"We start for Dover and Calais in ten minutes". A puzzled grin spread across the valet’s round face. Clearly he had not understood. "Monsieur is going to leave home?" enquired Passepartout.
"Yes," returned Phileas Fogg. "We are off around the world!"
The valet’s eyes opened wider as he raised his eyebrows and held up his hands in astonishment. "Around the world?"
«Мы начинаем для Дувра и Кале через десять минут». Неожиданная усмешка охватила круглое лицо камердинера. Очевидно, он не понял. «Месье собирается уйти из дома?» поинтересовался Паспарту. «Да», ответил Филеас Фогг. «Мы во всем мире!» Глаза камердинера расширились, когда он поднял брови и удивленно поднял руки. "Во всем мире?" ... Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную формы:
1. The plane for Moscow left on time. 2. He asked a porter to help him. 3. He will be at the airport two ours before departure. 4. We registered our luggage.
Заполните пропуски, употребляя местоимения: somebody, something, anybody, anything, nobody, nothing, everybody.
She said something but I didnt understand it.
1. ……………… liked the visit to the plant. It was very interesting.
2. She has to go to the supermarket. There is ………… in the fridge.
3. I have had a terrible day. ………… went wrong.
4. The young man is very upset. ……… wrong with his car.
Перепишите предложения, употребляя правильные предлоги:
1. Lets have a look ……… the railway station.
2. Passengers are hurrying ……… the platform to their carriages.
3. They say “Good-bye” ………. each other.
4. Ann was met ………. her friends and relatives.
Закончите предложения, используя подходящие слова из рамки. Используйте каждое слово только один раз. В рамке есть лишнее слово, которое не нужно использовать.
choice rank sibsidise estimated
leading range activities
An (1) ________________ 6 million people take part in dance, making it one of Britains (2) ___________________ participation (3) ___________________. The Royal Ballet, Birminghem Royal Ballet, English National Ballet, Northern Ballet Theatre and Rambert Dance Company (4) _______________ among the worlds leading companies. The Arts Council (5) _________________ these and a wide (6) ________________ of other companies and dance organizations, for example, the Richard Alston Dance Company.
Субтропический пояс Северной Америки тянется от Калифорнии до Алабамы между 25 и 40 параллелями. В субтропическом поясе жаркое лето и теплая зима. Это характерно для всего субтропического пояса. Однако, значительная протяженность Субтропического пояса по континенту Северной Америки повлияла на особенности природных условий от запада к востоку. В субтропическом климатическом поясе Северной Америки выделяют три области: Средиземноморскую, Муссонную и Континентальную. Средиземноморская область (штат Калифорния) отличается наличием зон высокого давления, влажность здесь очень переменчива. Осадки летом выпадают редко и преимущественно в виде грозы. Холодное Калифорнийское течение у побережья не позволяет здесь разыграться сильной жаре даже летом. Зима теплая, влажная, часты сильные ураганы с дождем и снегом. Муссонная область (Примексиканская и Приатлантическая низменности). Характеризуется равномерной влажностью. Этому способствуют воды Атлантики и Мексиканского залива. Лето влажное. Зимой штормы на побережье и сильные ливни на материковой части. Здесь нет резкого перепада температур, и зона считается очень комфортной для проживания. Континентальная или центральная зона (плато Большой Бассейн и восточная часть Великих равнин) характеризуется равномерной влажностью в течение года, мягкими зимами и очень жарким летом. Однако, из-за прорыва северных воздушных масс зимой бывают серьезные снегопады, парализующие транспортное сообщение. ... Письменно переведите текст и дайте ответы на вопросы.
Education in the United Kingdom is compulsory from the age of five to sixteen. Children under five go either to nursery schools, or to playgroups. Both types of pre-primary educational establishments are non-state; the difference is that a child spends the whole day in a nursery school, while he or she can stay in a playgroup only for some hours a day. Anyway, the main aim of such kind of establishments is to make the children ready for primary schools. Children play, draw, model things from clay and learn to work together. Compulsory education for all children begins at the age of five. There are 35000 schools in Britain. All of them are the responsibility of the Local Education Authorities (LEA). The LEA caters the curriculum and exams in each region; they also appoint head teachers and hold assessment tests at schools. Primary school is for children from five to eleven. At the age of eleven pupils go to comprehensive school.
