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1. Most people know all about Mickey Mouse. Mickey is the most famous
cartoon character of all time but what about his father, Walt Disney?
2. Walt Rlias Disney was born on
December 5th 1901 in Chicago, lllinois. He liked drawing from an early age and he
sold his first skethes to his neighbours when he was only seven years old. In
August 1923 he left for Hollywood. He had only $40 with him. His brother Roy
lived in California and together they started the now famous Disney Brothers
studio in their uncle’s garage.
3. Walt created his most famous
character Mickey Mouse in 1928. Mickey appeared in the first sound
cartoon, Steamboat Willie the same year. Walt won the first of his 32 Academy
Awards in 1932 for the film Flowers and Trees. Over the next five years Walt
Disney made some of his most popular films, such as Snow White and the Seven
Dwarfs, Pinocchio, Fantasia, Dumbo and Bambi. He made 81 films in total while he
was alive.
4. Walt Disney died in 1966. His work
lives on today with each new generation enjoying his films and cartoons.

Mickey Mouse is well-known Walt Disney’s character. Walt Rlias Disney was born on December 5th 1901 in Chicago. He liked drawing from childhood. In 1923 he moved to Holywood and started Disney Brothers studio with his broter. Walt created Mickey Mouse in 1928 in first sound cartoon. He won 32 Academy Awards. One of them for the film Flowers and Trees. Disney’s most famous films are Snow White and the Seven
Dwarfs, Pinocchio, Fantasia, Dumbo and Bambi. He made 81 films in total. Walt Disney died in 1966. Nowaday people still watch his works.

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Many, many years ago in the 10th century there lived a beautiful Belarusian princess of royal blood Barbara Radziwill. She lived in a castle in Nesvizh with her two brothers, Mikalai Radziwill Chorny and Mikalai Radziwill Rudy. Her parents died when she was a little girl and her brothers took care of her.
One day a ball was held in the castle. Zhygimont, the king of Poland, was invited to the ball. Zhygimont was tall and very handsome with dark hair and blue eyes. When he saw Barbara, he fell in love at first sight. Though Barbara’s brothers and Zhygimont’s mother, Bona Sfortsa, were against their love, they still continued to see each other and then married secretly.
When Bona Sfortsta found out about their marriage, she was very angry and decided to kill Barbara. She gave her a poisoned ring. Soon Barbara fell seriously ill and doctors couldn’t help her. In a month she died. She was buried in Belarus but her grave was never found.
Zhygimont couldn’t forget Barbara. He found a magician and asked him to help him see Barbara again. The Magician agreed but said that Zhygimont couldn’t touch the ghost of Barbara. At night, when Zhygimont saw Barbara, he couldn’t keep his word. He ran up to Barbara and tried to touch her. Barbara disappeared. Zhygimont couldn’t live without Barbara and died. Since that time the castle of Nesvizh has been visited by the ghost of the beautiful woman. People call it the Black Lady.

In 10 century there lived beautiful Belarusian princess Barbara Radziwill. She lived in a Nesvizh castle with her two brothers, Chorny and Rudy. Her parents died when she was young and her brothers took care of her. One day Zhygimont, the king of Poland, was invited to the ball. He was very handsome, when she saw Barbara, he fell in love, they looked to each other. They have decided to marry secretly. Then Bona his mother found out their marriage, she was angry. She decided to kill Barbary and Barbara was died with poisoning ring. Zhygimont couldn’t forget Barbara. He found a magician and asked him to help him see Barbara again. The Magician agreed but said that Zhygimont couldn’t touch the ghost of Barbara. At night, when Zhygimont saw Barbara, he couldn’t keep his word. He ran up to Barbara. Barbara disappeared. Zhygimont couldn’t live without Barbara and died. Since that time the castle has been visited by the ghost of the beautiful woman and people call it the Black Lady.

