Complete the sentences with am, is, are.
Example: The girls are going to take part in the school concert.
1. Alex_____ going to take photos of his school for the magazine.
2. _____yuo going to see a doctor? Yes, tomorrow.
3. We______ going to arrange a picnic.
4. I________going to take part in their new project.
5. What______Steve going to do? We’ll find out soon.
6. I think it_____ going to rain.
7. The boys_______ not going to play football,_______they? I don’t know.
Write the question to the words in bold.
Example: Jess is going to buy a football for Chris’s birthday.What is Jess going to buy for Chris birthday?
1. Tomorrow the students will arrange the date and time.
2. Chirs likes taking photos.
3. The friends went to the cinema yesterday.
4. The students usually have 5-6 lessons.

7)are, are
2)When will students arrange the date and time?
What does Chris like?
Where did the friends go?
How many lessons do students usually have?

1)What Will the students arrange the date and time?
2)What Chris likes?
3)When went friends  to the cinema?
4)How manu lessons students usualle have? (не уверена в правильности порядка слов)

Complete the sentences. Use the example.
Jim isn’t very fast. Bob is faster than Jim.
1. Lucy’s hair isn’t very long. Jane’s hair
2. David doesn’t study very hard. Nancy
3. I’m not a good singer. Tory
4. We haven’t visited many countries. You
5. I can’t swim very fast. You
6. Jack doesn’t skate well. Mike
7. Mary’s accent is not very good. Yours

1) Mrs Johnson has become a writer.2) Bob and Charles have been to the States many times.3) Have you swim swung in the Pacific?4) We haven’t done our lessons.5) I haven’t decorated the hall.6) The girls have jumped high. But they have runned 5 kilometres badly.7) Betty has begun learning English.

Lucy’s hair isn’t very long. Jane’s hair is longer than Lucy. David doesn’t study very hard. Nancy study harder than David. I’m not a good singer. Tory sing better than me. We haven’t visited many countries. You visited more countries than we. I can’t sweem very fast. You can sweem faster than I. Jack doesn’t skate well. Mike skate better than Jack. Mary’s accent is not very good. Yours accent is more better than Mary’s.

Complete the sentences with two or three examples.
1) On work expierence pupils work in a lot of different places.
2) Sports events get some of the biggest TV audiences.
3) Some vitamins are fat-soluble and your body can store them.
4) Junk food is bad for you.
5) You shouldn’t leave valuable things in a car.
6) A lot of people are important in your life.

Заполните предложения двумя или тремя примерами. 1) На работе expierence ученики работают во многих местах. 2) Спортивные мероприятия получают некоторые из самых больших телевизионных аудиторий. 3) Некоторые витамины жирорастворимы, и ваше тело может их хранить. 4) Нежелательная еда плохо для вас. 5) Вы не должны оставлять ценные вещи в машине. 6) Многие люди важны в вашей жизни.

Nowadays the number of crimes involving violence is growing in almost all countries in the world. The main cause of this development is undoubtedly the use of drugs especially in large cities. The higher rate of unemployment and growing racism are significant reasons too. Meaningless murders and assaults are the frightening results. Nowadays we can see how people not only in countries like the United States, but also in countries like Sweden, arm themselves with weapons for protection, but violence breeds violence.
It is often claimed that an efficient way to lower the number of acts of violence is to have more sever sentences. However, people who commit these crimes often have serious social and psychological problems. Many of them may therefore be indifferent to how severe the sentences are. Besides, these criminals do not think that they will ever get caught. Because of these reasons, there is a doubt that acts of violence will decrease if the governments make the sentences for this type of crime more severe.
A common measure to reduce the acts of violence is to increase the number of policemen patrolling the streets. Although this is a good way of preventing acts of violence, it will not actually stop people from becoming criminals.
Some people are convinced that it is impossible to erase the violence related criminality completely, but there is a way in which it can be reduced considerably. Children should be informed about crimes related to violence and drugs. This information should be given in kindergarten as well as in elementary school. Furthermore, it should especially reach those children who live in areas with high crime rates. The information should take the form of a discussion, not a lecture, led by some expert, preferably a local police officer.
Hopefully, the children would then at an early age already have some understanding of these problems that would be valuable to them for the rest of their lives. Although the costs for such a project would be considerable, the benefits would be great. It would certainly prevent many from becoming violent criminals in the future.
1. Mark the sentences as True or False according to the text. Correct the false ones.
1) Nowadays the number of crimes involving violence is growing in America.
2) The higher rate of unemployment and growing racism are significant reasons of crimes.
3) People who commit these crimes often have serious financial problems.
4) An efficient way to lower the number of acts of violence is to show criminals on TV.
5) A common measure to reduce the acts of violence is to increase the number of policemen with dogs.
6) Children should be informed about toy sales.
7) The information should especially reach those children who live in areas with high crime rates.
2. Answer the following questions:
1. What type of crime is growing all over the world?
2. What are the main causes of crime?
3. Why do people arm themselves?
4. What can be helpful in reducing crimes?
5. What can the government do to decrease acts of violence?
6. What can probably prevent criminals from committing crimes?
7. What should children be informed about?
8. How should information about crime be presented?
9. What results can such discussions give?
10. Would it prevent many from becoming violent

