V. Перепишите следующие предложения, определите в них видо-временные формы глаголов и укажите их инфинитив; переведите предложения на русский язык.
1.He will come to Moscow on Monday.
2. Peter the Great moved the capital to St.Petersburg in 1712.
3. Moscow is the cultural center of Russia.

1 He will come to Moscow on Monday. Он приедет в Москву в понедельник. Future Simple. To come - инфинитив
2 Peter the Great moved the capital to St. Petersburg in 1712. Петр Великий перенес столицу в Санк-Петербург в 1712. Past Simple. To move инфинитив
3 Moscow is the cultural center of Russia. Москва - культурный центр России. Present Simple. To be инфинитив

Перевод и видо-временные формы глаголов укажите. ОЧЕНЬ
With increasing numbers entering the working population, expanding industries will have little trouble in recruiting labour. 2. In advanced capitalist societies, advertising is a powerful instrument affecting demand in many markets. 3. Having explored the possible relationship between capacity and expected output, we now examine the behaviour of costs as actual output changes. 4. Having examined the relationship between output and costs, we now show how the behaviour of cost may be reflected in the supply curve. 5. Having learnt the first law of supply and demand (i.e. more is demanded at lower prices), many students then automatically associate an increase in price with a fall in the quantity demanded and vice versa.

1. С увеличением количества трудоспособного населения у развивающейся промышленности будут лишь незначительные проблемы с наемом рабочей силы. 2. В развитом капиталистическом обществе реклама это мощный инструмент воздействия на спрос во многих рынках. 3. Исследовав возможную связь между возможностью и предполагаемым выпуском продукции, мы сейчас исследуем поведение цен как фактические изменения прозводственных мощностей. 4. Рассмотрев взаимосвязь между произведенной продукцией и ценами мы сейчас показываем как поведение цены может быть отражено с помощью кривой предложения. 5. Изучив первый закон спроса и предложения (т. Е. Когда есть больший спрос при низкой цене), многие студенты автоматически связывают увеличение цены с падением требуемоего количества и наоборот.
increasing - Participle 1 (Indefinite, active voice)
entering - Participle 1 (Indefinite, active voice)
working - Participle 1 (Indefinite, active voice)
expanding - Participle 1 (Indefinite, active voice)
recruiting - gerund
advanced - Participle 2
advertising - gerund
affecting - Participle 1 (Indefinite, active voice)
Having explored - Participle 2 (Perfect, active)
examine - Present Indefinite (active)
Having examined - Participle 2 (Perfect, active)
show - Present Indefinite (active)
be reflected - Present Indefinite (passive)
Having learnt - Participle 2 (Perfect, active)
is demanded - Present Indefinite (passive)
associate - Present Indefinite (active)

Образуйте формы страдательного залога от следующих видо-временных форм глаголов:
to write – is written,
will help – will be help,
is looking for,
has bought,
can wash,
was reading,
were listening,
have told,
must wear,
had got,
could do,
will have finished,
to have made,
may close.

is being looked for,
has been bought,
can be washed,
was being read,
was eaten,
were being listened,
have been told,
must be worn,
had been got,
could be done,
will have been finished,
to have been made,
may be closed.

Will be helped, is being looked for, has been bought, can be washed, was being repaired, was eaten, were being listened to, have been told, must be worn, could be done, will have been finished, have been made, may be closed

Перепишите следующие предложения, определите в них временные формы глаголов и укажите их инфинитив; переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. The telephone company is promoting a new service for its customers.
2. If you transfer your money to a deposit account, you’ll earn more interest.
3. You may have to sell your possessions when the company goes into debt.
4. All the leading American banks borrow money from the Federal Reserve Bank at the so-called prime rate.
5. Half a year later I had tens of credit cards, including those issued by America’s most fashionable stores.

1. is promoting - pres cont - to promote
2. transfer - pres simp - to transfer, will earn - fut simp - to earn
3. may - modal pres simp - may, have - infinitive - to have, to sell - inf  - to sell, goes - pres simp - to got.
4. borrow - pres simp - to borrow.
5. had - prast simp - to have, issued - past participle  - to issue.
1. Телефонная компания продвигает новую услугу для своих клиентов.
2. Если вы переведете свои деньги на депозитный счет, вы получите больший доход.
3. Возможно, вам придется продать свое имущество, когда компания окажется в долгах.
4. Все ведущие американские банки занимают деньги у Федерального резервного банка по так называемой основной ставке.
5. Через полгода у меня было десятки кредитных карт, в том числе выпущенных самыми модными магазинами Америки.

Перепишите следующие предложения, определите в каждом из них видо-временную форму и залог глагола-сказуемого. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1.1. The output of agricultural products is seriously affected by variations in weather conditions.
1.2. When the company joined the New York stock market, it had already been on the London market for five years.
1.3. In many countries economic development has led to periods of rapid population growth.
1.4. In a situation of full employment, the supply of most goods and services will be inelastic.

1.1. Продукция сельскохозяйственного производства серьезно зависит от изменчивости погодных условий. Видовременная форма is affected passive
1.2. Когда компания присоединилась к Нью-Йоркской фондовой бирже, он уже работала на лондонском рынке в течение пяти лет. Видовременная форма joined past simle. Had already been present perfect continuous.
1.3. В многих странах экономическое развитие привело к периоду быстрого роста населения. Видовременная форма has led present perfect.
1.4. В ситуации полной занятости поставка большинства товаров и услуг будет негибкой. Видовременная форма will be future simple

1. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждой из них глагол-сказуемое и определите его видо-временную форму и залог. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. She announced to the workers that the experiment was dangerous.
2. It seems to me that I hear a strange noise outside.
3. Of course it can’t last, but it will be a wonderful experience for him.
4. He didn’t explain the traffic regulations to me.
5. I shall not work any more today; I shall stay with you.
2. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них глагол-сказуемое и определите его видо-временную форму и залог. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Не will never be allowed into their house again.
2. Their children are not taken good care of at home.
3. Denis was overwhelmed by an emotion that was strange and new.

