1. Вставьте нужную форму глагола to be и переведите:
There. some boxes in the room
There. a spoon on the table
There. one table in the kitchen
There. n’t ane books in the desk
. there any sugar in the coffee?

There are some boxes in the room - В комнате есть несколько коробок.
There is a spoon on the table - На столе ложка.
There is one table in the kitchen - В кухне один стол.
There are not any books in the desk. На парте нет никаких книг.
Is there any sugar in the coffee? В кофе есть сахар?

There are some boxes in the room - есть несколько коробок в комнате
There is a spoon on the table - есть ложка на столе
There is one table in the kitchen- есть один стол на кухне
There aren’t any books in the desk - на полке нету ни одной книги
Are there any sugar in the coffee? В кофе есть немного сахара?

Перепишите следующие предложения, подчеркните в каждом неличные формы глагола. Письменно переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. I had no hope of getting an answer before the end of the month.
2. The buyers want to know our terms of payment.
3. The company persuaded the venture capitalists to provide addi tional investment.
4. I anticipate receiving an answer soon.
5. She recommended selling the shares now.

1. I had no hope of getting an answer before the end of the month.
2. The buyers want to know our terms of payment.
3. The company persuaded the venture capitalists to provide additional investment.
4. I anticipate receiving an answer soon.
5. She recommended selling the shares now.
1. Я не надеялся получить ответ до конца месяца.
2. Покупатели хотят знать наши условия оплаты.
3. Компания убедила инвесторов сделать дополнительные вложения.
4. Я ожидаю получить ответ в ближайшее время.
5. Она рекомендовала продать акции сейчас.

Переведите и выберите нужную форму глагола to be
1 The fiver ( are, am, is ) deep
2 The role which he played in her life ( were, was, will have been ) significant
3 We haven’t much electricity this month. The bill is going ( have been, will be, to be) not so big
4 They ( are, is, was ) very much interested in the news

1. The river is deep. Река глубокая.
2. The role which he played in her life was significant. Роль, которую он сыграл в её жизни, была значительной.
3. We haven’t much electricity this month. The bill is going to be not so big. Мы не много пользовались электричеством в этом месяце. Счёт не будет слишком большим.
4. They are very much interested in news. Они очень интересуются новостями.

употребить нужную форму глагола.
1.It is 5o’clock.The family (has, is having) tea.Every day the family( has, is having) tea at 5o’clock. 2. In the morning Mother ( cooks, is cooking) breakfast for us.It is 7 o’clock. Mother ( cooks, is cooking)breakfast 3.Every day Father (leaves, is leaving) the house at half past seven. It is half seven and Father (leaves, is leaving) the house. 4. We often (watch, are watching) TV.We are sitting in arm-chairs and (watch, watching) TV. 5. Sometimes Mike ( does, is doing) his lessons in the evening. Look at Mike. He ( does, is doing) his lessons. 6.It often(rains, is raining) in September.It (rains, is raining) now. 7.It sometimes (snows, is snowing) here in April.It (snows, is snowing) now.

1.It is 5o’clock. The family is having tea. Every day the family has tea at 5o’clock. 2. In the morning Mother cooks breakfast for us. It is 7 o’clock. Mother is cooking breakfast.
3.Every day Father leaves the house at half past seven. It is half seven and Father is leaving the house.
4. We often watch TV. We are sitting in arm-chairs and watching TV.
5. Sometimes Mike does his lessons in the evening. Look at Mike. He is doing his lessons.
6.It often rains in September. It is raining now.
7.It sometimes snows here in April. It is snowing now.

1. is having.has.2. cooks, is cooking 3.leaves, is leaving 4.watch, watching 5. does, is doing 6. rains, raining 7 snows is snowing

В каждом предложении поставьте нужную форму глагола:
1. Yesterday I (to be) ill.
2. Usually (to go) to school at eight o’clock.
3. His uncle (to live ) in Moscow two years ago.
4.We (to visit) this museum in a week.
5.My friend (to play) the piano now.
6. She (not to be )at home now. She (to play) tennis.
7. You friend often (to stay ) at school after lessons for her English?
8. We usually (to stay) in the country over the weekend, but the weather (to be) bad and we (not to go) to the country tomorrow.
9. You (to be) going to enter the Institute after school.
10. When you last (to go ) the theatre? Tlwo weeks ago.

