Make up Yes/No questions in the passive voice.
1.New Curriculum is implemented in japan.
2. New schools are built in our country every year.
3. The students chose the foreign language at collage.
4. Modern schools are supported with new technology
5. Student Books are given to all students at/in our schools
6. The students were often punished in Victorian schools

1.Is New Curriculum implemented in Japan?
2. Are new schools built in our country every year?
3. The students chose the foreign language at college.
Это предложение в активном залоге. Если вопрос нужен к нему, то:
Did the students choose the foreign language at college?
Если сначала нужно переделать предложение в пассивный залог, потом задать вопрос, то:
The foreign language was chosen by the students at college.
Was the foreign language chosen by the students at college?
4. Are modern schools supported with new technology?
5. Are Student Books given to all students at/in our schools?
6. Were the students often punished in Victorian schools?

Translate the sentences into English using the Passive Voice:
1. На вокзале его всегда встречают друзья (to meet). 2. В нашем университете обучают трем языкам (to teach). 3. Эта проблема обсуждается сейчас в печати (to discuss). 4. Специальным предметам нас будут обучать на третьем и четвертом курсах (to teach). 5. Во время занятия много говорилось о нашей будущей профессии (to speak of). 6. Я думаю, экзамены будут сданы нами успешно (to pass). 7. На занятиях по английскому языку нужно говорить по-английски (to speak). 8. Тема «Моя будущая профессия» будет изучаться в следующем семестре (to study). 9. Работа выполнена Вами хорошо (to do).
10. Меня спрашивали на прошлом уроке (to ask). 11. Некоторые отрасли промышленности в нашей стране высоко развиты (to develop).

Translate the sentences into English using the Passive Voice: 1. At the station he is always met by friends (to meet). 2. Three languages ​​are taught in our university (to teach). 3. This problem is discussed now in print (to discuss). 4. Special subjects will be taught at the third and fourth courses (to teach). 5. During the session a lot was said about our future profession (to speak of). 6. I think the exams will be passed to us successfully (to pass). 7. English classes need to be spoken in English (to speak). 8. The topic "My future profession" will be studied in the next semester (to study). 9. The work is done well by you (to do). 10. I was asked at the last lesson (to ask). 11. Some industries in our country are highly developed (to develop).