1. Выбрать правильное слово.
А) His eyebrows are too THIN/SHORT
B) You’ve PUT ON/ TAKEN IN five kilos in three weeks
C) Look at Sally. She has GROWN/ DEVELOP taller since the last time!
2. Подставить нужные слова и выбрать too или enough
Слова: pretty, shy, smart, skinny, worried
A) Lisa should put on a little weight, she is.
B) Chris thinks that jeans aren’t. to wear to a wedding.
C) There are many teens who are. about their body
D) Sally believes that she isn’t. to be a fashion model.
E) Don’t expect Angela to come and talk to you first. She’s. around new people.
3. Написать два предложения с passive voice.
A) Anna offered Natalie some good advice.
B) They are sending you the email.
C) Someone brings her the newspaper every morning.

1   A)thin   B)put on   C)grown
2   A).too skinny.    B).smart enough    C).too worried    D).pretty enough
     E)too shy
3A)1Natalie was offered some good advice by  Anna.
      2Some good advice  was given to Natalie by Anna
 B) 1You are being sent the email by them.
       2The email is being sent to you by them.
C)  1The newspaper is brought to her by someone  every morning.
2She is brought the newspaper by someone every morning.

Можете помочь решить? Copy the sentences. Put the underlined verbs in Passive voice. Denote the tense in each sentence. Translate them.
This book was sold two weeks ago.
Will Mary be invited to the party?
London is visited by thousands of tourists every year.
They will be met by their friends at the airport.
Martin will be invited to the party.
Millions of books were published in Russia last year.
The flat will be cleaned tomorrow.
Open the brackets and put the verbs in Present, Past или Future Simple passive.
My question (to answer) yesterday.
Hockey (to play) in winter.
Mushrooms (to gather) in autumn.
His new book ( to finish) next year.
The letter (to receive) yesterday.
Nick (to send) to Moscow next week.
We (to invite) to a concert last Saturday.

This book was sold two weeks ago. Past Simple Passive - Эта книга была продана две недели назад
Will Mary be invited to the party? Future Simple Passive - Мэри пригласят на вечеринку?
London is visited by thousands of tourists every year. Present Simple Passive - Каждый год Лондон посещают тысячи туристов
They will be met by their friends at the airport. Future Simple Passive - Их встретят наши друзья в аэропорту
Martin will be invited to the party. Future Simple Passive - Мартина пригласят на вечеринку
Millions of books were published in Russia last year. Past Simple Passive - Миллионы книг были напечатаны в России в прошлом году
The flat will be cleaned tomorrow - Future Simple Passive - Квартиру уберут завтра

My question was answered yesterday.
Hockey is played in winter.
Mushrooms are gathered in autumn.
His new book will be finished next year.
The letter was received yesterday.
Nick will be sent to Moscow next week.
We were invited to a concert last Saturday.

Скажите, что такое пассивный залог в английском?

Passive Voice (пассивный залог) - это залог, который показывает, что предмет S в виде подлежащего и испытывает действие на себе. Passive voice употребляется, когда:
- неважно, кто совершил действие;
- результат важнее, чем тот, кто совершает действие;
- неизвестно, кто совершил действие.
Он не может быть использован во временах Future Continuous и Perfect Continuous.
The window was broken.
Government will be informed.
Car is being repaired.

Пассивный залог (или страдательный залог) широко употребляется в современном английском языке как в устной, так и письменной речи. Обычно пассивные конструкции используются, если нет необходимости называть исполнителя действия, который подразумевается из контекста, или же, если не имеет значения, кто выполняет действие, а важен лишь результат этого действия.

