Слова по теме внешность и одежда перевод и написать( англ)

beautiful – красивый
nice – хороший
pretty – симпатичный
cute – милый
handsome – красивый (о мужчине)
common, usual – обычный
ugly – некрасивый
attractive – привлекательный
unattractive – непривлекательный
elegant – элегантный
charming – очаровательный
lovely – милый
plain – простоватый
repulsive – отталкивающий
round – круглое
oval – овальное
square – квадратное
long – длинное
puffy – одутловатое
thin – худое
freckled – веснушчатое
wrinkled – морщинистое
pimpled – прыщеватое
swarthy – смуглое
sunburned / tanned / browned – загорелое
pasty – болезненно-бледное
gaunt – изможденное
pock-marked – рябое
clean-shaven – гладко выбритое
fair – белое, светлое
dark – темное
sallow – болезненно-желтое
almond-shaped – миндалевидные 
keen – проницательные
baggy – с мешками под глазами 
lively – живые
beady – глаза-бусинки
blue – синие, голубые 
narrow – узкие
brown – коричневые
bulging – выпуклые 
close-set – близко посаженные 
protuberant – выпуклые
puffy – опухшие
crinkly – в морщинках 
red-rimmed – покрасневшие, воспаленные
cross-eyed – косоглазый 
round – круглые
dark – темные 
dark-ringed – с темными кругами (под глазами) 
deep-set, downcast – глубоко посаженные 
slanted – раскосые
grey – серые 
green – зеленые 
hazel – ореховые
flat – плоский
straight – прямой
aquiline – орлиный
snub – курносый
turned up, upturned – вздернутый
hooked – нос крючком
pointed – заостренный
chubby / plump – пухлые
hollow / sunken – впалые
pale – бледные
ruddy – румяные
pink – розовые
roughed – нарумяненные
stubby / unshaven – небритые
wrinkled – морщинистые
black – черные
blond – светлые
red – рыжие
auburn – темно-рыжие
chestnut, chestnut-brown – каштановые
golden – золотистые
grey – седые
long – длинные
short – короткие
shoulder-length – по плечи
straight – прямые
curly – вьющиеся
wavy – волнистые
bald – лысый
tall – высокий
short – низкий
(of) medium height – среднего роста
skinny – тощий
thin – худой
slim – стройная (о женщине)
slender – стройный (о мужчине)
well-built – хорошо сложенный
neat – изящный
lean – худощавый
muscular – мускулистый
overweight – с избыточным весом
obese – страдающий ожирением
plump – полный, пухлый
fat – толстый
stout – тучный
stocky – коренастый
fair – светлая
dark – темная
olive – оливковая
tanned – загорелая
pale – бледная
silky – шелковистая
dry – сухая
rough – грубая
smooth – гладкая
baby-soft – нежная, как у ребенка
wrinkled – морщинистая
freckled – веснушчатая

graceful – изящная
lithe – гибкая 
well-made – ладная
superb – превосходная
perfect, great – прекрасная, великолепная
stunning – сногсшибательный.
a head turner – привлекающий внимание, человек, на которого люди оборачиваются.
gorgeous – великолепный.
slight – хрупкая, изящная
neat – аккуратная
ordinary – обыкновенная, ничем не примечательная
bony – костлявая 
flawed – небезупречная 
clumsy – неуклюжая 
shapeless – бесформенная
well-fed – откормленная
paunchy – пузатая, «с брюшком»
ill-made – некрасивая, непропорциональная 
tattooed (о теле) – татуированное

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На кого я хочу быть похожим.
Герман Харрикейн Томмераас — норвежский актер кино и театра, танцор и модель. Стал известен благодаря своей роли в популярном сериале "Стыд"
Дата рождения: 1997 (20 лет)
Я хочу быть похожим на Германа Томмераас. Мне нравится его внешность. У него классные зелено-карие глаза глаза, аккуратный нос, красивые темные брови, идеальная форма головы. Еще у него прекраснейшая фигура и телосложение. Его рост 1.75 метр. Но больше всего мне нравится его волосы! Они шикарные! Он часто меняет прическу и иногда цвет волос. Сейчас у него волосы темные.
Одевается он стильно. Я бы хотел одеваться так же как он. Он любит носить темную одежду, но иногда носит и яркую одежду.
У него классный характер. Например, в сериале «стыд», он играет крутого и модного школьника.
Вообще, я считаю что каждый человек должен быть личностью и не стараться быть похожим на другого. Но в некоторых деталях, в плане внешности, можно подражать другим людям, главное быть личностью.

