Матильда очень любила читать, но ее родители не считали это увлечение серьезным. Однажды она пошла в библиотеку и, со временем, прочитала все детские книжки. Позже она начала забирать более взрослую литературу домой, и превратила свою комнату в маленький читальный зал.

Matilda was very fond of reading, but her parents did not consider this hobby serious. Once she went to the library and, eventually, read all the children’s books. Later, she began to take more adult literature home, and turned her room into a small reading room.

Matilda loved to read, but her parents did not consider it a serious hobby. One day she went to the library and eventually read all the children’s books. Later she began to take more adult literature home, and turned her room into a small reading room.

I. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык следующие предложения. Помните, что объектный и субъектный инфинитивные обороты большей частью переводятся придаточными предложениями.
1. I want my secretary to prepare the financial statement.
2. Social rules require people to observe certain norms of behavior.
3. The discussion is expected to focus on production and consumption of energy.
4. The Prime Minister is known to be in favor of the new law.

1. Я хочу, чтобы мой секретарь подготовил финансовую отчетность.
2. Социальные правила требуют от людей соблюдения определенных норм поведения.
3. Ожидается, что обсуждение будет сосредоточено на производстве и потреблении энергии.
4. Известно, что премьер-министр выступает за новый закон.

1) Я хочу, чтобы мой секретарь предоставил финансовый отчет.
2) Социальные правила требуют людей соблюдать определенные нормы поведения.
3) Ожидается, что дискуссия будет сфокусирована на продукции и расходе энергии.
4)Известно, что Премьер Министр выступает в пользу нового закона.

Составьте предложения, правильно употребив формы инфинитива страдательного залога.
to be situated? to be divided, to be called, to be regarded, to be proclaimed, to be produced, to be exported, to be imported, to be rebuilt, to be restored, to be adopted, to be recognized.

My school is situated in the city center.
The United Kingdom is divided into 4 parts.
Miss understanding between parents and their children can be called a ’generation gap’.
The Boeing 777 is regarded as one of the safest jets in the world.
That city is proclaimed as the capital of the country.
All working papers were produced on time.
Potatoes and grapes are exported.
A high proportion of food is imported from New Zealand.
It was rebuilt after the second World War.
After decades of civil war, order was restored.
If there is no veto within 6 weeks, the proposal is adopted.
It was recognized that other rights besides education would be equally implicated.

Выбрать нужную форму инфинитива
1. The report (make, be made) at the conference is of great importance. 2. He came to the laboratory (carry out, have carried out) the experiments. 3. He had to do many experiments (discuss, be discussed) with his colleagues. 4. He had to do many experiments (prove, be proved) his idea. 5. I hope (finish, be finished) the work in time. 6. I am glad (be met, have been met) at the station yesterday as I didn’t know the way to the hotel. 7. I tried (translate, have translated) the article without a dictionary but failed. 8. (promise, have promised) it was so stupid of him. 9. Our guests want (have been shown, be shown) the city. 10. He must (do, have done) it before our arrival. 11. Her task was (wash, have been washed) the dishes after lunch. 12. I called every morning (see, be seen) if there was any news. 13. We stopped (have, have had) a rest. 14. He wants (give, be given) some sandwiches as he is hungry.

1. The report (to be made) at the conference is of great importance.
2. He came to the laboratory (to carry out) the experiments.
3. He had to do many experiments (to be discussed) with his colleagues.
4. He had to do many experiments (to prove) his idea.
5. I hope (to finish) the work in time.
6. I am glad (to have been met) at the station yesterday as I didn’t know the way to the hotel.
7. I tried (to translate) the article without a dictionary but failed.
8. (To promise) it was so stupid of him.
9. Our guests want (to be shown) the city.
10. He must (do, have done) it before our arrival. Оба варианта приемлемы.
11. Her task was (to wash) the dishes after lunch.
12. I called every morning (to see) if there was any news.
13. We stopped (to have) a rest.
14. He wants (to be given) some sandwiches as he is hungry.

Открыть скобки, используя инфинитив: 1.She seemed(to recognize) me. 2.He is sure(to leave) the key under the door-mat. 3.At the time I happened(to work) at my first novel. 4.You won’t be (to miss) the train if you start right away. 5.Everything is bound( to get) right between you. 6.She lost her head and seemed(to forget) the little English she knew. 7.A young woman is supposed(to write) this book. 8.He is not likely(to forget) it. 9.He is believed(to teach) by his father. 10.I happened(to give) all the details by mom. 11.She is expected(to operate) on today. 12.He is sure(to work) in the garage.

1. She seemed (to have recognized) me. 2. He is sure(to have left) the key under the door-mat. 3.At the time I happened(to be working) at my first novel. 4.You won’t  (miss) the train if you start right away. 5.Everything is bound( to get) right between you. 6.She lost her head and seemed (to have forgotten) the little English she knew. 7.A young woman is supposed(to have written) this book. 8.He is not likely(to have forgotten) it. 9.He is believed(to have been taught) by his father. 10.I happened(to have been given) all the details by mom. 11.She is expected(to be operaten) on today. 12.He is sure(to be working) in the garage.