1 Найди gerund(герунд)
1) The burglar was surprised at the police being in the house
2) He succeeded in solving the crime
3) It should be remembered that a criminal cannot commit a crime without leaving some traces
4) The jury was for sentencing the criminal to death
5) A militiaman should have a lot of knowledge and professional skills for maintaining public order
6) on searching a crime scene an investigator should make a report
7) the laeyer insisted on another witness being asked
8) the witness didn’t remember the suspect being seen at the crime scene
9) on arriving at the crime scene be ready to act react to unexpected happenings
10) i remember driving along the road just before the accident happened
11) he was proud of having won his first case
12) collection, recording and identification of any material helps the investigator in choosing a line of investigation
13) the jod of detectives is to solve crimes by questioning victims, by accumulating physical evidence, by tracing stolen property
14) he can remember being in hospital
2 Поместите глагол в нужную форму ( present, past, future tenses active or passive voice)
1)the case (to hear) in the local court next week
2) witnesses often (to interview) at the scene of a crime immediately after reported violation
3) the evidence (to transport) to the laboratory for its examining a week ago
4) most countries of the world (to sing) international agreements concerning the theatment of individuals
5) when the burglar was breaking into the house, he (not/to notice) a man who was sleeping in an armchair
6) after the accident the injured man (to take) to hospital
7) fingerprints often ( to find) in automobiles

1) being
2) solving
3) leaving
4) sentencing
5) maintaining
6) searching
7) being asked
8) being seen
9) нет
10) driving
11) having won
12) recording choosing
13) questioning, accumulating, tracing
14) being
2 Поместите глагол в нужную форму ( present, past, future tenses active or passive voice)
1)the case (will be heard) in the local court next week
2) witnesses are often (interviewed) at the scene of a crime immediately after reported violation
3) the evidence (was transporedt) to the laboratory for its examining a week ago
4) most countries of the world (have signed) international agreements concerning the theatment of individuals
5) when the burglar was breaking into the house, he (did not notice) a man who was sleeping in an armchair
6) after the accident the injured man (was taken) to hospital
7) fingerprints are often (found) in automobiles

11. Переведите предложения на английский язык, указывая в скобках, в какой видовременной форме и залоге стоит сказуемое.
Например: Students were writing the test all morning yesterday. Студенты писали тест все утро вчера (Past Continuous, активный залог). The test is being written by students now. Тест пишется студентами сейчас (Present Continuous, пассивный залог)
Dogs are walking in the park now.
He always goes to work by bus.
Jack did his homework yesterday.
The letter was written yesterday.
The reports are sent every day.
The report is being written now by a specialist.

Dogs are walking in the park now. Present Progressive Active Собаки гуляют в парке сейчас.
He always goes to work by bus Present Simple Active Он всегда ездит на работу на автобусе.
Jack did his homework yesterday. Past Simple Active Джек сделал домашнее задание вчера.
The letter was written yesterday. Past Simple Passive Письмо было отправлено вчера.
The reports are sent every day. Present Simple Passive Отчеты посылают каждый день
The report is being written now by a specialist Present Progressive Passive Отчет пишется сейчас специалистом.

Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Present, Past или Future Perfect Passive Voice.
1. Letters (type) yet? 2. All new candidates for the post (interview) by the weekend. 3. They (warn) about the danger before they agreed to take part in our trip? 4. He said that he had never been there but he often (tell) about this place. 5. By next summer the new road (construct). 6. I can’t find my car anywhere. I think it (steal). 7. There isn’t any food left. All of it (eat). 8. The telephone (install) in our flat by the end of the year. 9. The new five-star hotel (finish) by the beginning of the tourist season. 10. Shilov’s ticket and passport just (to register) by the clerk.

Present, Past или Future Perfect Passive Voice.
1. Have the letters (been typed) yet? 2. All new candidates for the post (had been interviewed) by the weekend. 3. Had they been warned about the danger before they agreed to take part in our trip? 4. He said that he had never been there but he had been often (told) about this place. 5. By next summer the new road (will have been constructed). 6. I can’t find my car anywhere. I think it (has been stolen). 7. There isn’t any food left. All of it (has been eaten). 8. The telephone (will have been installed) in our flat by the end of the year. 9. The new five-star hotel (had been finished) by the beginning of the tourist season. 10. Shilov’s ticket and passport have just (been registered) by the clerk.

