Переведите прямую речь в косвенную Хотябы половину, надо)
— You’ve got to wear a dress!
— I don’t have to!
— It’s our family reunion, and I don’t want you to look like too wild!
— Fine, then I’ll just stay at home!
— You’re going and that’s final! I insist that you go to the party with me!
— I don’t even have a dress to wear.
— Yes, you do. What about the black velvet one your grandmother gave you for your birthday?
— It’s too square, too conservative. Everyone will laugh.
— Everyone will think you look lovely.
— Oh, great. lovely Just how I want to look!
— It’s almost time to leave. I think you’d better get ready.
— Who’s going to be there?
— Well, the same people as last year: your cousins, your grandparents. and. of course, great-grandmother Schuller.
— Great-grandmother Schuller! She’s so old. All she does is sit in her wheelchair and watch us. She gives me the creeps (у меня от нее мороз по коже).
— Carrie, this is a special party. Can’t you forget about yourself? Do you think that just because you’re young and pretty, you are better than old people? Well. 1 have something to tell you, young lady. Beauty is as beauty does, and I haven’t seen any sign of beauty in you for a long time. Now go to your room and get dressed.

Тебе нужно надеть платье!
- Мне не нужно!
- Это воссоединение нашей семьи, и я не хочу, чтобы ты выглядел слишком диким!
Хорошо, тогда я просто останусь дома!
-Ты пойдешь, и это окончательно! Я настаиваю, чтобы вы пошли на вечеринку со мной!
- У меня даже нет платья для ношения.
-Да, да. Как насчет черного бархата, подаренного вашей бабушкой на день рождения?
- Он слишком квадратный, слишком консервативный. Все будут смеяться.
- Все будут думать, что ты выглядишь красиво.
- О, отлично. Прекрасно, как я хочу выглядеть!
- Пора уже уходить. Я думаю, тебе лучше подготовиться.
- Кто там будет?
- Ну, те же люди, что и в прошлом году: твои кузены, твои бабушки и дедушки. И. Конечно, прабабушка Шуллер.
- Великая бабушка Шуллер! Она такая старая. Все, что она делает, сидит в своем инвалидном кресле и наблюдает за нами. Она дает мне ползания (у меня от нее мороз по коже).
- Кэрри, это особая вечеринка. Разве вы не можете забыть о себе? Вы думаете, что только потому, что вы молоды и симпатичны, вы лучше, чем пожилые люди? Что ж. У тебя есть что рассказать, юная леди. Красота - это красота, и я долго не видела никаких признаков красоты. Теперь иди в свою комнату и оденёшься.

Напишите правила перевода с английского языка на русский с прямой речи в косвенную

Чтобы понять, что такое косвенная речь в английской грамматике, нужно разобраться для начала с тем, что собой представляет прямая речь.

Прямая речь — это фраза какого-либо субъекта, она звучит непосредственно из первых уст и заключается письменно в кавычки

Прямая речь представляет собой отдельное предложение, поэтому после того как открываем кавычки, первое слово пишем с прописной буквы. В английском языке после слов, указывающих кто говорит, ставится запятая. В то время как в русском мы ставим двоеточие:

Он сказал: «Я верну твою книгу завтра».

He said, «I will return your book tomorrow.»

Косвенная речь является способом передачи слов, сказанных другим человеком, при этом передающий преобразует чужие слова грамматически и по смыслу, чтобы было понятно, кому они принадлежат, сохраняя при этом общее содержание сказанного.

Он сказал, что вернет мою книгу на следующий день.

He said that he would return my book the next day.

Замените прямую речь косвенной.
1. Mother said to her son, “A computer will be bought for your birthday.”
Mother promised …
2. He said to his friends, “I am leaving for Great Britain on Monday.”
He informed his friends …
3. “Shall I ever see him again?” she said.
She wondered…
4. He said, “Who is playing the piano so well?”
He was interested to know …
5. “Don’t drive too fast,” she said to him.
She advised …
6. “Put your pistol on the table,” said the crook.
The crook ordered …
7. The detective said, “How many people know the combination of the safe?”
The detective asked …

1. Mother said to her son, “A computer will be bought for your birthday.”

Mother promised her son to buy him a computer for his birthday.