1. From what age is education in the United Kingdom compulsory?
2. What are the establishments for pre-primary education?
3. What is the difference between nursery schools and playgroups?
4. What does the LEA do?
Образование в Соединенном Королевстве является обязательным в возрасте от пяти до шестнадцати лет. Дети до пяти лет отходят либо в детские сады, либо в детские кружки. Оба вида дошкольных учебных заведений являются негосударственными; разница в том, что ребенок проводит целый день в детском саду, в то время как он или она может находиться в детской комнате только в течение нескольких часов в день. Во всяком случае, основная цель такого рода заведений состоит в том, чтобы сделать детей готовыми к начальным школам. Дети играют, рисуют, моделируют вещи из глины и учатся работать вместе. Обязательное образование для всех детей начинается в возрасте пяти лет. Есть 35000 школ в Великобритании. Все они являются обязанностью местных органов образования (Леа). Леа обслуживает учебные планы и экзамены в каждом регионе; Они также назначают учителей и проводят оценочные тесты в школах. Начальная школа для детей от пяти до одиннадцати. В возрасте одиннадцати учеников ходят в общеобразовательную школу.
1. С какого возраста образование в Соединенном Королевстве является обязательным?2. Какие учреждения дошкольного образования?3. Чем отличаются детские сады от детских кружков?4. Что делает Леа? ... Напишите описание железного человека (ИГРУШКИ) НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ
Tony Starck – Howard and Maria Starck’s adopted son. When Howard learned that his wife will have big problems with the child’s birth, it concluded the alliance with the alien robot that that pumped over endurance of the baby. Because of frauds of the robot the child whom called Arno, was born clever, but the patient. Howard and Maria sent it to be treated in hospital, and to himself adopted Tony healthy and at all not less clever. Tony was real super - the genius (and thus the rare slacker), it came to prestigious educational institution (where got acquainted with Bruce Benner) and after his adoptive parents died in road accident, Tony inherited their company.

Перевод на английский.
Это произошло утром. Погода была солнечной и жаркой. Землетрясение вызвало ужасное цунами. Местные жители и туристы заметили огромные волны. Вода достигла пляжей. Люди начали кричать и бежать. Это было сложно потому что вода была до колен. Сломанные деревья и крыши ударяли людей. Дороги треснули. Мосты были разрушены. Многие люди были засыпаны под зданиями. Улицы были заваленнаязаваленны деревьями и кусками металла. Люди вытаскивали друг друга на деревья и крыши. Врачи оказывали первую помощь раненым людям. Более 10000 человек погибло. 1000 потеряли дома. К счастью многим удалось спастись. Это была одна из самых страшных природных катастроф в мире
It happened in the morning. the weather was Sunny and hot. the earthquake caused a terrible tsunami. local residents and tourists noticed a huge wave. the water reached the beaches. people began to scream and run. it was difficult because the water was to his knees. broken trees and the roof hit people. the road is cracked. the bridges were destroyed. many people were buried under buildings. the streets were savannasamson trees and pieces of metal. people pulled each other to the trees and roof. the doctors provided first aid to the wounded people. more than 10,000 people were killed. 1000 lost their homes. fortunately many managed to escape. it was one of the worst natural disasters in the world. ... Поставь общие вопросы к предложениям:
1)The tall men is my boss.
2)She will come at 5 p. M.
3)He translates a lot of letters into english
4)their classes will begin at 9 o clock tomorrow
5)She spends a lot of time on her english
6)My children are at college
8) She can play the guitar very well.
9)There are many people in the library now.
10)He reads a lot of english books.
1) does the tall men is my boss?
2)Will she come at 5p.m.
3)Does he translates a lot of letters into english?
4)Will their classes begin at 9 oclock tomorrow?
5)Does she spends a lot of tome on her english?
6)Are my children at college?
8)Does she can play the guitar very well?
9)Are there many people in the library now?
10)Does he reads a lot of english books? ... Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect или Past Simple.
1. It (to be) very cold yesterday. 2. When you (to
meet) him? 3. I (not to see) him since 2006.
many mushrooms you (to gather? 5. Where you (to
put) the newspaper? I want to read it, but cannot find
it anywhere. 6. The new school (to begin) working
last year. 7. At last I (to do) all my homework: now
I shall go out.
8. The building of the house (to be-
gin) early in April. 9. The rain (to stop) but a cold
wind is still blowing. 10. wwe already (to Solve) the
problem. 11. Не (to come) a moment ago. 12. I never
(to speak) to him. 13. Не just (to finish) his work.
14. You (to make) any spelling mistakes in your
dictation? 15. What books you (to read) when you (to
live) in the country? 16. They (not yet to come) from
the south. 17. Не (to be) ill last week, but now he (to
recover) 18. If everybody (to read) this new novel,
lets discuss it. 19. You (to book) tickets?