1was  2(пропущено подлежащее. Если это I/you/we/they Или существительное, которое можно заменить этим местоимением, то GO, а если he/ she/it- то GOES)  3lived  4will visit  5is playing  6 is not, is playing  7Does your friend often stay at school after lessons for her English?  8stay, is, won’t go  9are going  10When did you last go to the theatre?

1. Yesterday I was ill.
2. Usually I go) to school at eight o’clock. 
3. His uncle lived in Moscow two years ago. 
4. We’ll  visit) this museum in a week.
5.My friend is playing the piano now. 
6. She isn’t at home now. She is playing tennis.
7. Does you friend often stay  at school after lessons for her English? 
8. We usually stay) in the country over the weekend, but the weather is bad and we won’t go) to the country tomorrow. 
9. You are going to enter the Institute after school. 
10. When did you last go  the theatre? Two weeks ago.

Вставьте нужную форму глагола to be.
1. Не. born in 1998. 2. We. students now. 3. We. good friends in our group. 4. It. an interesting book. 5. Who. absent today? 6. He. a student. 7. What. he? — He. a doctor? 8. These. my pencils. 9. Where. this book? — It. on the table. 10. What. their names? 11. Mary. a girl. 12. Who. he? 13. What. you? 14. This man. in the room. 15. How. she? 16. How. you? — I. fine. 17. How. your friend? 18. he your son? 19. Tomorrow we. at home. 20. you a sportsman? 21. There. no book on the table. 22. It. my parents’ car. 23.

1. Не was born in 1998.
2. We are students now.
3. We are good friends in our group.
4. It is an interesting book.
5. Who is absent today?
6. He is a student.
7. What is he? — He is a doctor.
8. These are my pencils.
9. Where is this book? — It is on the table.
10. What are their names?
11. Mary is a girl.
12. Who is he?
13. What are you?
14. This man is in the room.
15. How is she?
16. How are you? — I am fine.
17. How is your friend?
18. Is he your son?
19. Tomorrow we will be at home.
20. Are you a sportsman?
21. There is no book on the table.
22. It is my parents’ car.
в учёбе!

1. is.
4. is.
6. is.
7. what’s=what is. is.
8. is.
11. is.
16. are. am.
18. Is.
21. is
22. is.

Задание № 1. Перепишите и письменно переведите следующие предложения, подчеркните неопределенные местоимения.
1. Have you got any objections?
2. I don’t know about it; ask somebody else.
3. I got the book without any difficulty.
4. I have nothing to read.
Задание № 2. Выберите прилагательные в соответствующей степени сравнения. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. If you require (further, farther, the furthest) information or assistance, ask at your local station.
2. Actions speak (more louder, the loudest, louder) than words.
3. Hotels are becoming (more expensive, the most expensive, expensiver) nowadays.
4. The damage to the car could be (bad, worse, the worst) than we expected.
Задание № 3. Выберите нужную форму глагола to be и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. There (is, are, was) ten pens and a magazine on the table.
2. All historical places of London (had been, were, are) in the West End.
3. He was considered (to be, to have been, was) a good teacher.
4. Two pilots (were, was, are) on the plane when it crashed.

1. Have you got any objections? У тебя есть какие-то возражения? 
2. I don’t know about it, ask somebody else.- Я ничего не знаю про это, спроси кого-нибудь другого.  
3. I got the book without any difficulty. Я достал книгу без каких-либо затруднений.  
Задание 2. 
1. If you require further information or assistance, ask at your local station. Если Вам потребуется дальнейшая информация или помощь, обращайтесь к местной абонентской станции.  
2. Actions speak louder than words. Действия говорят больше, нежели слова.  3. Hotels are becoming more expensive nowadays. Сегодня отели стали дороже.
4. The damage to the car could be worse than we expected. Поломка в машине была хуже, чем мы предполагали.  
Задание 3.
1. There are ten pens and a magazine on the table. На столе лежит десять ручек и журнал. 2. All historical places of London are in the West End. Все исторические места Лондона находятся в Вест-Энде.
3. He was considered to be a good teacher. Он считался хорошим учителем. 4. Two pilots were on the plane when it crashed. Когда самолет потерпел крушение, в нём было два пилота.  