I want to look like German Harkein Tommeraas. He is a norwegian actor, dancer and model. He becomes
famous, because he was playing a role in the famous series, called "Shame". He was born in 1997. Now he is 20 years old.
I want to look like him. I really like his appearence. He has a cool green-hazel eyes, nose, beautiful dark eyebrows, ideal shape of head. Also he is well-built. His high is 1.75 metres. I also love his awesome hair. He often change his haircut and hair colour. Now he is dark-heared. He is very stylish man. I’d like to wear the exact same thing as he is. He likes wear a dark clothes, but sometimes it can be light-coloured clothes. He has a cool character. For example, he was playing a cool and modern schoolboy in the series "Shame".
I also think that more generally that the each man must be an individual and not trying to be like anyone else. But in some cases, e.g appearence, it is permissible, but only in subject to be a individual.

Написать 6 предложений-описание внешности мультигероя : имя, лицо, глаза, волосы, руки, ноги.

My favorite hero is Spanch Bob. His face is yellow and square. His eyes are very big and blue. Spinch Bob does not have hair. The hero has square teeth. On the body, the hero has holes, it reminds me of a washcloth. His arms and legs are thin and long. He also has very funny shoes. I hope that your favorite hero-SpongeBob

I like a Buratino. He have funny long nose on the small fase. His eyes is blue. He has a brown, wooden hair. His hands and feet are short. Buratino is not very clever, but he is funny.
Вот текст про Буратино. Я просто другое ничего не придумала. Но и это нормальный текст. Я в школе за него 12 получила.

Описание внешности Эвана Питерса на английском

Big-eyed blonde Evan Peters we know from the series " American horror story. " It would seem that we are accustomed to seeing such blondes in the roles of touching boys, but that was not the case. The guy with a completely bright appearance surprisingly organically fit into the oppressive atmosphere of the series, where from season to season he got gloomy roles. It was noticed and glossy publications, inviting him to shoot in a similar entourage.We would like to see Evan in something fresh and romantically positive, but while the directors are not in a hurry to offer him touching roles. However, the track record of the 26-year-old actor is already impressive, he starred in numerous serials, for example, " Hill of one tree ", " Speaking with ghosts," " House," " Think as a criminal " and " Office." In the big breakthrough movie Evan did not have, but he appeared in the films " Pipets " and " Never give up." This year, we will see Peters in the movie " X-Men: Days of the Past ".If you really dream of a dream: Evan would have gotten a great Romeo or, say, a character like Tim Lake, from the movie Boyfriend from the Future. Unfortunately, it’s not for us to decide, but suddenly the Hollywood masters will be able to read our thoughts.Evan - a modest and unexpectedly family guy, but despite this, he is a frequent guest of the red carpet, and his pretty face now and then appears in a variety of magazines. As you understand, it’s not a serious career or an eccentric character. Just a young actor chose a great party: Evan meets with the partner on the series "American Horror Story" by Emma Roberts, niece of Julia Roberts.The guys met on the set: "We saw each other every day, but we thought only about the film, and not about romantic relationships," Emma says. Despite the fact that we did not have "love at first sight", I already thought: "We will definitely meet". "

Emma watched as she looked into the water, because now the actors not only meet, but have already announced their engagement.However, not everything is so smooth in the relations of the doves. Recently, Emma was arrested for. beating a loved one. As the bloggers say, in one of the quiet evenings, Emma’s neighbors and Evan heard screams. Concerned, they called the police. Arriving, the guards of the order were very surprised, it turns out that the lovers had a real fight, in which Evan suffered. For the broken nose of the future husband, Emma was taken to the station, but soon released, because Peters did not bring charges.

