Нужно bp текста выписать страдательные залоги. Вот текст: America was the first country to start up national parks, beggining with Yellowstone in 1872. Now this and other parks together cover a lager area of the country. long before 1872, william wordsworth, the great english poet, wanted his native lake district to become a special place. but only in 1951 did the first national park in england and wales appear. It was the lake district national park. Now there are thirteen national parks in england and wales. they cover more than one tenth of the land area. 90 million visitors come to national parks every year. The first aim of national parks is to protect the countryside ; the second aim is to let people enjoy the countryside, enjoy tress, flowers, animals and birds.

America was the first country to start up national parks, beggining with Yellowstone in 1872. Now this and other parks together cover a lager area of the country. long before 1872, william wordsworth, the great english poet, wanted his native lake district to become a special place. but only in 1951 did the first national park in england and wales appear. It was the lake district national park. Now there are thirteen national parks in england and wales. they cover more than one tenth of the land area. 90 million visitors come to national parks every year. The first aim of national parks is to protect the countryside ; the second aim is to let people enjoy the countryside, enjoy tress, flowers, animals and birds.
Здесь нет предложений в страдательном залоге.

Переведите предложения, выделяя сказуемые в страдательном залоге.
Вариант 1
1. Mathematics is loved by many, disliked by a few, admired and respected by all.
2. Facts alone are wanted in life (Ch. Dickens).
3. These parts are made of steel throughout.
4. At this point the material under examination is fed.
5. The treatment of this theory was modified.
6. The possibilities under consideration will be discussed in detail.
7. The invasion of armies is resisted; the invasion of ideas is not (V. Hugo).
8. The initiative was supported by everybody.
9. Thus, the supply cut number of the node B is decreased by one.
10. As far as this theory is concerned there are different views.

Математика любима многими, она не нравится некоторым, но все восхищаются и уважают ее.
Только факты нужны в жизни
Эти части сделаны полностью из стали
На этом этапе материал поддается 
Подача этой теории была изменена
Обсуждаемые возможности будут подробно рассмотрены. Нападение на армию получает сопротивление; вторжение идей нет. 8. Инициативу поддержали все. 9. Таким образом, номер отсечки подачи узла B уменьшается на единицу. 10. Что касается этой теории, то существуют разные взгляды.

Подчеркните глаголы в пассивном (страдательном) залоге, напишите в каком из времен они употреблены и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. The first Russian University was founded in 1755.
2. The text has already been translated.
3. What specialists are trained at the Moscow Law Institute?
4. The Common Law offences had been codified by 1986.
5. The robber will be released on bail

1. WAS FOUNDED. Время: Past Indefinite (он же Past simple). Перевод: Первый Русский университет был основан в 1755 году.
2. HAS BEEN TRANSLATED. Время Present Perfect. Текст уже был переведён.
3. ARE TRAINED. Present Indefinite (present Simple). Каких специалистов обучают в Московском Юридическом Институте?
4. HAD BEEN CODIFIED. Past Perfect. Преступления по общему праву были систематизированы к 1986 году.
5. WILL BE RELEASED. Future Indefinite (Future Simple). Грабитель будет отпущен под залог.

My relatives live in Lousiana, the USA. They are widlife specialists. They care for otters: there are a lot of them in Lpusiana. They prepare the otters for life in the wild. Some otters are sold to zoos. But most of the animals go to states where otters have disappeared. When I visit my relatives I help them to care for otters. I love otters. I feed them, I clean their cages. My uncle says that he is happy that the otters are coming back. I am also very happy. I think it is necessary to help wild animals. Now I know I want to work for a widlife park
Перевести и выписать действительный и страдательный залог. )

Мои родственники живут в Лузиане, США. Они являются специалистами в области живой природы. Они заботятся о выдрах: их много в Lpusiana. Они готовят выдры для жизни в дикой природе. Некоторые выдры продаются в зоопарки. Но большинство животных отправляются в государства, где выдры исчезли. Когда я навещаю своих родственников, я помогаю им заботиться о выдрах. Я люблю выдры. Я их кормлю, чищу клетки. Мой дядя говорит, что он счастлив, что выдры возвращаются. Я тоже очень доволен. Я думаю, что нужно помогать диким животным. Теперь я знаю, что хочу работать в парке widlife
только перевод (

2. Запишите следующие предложения, подчеркните сказуемое и определите видовременную форму страдательного залога. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
6) Halloween is celebrated on October, 31st.
7) Flowers are watered twice a week.
8) This house will be built next summer.
9) We were shown an interesting video film.
10) She was invited to dance by David.
11) I am always asked at Maths lessons.

6) is celebrated - pres simp
7) are watered - pres simp
8) will be built - fut simp
9) were shown - past simp
10) was invited - past simp
11) am asked - pres simp
6) Хэллоуин отмечается 31 октября.
7) Цветы поливают два раза в неделю.
8) Этот дом построят следующим летом.
9) Нам показали интересный видеофильм.
10) Она была приглашена танцевать Дэвидом.
11) Меня всегда спрашивают на уроках математики.

2. Используйте is или are.
1) Animals … disturbed.
2) Water … polluted.
3) Birds … not fed.
4) Nature … damaged.
5) Trees … cut down.
6) Air … spoilt.
3. Составьте предложения в страдательном залоге.
E. g. People kill animals. – Animals are killed by people.
1) Plants and factories pollute rivers and lakes.
2) Children break trees.
3) People throw litter everywhere.
4) Children damage plants.
5) Cars pollute the air.
5. Составьте предложения.
1) must, protect, we, nature.
2) think, I, can, children, animals, help.
3) is, it, important, the Earth, to save.
4) be in charge, should, we, of the planet.
5) healthy, people, keep, must, our planet.

