Перепишите следующие предложения в правильной форме пассивного залога.
1. The Indian threw his tomahawk.
2. Almost everybody in the class celebrated Christmas.
3. The photographer will have taken all the pictures by May.
4. The thief has returned the car.
5. Every morning Jim and Kate dont eat cornflakes.
6. The stewardess isn’t serving lunch.
7. The pirates boarded the merchant vessel.
8. This actor has never played the role of Macbeth.
9. Has your wife placed the flowers in a vase?
10. Wayne Rooney scores most of the goals for England.

1. Tomahawk was threw by The Indian.
2. Christmas was celebrated by everybody in the class.
3. All the pictures were taken by The photographer by May.
4. Car was returned by the thief.
5. Cornflakes weren’t ate by Jim and Kate every morning.
6. Lunch wasn’t served by the stewardess.
7. The merchant vessel was boarded by the pirates.
8. The role of Macbeth was never played by this actor.
9. Were flowers placed in a vase by your wife?
10. Most of the goals for England were scored by Wayne Rooney.

Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них глагол-
сказуемое и определите его видовременную форму и залог. Переведите
предложения на русский язык. Обратите внимание на перевод пассивных
1. This time he is living in London.
2. Who were you waiting for when I came?
3. Computers will be taking decisions for us in the future.
4. His friend’s telephone number was forgotten by him.
5. By the time I got to the plane it had already taken off.
6. In a fortnight’s time we will have taken our exams.
7. The rooms were cleaned yesterday.
8. The translation is being done now.
9. The test had been finished when the teacher came.
10. The apple pie will have been baked by 2 o’clock in the afternoon.

1. This time he is living in London.
is living - Present Continuous Active
Сейчас он живет в Лондоне.
2. Who were you waiting for when I came?
were waiting -Past Continuous Active, came - Past Simple Active
Кого ты ждал когда я пришел?
3. Computers will be taking decisions for us in the future.
will be taking - Future Continuous Active
Компьютеры будут принимать решения за нас в будущем.
4. His friend’s telephone number was forgotten by him.
was forgotten - Past Simple Passive
Он забыл номер телефона своего друга.
 5. By the time I got to the plane it had already taken off.
got - Past Simple Active, had taken -Past Perfect Active
Когда я добрался до самолета, он уже взлетел.
6. In a fortnight’s time we will have taken our exams.
will have taken - Future Perfect Active
Через две недели мы уже сдадим наши экзамены.
7. The rooms were cleaned yesterday.
were cleaned - Past Simple Passive
В комнатах убрались вчера.
 8. The translation is being done now.
is being done -Present Continuous Passive
  Перевод делается сейчас.
9. The test had been finished when the teacher came.
had been finished -Past Perfect Passive, came -Past Simple Active
Когда учитель пришел, тест уже был закончен.
 10. The apple pie will have been baked by 2 o’clock in the afternoon.
will have been baked - Future Perfect Passive
Яблочный пирог испечется к двум часам дня.