Change the following sentences into Passive Voice.
1. An announcer is reading the news.
2. The Queen is opening that hospital next week.
3. A greengrocer sells potatoes.
4. The police have arrested the thief.
5. They close the shops at 1 o’clock.
6. They can finish this job tomorrow.
7. My parent will take my brother to the zoo next week.
8. He broke my watch.
9. The teacher is checking my essay now.
10. Kate has given us this information.

1. The news is read by an announcer.
2. That hospital is to open by the Queen next week.
3. Potatoes are sold by a greengrocer.
4. The thief have been arrested by the police.
5. The shops are closed at 1 o’clock.
6. This job can be finished tomorrow.
7. My brother wiil be taken to the zoo next week.
8. My watch was broken.
9. My essay is being checked now.
10. This information has been given to us.

1. The news is read by an announcer.
2. That hospital is being opened by the Queen next week.
3. Potatoes are sold by a greengrocer.
4. The thief has been arrested by the police.
5. The shops are closed at 1 o’clock.
6. This job can be finished tomorrow by them.
7. My brother wiil be taken to the zoo by my parents next week.
8. My watch was broken by him 
9. My essay is being checked now by the teacher 
10. This information has been given to us by Kate 

I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense:
1) The always (play) in this place
2) She (tell) the story by 7 o’clock
3) They (celebrate) this holiday for 2 days
4) She (explain) this rule by the end of the lesson
5) We (have) an English lesson now
6) The rain (stop already)
7) He (sleep) at 5 o’clock yesterday
8) I (see) him last week
9) He (know) many secrets
10) She (wash) up for 10 minutes
II. Change the sentenses into PPassive Voice
1) Thousands of tourists visit egypt every years
2) The teacher is examing the students
3) They have been building this school for two years
4) Disney created this cartoon
5 When I came, a journalist was interviewing my friend

1 they play
2 had told
3 have been celebrating
4 had explained
5 are having
6 has already stopped
7 was sleeping
8 saw
9 knows/ has known
10 has been washing
Egypt is visited by thousands of tourists every year.
The students are being examined by the teacher.
This school has been being built by them for two years.
This cartoon was created by Disney.
When I came, my friend was being interviewed by a journalist.

Change the following sentences into Passive Voice. 1) The students greeted the famous lecture warmly 2) They are writing a composition about their future career. 3)Ann will invite all her friend to the party. 4)Are they employing him at the moment? 5)He will write a new book next year. 6) Mum presented me with a book about professions. 7) Our uncle is designing a new hotel at the moment. 8)The staff is discussing his project. 9) Why did you chose this job? 10)Is he looking for a new position?

1. The famous lecture were greeted warmly by students.
2. A composition about their future career is being written by them.
3. All her friends will be invited to the party by Ann.
4. A new book will be written next year by him.
5. A book about professions was presented me by my mum.
6. A new hotel is being designed by our uncle.
7. His project is being discussed by the staff.
8. Why was this job chosen by you?
9. Is a new position being looked by him?

Для чего нужен пассивный\страдательный залог(Passive Voice) в английский языке?

Зачем нужен Пассивный залог?

Он нужен, когда исполнитель действия (агент) неизвестен, неважен или очевиден, а фокус внимания — на действии. Если мы и упоминаем исполнителя, то через предлог by.

Посмотрите на примеры в пассивном залоге:

These cameras are made in China. — исполнитель неважен. I was born in 1986. — исполнитель очевиден (всех рожают мамы).His wallet was stolen. — исполнитель неизвестен. Структура построения пассивного залогаS + BE + Ved/V3

S — это подлежащее. Главное, что следует помнить — в пассивном залоге ВСЕГДА есть глагол to be (который изменяется в зависимости от времени) и смысловой глагол всегда с окончанием -ed, если он правильный или в 3 форме (причастие прошедшее — Past Participle), если он неправильный.

Сравним предложения активного (действительного) залога с соответствующими предложениями пассивного (страдательного) залога в разных временах.

