10 предложений в страдательном залоге на тему Музыка.

Яблоки обычно собирают летом.
температуру измеряют термометром, а давление-барометром.
В наши дни компьютеры используются повсеместно.
Эта куртка была приобретена 2 мес. Назад.
Школы не работают по воскресеньям.
На след. Неделе откроется новый музей.
В этой аллее все деревья посажены людьми.
Моя одежда куплена за границей.

Подчеркните в тексте предложения в страдательном залоге и дайте их перевод
He’s one of the most famous characters in film history and over three billion people have watched him -that’s half the world’s population! Since 1962 he’s been in twenty films, or one film every two years. Who is he? He’s Bond. James Bond.
The British writer, Ian Fleming, created James Bond in 1953. Fleming was a typical English ’gentleman’. He was educated at Eton (an expensive school in England), then worked as a journalist before becoming a banker in London. However, during the war his life completely changed when he worked as a spy in Russia. He wrote most of his novels about his own interesting experiences.
Although the Bond novels were exciting action stories about spies, they didn’t become well known until they were made into films. When the first film Or No opened in Britain in 1962, Fleming became famous overnight. However, it wasn’t untilGoldfinger in 1964 that James Bond became successful around the world. Goldfinger broke box office records at home and abroad. The phrase 'I’m Bond. James Bond’ was recognised all over the world.
Will Bond films continue to entertain us in the future? The answer is probably ’yes’. There will always be James Bond fans because audiences will always enjoy exciting thrillers. The last film, The World Is Not Enough, made an amazing £6.2 million in its first weekend! The truth is that James Bond films, with their fast cars, spy gadgets and dangerous missions, are the ultimate action movies.

He was educated ( past Simple passive) at Eton (an expensive school in England), then worked as a journalist before becoming a banker in London.
Он обучался в Итоне (дорогостоящая школа в Англии), затем работал журналистом, до того как стать банкиром в Лондоне.
Although the Bond novels were exciting action stories about spies, they didn’t become well known until they were made (past Simple passive) into films.
Хотя романы о Бонде были захватывающими рассказами/историями о шпионах, они не стали популярными/ хорошо известными, до тех пор пока по ним не были сняты фильмы.
The phrase ’I’m Bond. James Bond’ was recognised ( past Simple Passive)all over the world.
Фраза “ Бонд. Джеймс Бонд” была признана/узнаваема во всем мире.

1. Поставьте предложения в страдательный залог (Образец: Mother waters the flowers in the evening. — The flowers are watered in the evening (by mother). Переведите исходное предложение и предложение в страдательном залоге.
1. The North Sea and the English Channel separate Great Britain from the European continent.
2. The designer has been erecting this museum of history for 5 years.
3. They equipped the rocket with six engines having a total capacity of 20 million h.p. 4. Students will translate a very difficult text at the next lesson.
5. Before holidays Muscovites decorate the streets of the city with flags, flowers and decorations.

1. The North Sea and the English Chanel are separated from the European continent by Great Britain
Северное море и Английский канал отделены от Европейского континента Великобританией
2. This museum of hisrory has been erected for 5 years by designer
Этот музей истории возводился 5 лет дизайнером
4. A very difficult text will be translated at the next lesson by students
Очень сложный текст будет переведен на следующем уроке
5.Before holidays the streets of the city are decorated with flags, flowers and decorations by Muscovites
Перед праздниками улицы украшаются флагами, цветами и декорациями Москвичами

Разделите глаголы на 2 группы: действительный залог и страдательный залог (Active и Passive):
Students receive. they are discussed. the scientist has been making. the experiment has been finished. the lecture took place. the substance was replaced. the labotatory will be equipped. the engineers will solve. chemists fulfilled.

1) Active:
students receive
they are discussed
the scientist has been making
the engineers will solved
chemists fulfilled
the lecture took place
2) Passive:
the experiment has been finished
the substance was replaced
the laboratory will be equipped

students receive, the scientist has been making, the lecture took place, the engineers will solve, chemists fiulfilled.
they are discussed, the experiment has been finished, the substance was replaced.the laboratory will be equipped.

Употребите правильную форму страдательного залога. Предложения переведите на русский язык:
1. The ticket (leave) at the table yesterday.
2. Mushrooms (gather) in autumn.
3. Gas (produce) in the Orenburg region.
4. The final exams (take) next winter.
5. The museum (open) every day.

1. The ticket was left at the table yesterday. 2. Mushrooms are gathered in autumn. 3. Gas is produced in the Orenburg region. 4. The final exams will be taken next winter. 5. The museum is opened every day.
1. Билет был оставлен  вчера на столе.  2. Грибы собирают осенью.  3. Газ добывается в Оренбургской области.  4. Окончательные экзамены будут сданы следующей зимой.  5. Музей открыт каждый день.

Раскрыв скобки, употребите глагол в форме страдательного залога настоящего совершенного времени.
1.The degree of concentration (to increase) in this country recently.
2.Prices of electricity (to raise) already twice this year.
3.New wind and water energy sources (to develop).
4.Applied fields of economics (to teach) to students of different universities.
5.A high living standard (not/ to reach) in most developing countries yet.
6.How the degree of competition (to influence) by the increase in the number of firms in the industry?
7.No changes (to make) to distinguish the new product from identical products.
8.How much money (to give) by the World Bank to the developing countries?
9.Good education (to provide) for most part of population.