2. He said to his friends, “I am leaving for Great Britain on Monday.”

He informed his friends that he was leaving for Great Britain on Monday

3. “Shall I ever see him again?” she said.

She wondered if she would (should) see him again.

4. He said, “Who is playing the piano so well?”

He was interested to know who was playing the piano so well.

5. “Don’t drive too fast,” she said to him.

She advised not to drive too fast.

6. “Put your pistol on the table,” said the crook.

The crook ordered to put his pistol on the table.

7. The detective said, “How many people know the combination of the safe?”

The detective asked how many people knew the combination of the safe.

Преобразуйте в косвенную речь
1. My friend said, "Can you help me?"
2. "Don’t make noise, children!" said our teacher
3. "I am waiting for my parents", the boy said
4. "I will come tomorrow and finish the work", the workes said to grandma
5. The teacher explained, "The sun isn’t a planet, it is a big star"
6. Ann asked me, "Do you know where Kate lives?"
7. He asked me, "Have you ever been to The USA?"
8. "Why didn’t you say that to me?" she asked her boy-friend
9. "When will i know the result of my test?" said the student
10. My friend told me, "I have already bought this disc"
11. "Did you sign the papers?" the clerk asked the manager
12. The police officer said "Put your hands on top of your head"

1 my friend asked me if i could help him/her.
2 our teacher told not to make noise
3 the boy said that he was waiting for his parents
4 the worker promised my grandma to come the next day and finish the work
5 the teacher explained that The sun wasn’t a planet, it was a big star
6 Ann asked me if i knew where Kate lived"
7. He asked me if i had ever been to The USA
8. she asked her boy-friend Why he hadn’t said that to her
9. the student asked when he would know the result of his test
10. My friend told me that he had already bought that disc"
11 the clerk asked the manager if he had signed the papers
12. The police officer told to Put my hands on top of my head

Выберите правильную форму глагола.
Marat … his breakfast at seven.
E) have
Буква Е стоит во втором типе слога в слове:
А) interesting
B) hockey
E) Fellow
Выберите правильный ответ.
What kind of job would you like?
Anything to do with computers.
Why do you want this job?
A) I’d like to have a rest.
B)I’m good at computing.
C)Nobody works at computing.
D) I’m not so good at computing.
Выберите правильный вариант
I’going home first. … I’m going out for dinner.
B) therefore
C) while
D) whether
Выберите слово с суффиксом, обозначающим процесс, действие:
А) reading
B) traveler
C) unbelievable
E) beautiful
Выбрать правильный вариант:
The girl’s hair … golden-brown now
A) were
B) was
C) is
D) am
E) are
Выберите притяжательную форму существительного во множественном числе:
B) mather’s - in- law
C) mothers’- in- law
Вставьте правильный ответ
When I entered the office I … to give my name.
A) was asked
B) asking
C)have been asked
D) has been asked
E) asked
Выберите верный вариант предложения в косвенной речи
Dave asked me: "have you seen this film?"
A)Dave asked me if I have seen this film.
B) Dave asked me if I had seen this film.
C) Dave asked me if I had seen that film.
D) Dave asked me have I seen that film.
E) Dave asked me if had I seen this film.
Закончите условное предложение 3 типа(unreal condition in the past)
If you … this book, you … the question.
A)will read/would have answered
B) had read/ would have answered
C)read/ would answer
D)has read/ will answer
E) have reading/should answer.

Marat … his breakfast at seven.
Буква Е стоит во втором типе слога в слове:
E) Fellow

Выберите правильный ответ.
What kind of job would you like?
Anything to do with computers.
Why do you want this job?
B)I’m good at computing.

