominated by the fern plant species. They have no analogues in other places. Those who were lucky enough to see the local forest, they say that the vegetation creates a sense of primeval forests. The locals have the great merit to preserve this priceless treasure. In the 80-ies of the loggers were stopped by local residents before the destruction of forests. The local people hugged trees or formed human chains, and in this way preserved the unique forest. Consequently the Tasmanian forests were declared as protected areas and bids saved for generations in its full glory. The beauty of the island is endless. Tasmania, unlike Australia, is very rich in water resources. Here you will find many luxurious lake full of crystal clear cold water. The dense Tasmanian forests perceny by numerous streams, which descend rapidly to the ocean. Places are formed beautiful waterfalls. Probably one of the most beautiful waterfall Life, which descends into the dense forests of Northern Tasmania. The island also has many beautiful beaches. The most attractive of them are located on the East coast. A particularly attractive area of the Bay great Oystre.

перевести на английский вот этот текст Описание моей семьи. Мой папа среднего роста, плотного телосложения, темно-светлые волосы, по характеру добрый. Моя мама не высокого роста, худенькая, темно-светлые волосы, по характеру добрая. Мой брат маленький, толстенький, светлые волосы, по характеру добрый. Моя сестра маленькая еще, темно-светлые волосы, по характеру бывает разная. Я не высокого роста, худенький, темно-светлые волосы, по характеру добрый. Моя семья разная по росту, но добрая по характеру.

My daddy is of medium height, has a dense physique, dark blond hair, the character is kind. My mom is not tall, thin, dark blonde hair, good by nature. My brother is a small, plump, blond hair, in kind. My sister is small still, dark-blonde hair, the nature is different. I’m not tall, thin, dark-blond hair, the character is kind. My family is different in growth, but kind in nature.

My dad is average height, stocky build, dark blond hair, the nature of the good.My mother is not tall, slender, dark blond hair, the nature of the good.My brother is a little fat, blonde hair, character good.My sister is a little more, dark blonde hair, character is different.I’m not that tall, slender, dark blond hair, the nature of the good.My family is different by height, but a good character.

Описать одно животное кроме лисы и медведя и енота. По английски.

The wolf is a predator of the canine family. He is very much like a big dog. But dogs, as is known, are friends of man, and a man has always considered a wolf his enemy. And there were reasons for this. Wolves often attacked livestock, and in hungry winters, it happened, and per person. People fought the wolves long and hard. They declared them a real war. For the dead wolf gave great bonuses. Of course, in this battle, a man won 
Волк - это хищник из семейства собачьих. Он сильно похож на большую собаку. Но собаки, как известно, друзья человека, а волка человек всегда считал своим врагом. И для этого были основания. Волки часто нападали на домашний скот, а в голодные зимы, случалось, и на человека. Люди долго и упорно боролись с волками. Они объявили им настоящую войну. За убитого побеждал человек. Волка давали большие премии. Конечно же, в этой битве 

Описание цветка маргаритка на английском правильно

Украшением любой цветочной клумбы станет старинный цветок – маргаритка. Свое имя цветок получил от греческого margarites (в переводе – жемчужина). Название хорошо отражает внешний вид растения. Дикие маргаритки имели мелкие белые цветки. Из далека смотрелось именно как жемчужины. В некоторых странах, маргаритки называют «глаз дня» (Day’s eye) потому, что именно эти цветки первые утром раскрывают свои прекрасные лепестки. _____________________________________________________________
Ukraine veto any flowerbeds will be staring a flower Margarita. The name of this flower received from greco Margarites (prod – pearl). The name reflects the appearance of the plant. Di margarita had small white flowers. From Dale Morelos as pearls. In some countries, Margarita called "eye of day" (Day eyes) because these flowers first open in the morning, its beautiful petals.

Daisy is a small white flower with a yellow centre.Its name means "day’s eye", because daisy opens in the morning.Its stems have no leaves and support only one flower.Daisy grows easily wild and in the gardens.You can see daisies in  a lot of bouquets.