1. Она сообщила рабочим, что эксперимент опасен
2. Мне кажется, что я слышу странный шум снаружи
3. Конечно, это не может длиться долго, но для него это будет прекрасным опытом
4. Он мне не объяснил правила дорожного движения
5. Я больше не буду работать сегодня, я останусь с вами

1. Перепишите предложения, раскрыв скобки и употребив глагол в соответствующей временной форме группы IndefiniteActive и Passive.
1. I ( have) a car but I ( not / use) it very often.
2. What your friend ( buy) at the shop yesterday? He ( buy) a lot of things and ( spend) a lot of money.
3. The article ( publish ) next Wednesday, you ( read) it soon.
4. This picture ( paint) by my unce. A lot of money ( offter) for it.
Задание 2. Перепишите данные предложения, употребив существительные во множественном числе и сделав соответствующие изменения.
1. That is a happy family.
2. The book from this library is interesting.
3. Is this a tooth or a stone?
4. There was one goose in the field.

Задание 1.
1. I  have a car but I don’t use it very often.
2. What did your friend buy at the shop yesterday? He bought a lot of things and spent a lot of money.
3. The article will be published next Wednesday, you will read it soon.
4. This picture was painted by my unce. A lot of money was offered for it.
Задание 2. 
1. Those are happy families.
2. The books from these libraries are interesting.
3. Are these teeth or stones?
4. There were geese in the fields.

Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в соответствующей временной форме
1) The judge (to examine) the documents now. He usually (to examine) the documents in the morning.
2) Tomorrow the plaintiff (to ask) the court to force the other contractor to carry out the contract.
3) In 1215 King Henry III (to refuse) to accept Magna Charta.
4) The British Parliament just (to pass) a new law.
5) Mr White (not to carry) out the agreement properly by the end of August.
6) Mr Body never (to receive) any summons for traffic offences.
7) Where is the defendant now? … he (to discuss) any matters with the lawyer?

1. The judge is examining the documents now. He usually examines the documents in the morning.
2. Tomorrow the plaintiff will ask the court to force the other contractor to carry out the contract.
3. In 1215 King Henry III refused to accept Magna Charta.
4. The British Parliament has just passed a new law.
5 Mr White hasn’t been carrying out the agreement properly by the end of August.
6 Mr. Body has never received any summons for traffic offenses.
7. Where is the defendant now. Will he discuss any matters with the lawyer?

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в соответствующей видо-временной форме.
1.When I (to open) the window, it (to rain) heavily and people (to hurry) along the streets. 2. Every day the boss (to enter) the office at half past nine. 3. My friend (to ring) me up at eight o’clock tomorrow. 4. Where Kate (to go) when you (to meet) her yesterday? 5. Where your brother (to work)? 6.What you (to do) at five o’clock yesterday? I (to work) in the library. I (to be) there too, but (not to see) you. I also (to work) there from 3 to 5 tomorrow. 7. When she (to return) from Moscow, she (to tell) us about it. 8. I‘d like to come to your place tomorrow at seven. What you (to do) at that time? 9. When the boss (to come) to the office yesterday? 10. Your friend (to work) in the library every day? 11. He just (to come). – And when you (to come)? 12. Tomorrow by your coming I (to prepare) dinner for an hour already. 13. When he came, the children already (to watch) the film. 14. Tomorrow by five I (to finish) reading the book. 15. She (to do) the room by your coming yesterday?

1. When I ( opened) the window, it (was raining) heavily and people (were hurrying) along the streets. 2. Every day the boss (enters) the office at half past nine. 3. My friend (will ring) me up at eight o’clock tomorrow. 4. Where was Kate ( going) when you ( met) her yesterday? 5. Where does your brother (work)? 6. What were you (doing) at five o’clock yesterday? I (was working) in the library. I (was) there too, but (did not  see) you. I will also (be working) there from 3 to 5 tomorrow. 7. When she ( returns) from Moscow, she (will tell) us about it. 8. I‘d like to come to your place tomorrow at seven. What will you (be doing) at that time? 9. When did the boss ( come) to the office yesterday? 10. Does your friend ( work) in the library every day? 11. He has just ( come). – And when did you ( come)? 12. Tomorrow by your coming I (will have been preparing) dinner for an hour already. 13. When he came, the children had already (watched) the film. 14. Tomorrow by five I (will have finished) reading the book. 15. Had she ( done) the room by your coming yesterday?

Определите в них видо-временные формы глаголов и укажите их инфинитив; переведите предложения на русский язык.
1.He will be 20 on Monday.
2. Peter the Great moved the capital to St. Petersburg in 1712.
3. Moscow is the cultural center of Russia.
4. The bridge connects the old and the new parts of the city.

1. He will be (Fut simp - be) 20 on Monday.
2. Peter the Great moved (past simp - move) the capital to St. Petersburg in 1712.
3. Moscow is (pres simp- be) the cultural center of Russia.
4. The bridge connects (pres simp - connect) the old and the new parts of the city.
1. Ему будет 20 лет в понедельник.
2. Петр Великий перенес столицу в Санкт-Петербург в 1712 году.
3. Москва - культурный центр России.
4. Мост соединяет старую и новую части города.