Выберите правильный вариант 
I’going home first. … I’m going out for dinner.

Выберите слово с суффиксом, обозначающим процесс, действие:
А) reading

Выбрать правильный вариант:
The girl’s hair … golden-brown now
C) is

Выберите притяжательную форму существительного во множественном числе:


Вставьте правильный ответ
When I entered the office I … to give my name.
A) was asked

Выберите верный вариант предложения в косвенной речи
Dave asked me: "have you seen this film?"
C) Dave asked me if I had seen that film.

Закончите условное предложение 3 типа(unreal condition in the past)
If you … this book, you … the question.
B) had read/ would have answered

Переведите на косвенную речь. “Mike will do this exercise later.” “ Mt friend won’t be able to come”. “ They’ll build a new hotel here”. “ It will rain tomorrow.” “ Sandy won’t be able to come.” “ We’ll have examinations next year”.

“Said that Mike will do this exercise later.” “ Said that Mt friend won’t be able to come”. “ Said that They’ll build a new hotel here”. “ Said that It will rain tomorrow.” “ Said that Sandy won’t be able to come.” “ Said that We’ll have examinations next year”. Перед said должно стоять слово (Имя высказывающегося). То есть, например Андрей сказал, что дом построили.
Andrey said that house is built.

1. Выберите правильный вариант преобразования в косвенную речь:
Mr. Zellbert said, “He is working well now”
a) Mr. Zellbert said he is working well now.
b) Mr. Zellbert said he was working well now.
c) Mr. Zellbert said he was working well then.
d) Mr. Zellbert said he is working well then.
2. Заполните пропуски:
I wish we ___ more karate lessons at school this year.
a) would have had
b) will have had
c) had
d) had had
3. Заполните пропуск:
He was ___ tired that he went to bed at 9 p.m.
a) such
b) so
c) as
d) so many
4. Заполните пропуск:
Emma didn’t want to do her chores, but her mother made her___them.
a) to do
b) doing
c) do
d) to doing
5. Заполните пропуск:
A piece of clothing without sleeves that is usually worn over a shirt is called___.
a) a blazer
b) a tie
c) a waistcoat
d) a tuxedo
6. Выберите правильный вариант преобразования в косвенную речь:
The policemen ordered the robbers, “Come out with your hands up!”
a) The policemen ordered the robbers come out with your hands up.
b) The policemen ordered the robbers to come out with your hands up.
c) The policemen ordered the robbers to come out with their hands up.
d) The policemen ordered the robbers come out with their hands up.
7. Заполните пропуск:
He said he would not be able to buy that house before he___a promotion.
a) will get
b) got
c) gets
d) would get
8. Заполните пропуск:
This land is separated___the continent.
a) of
b) in
c) from
d) to

1. Выберите правильный вариант преобразования в косвенную речь:

Mr. Zellbert said, “He is working well now”

c)         Mr. Zellbert said he was working well then.

2. Заполните пропуски:

I wish we ___ more karate lessons at school this year.

c)         had

3. Заполните пропуск:

He was ___ tired that he went to bed at 9 p.m.

b)         so

4. Заполните пропуск:

Emma didn’t want to do her chores, but her mother made her___them.

c)         do

5. Заполните пропуск:

A piece of clothing without sleeves that is usually worn over a shirt is called___.

c)         a waistcoat

6. Выберите правильный вариант преобразования в косвенную речь:

The policemen ordered the robbers, “Come out with your hands up!”

c)         The policemen ordered the robbers to come out with their hands up.