I (to book) them several days ago, 20. I can
hardly recognize you. I (not to see) you since you
(to leave) for Moscow. And you (to change) so much.
21. You (to read) all the books on this shel?
99 T (not to see) m y cousin since last vear
you (to put) these things in the wrong place?
24. why you (to leave) the door open? You will catch
25 *we (not to meet)
s, indeed,
I answered, *and we both (to grow)
1) was
3)havent seen him
4) gathered
7) did
8) have begun
9) stopped
10) have solved
11) came
12) have never spoken
13) have just finished
14) did you make
15) have read, lived
16) havent come yet
17) was, recovered
18) read
19) did you booked, l booked.
20) havent seen you, you left. Have changed.
21) did you read
22) havent seen
23) did you put
24) left
25) did not met, grew. ... Переведите предложения на англ 1 если мои дети будут бегать на улице то они захотят пить 2 когда моя сестра приедит мы пойдем гулять 3 если вы не сьедите этот хлеб мы накормим им птиц 4 если эти часы будут стоять дорого то мы не купим их 5 если погода будет хорошей дети пойдут гулять
1)If my children are running on the street then they will want to drink.
2)When my sister arrives we will go for a walk
3)If you dont eat this bread we will feed them the birds
4)If these watches are expensive then we will not buy them
5)If the weather is good, the children will go for a walk
1 if my children run on the street then they will want to drink 2 when my sister pridetit well go for a walk 3 if you do not eat this bread we will feed them birds 4 if this clock will stand expensive then we will not buy them 5 if the weather is good the kids will go walk ... СОКРАТИТ ТЕКСТ ЧТОБ ОСТАЛСЯ ТОТ ЖЕ СМЫСЛ
people often say that st petersburg is the venice of the north. this is because it is a beautiful city with 90 waterways, 42 islands and 300 bridges. every summer from june until july something wonderful happens in st petersburg. it is a wonder of nature that russians call the white nights.
visitors from all over the world travel to the city to see this. during the white nights the sun does not set completely and a silver glow fills the sky. this sight attracts tourists and locals who take to the streets to enjoy it and celebrate
at night, crowds of people sing and dance by the neva river. they watch the bridges open as boats pass by and fireworks fill the sky. a visit to st petersburg during that time is a fantastic experience
St petersburg is the venice of the north. this is because it is a beautiful city with 90 waterways, 42 islands and 300 bridges. every summer from june until july something wonderful happens in st petersburg - thats white nights.visitors from all over the world travel to the city to see this. during the white nights the sun does not set completely and a silver glow fills the sky. this sight attracts tourists and locals.at night, crowds of people watch the bridges open as boats pass by and fireworks fill the sky. a visit to st petersburg during that time is a fantastic experience ... Упражнение 1. Fill in the verb is or are.
1. Grammar rules. always learnt by heart.
2. Rare animals. protected in many countries.
3. This scarf. made by my granny.
4. Animals in the reserve. fed two times a day.
5. The same shirts. worn by all the members of our team.
6. New Belarussian books. shown in our library
7. Many Belarussian towns. described in this book.
8. Dinner. always cooked by my mother.
9. This place. crowded on Sunday.
10. Our village. surrounded with a forest.
Упражнение 2. Write true sentences in Passive Voice. Use the words in table.
1) BMW cars
2) CDs
3) Tea
4) Modems
5) Cricket
6) TV pictures is
are grown in India.
sent via satellite.
played in England.
sold in music shops.
made in Germany.
used to access the Internet.
Упражнение 3. Choose the correct form of the verb in brackets to complete the sentences.
1. I. (like / am liked) this place.
2. What books by Charles Dickens. (translated / are translated) into Belarussian?
3. Who. (protects / is protected) animals?
4. This city. (is visited / visited) by many people.
5. Who. (gives / is given) bad marks in your class?
6. Our house. (made /is made) of wood.
7. Our holiday. (is begun / begins) next week.
8. Pupils. (are given / give) textbooks by the teacher.
9. The holiday. (celebrated / is celebrated) every year.
1 are
2 are
3 is
4 are
5 are
6 are
7 are
8 is
9 is
BMW cars are made in Germany.
CDs are sold sold in music shops.
Tea is grown in India.
Modems are used to access the Internet.
Cricket is played in England.
TV pictures are sent via satellite.
1 I like this place.
2 What books by Charles Dickinsens are translated into Belarussian?
3 Who protects animals?
4 This city is visited by many people.
5 Who gives bad marks in your class?
6 Our house is made of wood.
7 Our holiday begins next week.
8 Pupils are given textbooks by the teacher.
9 The holiday is celebrated every year. ...