VIII. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в Past Indefinite Tense.
1. Bohr ( to create) his model of the atom, working at the Rutherford’s laboratory.
2. Scientists ( to develop) new methods of converting one type of energy into another.
3. Bohr ( to receive) the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1922.
IX. Выберите нужную форму глагола to have и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Bohr ( to have, has, had) the doctorate for investigation of the electron theory of metals.
2. Lomonosov ( to have, has, had) a good knowledge of foreign languages.
3. Bohr ( to have, has, had) the gold medal of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences.
X. Заполните пропуски прилагательными в соответствующей степени сравнения.
1. Isaac Newton was one of ( great, greater, the greatest) minds of the world.
2. Newton founded ( high, higher, the highest) mathematics.
3. They discussed one of ( important, more important, the most important) problems of cybernetics.

1. Bohr created his model of the atom, working at the Rutherford’s laboratory.
2. Scientists developed new methods of converting one type of energy into another.
3. Bohr received the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1922.
IX. Выберите нужную форму глагола to have и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Bohr had the doctorate for investigation of the electron theory of metals.
У Бора была докторская степень за исследование электронной теории металлов
2. Lomonosov had a good knowledge of foreign languages.
Ломоносов хорошо знал иностранные языки.
3. Bohr had the gold medal of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences.
Бор получил золотую медаль  Датской королевской академии наук.
X. Заполните пропуски прилагательными в соответствующей степени сравнения.
1. Isaac Newton was one of the greatest minds of the world.
2. Newton founded higher mathematics.
3. They discussed one of the most important problems of cybernetics.

3. Употребите нужную форму глагола в скобках
1.He said that he still (to be) fond of collecting stamps and coins.
2.She said that her parents (to divorce) two years ago already! – Oh, how awful! I can’t 3.believe it’s true!
4.I met him at the disco yesterday and he told me that I (to dance) very well and I answered that it (to be) no wonder because dancing (to be) my hobby for many years!
5. She said her mother’s hobby (to be) ballet and she (to dance) pretty well in her youth. Can you imagine? – No, hardly.
6.Did you ask Mike to take the camera to the party? – Yes, he told me that he (to come) and (to take) a lot of pictures.
7.Did you persuade your cousin in the necessity of sports? – Yes, but she promised that she (to go in for) sports) only since that summer.
8. What did you tell your little niece? – Nothing special – I only (to tell) her that I (to travel) all the summer and that it (to be) a lot of fun and now she wants to go with me.
9. Did you invite Mary to the basketball game in which you (to take part) the next week? – Yes, I did, but it turned out that she (to watch) the horseracing competitions at that moment.

1. He said that he was still fond of collecting stamps and coins.
2. She said that her parents divorced two years ago already! – Oh, how awful! I can’t believe it’s true!
4. I met him at the disco yesterday and he told me that I (danced) very well and I answered that it (is) no wonder because dancing (has been) my hobby for many years!
5. She said her mother’s hobby (was) ballet and she (danced) pretty well in her youth. Can you imagine? – No, hardly.
6. Did you ask Mike to take the camera to the party? – Yes, he told me that he (would come) and (take) a lot of pictures.
7. Did you persuade your cousin in the necessity of sports? – Yes, but she promised that she (had been going in for) sports) only since that summer.
8. What did you tell your little niece? – Nothing special – I only (told) her that I (had been travelling) all the summer and that it (had been) a lot of fun and now she wants to go with me.
9. Did you invite Mary to the basketball game in which you (were taking part) the next week? – Yes, I did, but it turned out that she (would be watching) the horseracing competitions at that moment.

Вставьте нужную форму глагола to be (am, is, are) 1) my friend reading a book. 2) i drinking tea3) they making noise 4) he looking at window 5) she helping about the house 6) we watching tv 7) granny cooking dinner 8) the birds awimminq in the sea 9) the dog sitting at the door 10) it looking at me

1) My friend IS reading a book.
2) I AM drinking tea
3) They ARE making noise
4) He IS looking at window
5) She IS helping about the house
6) We ARE watching tv
7) Granny IS cooking dinner
8) The birds ARE awimminq in the sea
9) The dog IS sitting at the door
10) It  IS looking at me

My friend is reading a book
I am drinking tea
They are making noise
He is looking at window
She is helping about the house
We are watching TV
Granny is cooking dinner
The birds are awimminq (может, Вы сделали опечатку в этом слове?) in the sea
The dog is sitting at the door
It is looking at me