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От любви до ненависти
Ради нее он решился заикнуться о разводе с действующей королевой Англии.
Их союз не был принят общественностью, но совместная жизнь была яркой, позволившая испытать весь спектр чувств от любви до ненависти…
Анна была француженкой хрупкого телосложения, с длинными черными волосами и темными глазами, плюс образованность, знание языков и талант поэтессы. Она также поддерживала перевод Библии на английский язык и покровительствовала людям искусства. Она была остроумна, очаровательна, с живым характером.
Впервые Генрих VIII увидел Анну Болейн 1 марта 1522 года на придворном маскараде и был пленен ею. К его величайшему удивлению Анна не ответила ему взаимностью. В ту пору он был подтянутый, обаятельный, первоклассный стрелок из лука, внушал надежду на светлое будущее своим верноподданным. Его обожали ученые и реформаторы – за просвещенный ум. Он был полиглотом (латынь, испанский, французский, итальянский) и хорошо играл на лютне. Впрочем, сохранились свидетельства современников, что образованность короля "чудесным" образом уживались с деспотизмом и многочисленными пороками.
Однако, он был женат на Катерине Арагонской (Catherine of Aragon), которая была старше его, которая досталась ему в наследство после смерти старшего брата. Катерина была скучной, некрасивой, к тому же она родила лишь дочь, Британия оставалась без наследника. Но не так просто было оставить Катерину ради новой любви. Недоступность Анны только разжигала страсть короля. Понадобилось 7 лет и множество ухищрений, чтобы получить развод. Для влюбленного Генриха не было преград. Церковь никогда бы не позволила королю получить развод. Генрих VIII решил доказать и Риму и всему миру, что может стать выше Папы и возглавить Англиканскую церковь, он стал единственным в мире монархом, осмелившимся наделить себя таким статусом. Он объявил предыдущий брак недействительным.
25 января 1533 года влюбленные тайно обвенчались. 29 мая 1533 года состоялась коронация Анны. Анна родила дочь – Елизавету, которой суждено было стать королевой Великобритании (1558-1603). Анна впоследствии так и не родила Генриху сына. Это повлияло на его отношение к ранее горячо любимой жене, которая оказалась своенравной и ревнивой. Характер Генриха стремительно портился – ему докучали претензии и ревность жены. Кроме того, на горизонте появилась юная Джейн Сеймур – полностью отвечавшая канонам красоты Англии (к тому же народ не любил свою новую королеву). В голове Генриха снова зашевелились мысли о разводе. И благодаря премьер-министру Томасу Кромвелю, Анна была обвинена в измене - прямо под носом у короля пыталась вести свою политику, и это было больше, чем дворцовые интриги. Начался процесс.
Суд над Анной Болейн состоялся в главном зале Тауэра. Король не присутствовал. Анна спокойно выслушала и обвинение в измене, и в колдовстве, и приговор. В качестве "привилегии" вместо костра для казни Королевы Англии специально выписали палача из Франции, который казнил ее 19 мая 1536 года путем отсечения головы мечом…
Говорят, что призрак Анны Болейн до сих пор бродит по Тауэру.

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Anna was a beautiful, smart and really good at poetry woman. She has also supported the translation of Bibles. Henry V||| was a perfect in archery, he gave sluts hope and a lot of scientists and by reformers. He fell in love with Anna but he was already married to Catherine of Aragon who was the worst. He wanted to break up with her but the church didn’t let him. So he thought of becoming higher than the Pope and to rule the English church. When he did him and Anna secretly married her.
Anna was really weak and didn’t get Henry a daughter. She was punished by cutting her head off for trying to change the government’s rules.
Now people say that the ghost of Anna is still wondering around the Tower.

Сократить текст до 9 предложений. Youth is a very important period in the life of a human being. This is the time when a person discovers the world and tries to determine his place in the universe. Young people face a great deal of problems which are very important for them. They do not differ much from those that once their parents had to deal with. At the same time every generation is unique.
The adults always say that young are not always what they were. Yong people of today don’t directly accept the standards of their parents. They cannot accept the values of their "fathers". It is one of the causes of the generation gap. The adults usually apply old standards to the new way of life. The majority of the young people don’t want to live in the past. They have their own ideals. They want to make their own mistakes, rather, than to listen to the warning of their parents. Almost all parents don’t understand their children. The next important problem concerns friendship. A person can and should have many friends. But at the same time there can be only one or two true friends. However, the young people always face the problem of getting on with people, especially, their class-mates. The problem of love is a key problem as well. There are a lot of different problems, which youth have to face.