Passive voice+present simple 5предложений
passive voice+past simple 5предложений
passive voice+future simple 5предложений

Milk is drunk by children every day
tests are given us every week.
mum is given flowers every birthday
a lot of trees are cut down
pollution is produced by people
Moscow was founded in 1147
the cake was eaten very fast
this test was given me 1 week ago
my house was built 10 years ago
I was given a camera as a present
I will be sent to the country house
a new school will be built near my house
a puppy will be bought for my sister
this rule will be asked tomorrow
a new film will be shown soon

Решите задания по английскому языку
1. Какие предлоги надо употреблять при переводе на английский
1) идти в школу - (Предлог)
2) под деревом -
3) напротив двери -
4) над камином -
2. Перевести используя пассивный залог
1) Дверь была закрыта - (перевод)
2) новый дом уже построен -
3) этот музей будет посещаться туристами -
3. Какой модальный глагол нужно использовать когда.
1) Мы говорим о том что человек что-то умеет делать - (Глагол)
2) вы просите разрешения войти -
3) вы должны строго соблюдать какое либо правило -
4) нет необходимости что либо делать -
4. Выпишите возвратное местоимение
1) He should get out of difficult situation - (местоимение)
2) we cooked dinner -
3) the cat can wsah -
5. Определить время глагола
1) usually i walk my dog in the evening -
2) by the time i came, my sister had alredy -
3) where is Tom? He is writing a letter now -
4) don’t call me from 10 a.m. till 11 a.m. i will be cooking dinner -

1. Какие предлоги надо употреблять при переводе на английский
1) идти в школу - to
2) под деревом - under
3) напротив двери – opposite
4) над камином -  above
2. Перевести используя пассивный залог
1) Дверь была закрыта – The door was closed

2) новый дом уже построен – A new house has been already  built
3) этот музей будет посещаться туристами – This museum will be visited by tourists
3. Какой модальный глагол нужно использовать когда.
1) Мы говорим о том что человек что-то умеет делать - can 
2) вы просите разрешения войти -may
3) вы должны строго соблюдать какое либо правило - must
4) нет необходимости что либо делать – don’t have to 
4. Выпишите возвратное местоимение 
1) He should get out of difficult situation - (местоимение) himself
2) we cooked dinner - ourselves
3) the cat can wash - itself
5. Определить время глагола
1) usually i walk my dog in the evening – Present Simple
2) by the time i came, my sister had already – Past Simple, Past perfect
3) where is Tom? He is writing a letter now – Present Simple, Present Continuous
4) don’t call me from 10 a.m. till 11 a.m. i will be cooking dinner – Present Simple, Future Continuous

Передайте в passive voice: 1.he will do the homework tomorrow
2. they have already sold their house
3. he is translating the text from russian into english
4. the fire damaged two rooms in the hotel
5. they had singed the contract before he arrived

His homework will be done tomorrow.
Their house has been already sold.
The text is being translated from Russian into English by him.
Two rooms in the hotel were damaged by the fire.
Their contract had been signed before he arrived.

1)he will do the homework tomorrow - 
завтра он сделает домашнее задание
2)hey have already sold their house - 
ни уже продали свой дом3)the fire damaged two rooms in the hotel - 
Пожар повредил две комнаты в гостинице
4)they had singed the contract before he arrived -они подписали контракт до его прибытия =3

Put the verbs into passive voice:
1.Very interesting stories ___________________ at the lesson every day.(read)
2.Serious problems ____________________ by my parents in a week. (discuss)
3.A ticket to the cinema _________________ by my aunt yesterday. (bring)

1. Very interesting stories ARE READ at the lesson every day.
2. Serious problems were discussed by my parents a week.
3. A ticket to the cinemas was brought by my aunt yesterday.
«Пассивный залог (passive voice) показывает, что лицо или предмет, выраженное подлежащим, испытывает действие на себе.
[The big cake was baked by Sam.
Большой пирог был испечен Сэмом. ]
Пассивный залог употребляется, когда исполнитель действия очевиден или несуществен, или когда действие или его результат более интересны, чем исполнитель.
to be + Ved или Vнепр. Фор.
To be - означает (am, is, are, was, were).
Ved - означает глагол окончание с ed.
Vнепр. Фор. Означает глагол неправильного форма. »
Думаю помогла?