Описание чебурашки и на английском языке, не менее 5 предложений

Cheburashka - cartoon and literary personazh.Zovni - a creature with huge ears, big eyes and brown hair, something to go back lapah.Cheburashka found in a box of oranges imported into one very big city, meets the crocodile genome. Together they seek friends among them - Lion Chandra and Pioneer Galya and help other characters - people and animals that can talk. They oppose the old Shapoklyak.Ta her hand Lariska small rat. (Чебурашка - мультфильм и литературный персонаж. Зовни - существо с огромными ушами, большими глазами и каштановыми волосами, что-то, чтобы вернуться лапах. Чебурашка найдена в коробке с апельсинами, ввозимой в один очень большой город, встречается с геномом крокодилов. Вместе они ищут друзей среди них - Лев Чандра и Пионер Галя и помогают другим персонажам - людям и животным, которые могут говорить. Они выступают против старого Шапокляка. Ее рука Лариска маленькая крыса) не думаю что всё правильно

Описание Одессы на английском языке!

Odessa is the Black Sea gateway to Ukraine. It is the country’s largest commercial Black Sea port and a large industrial city. Odessa is a crossroads of cultures, languages and trade. Pushkin lived here in exile during the 1820s, and also it was home to writer and film director Alexander Dovzhenko. The site of Odessa was controlled from 1526 to 1789 by the Ottoman Turks. In the 18th century Russia took this region and constructed a new port at Odessa. It was named after the ancient Greek colony Odessos. By the 1880s it was the second biggest Russian port and an important industrial city. Odessa was a hotbed of the 1905 revolution. The beauty of Odessa is in Prymorsky boulevard with its beautiful buildings and the Potemkin Steps. Film director Eisenstein used Potemkin Steps in his film "Battleship Potemkin". The 193 steps, built between 1827 and 1841, descend from the statue of Duc de Richelieu. At the eastern end of Prymorsky boulevard Pushkin statue and a British cannon from the Crimean War stand in front of the Odessa City Hall. Several of the city’s fine museums are the Museum of Maritime History, the Literature Museum, the Pushkin Museum, the Museum of Western and Oriental Art and others. The Archaeology Museum is the first museum of this kind in the former Russian Empire. Its Gold Room has jewellery and coins from early Black Sea civilizations, including the first Slavic coins of St Volodymyr with the trident symbol on them. Odessa is famous for its beaches. The southern beaches are less crowded and more picturesque than the northern ones. The Arkadia area is the most popular and has lots of restaurants and activities.

Текст на русском:
По европейским меркам Одесса является молодым городом. Она была основана Екатериной II в 1794 году, когда русская императрица решила, что стране нужен порт на Черном море для расширения связей с Европой. Когда-то на месте сегодняшней Одессы располагалось древнегреческое поселение, затем здесь жили крымские татары. Их сменили турки-османы, основавшие крепость Хаджибей, которая была захвачена русскими войсками в 1789 году.  
Удачно расположенная географически, Одесса быстро превратилась из небольшого поселения в торговый, промышленный и научный центр европейского значения. К 100-й годовщине своего основания Одесса занимала 4-е место в Российской империи по количеству населения и уровню экономического развития после Санкт-Петербурга, Москвы и Варшавы. Во время 1-й мировой войны и гражданской войны в России город пережил разруху и хаос, во время 2-й мировой войны был частично разрушен.
Несмотря на исторические потрясения, за последнее столетие население Одессы увеличилось почти втрое. Сегодня город продолжает развиваться, теперь в качестве крупного промышленного и курортного центра Украины. Мягкий климат, множество песчаных пляжей и теплое море ежегодно привлекают тысячи туристов в город, который давно и заслуженно носит титул "Южной Пальмиры".
На английском:
By European standards Odessa is a young city. It was founded by Catherine II in 1794, when the Russian Empress decided that the country needed a port on the Black sea to expand relations with Europe. Once on a place of today’s Odessa the ancient Greek settlement settled down, then Crimean Tatars lived here. They were replaced by the Ottoman Turks, who founded the hadzhibey fortress, which was captured by Russian troops in 1789. 
Successfully located geographically, Odessa has quickly evolved from a small settlement in the commercial, industrial and scientific center of European importance. By the 100th anniversary of its founding Odessa ranked 4th in the Russian Empire in terms of population and level of economic development after St. Petersburg, Moscow and Warsaw. During the 1st world war and the civil war in Russia, the city survived the devastation and chaos, during the 2nd world war was partially destroyed.
Despite historical shocks, the population of Odessa has almost tripled over the last century. Today, the city continues to develop, now as a major industrial and resort center of Ukraine. The mild climate, many sandy beaches and warm sea annually attract thousands of tourists to the city, which has long been deservedly bears the title of "southern Palmyra".