В настоящее время количество преступлений с применением насилия растет почти во всех странах мира. Основной причиной этого развития, несомненно, является использование наркотиков, особенно в крупных городах. Более высокий уровень безработицы и растущий расизм также являются значительными причинами. Бессмысленные убийства и нападения-пугающие результаты. Сегодня мы можем видеть, как люди не только в таких странах, как Соединенные Штаты, но и в таких странах, как Швеция, вооружаются оружием для защиты, но насилие порождает насилие.
Часто утверждается, что эффективный способ снижения числа актов насилия заключается в более строгом отбывании наказания. Однако у людей, совершающих эти преступления, часто возникают серьезные социально-психологические проблемы. Поэтому многие из них могут быть безразличны к тому, насколько суровы приговоры. Кроме того, эти преступники не думают, что их когда-нибудь поймают. Из-за этих причин есть сомнения в том, что акты насилия уменьшатся, если правительства сделают приговоры за этот вид преступления более суровыми.
Общей мерой по сокращению числа актов насилия является увеличение числа полицейских, патрулирующих улицы. Хотя это хороший способ предотвращения актов насилия, на самом деле это не помешает людям стать преступниками.
Некоторые люди убеждены, что невозможно полностью стереть преступность, связанную с насилием, но есть способ, с помощью которого ее можно значительно сократить. Детей следует информировать о преступлениях, связанных с насилием и наркотиками. Эта информация должна быть предоставлена в детском саду, а также в начальной школе. Кроме того, она должна охватывать прежде всего тех детей, которые живут в районах с высоким уровнем преступности. Информация должна иметь форму обсуждения, а не лекции, которую должен вести какой-то эксперт, предпочтительно местный полицейский.
Надеюсь, что дети тогда в раннем возрасте уже имеют некоторое представление об этих проблемах, которые будут ценны для них на всю оставшуюся жизнь. Хотя затраты на такой проект будут значительными, выгоды будут значительными. Это, безусловно, помешает многим стать насильственными преступниками в будущем.
1. Отметьте предложения как истинные или ложные в соответствии с текстом. Исправьте ложные.
1) В настоящее время в Америке растет число преступлений, связанных с насилием.
2) более высокий уровень безработицы и растущий расизм являются существенными причинами преступлений.
3) люди, которые совершают эти преступления часто имеют серьезные финансовые проблемы.
4) эффективный способ уменьшить количество актов насилия-показать преступников по телевизору.
5) общей мерой по сокращению числа актов насилия является увеличение числа полицейских с собаками.
6) дети должны быть проинформированы о продаже игрушек.
7) информация должна быть особенно распространена среди детей, проживающих в районах с высоким уровнем преступности.
2. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. Какой тип преступности растет во всем мире?
2. Каковы основные причины преступности?
3. Почему люди вооружаются?
4. Что может быть полезным в сокращении преступлений?
5. Что может сделать правительство для уменьшения числа актов насилия?
6. Что, вероятно, может помешать преступникам совершать преступления?
7. О чем следует информировать детей?
8. Как должна быть представлена информация о преступности?
9. Какие результаты могут дать такие дискуссии?
10. Помешает ли это многим стать жестокими

Complete the following sentences. Give your reason for each statement.
Example: studying well is a students just can’t study better than they do
1) studying well is a student’s personal business because.
2) If teenagers are allowed to talk freely about their problems.
3) I wouldn’t like to learn the suspects that have nothing to do with real life because
4) it’s important that students are allowed to wear whatever they choose because
5) most students believe that the school rules should be neither strict nor too free because.