Youth is an important period of life when people discover the world and determine their place in it. During it, young people can face the problems, similar to their parents’ ones. However, each generation is unique.
A generation gap, when parents and children have different values, ideals and standards, is a common problem. The Youths don’t want to listen to the older people, want to find their own way of living.
The other problem is friendship. A person can have lots of friends, but only one or two are true, but getting on with people can be very difficult.
The problem of love is a key problem, they you have to face.

In Russia children go to school at the age of six or seven. They spend four years at primary school, five years at secondary school and two years at senior school. School normally starts at 8:30 am and finishes at 3 pm through this may vary slightly from school to school. Young students have 3-4 lessons a day and older students have up to 7 lessons a day. This means that the school week can be either 5 or 6 days long. In large cities where are a lot of students attending the same school there are sometimes separate morning and afternoon sessions. There are usually around 20-30 students in a class. There is a wide range of school subjects for students aged 12-17. These include Russian, Literature, Maths(including Algebra and Geometry)History, Social Science, Biology, Geography, Physics, ICT, Chemistry ahd others. English is the main and most popular foreign language although students can also learn Spanish, German or French. Almost all classes involve the use of computers and media technology. Some schools may specialise in certain subjects, Maths and Science, for example. There are also vocations schools that train students in a specialised profession, such as music or danse, alongside their usual lessons. The school year is usually divided into four teams with there breaks. Shool starts on 1st September and finishes on 31st May. The summer holiday starts on 1st June and lasts for three months but Year 9 and Year 11 students take their exams in June. The Russian National Exam is an innovation as a final exam for school-leavers. Its a national test combining school-leaving exams and entrance exams to universities

In Russia children go to school at the age of six or seven. They spend eleven years at school. School starts at 8:30 am and finishes at 3 pm. Young students have 3-4 lessons a day and older students have up to 7 lessons a day. In large cities there are sometimes separate morning and afternoon sessions. There are usually around 20-30 students in a class. The subjects are Russian, Literature, Maths, history, Social Science, Biology, Geography, Physics, ICT, Chemistry, English and others. There are also vocations schools that train students in a specialised profession.
School starts on 1st September and finishes on 31st May. The summer holiday starts on 1st June and lasts for three months but Year 9 and Year 11 students take their exams in June. The Russian National Exam is a national test combining school-leaving exams and entrance exams to universities.

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Каждый год все американцы празднуют День Благодарения. Эта история началась в 1620 году, группа людей решила покинуть Англию и уехать жить в Америку. Они хотели быть свободны исповедовать свою религию. И они хотели новую, лучшую жизнь. 16 сентября 1620 они покинули Плимут, порт на южном побережье Англии. Их корабль назывался "Мэйфлауэр". Там было около сотни дием. Они взяли их с собой скот; свиньи, козы и куры. Им потребовалось около месяца или двух, чтобы пересечь Атлантический океан, не забудь, не было никаких двигателей, в те корабли — только паруса и ветер. Наконец они увидели Америки на 9 ноября. Некоторые люди не Джайв, чтобы посмотреть Америку. Они заболели и умерли, прежде чем они прибыли в Америку.
Первая зима в Америке была очень тяжелой для путешественников, паломников, как они назывались.
Индейцы помогли колонистам. Они показали, как охотиться, ловить рыбу и выращивать кукурузу. В следующем году паломников было много еды.
Отцы-Пилигримы составили городе Плимут. И они благодарили Бога за их новый дом. Это было почти четыреста лет назад. И каждый год в четвертый четверг ноября американские семьи собираются вместе и празднуют День Благодарения. Традиционной едой в этот день является индейка и тыквенный пирог.

Каждый год все американцы празднуют День Благодарения. Эта история началась в 1620 году, группа людей решила покинуть Англию и уехать жить в Америку для того чтобы быть свободны и исповедовать свою религию. 16 сентября 1620 они покинули Плимут, порт на южном побережье Англии на корабле"Мэйфлауэр". Колонистам потребовалось около месяца или двух, чтобы пересечь Атлантический океан, но 9 ноября они увидели Америку. Многие заболели и умерли, прежде чем они прибыли в Америку. Колонистам было очень тяжело в первое время, но им помогли индейцы. Традиционной едой в этот день является индейка и тыквенный пирог.