10 примеров часов и их описание на английском

What are the most popular watches? Experts of SUNLIGHT hypermarket chain made the rating of the most purchased models. In a fashionable study, three brands took part: Samanta Messi, Sergey Gribnyakov and SUNLIGHT Brilliant.
SUNLIGHT Brilliant Rating
A real hit of the autumn are exactly these unusual watches, the dial of which is adorned with mobile "floating" crystals. And for those who prefer other colors, the model is available in blue, red or white.
SUNLIGHT Brilliant watch
SUNLIGHT Brilliant watch (price by reference)
Well, in the top three of the sympathy - the clock of all shades of white: all three hits of sales are sustained exclusively in this color.
In the first place - a classic model with a blind dial and a smooth strap. Universal accessory to any image!
SUNLIGHT Brilliant watch
SUNLIGHT Brilliant watch (price by reference)
The second place is taken by a similar model with a textured strap made of genuine leather with a pleasant milky tone and a dial tone.
SUNLIGHT Brilliant watch
SUNLIGHT Brilliant watch (price by reference)
The top three of sympathies are closed by a model in a sports style with a white rubber bracelet.
SUNLIGHT Brilliant watch
SUNLIGHT Brilliant watch (price by reference)
Rating Samanta Messi
Unquestionable sales leader was a model with a massive metal strap and a contrasting blue dial with rhinestones instead of numbers.
Samanta Messi Watches
Quartz watch, SL (price by reference)
On the second place, strangely enough, absolutely opposite on style the model: classical, with a thin two-colored strap and a dairy dial.
Samanta Messi Watches
Quartz watch, SL (price by reference)
In third place - a retro style in the style of 60’s with a dial of golden hue.
Samanta Messi Watches

Любой дворец Индии краткое описание на английском языке

Дворец Подмина в Читторгархе в XIX веке был воссоздан после реконструкции.
Дворец представляет собой светлое трехэтажное здание, которое выглядит компактно и красиво. Дворец расположен в южной части форта Читторгарху. Дворец окружен бассейном, где цветут лотосы. Дворец Подмина стал первым дворцом-островом в Раджастане. Именно с его строительства началась традиция возведения подобных дворцов.
Туристов дворец поражает своей архитектурой и атмосферой, которая царит вокруг него. Живописные пейзажи, которые он открывает, остаются навсегда в памяти у посетителей.

Краткое описание что находится с наружи храма Василия Блаженного

There is Saint Basil’s Cathedral in Red Square in Moscow. It is one of the outstanding symbols of the Russian Federation. It was built from 1555-1561 on orders from the tsar Ivan the Terrible by Russian architects Barma and Postnik to commemorate the capture of Kazan and Astrakhan.

The architecture of the cathedral is unique and amazing; it attracts the attention of historians, culture specialists, fine art experts and tourists.

The cathedral is an ensemble of eight churches of different shapes topped with onion domes that are traditional for the Russian architecture.