Active VoicePassive VoicePRESENT SIMPLE(происходит регулярно, «вообще»)S + am/is/are +Ved/V3I wash my car every week.
Я мою свою машину каждую неделю.
She often buys clothes here. 
Она часто покупает одежду здесь. My car is washed every week.
Мою машину моют каждую неделю.
Clothes are often bought here (by her). 
Одежда часто приобретается здесь. (ею)PAST SIMPLE (законченное действие в прошлом, факт) S + was/were + Ved/V3I washed my car 3 days ago.
Я мыла свою машину 3 дня назад.
She ate Italian pizza yesterday.
Она ела итальянскую пиццу вчера. My car was washed 3 days ago.
Мою машину мыли (моя машина была помыта) 3 дня назад.
Italian pizza was eaten yesterday.
Итальянская пицца была съедена вчера. PRESENT CONTINUOUS (длится сейчас) S + am/is/are+ BEING + Ved/V3I am washing my car now.
Я сейчас мою свою машину.
A thief is stealing your money!
Вор крадёт твои деньги! My car is being washed now.
Мою машину сейчас моют (она «моется»).
Your money is being stolen (by a thief)!
Твои деньги крадут! («воруются»)PAST CONTINUOUS (длилось в прошлом) S + was/were + BEING + Ved/V3I was washing my car yesterday at 5.
Вчера в 5 я мыла машину.
Someone was reading the article.
Кто-то читал статью. My car was being washed yesterday at 5.
Вчера в 5 мою машину мыли.
The article was being read.
Статью читали. FUTURE SIMPLE (спонтанное решение в будущем, приказ, просьба, обещание) S+will+BE+ Ved/V3I will wash my car tomorrow.
Я помою свою машину завтра!
I will do my homework!
Я сделаю домашнюю работу. My car will be washed tomorrow.
Завтра моя машина будет помыта!
My homework will be done.
Моя домашняя работа будет сделана. FUTURE CONTINUOUS (будет длиться в будущем) НЕ СУЩЕСТВУЕТ - УРА ^_^PRESENT PERFECT (что-то Сделано к настоящему, результат) S + have/has +BEEN + Ved/V3I have already washed my car.
Я уже помыл машину.
I’ve just made an announcement.
Я только что сделал объявление. My car has been washed.
Моя машина уже помыта.
An announcement has just been made.
Объявление только что было сделано. PAST PERFECT (результат к прошедшему, произошло ДО другого прошедшего действия)
S + had + BEEN + Ved/V3By the time you called me, I had already washed my car.
К тому времени, как ты мне позвонил, я уже помыл машину.
I had sold my car before you called me.
Я продал машину до того, как ты мне позвонил. My car had already been washed.
Машина уже была помыта.
My car had been sold before you called me.
Машина была продана до того, как ты позвонил мне. FUTURE PERFECT (произойдёт К какому-то моменту в будущем) S + will + have + BEEN + Ved/V3I will have washed my car by the end of the week.
Я помою машину к концу недели.
I will have completed this task by tomorrow.
Я закончу это задание до завтра. My car will have been washed.
Моя машина будет помыта к концу недели.
This task will have been completed.
Это задание будет завершено. MODAL VERBS S + can/must/should/may…+ BE + Ved/V3I should wash my car.
Мне следует помыть машину.
She can understand it.
Она может понять это. My car should be washed.
Моей машине следует быть помытой.
It can be understood.
Это может быть понято. BE GOING TO (собираться, намереваться) S + am/is/are/was/were + going to + BE + Ved/V3I’m going to wash my car.
Я собираюсь помыть машину.
They are going to tell the truth.
Они собираются сказать правду. My car is going to be washed.
Мою машину собираются помыть (моя машина «собирается быть помытой»)
The truth is going to be told.
Скоро раскроется правда. («Правда собирается быть рассказанной»)

Перевести текст и выписать предложения в Passive voice.
Excuse me. Could you please tell me the feeding time for the lions and tigers?
Yes, of course. They will be fed at 4 o'clock.
Thank you. And what about the monkeys?
Some were already fed, but there will be a tea-party at 3 o'oclock.
Tea-party? I am afraid I don't understand.
The monkeys are given a table, a pot of tea, cups and biscuits.
Oh, the children will love that.
Yes, all the children do.
I would like to know what the sea-lions are given.
When feeding time comes, fish are thrown one by one into their mouths. Each sea-lion is wasched very carefully. The sea-lions will be fed now.
Thank you very much.
Come along! Hurry or you will be too ate.

Извините. Не могли бы вы сказать, когда кормят львов и тигров?
Да, конечно. Их будут кормить в 4 часа.
Спасибо. А как насчет обезьян?
Некоторые из них уже покормлены, но в 3 часа будет чаепитие.
Чаепитие? Боюсь, я не понимаю.
Обезьянам накрывают стол, чай, чашки и печенье.
О, детям это понравится.
Да, всем детям это нравится.
Я хотел бы знать, что дают морским львам.
Когда наступает время кормления, рыбу бросают одну за другой им в рот. За каждым морским львом тщательно присматривают. Теперь морских львов будут кормить.
Большое спасибо.
Пойдем! Быстрее, а то опоздаете.
They will be fed at 4 o’clock.
Some were already fed.
The monkeys are given a table, a pot of tea, cups and biscuits.
I would like to know what the sea-lions are given.
When feeding time comes, fish are thrown one by one into their mouths. Each sea-lion is watched very carefully.
The sea-lions will be fed now.

Перевести в Passive Voice предложения
1. They looked for the girl everywhere.
2. They did not listen to the boy.
3. She looks after the patiens well.
4. They asked for our address.
5. My father looked through these papers this morning.
6. He will give my brother English lessons.
7. A friend of his has shown me an interesting magazine.
8. His friend told him everything.
9. The students greeted the famous lecturer warmly.
10. They have recently bult a huge plant in the town on of N.
11. We must finish the work by tomorrow.
12. When I fell ill, my mother sent for the doctor.
13. They showed Helen the nearest way to the theatre.
14. He gave his patient some good advice.
15. Mary has told me the news.
16. The people looked at the little boy with interest.
17. They examined the paper attentively

1. The girl was looked everywhere by them.
2. The boy wasn’t listened by them.
3. The patients are looked after well by her.
4. Our address was asked by them.
5. These papers was looked through this morning by my father.
6. English lessons will be given me by my brother.
7. An interesting magazine has been shown me by my friend.
8. Everything was told him by his friend.
9. The famous lecture was greeted warmly by students.
10. A huge plant has been bult in the town by them.
11. The work must be finished by tomorrow by us.
12. When I fell ill, the doctor was sent by my mother.
13. The nearest way to the theatre was showed Helen by them.
14. Some good advices were given to patient by him.
15. The news has been told me by Mary.
16. The little boy was looked with interest by people.
17. The paper was examined attentively by them.