7. Заполните пропуск:

He said he would not be able to buy that house before he___a promotion.

b)         got

8. Заполните пропуск:

This land is separated___the continent.

c)         from

Насколько я поняла, без объяснений
1. С
2. Скорее с, но лучше бы был контекст
3. b
4. С
5. c
6. С
7. b
8. c

Нужно поставить прямую речь в косвенную(ВАЖНО все предложения должны начинаться со слова She)
1. I want to leave a comment
2. Today I start to play sports
3. She does not know how to drive
4. This is a good idea
5. Leave please this room
6. Can I charity the detail?
7. How to get to the designated place?
8. I am interested in people
9. He will come back later
10. My boss goes to rest abroad
11. I will not pay for this purchase

1. She wants to leave a comment.
2. She’s started playing sports today.
3. She says she doesn’t know how to drive.
4. She finds this idea good.
5. She asks to leave the room.
6. She asks if she can charity (put the correct word here; I guess "charity" is a misprint) the detail.
7. She inquires, how to get to the designated place.
8. She is interested in people.
9. She says he will come back later.
10. She says her boss goes resting abroad.
11. She will not pay for this purchase.

Дайте перевод в косвенной речи.
1. Nick said, “I have never been there.”
2. Nick said to me, “I wish to show you the new film.”
3. The police officer said to us: "Where are you going"
4. Julia said, “I am going away for a few days. I’ll phone you when I get back.”
5. I asked Julia, “Are you really going to learn to drive a car?”
6. Ann said to me, “Please don’t tell anybody what happened.”
7. The doctor says to me, “Stay in bed for a few days.”
8. “Don’t shout,” I said to Jim.
9. She says, “They will have dinner at 8 o’clock.”
10. I said to him, “Can you give me his address?”
11. He said, “There will be a concert in the club next Saturday.”
12. Mike said to me, “The weather has changed.’
13. I said to Nick, “Are you still using the pen you bought last year?”
14. Bob said to us, “We reached the village late in the evening.”

1. Ник сказал: «Я никогда там не был». 
2. Ник сказал мне: «Я хочу показать вам новый фильм». 
3. Полицейский сказал нам: «Куда ты идешь», 
4. Джулия сказала: «Я уезжаю на несколько дней. Я позвоню тебе, когда вернусь ». 
5. Я спросил у Джулии:« Ты действительно научишься водить машину? »
. Энн сказала мне:«, не говори никому, что случилось.  
7. Доктор говорит мне: «Оставайтесь в постели в течение нескольких дней». 
8. «Не кричите», сказал я Джим.  
9. Она говорит: «У них будет ужин в 8 часов». 
10. Я сказал ему: «Можете ли вы дать мне свой адрес?» 
11. Он сказал: «Будет концерт в клубе в следующую субботу ». 
12. Майк сказал мне:« Погода изменилась ». 
13. Я сказал Нику:« Вы все еще используете перо, которое вы купили в прошлом году? »
14. Bob сказал нам: «Мы добрались до деревни поздно вечером».

1. Ник сказал: «Я никогда там не был». 2. Ник сказал мне: «Я хочу показать вам новый фильм». 3. Полицейский сказал нам: «Куда ты идешь», 4. Джулия сказала: «Я уезжаю на несколько дней. Я позвоню тебе, когда вернусь. 5. Я спросил Джулию: «Ты собираешься научиться водить машину?» 6. Энн сказала мне: «, не говори никому, что случилось». 7. Врач говорит мне: «Оставайтесь в постели в течение нескольких дней». 8. «Не кричи, сказал я Джим. 9. Она говорит: «Они будут обедать в 8 часов». 10. Я сказал ему: «Можете ли вы дать мне мой адрес?» 11. Он сказал: «В следующую субботу в клубе состоится концерт». 12. Майк сказал мне: «Погода изменилась». 13. Я сказал Нику: «Вы все еще используете перо, купленное в прошлом году?» 14. Боб сказал нам: «Мы пришли в деревню поздно вечером».