Each church is named in honor of the saint in whose memorable day there was an important event during the campaigns of the tsar Ivan the Terrible to Kazan. The central church is dedicated to the Eastern Orthodox feast of the Protection of the Theotokos. The building, now a museum, is officially known as the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos on the Moat.

There is a legend that when Ivan the Terrible saw the cathedral of such an amazing beauty, he ordered to blind the masters, so that they were unable to repeat their masterpiece.

Помогите с описанием своего одноклассника, небольшое и не маленькое

У моей одноклассницы Лизы длинные, волнистые волосы. У ней зеленые глаза. Слегка вздернутый нос и заостренные уши. Она мой самый лучший друг

Мой одноклассник Вася(имя любого одноклассника) очень весёлый. Этот мальчик не даёт скучать на перемене, он любит сидеть в телефоне и шутить.
(то-что он любит можно поправить, на счёт веселого не уверена, если у вас есть такой пацан, пиши прям как есть, если нет-то поправь на имя любого мальчишки)

Напишите абзац (10-12 предложений), чтобы описать современное телевидение.

Today, several major television companies, such as NBC, BBC, ABC, RAI, etc. operate in the world. The first television center in Russia appeared in 1937 on Shabolovka. Already in 1939 he carried out regular broadcasting. The Patriotic War, although it slowed down television broadcasting in the USSR, did not prevent its further development. As a result, on December 15, 1945, the television center was the first in Europe to start broadcasting twice a week.
The event has not yet been fixed at the official level in the list of memorable dates of the Russian Federation. It is not a nationwide weekend. At the same time - the International Children’s Television and Radio Broadcasting Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of March, and the professional day is celebrated on May 7, the Day of Television in Russia (Radio Day).

Написать соч на англ. яз. про подружку, вот её описание: Катя, умная, отличница, расудительная, красивая, скромная, всегда поможет, ей 11, коричневые воласы

Не знаю сколько предложений нужно, но вот:
I would like to tell you about my friend. Her name is Kate and she is 11 years old. She’s an excellent pupil because she is very clever and  diligent. Kate often helps me and I can always rely on her. She is also good at giving advice. The way she acts and treats other people is judicious and responsive.
Her appearance reflects her personality. She is very beautiful and has great brown hair. She will probably be even more beautiful when she grows up.
I’m really happy i have a friend like her.

My friend ’s name is Kate. Мою подругу зовут Катя. She is 11. Ей 11 лет. Kate is very clever. Катя очень умная. She is beautiful and modest. Она красивая и скромная. Kate has brown hair. У Кати волосы коричневые. She is a good pupil and always gets fives. Она хорошая ученица и всегда получает пятерки. Kate has many friends and is always ready to help. У Кати много друзей и она всегда готова помочь им.

Описание спальни на английском языке 30-50 слов, с переводом

The bedroom is white, the floor is made of wood. There are two large windows. There is a large bed with a blue coverlet. There is also a desk, a wardrobe and a dressing table. There are pictures and posters on the walls, a white fluffy carpet lies on the floor. Спальная комната белого цвета, пол  из дерева есть два больших окна. Есть большая кровать, с синим покрывалом. Так же есть письменный стол, шкаф и туалетный столик. На стенах висят картины и плакаты, на полу лежит белый пушистый ковёр.

Текст описание белки

A squirrel is a rodent. "The squirrel sings songs, but nuts gnaw." She is capable of ruining a bird’s nest, eating chicks. But basically still prefers to eat vegetable food - mushrooms, berries, fruit of trees, nuts, acorns. Squirrel is smart, agile. Its distinctive feature is forgetfulness.The squirrel can forget where to hide the nuts.
Белка – это грызун. «Белка песенки поёт, да орешки грызёт». Она способна разорить птичье гнездо, съесть птенцов. Но в основном все же предпочитает питаться растительной пищей — грибочки, ягодки, плоды деревьев, орехи, жёлуди.  Белка – умна, проворна. Отличительная её черта – забывчивость.  Белка может забыть где спрятала орехи.