Спишите предложения, сделав их отрицательными (отрицательная частица not ставится после первого глагола. ), подчеркните глаголы.
1. I watch TV.
2. Frank played chess.
3. A woman walks in the park.
4. My friend wrote a letter.
5. He swam in the river.
6. A man buys a pen.
7. Women play chess.
8. They ask a question.

1. I don’t watch TV
2. Frank didn’t play chess
3. A women doesn’t walk in the park
4. My friend didn’t write a letter
5. He didn’t swim in the river
6. A man doesn’t buy a pen
7. Women don’t play chess
8. They don’t ask a question

Так как подчеркнуть тут не смогу, глаголы будут отмечены verb( ^{vb} )
1. I do not watch( ^{vb} ) TV
2. Frank did not play( ^{vb} ) chess
3. A woman does not walk( ^{vb} ) in the park
4. My friend did not write( ^{vb} ) a letter
5. He did not swim( ^{vb} ) in the river
6. A man does not buy( ^{vb} ) a pen
7. Women do not play chess
8. They do not ask a question

Сделаться 5 предложений в утвердительной, отрицательной, вопросительной форме в past continuous

Past continuous
1. We were sitting in the library.
2.He was talking about the weather.
3. She was waiting for a bus.
4.You were standing behind the door.
You were working in the garden.
1. She was not studying medicine.
2. I wasn’t doing anything!
3. I wasn’t meeting anyone.
4. He was not saying anything.
5. We were not watching TV.
1. What were you doing then?
2. What were you doing before?
3. What was he seeking?
4. What were you expecting?
5. What was I doing?

1. he usually has tea and toast for breakfast.
2.he always gets up at seven o’clock
3.she often goes to school by bus
4.he often plays Quidditch in his free time
5. l usually go to bed at eleven o’clock
Предложения надо сделать
отрицательными, в вопросительными и специально вопросительными

1) He usually hasn’t tea and toast for breakfast. Has he usually tea and toast for breakfast? What he usually has for breakfast?2) He doesn’t always get up at seven o’clock. Does he always get up at seven o’clock? What time does he always get up? 3)She doesn’t often go to school by bus. Does she often go to school by bus? How does she often go to school? 4)he doesn’t often play Quidditch in his free time. Does he often play Quidditch in his free time? What does he often play at his free time? 5) I don’t usually go to bed at eleven o’clock. Do you usually go to bed at eleven o’clock? What time do you usually go to bed?

6. Сделайте все возможные виды предложений.
1. My friends have already gone abroad.
2. She had done this work by 5 o’clock yesterday.
3. I will have written the letter by the end of next week.
1. Утвердительное: They have already sung this song.
2. Отрицательное: They have not sung this song yet.
3. Общий вопрос: Have they already sung this song?
4. Альтернативный вопрос: Have they already sung this song or that one?
5. Специальный вопрос: What have they already sung?
6. Вопрос к подлежащему: Who has already sung this song?
7. Разделительный вопрос:
a) They have already sung this song, haven’t they?
b) They have not sung this song, have they?

1. My friends have already gone abroad. 
My friends haven’t gone abroad yet. Have my friends already gone abroad? Have my friends already gone abroad or to the neighbouring town? Where have my friends gone? Who has already gone? My friends have already gone abroad, haven’t they? My friends haven’t already gone abroad, have they?
2. She had done this work by 5 o’clock yesterday.
She hadn’t done this work by 5 o’clock yesterday. Had she done this work by 5 o’clock yesterday? Had she done this work by 5  or 6 o’clock yesterday? What had she done by 5 o’clock yesterday? Who had done this work by 5 o’clock yesterday? She had done this work by 5 o’clock yesterday, hadn’t she? She hadn’t done this work by 5 o’clock yesterday, had she?
3. I will have written the letter by the end of next week. I won’t have written the letter by the end of next week. Will I have written the letter by the end of next week? Will I have written the letter by the end of next week or by the end of next month? What will I have written by the end of next week? Who will have written the letter by the end of next week? I will have written the letter by the end of next week, won’t I? I won’t have written the letter by the end of next week, will I?