1) If teenagers were allowed to talk freely about their problems, they would receive more help to solve them.
2) I wouldn’t like to learn the subjects that have nothing to do with real life because it’s a waste of time that you could spend on studying something more interesting for you.
3) It’s more important that students are allowed to wear whatever they choose because it emphasizes out individuality and makes them more self-confident.
4) Most students believe that the school rules should be neither strict nor too free because then discipline will be observed and everyone will be satisfied.

1) Fill in than, of or in.
1. Bob is taller. Jim.
2. Our house is smaller. theirs.
3. Paula is the cleverest girl. the class.
4. This book is more interesting. that one.
5. I live in the biggest town. the country.
6. Johns car is faster. Marks.
2) Complete the sentences. as in the example.
e.g. Lisa earns MORE money THAN Emily. (mush)
1. This is. dress. all. (expensive)
2. He is. me. (clever)
3. She speaks. him. (quietly)
4. Charles drives. all. (slowly)
5. I run. my sister. (quickly)
6. Their house is. ours. (modern)

1. than
2. than
3. in
4. than
5. in
1. more expensive, than
2. more clever, than
3. more quietly, than
4. more slowly, than
5. more quickly, than
6. more modern, than

1. Bob is taller than Jim.
2. Our house is smaller than theirs.
3. Paula is the cleverest girl in the class.
4. This book is more interesting than that one.
5. I live in the biggest town in the country.
6. John’s car is faster than Mark’s.
1. This is. dress of all. (the most expensive)
2. He is. me. (cleverer than/more clever than)
3. She speaks. him. (more quietly than)
4. Charles drives. all. (slower than)
5. I run. my sister. (quicker/more quickly than)
6. Their house is. ours. (moderner than/more mordern than)

On April 23, 1564 William Shakespeare was born in Stratford - upon - Avon. His mother was the daughter of a farmer. His father was a glove - maker. William attended a grammar school in Stratford and had quite a good education. There he learned to love reading.
While he was a teenager, he married a woman some years older than himself. He had three children: the eldest is the daughter and then twins – a son and another girl. In 1587 William went to work in London leaving his family at home. Some people say that the reason was his love of poetry and theatre.
In London Shakespeare began to write plays and become an important member of a well - known acting company. Most of his plays were performed in the new Globe Theatre built on the bank of the river Thames. In 1613 he stopped writing and went to live in Stratford when he died in 1616. His plays are well - known and still acted not only in England but in the whole world.
Reading - Comprehension Test № 1.
Write down the words and phrases used in the text
1.worker, farmer 3. 2 children, 3 children
2.listening, reading 4. cinema, theatre
Complete the sentences according to the text
1. Shakespeare was born…
a) on April 22 b) on April 23 c) on August 23
2. Shakespeare’s father was…
a) a glove - maker b) a clock - maker c) a shoe - maker
3. At school William learned to love…
a) dancing b) reading c) singing
4. Shakespeare went to work in…
a) New York b) Cardiff c) London
3Write down if the sentences are true to the text or false
1)Shakespeare had twin daughters.
2)In 1587 Shakespeare went to work in London.
3)The Globe Theatre was built on the bank of the river Clyde.
4)Shakespeare’s plays are staged only in Britain
5Answer the questions on the text
1)Where was W. Shakespeare born?
2)What school did W. Shakespeare attend in Stratford?
3)What did Shakespeare do in London?
4)Where and when did Shakespeare die?
5Put the sentences in the order they are used in the text
1)Most of his plays were staged in the Globe Theatre.
2)He married a woman some years older than himself.
3)William had quite a good education.
4)He stopped writing and went to live in Stratford.