1. Степень концентрации (для увеличения) в этой стране в последнее время.
2. Цены электричества (поднять) уже в этом году.
3. Новые источники энергии ветра и воды (для разработки).
4. Прикладные области экономики (для обучения) учащимся разных университетов.
5. Высокий уровень жизни (не достигнуть) в большинстве развивающихся стран.
6. Как степень конкуренции (чтобы повлиять) на увеличение числа фирм в отрасли?
7. Нет изменений (чтобы сделать), чтобы отличить новый продукт от идентичных продуктов.
8. Сколько денег (дать) Всемирный банк развивающимся странам?
9. Хорошее образование (для обеспечения) большей части населения

2. Трансформируйте предложения в страдательный залог, запишите и письменно переведите полученные предложения. 1. Their suppliers have offered the lowest price and the most favorable terms. 2. Many companies are using different mass media for advertising their goods. 3. Our firm’s advertising men produced new leaflets.

1. They have been offered the lowest price and the most favorable terms by their suppliers.
2. Different mass media are being used by many companies for advertising their goods.
3. New leaflets were produced by our firm’s advertising men.
1. Поставщики предложили им своих самую низкую цену и самые выгодные условия.
2. Для рекламы своих товаров многие компании используют разные средства массовой информации.
3. Новые рекламные буклеты были созданы рекламщиками нашей фирмы.

Выберите правильную форму страдательного
залога и переведите предложения.
1.______ It’s incredible to think that these clothes by Queen
a) wear; b) are being worn; c) were worn.
2. A number of political prisoners ______ within the next week.
а) will be released; b) release; c) were released.
3. The case ______ by the opposing advocate an hour ago.
а) is destroyed; b) was destroyed; с) destroys.
4. A number of priceless works of art ______ by the burglars last
а) have been destroyed; b) was destroyed; c) has been destroyed.
5. A new method ______ to combat crimes in small towns.
а) is developing; b) has been developed; c) develops.
6. A case may be won or lost depending on how the evidence
______ at trial.
а) is presented; b) is presenting; c) presents.
7. What should we do if a will ______ but can’t be found?
а) were made; b) made; c) was made.
8. He ______ by the advocate not to talk with a victim.
a) told; b) was told; c) was being told.
9. The jury ______ in the trial, as it was unable to come to a
а) had been discharged; b) has been discharged; c) discharged.

1. b)
2. a)
3. b)
4. b)
5. b)
6. a)
7. c)
8. b)
9. a)
1. Невероятно даже подумать, что эту одежду носила королева Виктория.
2. Ряд политзаключенных будет освобожден в течение следующей недели.
3. Час назад дело было разрушено адвокатом стороны противника.
4. Ряд бесценных произведений искусства был уничтожен грабителями прошлой
5. Разработан новый метод борьбы с преступностью в маленьких городах.
6. Дело может быть выиграно или проиграно в зависимости от того, как доказательства буду представлены на суде.
7. Что нам делать, если завещание было сделано, но не найдено?
8. Ему сказал адвокат не разговаривать с жертвой.
9. Суд присяжных был отстранен от участия в процессе, так как он не смог вынести

1. They sent me a telegram yesterday. 2. They discovered America in the 15th century. 3. Mum has done all the housework. 4. He bought a new TV set two days ago. 5. The children have eaten all the chocolate before dinner. 6. My brother has already fixed our computer. 7. His little son has made that drawing. 8. They visited the museum. 9. The teacher explained this difficult rule twice. 10. They are performing a new piece of jazz. 11. They have designed new scenery for the play. 12. The teacher will ask David at the lesson. 13. They had built a new library by the end of March. 14. They were writing a dictation at 2 o’clock yesterday. 15. She didn’t read this book.
Все это в страдательном залоге.

1. The telegram was sent yesterday. 2. America was discovered in the 15th century. 3. All the housework has been done. 4. A new TV set was bought two days ago. 5. All the chocolate has been eaten by the children before dinner. 6. Our computer has already been fixed by my brother. 7. That drawing has been made by his little son. 8. The museum was visited. 9. This difficult rule was explained twice. 10. A new piece of jazz is being performed. 11. The new scenery for the play has been designed. 12. David will be asked at the lesson. 13. A new library had been built by the end of March. 14. A dictation was being written at 2 o’clock yesterday. 15. This book wasn’t read.

Переведите на английский язык используя страдательный залог:
1) меня познакомили с этим ученым в прошлом году.
2) на какие книги вы ссылаетесь?
3) где вы так долго были? Вас искали
4) об этом случае много говорят в нашем институте.
5) послали за лекарством? Да, его ищут.
6) нас провели в зал и предложили хорошие места.
7) этот рассказ обсудили на уроке.
8) не беспокойся, ей помогут в работе.
9) когда я вернусь домой, все мои вещи будут уже упакованы.
10) в нашем районе строится новая школа.
11) этот мост еще строится.
12) когда я приеду домой, обед будет готовиться.
13) его воспитал отец, так как мать умерла через год после его рождения.
14) когда я начала помогать ей, книга уже переводилась уже два месяца, но не была еще переведена.

1) I was introduced to this scientist last year
2) What books are referred to?
3) Where have you been so long? You were being looked for (можно you were looked for)
4) This case is much spoken about in our institute.
5) Has the medicine sent for? Yes, it is being looked for
6) We were led to the hall and offered good seats.
7) The story was discussed at the lesson.
8) Don’t worry, she will be helped.
9) When I come home, all my things will have already been packed.
10) A new school is being built in our district.
11) This bridge is being built yet
12) When I come home, dinner will be cooked.
13) He was bought up with his father because his mother died a year after his birth
14) When I began to help her, the book was being translated for 2 months, but hadn’t been translated yet.