We hope that the darlings are being scolded - only they are mumbling, because Evan with a spoiled appearance is less likely to get an excellent role, and we are waiting for him on the big screen.

Написать 10 предложений о Лермонтове и о его внешности на английском

Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov was born on 15 October 1814 in Moscow. He spent his childhood in the village of Tarkhany which was located in Penza Oblast. As the saying goes in the 17th century one of the Scottish Earls of Learmont settled in Russia and Mikhail was his descendant. Scientists also made a supposition that famous Scottish poet Thomas Learmonth was his relative. According to established fact Mikhail Lermontov was a descendant of Yuri (George) Learmont who was a Scottish officer. In the 17th century he moved to Russia.
Mikhail’s father, Yuri, was a serviceman. His mother Maria Arsenyeva died when Mikhail was a child. Lermontov’s grandmother, Yelizaveta Alekseyevna, brought him up after Maria’s death. At the age of ten Mikhail had problems with health and they moved to the Caucasus. The fertile climate of this region was good for Mikhail. From that time he loved the Caucasus.
Lermontov spent his childhood in the intellectual atmosphere and he became interested in English literature. He studied Byron’s poetry. When Mikhail was a child he was taught by a Frenchman named Gendrot. But Yelizaveta Alekseyevna decided that additional education was necessary for her grandson and took him to Moscow where the young poet entered the gymnasium. While there Lermontov developed a passion for the poetry of Zhukovsky and Pushkin. After a while he met Katerina Khvostovaya whom he loved. Lermontov inscribed some poems to her. At the same time the young poet developed a talent for sarcastic humor. Moreover he could draw caricatures and pin somebody down with an epigram or nickname.
In 1830 after studying at gymnasium Mikhail entered Moscow University. That year his father died and this event made a lasting impression on him. Lermontov’s sorrow was apparent in his poems "Forgive me, Will we Meet Again?" and "The Terrible Fate of Father and Son". Lermontov was not a student for a long time. In 1832 because of misunderstanding with professor Malov he left the university.
After studying for two years at university Lermontov decided to change his career choice. Between 1830 and 1834 Lermontov attended the cadet school. In those years he started writing poetry. He became interested in Russian history and medieval epics and it was apparent in some his poems including the Song of the Merchant Kalashnikov and Borodino.
In 1837 Pushkin died. His death produced a strong impression on Lermontov. Consequently he wrote a poem “Death of the Poet” which displeased the Tsar. Lermontov was immediately exiled to the Caucasus. But this region was native for him because he spent there his childhood.
In 1838 and 1839 Lermontov was in Saint Petersburg. Mikhail loved Barbara Lopukhina and he described his love in the novel Princess Ligovskaya which he didn’t complete. In 1840 the son of French ambassador challenged Lermontov to a duel. As a result Mikhail returned to the army. He joined hand-to-hand combat at the Battle of the Valerik River. This event was a basis for his poem Valerik. By 1839 Lermontov wrote one of his famous novels, A Hero of Our Time. Mikhail Lermontov became a great poet of Russian literature. He is also called “the poet of the Caucasus”. Lermontov was a founder of the Russian psychological novel.
In July 1841 because of Lermontov’s joke Nikolai Martynov challenged him to a duel. Martynov killed Lermontov with his first shot. Mikhail Lermontov was interred at Tarkhany.

Lomonosov was a small man. He was plump. He has pink cheeks. He had white hair. Hair curly. The eyes were large blue. The lips are pale. Lomonosov loved creativity.

Составить описание своего кумира по английски. Описать надо внешность. 5 класс. Пишите кого угодно, главное известного.