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Russian People and Their Lifestyle
Russians consider themselves a well-educated nation. They read a lot, and will be very surprised if you tell them you have not read Pushkin or Tolstoy! Books in Russia are cheap, and most people can afford to buy 5-10 books a month without serious damage to the family budget. Russians are also very fond of live performances at the theatre, and since tickets are affordable (the prices in cinemas and theatres are comparable), a stunning range of options is available to everyone, including opera, symphony concerts, musicals, ballet, drama, etc.
Every city has at least one theatre. The theatre culture was developed during Soviet times when tickets were sold through schools and businesses: cities were divided into neighbourhoods and there was a theatre agent responsible for each particular neighbourhood. The agent would distribute tickets to every business and school in his area, and the person responsible for the "culture sector" would organize collective visit to the theatre. Also, attending performances in a group is always much more fun, which contributed to the popularity of theatres. This is how most Russian people developed their taste for live performances. Nowadays, there is a growing variety in the types of theatre performances available, extending from Russian plays and Shakespeare, to gypsies and contemporary interpretations, and everything imaginable in between. Cinemas are becoming more and more popular in Russia and today they are equipped with the latest sound systems.
During Soviet times, there was a well-developed system of community work, and in every group (class at school, department at work, etc.) there was a person responsible for sports, education, political information, etc. People that performed these tasks were given benefits (free or discounted travel, ability to buy rare goods, a better apartment, etc). In this period, everything belonged to the State, and the State controlled distribution and awarded the most active citizens. Only after Perestroika did property become privatised. The system of volunteering was largely broken with Perestroika, but Russians still have an unwavering community spirit (which sometimes goes to lengths a westerner would consider as infringement).

Russian People and Their Lifestyle
Russians consider themselves a well-educated nation. They read a lot. Books in Russia are cheap, and most people can afford to buy 5-10 books a month. Russians are also very fond of live performances at the theatre, a stunning range of options is available to everyone, including opera, symphony concerts, musicals, ballet, drama, etc.
Every city has at least one theatre. The theatre culture was developed during Soviet times. The agent would distribute tickets to every business and school in his area, and the person responsible for the "culture sector" would organize collective visit to the theatre. This is how most Russian people developed their taste for live performances. Nowadays, there is a growing variety in the types of theatre performances available, extending from Russian plays and Shakespeare, to gypsies and contemporary interpretations. Cinemas are becoming more and more popular in Russia.
During Soviet times, there was a well-developed system of community work, and in every group.  In this period, everything belonged to the State, and the State controlled distribution and awarded the most active citizens. Only after Perestroika did property become privatised. The system of volunteering was largely broken with Perestroika, but Russians still have an unwavering community spirit.

Thaksgiving Day in the USA.
Every year all Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day. The story started in 1620. A group of people decided to leave England and go to live in America. They wanted to be free to practise their religion. And they wanted a new and better life.
On 16th September 1620 they left Plymouth, a port on the south coast of England. Their ship was called "the Mayflower". There were about a hundred them. They took their animals with them: pigs, goats and chickens. It took them about a month or two to cross the Atlantic Ocean. Don’t forget, there were no engines in those ships - only sails and the wind. At last they saw America on the 9th November. Some people didn’t live to see America. They had become sick and died before they arrived in America.
The first winter in America was very hard for the travellers, the Pilgrims as they were called.
The Indians helped the Pilgrims. They were shown how to hunt, fish and grow corn. The next year the Pilgrims had a lot of food.
The Pilgrim fathers built the town Plymouth. And they thanked God fortheir new home. It was almost four hundred years ago. And every year on the fourth Thursday in November American families get together and celebrate Thanksgiving Day. The traditional food on this day is turkey and pumpkin pie.