3. Сделайте все возможные виды предложений. 1. They can drive a car. 2. She must learn it. 3. My sister will be allowed to go home next week. Пример: 1. Утвердительное: He can sing this song. 1. Отрицательное: He cannot sing this song. 2. Общий вопрос: Can he sing this song? 3. Альтернативный вопрос: Can he sing this song or that one? 4. Специальный вопрос: What can he sing? 5. Вопрос к подлежащему: Who can sing this song? 6. Разделительный вопрос: a) He can sing this song, can’t he? b) He cannot sing this song, can he?

1 They can drive a car.
Can they drive a car?
They can drive a car, can’t they?
Can they drive a car or drive a bus?
Who can drive a car?
What can they do?
My sister will be allowed to go home next week.
Will my sister be allowed to go home next week?
My sister will be allowed to go home next weekend, won’t she?
Will my sister be allowed to go home next week or next day?
Who will be allowed to go home next week?
When will my sister be allowed to go home?
She must learn it.
Must she learn it?
She must learn it, mustn’t she?
Who must learn it?
Must she learn or read it?

II. Сделайте предложения отрицательными:
1. I usually listen to English songs.
2. His sister works at school.
3. Children get up at 6 o’clock.
4. Our family is very friendly.
III. Найдите лексические ошибки и замените их:
1. I am a teacher and I work for a company.
2. He likes to play English books.
3. The classroom is very clean and dirty.
4. Thanks for your mistake.
IV. Найдите грамматические ошибки и замените их:
1. I like coffee but my brother don’t.
2. They is doctors.
3. My sister read fairytales for her children.
4. Miss Dorothy have a clever child.
V. Расставьте члены предложения в правильном порядке:
1. I/ various/ to collect/ love/ and /books/ souvenirs.
2. draw/ he/ to write/ likes/ poetry,/ and read.
3. my/ sitting/ at /mother/ hates/ home.
4. to/ she /goes/ gym/ the/ three/ a week/ times.

1. Don’t usually listen to English songs
2. His sister doesn’t work at school
3. Children don’t get up at 6 o clock
4. Our family doesn’t very friendly
1. I work at school
2. To play computer games
3. And light
4. Invitation
1. My brother doesn’t
2. They are
3. Reads
4. Has
I love to collect various books and souvenirs
2. He likes to write and read, draw poetry
3. My mother hates sitting at home
4. She goes to the gym three times a week

Сделайте все возможные виды предложений.
1.They are in the street now.
2. She was sad yesterday.
3. My sister will be at home next week.
1. Утвердительное: He is in the room.
9. Отрицательное: He is not in the room.
10. Общий вопрос: Is he in the room?
11. Альтернативный вопрос: Is he in the room or in the kitchen?
12. Специальный вопрос: Where is he?
13. Вопрос к подлежащему: Who is in the room?
14. Разделительный вопрос:
a) He is in the room, isn’t he?
b) He is not in the room, is he?
Утвердительное They are in the street now She was sad yesterday. My sister will be at home next week.
Общий вопрос
Альтернативный вопрос

1. They are in the street now.
They aren’t in the street now.
Are they in the street?
Are they in the street or at home?
Where are they?
Who is in the street?
They’re in the street, aren’t they?
They’re not in the street, are they?
2. She was sad yesterday.
She wasn’t sad yesterday.
Was she sad yesterday?
Was she sad or happy yesterday?
When was she sad?
Who was sad yesterday?
She was sad yesterday, wasn’t she?
She wasn’t sad yesterday, was she?
3. My sister will be at home next week
My sister won’t be at home next week.
Will my sister be at home next week?
Will my sister be at home or in another city next week?
Where will my sister be next week?
Who will be at home next week?
My sister will be at home next week, won’t she?
My sister won’t be at home next week, will she?

