1. Выберите грамматически правильно составленное предложение
My friend walks every morning to school.
I fell yesterday off my bicycle.
Are you going to invite to the party a lot of people?
Have you learnt a lot of things at school today?
2. Выберите грамматически правильно составленное предложение
I’m going on Monday to Paris.
Do you clean every week the house?
We walked around the town all morning.
We found in the library some interesting books.
Укажите, какое предложение грамматически верное, а какое нет,1- CORRECT или 2- NOT CORRECT
А). “Where can I buy a newspaper?” “There is a shop at the end of the street.”
В) “I’m sorry I’m late. It is a lot of traffic”.
Вставьте в предложение подходящий по смыслу союз
I usually watch football matches on TV,… being on the stadium is certainly better and much more exciting.
Выберите подходящее связующее слово
Many people think that TV is too violent. …, it helps people to relax.
On the other hand
What’s more
Преобразуйте слово, напечатанное заглавными буквами, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию предложения
This car is fantastic. I wish I…. a similar one. BUY
Укажите, какое предложение грамматически верное, а какое нет, 1-CORRECT или 2-NOT CORRECT
А)If we don’t stop polluting the air, the situation will become very dangerous for all of us.
В) If we don’t stop polluting the air, the situation would become very dangerous for all of us.
Укажите, какое предложение грамматически верное, а какое нет, 1-CORRECT или 2-NOT CORRECT
А). Grown-ups as well as children like playing computer games.
В). Our car is not so expensive as your.
Выберите правильный перевод предложения
Он сказал, что они поедут в Москву завтра.
He said that they would leave for Moscow the following day.
He said that they will leave for Moscow the following day.
He said that they would leave for Moscow yesterday.
He says that they will leave for Moscow tomorrow.
Заполните пропуск, выбрав глагол в правильной видовременной форме.
It was a cold January day. Everything …with snow.
was covered with snow
is covered
will be covered
has been covered
Заполните пропуск, выбрав глагол в правильной видовременной форме.
Some films shouldn’t…. by children on TV.
be watched
are watched
will be watched
Выберите подходящий по смыслу фразовый глагол
She had to … the children by herself.
bring in
bring up
bring out
bring to
14. Укажите, какое предложение грамматически верное, а какое нет, 1-CORRECT или 2-NOT CORRECT
A)On Christmas Eve many children are so excited that they stay up all night.
B). I think football is a very excited game.
Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слово, напечатанное заглавными буквами, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию предложения
Children are not allowed to play with … MATCH
Выберите местоимение
Ann shouldn’t interfere. It’s not… business, it’s…
Определите место проведения данного вида занятий
Celebrating someone’s birthday
a running track
a club
a beach
a stage
18. Подберите ключевое слово (a-e) к каждому ряду слов (1-5)
1.Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Mother’s Day
2. Fish, meat, rice, bread, cereal
3. Carrots, potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes
4. Yen, dollar, pound, euro, ruble
5. Collie, sheepdog, terrier, poodle
a) Currency b) Vegetables c) Food products d) Holidays e) DogsЪ
Вставьте в предложение наиболее подходящее по смыслу слово
At the weekend I like to relax and just… nothing.

1. Have you learnt a lot of things at school today?
2. We walked around the town all morning.
5. but
6. What’s more
7. had bought
10. He said that they would leave for Moscow the following day.
11. was covered with snow
12. be watched
13. bring up
15. MATCHes
16. her/ours
17. a club
18. 1.d)  2. c)  3. b)  4. a) y 5. e)
19. do

2. Запишите следующие предложения, подчеркните сказуемое и определите видовременную форму страдательного залога. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
6) Halloween is celebrated on October, 31st.
7) Flowers are watered twice a week.
8) This house will be built next summer.
9) We were shown an interesting video film.
10) She was invited to dance by David.
11) I am always asked at Maths lessons.

6) is celebrated - pres simp
7) are watered - pres simp
8) will be built - fut simp
9) were shown - past simp
10) was invited - past simp
11) am asked - pres simp
6) Хэллоуин отмечается 31 октября.
7) Цветы поливают два раза в неделю.
8) Этот дом построят следующим летом.
9) Нам показали интересный видеофильм.
10) Она была приглашена танцевать Дэвидом.
11) Меня всегда спрашивают на уроках математики.

1. Match the words: 1. parking a. belt 2. wear b. newspaper 3. play c. costumes 4. weekly d. zone 5. seat e. the guitar 2. Find the odd word out: 1. Britain-America-Russia-Canada 2. fireplace-sofa-armchair-bathtub 3. football-windsurfing-skiing-homework 4. good-fond-keen-bad 5. breakfast-lunch-dinner-dessert 3. Form adjectives and nouns using “-ist, ing, able, or, ful,”: 1. wonder, 2. enjoy, 3. interest, 4. act, 5. art 4. Choose the correct word- costumes, fly, capital, piece, palace: 1. Paris is the ___of France. 2. That man is a pilot. He can ___ a plane. 3. At Halloween, we wear strange ___. 4. The Queen lives in a big___. 5. Would you like a__of cake with your tea? 5. Choose the right item: 1. Vladimir is from Russian/Russia. 2. Please come to my birthday graduation/party. 3. Harry can ride/drive a lorry. 4. It’s very important to wash/brush your teeth twice a day. 5. Help your mum to do/make shopping. 6. Make the right choice: 1. Their/Theirs house is very modern. 2. There aren’t any/some paintings on the wall. 3. Mike sits in/in front of the computer all day. 4. You can’t/must go to the doctor. 5. You put too many/much sugar in my tea. 7. Write the verbs in Present (Past) Simple and Present Continuous: 1 Present Simple -e)s: go, study, play, catch, fix 2. Present Continuous -ing: stop, begin, dance, cry, stay 3. Past Simple V2 : have, see, go, do, read 8. Put the verbs into the Present (Past, Future) Simple and Present Continuous: 1. My mother usually (watch) TV at 9 p.m. 2. He (make) decorations for this night party now. 3. We (be) at my granny’s last weekend. 4. We (work) in the garden yesterday. 5. He (learn) English next year.

parking zone
wear costumes
weekly newspaper
play the guitar
Russia (non-English speaking)
bathtub (located only in the bathroom)
homework (not sports-related)
fond (standard comparative/superlative forms)
dessert (meal course)
wonderful, enjoyable, interesting, actor, artist
1. Paris is the capital of France. 2. That man is a pilot. He can fly a plane. 3. At Halloween, we wear strange costumes. 4. The Queen lives in a big palace. 5. Would you like a piece of cake with your tea?
1. Vladimir is from Russia. 2. Please come to my birthday party. 3. Harry can drive a lorry. 4. It’s very important to brush your teeth twice a day. 5. Help your mum to do shopping.
1. Their house is very modern. 2. There aren’t any paintings on the wall. 3. Mike sits in front of the computer all day. 4. You must go to the doctor. 5. You put too much sugar in my tea.
1. Present Simple -e)s: goes, studies, plays, catches, fixes
2. Present Continuous -ing: stopping, beginning, dancing, crying, staying
3. Past Simple V2 : has, saw, went, did, read
1. My mother usually watches TV at 9 p.m. 2. He is making decorations for this night party now. 3. We were at my granny’s last weekend. 4. We worked in the garden yesterday. 5. He will learn English next year.