Thanksgiving Day in the USA.Every year, all Americans celebrate Thanksgiving. The story began in 1620. A group of people decided to leave England and go to live in America. They wanted a new and better life.September 16, 1620 they left Plymouth. Their ship was called Mayflower. There were about a hundred of them. Finally they saw America on November 9. Some people did not live to see America. They fell ill and died.The first winter in America was very difficult for travelers.The Indians helped the pilgrims. They were shown how to hunt, fish and grow corn. The following year the pilgrims had a lot of food.Fathers-pilgrims built the city of Plymouth. And they thanked God for the new house. It was almost four hundred years ago. And every year on the fourth Thursday of November, American families come together and celebrate Thanksgiving. Traditional food on this day is a pie of turkey and pumpkin.

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GUI OPERATING SYSTEMS The term user interface refers to the standard
procedures that the user follows in order to interact with a computer. In the late 1970s and early 80s, the way users accessed computer systems was very complex. They had to memorize and type a lot of commands just to see the contents of a disk, to copy files or to respond to a single prompt. In fact, only experts used computers, so there was no need for a user-friendly interface.
In 1984, Apple produces the Macintosh, the first computer with a mouse and a graphical user interface (GUI). Macs were designed more comfortable: to facilitate interaction with the computer. A few years later, Microsoft launched Windows, another operating system based on graphics and intuitive tools. Nowadays, computers are used by all kinds of people, and as a result there is a growing emphasis on accessibility and user-friendly systems.
A GUI makes use of a WIMP environment: windows, icons, menus and pointer. The background of the screen containing labeled pictures called icons. These icons represent files or folders. Double-clicking a folder opens a window containing programs, documents, or more nested folders. When you are in a folder you can launch a program or document by double-clicking the icon, or you can drag it to another location. When you run a program, your PC opens a window letting you work with different tools. All programs have a high level of consistency, with similar toolbars, menu bars, buttons and dialog boxes. A modern OS also provides access to networks and allows multitasking, which means you can run several programs – and do various tasks – at the same time.

GUI OPERATING SYSTEMS  In the late 1970s and early 80s, the way users accessed computer systems was very complex.  Had to memorize and type a lot of commands just to see the contents of a disk.  In 1984, Apple produces the Macintosh, the first computer with a mouse and a graphical user interface. A few years later, Microsoft launched Windows. Nowadays, computers are used by all kinds of people. All programs have, with similar toolbars A modern OS also provides access to networks and allows multitasking.
Думаю достаточно коротко, если что, можно будет немножко доделать

Сократите текст Great Britain is the name of the largest island of the British Isles and it ts made up of England, Scotland and Wales, but it doesn’t include Northern Ireland. Geographically, the island of Great Britain is subdivided into two main regions — Lowland Britain and Highland Britain. Lowland Britain comprises southern and eastern England. Highland Britain consists of Scotland, most of Wales, tho Pennines. and the Lake District. The Pennine Chain extends southward from tho Cheviot Hills into the Midlands. The chief rivers of Great Britain are: the Severn, the Avon, the Thames and some others. There are many lakes in Great Britain. The coasts of England are washed by the North Sea, the Irish Sea, the English Channel and the Strait of Dover. Scotland includes the Hebrides off the west coast, and the Orkney and Shetland Islands off the north coast. It is bounded by the North Sea in the east. The Highlands of Scotland are among the oldest mountains in the world. Most of the population of Scotland is concentrated in the Lowlands. Here on the Clyde. ts Glasgow. Scotland’s biggest city. Wales is a highland country of old, hard rocks. North Wales is a country of mountains and deep valleys. South Wales is a land of high hills and wide valleys. The pride of Wales in scenery is Snowdonia, a region of high mountains. Snowdon is the highest mountain in England and Wales.

Great Britain is the name of the largest island of the British Isles and it ts made up of England, Scotland and Wales. Geographically, the island of Great Britain is subdivided into two main regions — Lowland Britain and Highland Britain. Lowland Britain comprises southern and eastern England. Highland Britain consists of Scotland, most of Wales, tho Pennines. The chief rivers of Great Britain are: the Severn, the Avon, the Thames and some others. The Highlands of Scotland are among the oldest mountains in the world. Most of the population of Scotland is concentrated in the Lowlands.  ts Glasgow. Scotland’s biggest city. Wales is a highland country of old, hard rocks. North Wales is a country of mountains and deep valleys. South Wales is a land of high hills and wide valleys.