Перевести предложения во время Present Perfect Passive Voice.
. Но сделайте это задание качественно и хорошо. Пишите предложения полностью!
Прикреплю фото ниже.

1. The latest news have been already discussed by the pupils.
2. Tickets for the first night have been booked by the Internet.
3. Have your horoscope been read this week?
4. A famous film star has been interviewed by the journalist recently.
5. Better results have been shown by the sportsman since the beginning of a new season.
6. Your SMS have not been received yet.
7. A new pastime has been chosen by Borys: now he is fond of game shows.
8. A very interesting articles about mobile phones have been read to us by the teacher.
9. This film has never been shown on TV by them.
10. Has the British library been visited by the people from all over the world?
11. Why has he been invited to the party by them?
12. Have new mobile phones been produced this year by them?

составить 10 предложений Passive voice, если можно с переводом!

1. The car was cleaned - Машина была помыта.
2. The letter was written by me - Письма написаны мной.
3. The lesson has just been finished - Урок только что закончен.
4. I will be tested next year - Меня экзаменуют в следующем году.
5. The window is cleaned every day - Окно моют каждый день.
6. This books were written by Pushkin - Эти книги были написаны Пушкиным.
7. The dinner hab been cooked before my father arrived - Ужин был приготовлен до того, как приехал мой папа.
8. My keys were stolen - Мои ключи украли.
9. The fish was caught by bird - Рыба была поймана птицей.
10. They are invited to the party - Они приглашены на вечеринку.

Замените на Passive voice
1. They started a civil action 2. It harms the well-being of society 3. He has committed a wrong 4. They deal with contracts. 5. The state usually brings a criminal action. 6. They are discussing the contract now. 7. They will reach an agreement soon. 8. They have settled the dispute. 9. They were solving the problem when the phone rang. 10 Constitutional law regulates relations between private citizens and the government. 11. They are accusing him of this crime.

1. They started a civil action. A civil action was started.
2. It harms the well-being of society. The well-being of society is harmed. 
3. He has committed a wrong. A wrong has been committed.
4. They deal with contracts. Contracts are dealt.
5. The state usually brings a criminal action. A criminal action is usually brought by the state.
6. They are discussing the contract now. The contract is being discussed by them now.
7. They will reach an agreement soon. An agreement will be reached soon.
8. They have settled the dispute. The dispute haa been settled.
9. They were solving the problem when the phone rang. The problem was being solved when the phone rang.
10 Constitutional law regulates relations between private citizens and the government. Relations are regulated with constitutional law between private citizens and the government.
11. They are accusing him of this crime.He is being accused by them of this crime.

Постааить предложения в Passive Voice
1. They almost finished the construction of the tunnel.
2. We are discussing the results of the experiment.
3. They used concrete structures while erecting the new railroad bridge. 4. The lorries will bring cement to the construction site after lunch.
5. We don’t use this kind of fuel because it is very expensive.
6; Have you already installed the new equipment?
7. They will complete the experiment in a month.
8. The workers have tunnelled the road under the Channel.
9. The mechanic will test the engine when he repairs it.
I0. As a rule, numerous discoveries follow one great discovery.
II. We were finishing the experiment when the device broke down.
12. They also pay much attention to the quality of materials for road construction.
I3. The students asked the engineers about the new construction technologies.
14. Machines of new generation will do all labour-consuming and dangerous work in the future.
15. The International Committee has rewarded our professor, for his outstanding theory.
16. The development of machine-tools accelerated the industrial revolution.

1. The construction of the tunnel was almost finished by them.
2. The results of the experiment is being discussed by them.
3.Concrete structures are used while erecting the new railroad bridge.
4.Cement will be brouhgt by lorries to the construction site after lunch.
5. This kind of fuel is not used by them because it is very expensive.
6; Have the new equipment been already installed? 
7. The experiment will be completed by them in a month.
8.The road under the Channel  have been tunnelled by the workers. 
9. The engine will be tested by the mechanic when he repairs it.
I0. As a rule,  one great discovery is followed with numerous discoveries.
II. The experiment were being finished when the device broke down.
12. Muchh attention is also paud to the quality of materials for road construction.
I3. The engineers were asked by the students about the new construction technologies.
14. All labour-consuming and dangerous workwill be done with machines of new generation in the future. 
15. Our professor has been regarded by the International Committee  for his outstanding theory. 
16. The industrial revolution  was accelerated  with the development of machine-tools.