WORDS AND PHRASES:1the daughter of a farmer   2He had 3 children  3He learned to love reading  4love of poetry and theatre, Globe Theatre  COMPLETE THE SENTENCES:  1B  2A  3B  4C       TRUE OR FALSE:   1F  2T  3F  4F     ANSWER THE QUESTIONS: 1Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon -Avon.  2He attended a grammar school  3He began to write plays  4He died in 1616 in Stratford.      PUT THE SENTENCES IN THE ORDER:   3,2,1,4.

Reading - Comprehension Test № 1.
Write down the words and phrases used in the text
1.farmer 3. 3 children
2. reading 4. theatre
Complete the sentences according to the text
1. Shakespeare was born.
b) on April 23
2. Shakespeare’s father was…
a) a glove - maker
3. At school William learned to love…
b) reading
4. Shakespeare went to work in…
c) London
3Write down if the sentences are true to the text or false
1)Shakespeare had twin daughters.F
2)In 1587 Shakespeare went to work in London.T
3)The Globe Theatre was built on the bank of the river Clyde.F
4)Shakespeare’s plays are staged only in Britain.F
5Answer the questions on the text
1)He was born in Stratford-upon-Avon
2)He was attending a grammar school in Stratford.
3)He was working in London.
4)He died in Stratford at 1616.
5Put the sentences in the order they are used in the text
3)William had quite a good education.
2)He married a woman some years older than himself
1)Most of his plays were staged in the Globe Theatre.
4)He stopped writing and went to live in Stratford

Complete the second sentences so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentences.Use the word given and up ro four more words.
1.Climate change is now an accepted fact.
It__(known)the climate is changing
2They are optimistic about the patient’s changes of recovery.
The patient__(expected)
3.They say taht the burglars got away by using a helicopter.
The burglars __used a helicopter(said)
4.There are probably no survivors from the shipwreck.
It__no survivors from the shipwreck.
5.According to experts, Neanderthal Man could speak in a limited way.
Neanderthal Man__able to speak in a limited way.(believed)
6.Doctors now recongise taht malaria is transmitted by the Anopheles mosquito.
It____is transmitted by the Anopheles mosquito.(acknowledged)

1.Climate change is now an accepted fact. It is known that the climate is changing 
2They are optimistic about the patient’s changes of recovery. The patient is expected to recover
3.They say that the burglars got away by using a helicopter. It is said that the burglars used a helicopter
4.There are probably no survivors from the shipwreck. It expected that there are no survivors from the shipwreck.
5.According to experts, Neanderthal Man could speak in a limited way. Neanderthal Manis believed to be able to speak in a limited way.
6.Doctors now recongise that malaria is transmitted by the Anopheles mosquito.It is acknowledged that malaria is transmitted by the Anopheles mosquito.

Complete the second sentences so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentences.Use the word given and up ro four more words. 1.Climate change is now an accepted fact. It__(known)the climate is changing 2They are optimistic about the patient’s changes of recovery. The patient__(expected) 3.They say taht the burglars got away by using a helicopter. The burglars __used a helicopter(said) 4.There are probably no survivors from the shipwreck. It__no survivors from the shipwreck. 5.According to experts, Neanderthal Man could speak in a limited way. Neanderthal Man__able to speak in a limited way.(believed) 6.Doctors now recongise taht malaria is transmitted by the Anopheles mosquito. It____is transmitted by the Anopheles mosquito.(acknowledged)

1. Climate change is now a common fact. It is known that this climate is changing.2. They are optimistic about the changes in the patient’s recovery. They expect recovery.3. They say that the robbers have gone by helicopter. They said that the burglars used a helicopter.4. Probably there are no survivors after the shipwreck. He did not survive the shipwreck.5. According to experts, the Neanderthal man could speak in a limited way. It is believed that the Neanderthal man could speak in a limited way.6. Doctors who are now regenerating, malaria transmitted mosquito Anopheles. It is transmitted by the recognized mosquito Anopheles.