Catherine Adushkin — (better known as Kate Adoskin). YouTube, blogger, dancer. Katya was born on October 18, 2001 (13 years old, Libra). Katya is known that in its 13 years, the channel number of subscribers crossed the mark of 140 000, and more than 12 million views. Also, she’s very positive, funny and beautiful girl. Currently, she is engaged in dancing collective "Todes" (the official name — "ballet Todes") and the school network studios for teaching dance arts. The name comes from the term "death spiral" of figure skating. 
Adushkin Catherine ― better known as (Kate Adushkin. Version Of YouTube) Katya was born 18 October 2001 in Moscow. At the moment, he lives in Moscow. 
Why Kate Adushkin so interesting? the answer is simple ― in his 11 years, Katya has achieved bol 140,000 thousand on the YouTube channel. 
Very positive and sweet girl. At the moment dancing "TODES" dance group (official name — "ballet Todes") and the school network studios for teaching dance arts. The name comes from the term "death spiral" of figure skating.
про Катю Адушкину
Екатерина Адушкина — (более известна как Катя Адушкина). YouTube блогер, танцовщица.  
 Родилась Катя — 18 октября 2001 года, (13 лет, Весы). Катя известна тем, что в свои 13 лет, на ее канале количество подписчиков, перешло в отметку 140 000 тысяч, и более чем 12 миллионов просмотров. Так же, она очень позитивная, смешная и красивая девушка. На данный момент, Катя занимается в танцевальном коллективе — «Тодес» (официальное название — «балет Тодес») и сеть школ-студий по обучению танцевальному искусству. Название произошло от термина «тодес» из фигурного катания.  
Адушкина Екатерина ― более известна как (Катя Адушкина. Версия YouTube) 
 Родилась Катя 18 октября 2001 года в городе Москва. На данный момент, проживает в Москве.  
Почему же Катя Адушкина столь интересна? Ответ прост ― в свои 11 лет, Катя добилась боле 140 000 тысяч на YouTube канале.  
Очень позитивная и милая девушка. На данный момент занимается танцами «TODES» ― танцевальный коллектив (официальное название — «балет Тодес») и сеть школ-студий по обучению танцевальному искусству. Название произошло от термина «тодес» из фигурного катания.

Описать внешность друга на английском с переводом

У меня есть друг, ему 13 лет. Он мой самый лучший друг. Его зовут (Саша). Он очень умный и весёлый. У него русые волосы и зеленые глаза. Он высокий и красивый. (Саша) увлекается спортом. Он занимается футболом. Он любит читать книги. У него есть собака. Он очень добрый и очень хороший друг.
I have a friend, him 13 years.He is my the most best friend.His name is (Sasha).He very clever and merry.Beside it light brown hairs and green eye.He high and beautiful.(Sasha) rages the sport.He concerns with the football.He loves to read the books.He has a dog.He very good and very good friend.

Описать свою внешность по английскому

My neighbour Alex is 18 years old and he is a student. Alex is quite good looking. He is not very tall. He is well-built and has got broad shoulders, sturdy chest and strong back. His neck is quite short and firm.
Моему соседу Алексу 18 лет. Он студент. Алекс довольно симпатичный. Он не очень высокий и хорошо сложен. У него широкие плечи, мускулистая грудь и крепкая спина. Его шея довольно короткая и крепкая.

Придумать свой городок в котором живут 15 человек описать их внешность и описать городок по английски.

Hi. Welcome to Moodland. It is really crazy city. There’re only 15 people now in our city. But our population is rising every mouth. It is great city. The local people very kind and funny and. a little crazy because they are not afraid be yourself. Helen and Kathrine are the founders of Moodland. Helen’s hair is long and blond, and her eyes is blue, btw she has got a good body. Kate is funny. Someone can think that her behavior like a behavior of child, but no no. She is just very positive. Valeria, she is perfect girl with wonderful voice. She’s lovely.  All and all Moodland is a paradise for person who are not afraid be your self. Maybe we’re a little different but there’s no need to be ashamed. You’ve got the light to fight the shadows. So stop hiding it away. Come on in our city