Подчеркните инфинитив в составе сложного дополнения.
She always thought him to be right.
I could never understand what made her do that.
The parents expected the teacher to improve the child’s speech.
We expect this statement to be true.

She always thought him to be( to be инфинитив) right.
Thought him to be -сложное дополнение
I could never understand what made her do (do-bare infinitive-«голый» инфинитив без частицы to )that.
Made her do-сложное дополнение
The parents expected the teacher to improve( to improve-инфинитив) the child’s speech.
Expected the teacher to improve-сложное дополнение
We expect this statement to be ( to be-инфинитив) true.
Expect this statement to be-сложное дополнение

Составьте предложения с глаголом-сказуемым в действительном залоге, употребляя инфинитивный оборот Complex Subject (формы инфинитива — Perfect Infinitive или Continuous Infinitive). Переведите полученные предложения.
1. We were standing in the part of the market devoted to flowers. /We appeared… 2. It seems a hurricane is moving out of the Caribbean in our direction. /A hurricane seems…
3. I think he is preparing an account of the incident. /He proves…

1. We appeared to be standing in the part of the market devoted to flowers.
2. A hurricane seems to be moving out of the Caribbean in our direction.
3. He proves to be preparing an account of the incident.
1. Мы, похоже, стояли в той части рынка, где продавались цветы.
2. Похоже, что ураган идёт от Карибского моря в нашем направлении.
3. Похоже, что он готовит отчет об этом случае.

1. I cannot fly, cannot I? am I? can I? am not I? 2. juice in the bottle. There is a There is some There are There are some 3. We must do our homework every day, do we? do not we? must we? must not we? 4. My brother can draw a tiger, cannot he? can he? cannot she? can my brother? 5. sugar in my tea. There is not a There is not some There are not There is not any 6. We are good pupils, are they? are not they? are we? are not we? 7. ice-cream in my hand. There is a There is an There are some There is any 8. The children mustn’t play on the road, must they? must he? must not they? must not the children? 9. cake in the fridge. There is There are There is a There are some 10. The doctor is in the hospital, is he? does he? isn’t he? does not he? 11. I. my homework now. do doing does am doing 12. My parents are not old, are they? are not they? do they? are my parents? 13. He. not speak English. is do isn’t does 14. Nick isn’t a good sportsman, isn’t he? is he? does he? doesn’t he? 15. eggs in the fridge. There are There are any There is a There is an 16. I am not a student, am I? are we? do I? don’t I? 17. The pupils. sitting in the classroom. is are do will 18. vegetables in the trolley. There are not a There is no There are not There is not any 19. The students. reading at this moment.

1can I?                                    9There is a                          17are 
2There is some                       10isn’t he?                              18There are not 
3must not we                             11am doing                           19 are
4cannot he?                                  12are they?
5There is not some                        13does
6are not we?                                   14is he? 
7There is an                                    15There are 
8must they?                                      16am I? 

I. Определите функции инфинитива и переведите предложения на русский язык:
1. To look after the children was her duty.
2. I want you to drive a car.
3. They decided to carry out some experiments.
4. The work to be done is very difficult.
5. Our aim was to learn as many words as possible.

1) Забота о детях была ее обязанностью.
2) Я хочу чтобы ты водил машину.
3) Они решили провести несколько экспериментов.
4) Работа будет очень сложной.
5) Нашей целью было узнать как можно больше слов.
Was - глагол
Want to - глагол
Decided - глагол
Work to - подлежащее ( существительное)
Was to - глагол

Обратите внимание на способы перевода инфинитива. ПОДЧЕРКНИТЕ инфинитив в английских предложениях.
1.You need only a valid passport to enter Great Britain for stays up to 90 days.
2. It took me about two hours to go through all the formalities on the customs house.
3. Today the Russian Federation has a modern multi-functioning Customs Service which is able to take a deserving place in market economy regulation.

1. You need only a valid passport to enter Great Britain for stays up to 90 days.
2. It took me about two hours to go through all the formalities on the customs house.
3. Today the Russian Federation has a modern multi-functioning Customs Service which is able to take a deserving place in market economy regulation.
1. Для въезда в Великобританию на срок до 90 дней требуется только действительный паспорт.
2. Мне потребовалось около двух часов, чтобы пройти все формальности на таможне.
3. Сегодня в Российской Федерации существует современная многофункциональная таможенная служба, которая может занять достойное место в регулировании рыночной экономики.

1.You need only a valid passport to enter Great Britain for stays up to 90 days.
2. It took me about two hours to go through all the formalities on the customs house.
3. Today the Russian Federation has a modern multi-functioning Customs Service which is able to take a deserving place in market economy regulation.