Предложение "She cooks an apple pie."нужно сделать это предложение в 3х временах (настоящее, прошедшее и будущее время) в трех формах (утвердительной, отрицательной и вопросительной)

She cooks an apple pie
She doesn’t cook an apple pie
Does she cook an apple pie?
She cooked an apple pie
She didn’t cook an apple pie
Did she cook an apple pie?
She will cook an apple pie
She won’t cook an apple pie
Will she cook an apple pie?

 + She cooks an apple pie. She does not cook an apple pie. Does she cook an apple pie? Настоящее простое время

+ She cooked an apple pie. She did not cook an apple pie. Did she cook an apple pie? Прошедшее простое

+ She will cook an apple pie. She will not cook an apple pie. Will she cook an apple pie. Будущее простое

Сделайте следующие предложения отрицательными и вопросительными:
1. We went abroad last summer. 2. I heard a strange noise. 3. She thought it over. 4. The police caught the criminal. 5. It was a terrible accident. 6. He hid the keys. 7. She found a ring. 8. Nick broke his leg. 9. Your purse was on the table. 10. They flew to Washington. 11. They were at the cinema a week ago. 12. Mary laid the table. 13. His wife forgave him. 14. It happened last night. 15. Tom decided to sell his car.

1. We didn’t go abroad last summer. Did we go abroad last summer?
2. I didn’t hear a strange noise. Did I hear a strange noise?
3. She didn’t think it over. Did she think it over?
4. The police didn’t catch the criminal. Did the police catch the criminal?
5. It wasn’t a terrible accident. was it a terrible accident?
6. He didn’t hide the keys. Did he hide the keys?
7. She didn’t find a ring. Did she find a ring?
8. Nick didn’t break his leg. Did Nick break his leg?
9. Your purse wasn’t on the table. Was your purse on the table?
10. They didn’t fly to Washington. Did they fly to Washington?
11. They weren’t at the cinema a week ago. Were they at the cinema a week ago?
12. Mary didn’t lay the table. Did Mary lay the table?
13. His wife didn’t forgive him. Did his wife forgive him?
14. It didn’t happen last night. Did it happen last night?
15. Tom didn’t decide to sell his car. Did Tom decide to sell his car?

Изменив сказуемое, сделайте предложения:
а) отрицательными
1. My husband spoke to his boss last week.
2. Bad news travels fast.
б) утвердительными
1. Mag and her sister don’t live in Paris.
2. He didn’t watch TV yesterday.
Выберите нужное местоимение.
1. I don’t like.jokes. (hers, her, her’s)
2. Mr. Smith went home because. was tired. (he, his, him)
3. I post the letter. (oneself, myself, meself)
4. I didn’t have an umbrella, so Ann gave me …( her, her’s, hers)
5. We went in our car and they went in …( their, theirs, their’s)
Вставьте no или any.
1. There is.difference between these two machines.
2. They didn’t make … mistakes.
3. There’s … film in the camera.
4. She hasn’t got … pets at home.
Перепишите предложения по образцу.
She couldn’t see anything.
She could see nothing.
1. He can’t remember anything.
2. I want nothing.
3. There isn’t anyone to help him.
Вставьте some, any или их производные.
1. Don’t buy … rise. We don’t need.
2. I’ve got my camera, so I can take … photographs.
3. Yesterday evening I went to a restaurant with … friends of mine.
4. The prisoners refused to eat.
5. He left the hous without saying … to …
6. They slept in the park because they didn’t have … to stay.

my husband didn’t break to.

bad news don’t travel fast

Mag and her sister are live in.

He watched TV yesterday


1 her

2 he

3 myself

4 hers

5 theirs

no или any:

1 no

2 any

3 no

4 any

He can’t remember.

he can remember.

I want nothing

I won’t something

There isn’t anyone.

There is anyone.

some и any:

1 any, some

2 some

3 some

4 any

5 something to any

6 any