Помогите без пользования текста составить внешнее описание феи динь- динь на английском языке!

Dinh-Dinh is a fairy-master. She is very curious and loves to learn new things, which often leads her to unexpected consequences. Dinh differs inquisitive mind and restless character.
She is wayward and impulsive, while remaining nice and charming! Dinh loves adventure and is proud of his collection of missing items. She is very hardworking and spends a lot of time in her workshop, but likes occasionally to have fun and play games with other fairies.
The main master of the Valley of the Fairies is always ready to come to the aid of friends, if they have something not going well
Динь-Динь - волшебник-волшебник. Она очень любопытна и любит изучать новые вещи, что часто приводит ее к неожиданным последствиям. Динь ​​отличается любознательным умом и беспокойным характером.
Она своенравная и импульсивная, оставаясь красивой и очаровательной! Динь ​​любит приключения и гордится своей коллекцией недостающих предметов. Она очень трудолюбива и много времени проводит в своей мастерской, но иногда любит веселиться и играть в игры с другими феями.
Главный мастер Долины Феев всегда готов прийти на помощь друзьям, если у них что-то не получается

написать на английском языке описание продукта по пунктам:
1) Name: The full name of the product is
2) Appearance : it is
3) User-friendliness : it is to set up - all you need is
4) Special features: the special features include in addition it has
5)Benefits : The main benefit of the product is

2)has 4 legs
3)in the creative interior can be used as a stand for something
4)on a comfortable chair you can relax well
5)It can be widely used as a home decoration or as a place for rest, a workplace accessory
Я если честно не особо поняла твоё задание. Пиши конкретнее в следущий раз, извини, если что. Пикча к 3 предложению, если что.

Описание предмета (вещи )НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ,

Tiny — крошечный, bulky — громоздкий, broad — широкий, narrow — узкий, Shape (форма): straight — прямой, regular in shape — правильной формы, irregular in shape — неправильной формы, shaped like a ball (star, heart …) – в форме шара (звезды, сердца …)Temperature (температура на ощупь): cool — прохладный, stone-cold — холодный как лед, ice-cold – очень холодный, ледяной, pleasantly warm — приятно теплый, piping hot — обжигающе горячий, Feel (поверхность на ощупь): smooth — гладкийrough — шершавый, sharp — острый, blunt — тупой, pointed — заостренный, fluffy — пушистый, Weight (вес): heavy — тяжелый, light- легкий

Описание мики мауса и квазимоды по английски

Mickey mouse (Mickey mouse, eng. Mickey Mouse) is a cartoon anthropomorphic mouse created by Walt disney and Abω Avercom in 1928. Perhaps now is the most popular character. Mickey is the mascot of The Walt Disney Company.

Микки маус это это удивительное создание это мышь это герой диснея у него очень много друзей
Mickey Mouse is an amazing creation of this mouse is a Disney character had a lot of friends.

Мне нужно описание русской избя на английском языке с переводом

Peasant’s dwelling consisted of a crate, house, porch, chamber, cellar and closet. The main living room — hut with a Russian stove. The interior decor of the hut was based on the sustainability of traditions of home and economic life of the peasant: fixed wide benches, tightly attached to the walls, shelves over them, opened a cupboard-bludnic, carrycot and other items of home furnishings have a history of many centuries. In the surroundings of the hut does not have a single random object, every thing has its well-defined purpose and illuminated by the tradition of the place, which is a characteristic feature of people’s homes. Particularly interesting in the interior of the Russian izba of the furnace device. United wooden parts of the architecture of the hut in one piece, it embodies the idea of home. That’s why so much love invested by craftsmen in the architectural treatment of the furnace, and pieces of wood. Released the ends of the thick bars podpeca propping up a heavy hearth furnace shop front and a couch on the side, cut with an axe as a support for large cargo. Konik furnace, which separates the hearth the furnace post, cut with an axe in the form of curves of the neck of a horse (a popular pagan deity of the ancient Slavs — the white horse horse).