1 are
2 is
3 are
4 is
5 are
6 is 
1 Rivers and lakes are polluted by plants and factories.
2 Trees are broken by children
3 Litter is thrown by people everywhere
4 plants are damaged by children
5 The air is polluted by cats
1 We must protect nature
2 I think children can help animals
3 It is important to save the Earth
4 We should be in charge of the planet
5 People must keep our planet healthy

Переведите предложения, выделяя сказуемые в страдательном залоге.
1. Significant variance reductions can be effected by these procedures.
2. Considerably less was written about mechanisms for effecting state changes.
3. The incompatibility of “this is good” and “this is not good” is preserved.
4. The intellect is involved into action.
5. Such acts are forbidden by law.
6. The number of degrees of freedom, is reduced by the number of imposed constraints.
7. The task is executed through successive completion of such cycles.
8. The importance of this phenomenon was underestimated.
9. What is written without effort is in general read without pleasure (S. Johnson).
10. The special case derivations will not be provided, but the numerical results will be provided.

1. Значительные уменьшения МОГУТ БЫТЬ ДОСТИГНУТЫ с помощью этих процедур.
2. Значительно меньше БЫЛО НАПИСАНО о механизмах, влияющих на государственные изменения.
3. Несовместимость понятий «хороший» и «плохой» СОХРАНЯЮТСЯ.
4. Интеллект ВОВЛЕЧЕН в действие.
5. Такие действия ЗАПРЕЩЕНЫ законом.
6. Число уровней свободы УМЕНЬШАЕТСЯ на количество наложенных ограничений.
7. Задача ВЫПОЛНЯЕТСЯ путем последовательного выполнения таких циклов.
8. Важность этого явления БЫЛА НЕДООЦЕНЕНА.
9. Что НАПИСАНО без усилий, в общем читаешь без удовольствия.
10. Выводы конкретного случая НЕ БУДУТ ПРЕДСТАВЛЕНЫ, но числовые результаты БУДУТ ПРЕДОСТАВЛЕНЫ.

Составьте 5 предложений в страдательном залоге

1.Ann is often askedquestions. Ане часто задают вопросы.
2.The problem is being discussed now. Эта проблема обсуждаетсясейчас.
3.The work has been finished. Работа закончена.
4.I was given a good book. Мне подарили хорошую книгу.
5.His computer is being repaired. Его компьютер в ремонте.

Переведите предложение со сказуемым в страдательном залоге и опреде-лите форму глагола-сказуемого.
1. What question is being discussed now?
2. He is often laughed at.
3. I was followed by a stranger.
4. This work will have been done by that time.
5. The doctor was sent for 2 hours ago.
6. Everything has been settled.
7. The letters had been typed by the time we came.
8. The climate of Great Britain is influenced by the sea.
9. Films are usually shown at the cinema.
10. His question was answered at once.

1. What question is being discussed now? 
Какой вопрос мы сейчас обсуждаем?
2. He is often laughed at.
Над ним часто смеются.
3. I was followed by a stranger.
Меня преследовал незнакомец.
4. This work will have been done by that time.
Работал должна быть выполнена вовремя.
5. The doctor was sent for 2 hours ago.
Доктор был отправлен 2 часа назад.
6. Everything has been settled.
Всё было улажено.
7. Письмо было написано в то же время, как мы пришли.
8. The climate of Great Britain is influenced by the sea.
Море влияет на климат Британии.
9. Films are usually shown at the cinema.
Фильмы обычно показываются в кинотеатрах.
10. His question was answered at once.
Его вопрос был однажды отвечен.
Кое-где сохранился пассив, кое-где нет. Вообще золотое правило перевода - пассив переводится в актив, но тут я не определилась, что нужно в задании.

Перестройте предложении, использyя страдательный залог 1. The guests looked for the ring everywhere 2. He listened to the lecturer very attentively. 3. They laughed at the joke. 4. We disagreed with his statement. 5. You can rely on this person. 6. They talked a lot about this film. 7. We have never heard of him since. 8. Nobody has slept in this room lately. 9. The aunt cooked after the children well. 10. shall look after your house while you are away. 11. They agreed upon the date of the conference. 12. They speak highly of this textbook. 13. We have just sent for the doctor. 14. Somebody is waiting for you downstairs. 15. They take good care of their grandmother. 16. He reads to his daughter every night. 17. Our teacher often refers to this example. 18. The dean approved of the timetable. 19. They resorted to kidnapping 20. We think over their proposal.
Пример: 1.) The ring was looked for by the guests everywhere 2). the lecturer was listened by him 3). the joke was launched by them

4 His statement was disagreed with.
5 This person can be relied on.
6 This film was talked about a lot.
7 He has never been heard of.
8 This room has been slept by nobody lately.
9 The children were looked after by the aunt well.
10Your house will be looked after while you are away.
11 The date of the conference was agreed upon.
12 This textbook is spoken highly of.
13 The doctor has just been sent for.
14 You are being waited for.
15 Their grandmother is taken good care of.
16 His daughter is read to.
17 This example is often referred to.
18 The timetable was approved of.
19 Kidnapping was restored to.
20 Their proposal is thought over.