Task 3. Complete the sentences, according to the information from the article. (8 points)
1. American film-makers left New York.
2. Land was.
3. Hollywood is situated.
4. Only big film companies could. because.
5. Amblin is.
6. The Times of London and 20th Century Fox.
7. Paramount and Fox.
8. Hollywood is successful today because.
At the start of the 20th century, a new city was beginning to grow on some flat land near the sea in southern California; its name was Los Angeles - the name of the old Spanish mission that had been there for many years.
At the same time, a new industry was just being born; the cinema. In America, they talked of "motion pictures", but this soon became shortened to "movies".
America’s movie industry began life in New York; but by 1910, movie-makers were moving to Los Angeles. In New York, everything was too expensive; workers, land, taxes. Worse than that, it was difficult to make movies in winter, because it was too cold.
By contrast, the Los Angeles region was full of advantages. In California, they could make films all through the year; and everything was cheaper. In particular, there was lots of land for sale.
The movie-makers found what they needed a few miles outside Los Angeles; and before long, large new studios were being built in an area called Hollywood, at the foot of some small dry hills.
Movies quickly became very popular, particularly after "talkies" first appeared in 1925. Nevertheless, movies were expensive to make, and film companies needed money - lots of it. For this reason, Hollywood rapidly became dominated by a small number of big companies such as MGM, 20th Century Fox, Warner Bros. and Paramount.
Since then, the big companies have had their ups and downs, but most of them are still there. Some old names have disappeared, but some new ones have appeared, companies like Walt Disney and Steven Spielberg’s company Amblin.
Naturally, Hollywood has changed a lot in 80 years! Today the biggest studios belong to huge international firms. For instance, News Corporation, which now owns Fox, also owns newspapers on three continents (including the Times of London), and satellite TV networks in America, Europe and Asia.
It is only huge companies like Fox that can afford to make today’s very expensive films; and for Titanic - which was at the time the most expensive film ever - Fox had to get help from another big company, Paramount!
Once Hollywood could make films just for America; today it has to make them for the world. The suburb of Los Angeles has become the headquarters of a global dream-machine. Perhaps we dreamed differently in the past. Today, thanks in part to Hollywood, people everywhere have similar dreams.
We now live in the age of global culture. Hollywood did not invent this culture - but for better or for worse, it has become one of the most powerful elements in it. Like it or not, we all now live on planet Hollywood.
Task 4. Circle the correct preposition. (14 points)
1.She had never heard for/of/from the effects of global warming.
2.Did you hear of/about/from the robbery which took place yesterday?
3.I’m fed up of/for/with tidying up after those boys.
4.My brother is very good at/to/for me. He always looks after me.
5.Richard failed in/with/to his attempt to cross the Atlantic in a hot air balloon.
6.He was found guilty about/of/for theft and sentenced for 3 months in prison.
7.I hope for/of/to travel the world when I finish university next year.
8.He is completely ignorant for/about/to British history.
9.She prides herself on/to/in keeping the house clean and tidy.
10.We must remind the staff about/on/from the new policy.
11.He can afford a holiday. He earns more enough to live on/with/for.
12.The children took no notice from/ of/ for the new teacher.
13.This restaurant is regarded of/by/as one of the best in the country.
14.His lack in/with/of/ money meant that he had to sell his car.

1. American film-makers left New York because there everything were so expensive.
2.Land was lots  for sale.
3. Hollywood is situated at the foot of some small dry hills
4. Only big film companies could dominate because film companies needed money - lots of it.
5. Amblin is a short film made in 1968
6. The Times of London and 20th Century Fox was owned by News Corporation
7. Paramount and Fox very huge companies
8. Hollywood is successful today because it has become one of the most powerful elements in global culture.
1.She had never heard of the effects of global warming.
2.Did you hear aboutthe robbery which took place yesterday?
3.I’m fed up with tidying up after those boys.
4.My brother is very good at me. He always looks after me.
5.Richard failed with his attempt to cross the Atlantic in a hot air balloon.
6.He was found guilty about theft and sentenced for 3 months in prison.
7.I hope to travel the world when I finish university next year.
8.He is completely ignorant about British history.
9.She prides herself on keeping the house clean and tidy.
10.We must remind the staff about the new policy.
11.He can afford a holiday. He earns more enough to live on.
12.The children took no notice from the new teacher.
13.This restaurant is regarded by one of the best in the country.
14.His lack of/ money meant that he had to sell his car.