cделать пересказ в косвенной речи
She now had her own opinions, and at supper discussed with Sasha’s parents, saying how difficult the studies had become for the children at the school. But after all, she felt a classical education was better than a commercial course, because when you graduated from school then the road was open to you for any career at all. If you chose to, you could become a doctor, or, if you wanted to, you could become an engineer.
Sasha started at the school.
His mother left on a visit to her sister in Kharkov and never came back. As his father was away every day inspecting cattle and was sometimes gone for up to three whole days at a time, it seemed to Olenka that Sasha was completely abandoned, was treated as if he were quite superfluous, and must be dying of hunger. So she transferred him into her part of the house and fixed up a little room for him there.
Every morning Olenka would come into his room and find him sound asleep with his hand tucked under his cheek, so quiet that he seemed not to be breathing "What a shame to have to wake him," she thought.
"Sashenka," she said sorrowfully, "get up, darling. It’s time to go to school."
He got up, dressed, said his prayers, then sat down to breakfast. He drank three glasses of tea, ate two large cracknels and
half a buttered roll. The sleep was not yet out of him, so he was a little cross.
"You don’t know your fables1 as you should, Sashenka," said Olenka, looking at him as though he were departing on a long journey. "What a lot of trouble you are. You must try hard and learn, dear, and mind your teachers." "Oh, leave me alone, please," said Sasha.
Then he went down the street to the school, a little fellow wearing a large cap and carrying a satchel on his back.
Olenka followed him noiselessly.
"Sashenka," she called.
He looked round and she shoved a date or a caramel into his hand. When he reached the street of the school, he turned around, ashamed of being followed by a tall, stout woman and said, "You had better go home, aunt. I can go the rest of the way myself".
She stopped and stared at him until he had disappeared through the school entrance. Oh, how she loved him! Not one of her other ties had been so deep. Never before had she given herself so completely and so cheerfully as now. Her maternal instincts were all aroused. For this boy, who was not hers, for the dimples in his cheeks and for his big cap, she would have given her life and given it with tears of joy. Why? Ah, indeed, why? When she had seen Sasha off to school, she returned home quietly, content, peaceful and overflowing with love. Her face, which had grown younger in the last six months, smiled and beamed. People who met her were pleased as they looked at her.
"How are you, Olga Semyonovna, darling? How are you getting on, darling?"
"The school courses are very difficult nowadays," she told people at the market. "It’s no joke. Yesterday the first class had a fable to learn by heart, a Latin translation, and a problem. How is a little fellow to do all that?"
And she spoke of the teacher and the lessons and the text books, repeating exactly what Sasha said about them. At three o’clock they had dinner. In the evening they did his homework together, both crying at how difficult it was. When she put him to bed, she stayed a long time making the sign of the cross over him, muttering a prayer. And when she lay in bed, she dreamed of the far-away, misty future when Sasha would finish his studies and become a doctor or an engineer, have a large house of his own, with horses and a carriage, marry and have children. She would fall asleep still thinking of the same things, and
tears would roll down her cheeks from her closed eyes. And the black cat would lie at her side
purring: "Mrr, mrr, mrr."

Sasha’s mother went to Kharkov and never came back. And his father was working hard every day.Olenka thought that Sasha was abandoned, so she fixed up a little room for him in her part of the house.
Every morning he got up, dressed, said his prayers, then sat down to breakfast. She told Sashenka that he didn’t know fables as he should.She told him that he had to try hard and learn and mind his teachers.Sashenka was a little cross and asked her to leave him alone.Then he went down the street to the school.When he reached the street of the school, he turned around and told Olenka to go home. He added that he could go the rest of the way himself.
She stopped and stared at him until he had come into school.She loved him so deeply. She returned home quietly, her face smiled and beamed. People asked her how she was getting on.She told them that school courses were very difficult and added that the day before the first class had a fable to learn by heart, a Latin translation, and a problem.She wondered how a little fellow was to do all that.
And she spoke of the teacher and the lessons and the textbooks, repeating exactly what Sasha said about them. At three o’clock they had dinner. In the evening they did his homework together.She lay in bed, she dreamed of the future when Sasha would finish his studies and become a doctor or an engineer, have his own house, marry and have children.