Задайте пять типов вопросов к предложению: We went to Paris last year. И They want to be the first in studies.

We went to Paris last year.
1. Did we go to Paris last year?
2. We went to Paris last year, didn’t we?
3. We went to Paris last year or not?
4. Where did we go last year?
5. When did we go to Paris?
They want to be the first in studies
1. Do they want to be the first in studies?
2. They want to be the first in studies, don’t they?
3. They want to be the first in studies or not?
4. Who wants to be the first in studies?
What do they want?

We went to Paris last year.
1. Did we go to Paris last year?
2. We went to Paris last year, didn’t we?
3. We went to Paris last year or not?
4. Where did we go last year?
5. When did we go to Paris?
They want to be the first in studies
1. Do they want to be the first in studies?
2. They want to be the first in studies, don’t they?
3. They want to be the first in studies or not?
4. Who wants to be the first in studies?
What do they want?

Задайте общие вопросы к безличным предложениям.
It’s time to get up.
It was getting dark.
It takes him 3 minutes to get dressed.
It will be late to apologize.
It rained heavily last night.

Is it time to get up? (Пора вставать?)
Was it getting dark? (Стемнело?)
Does it take him 3 minutes to get dressed? (Ему нужно 3 минуты, чтобы одеться?)
Will it be late to apologize? (Будет поздно извиняться?)
Did it rain heavily last night? (Прошлой ночью шел сильный дождь?)

Is it time to get up?

Was it getting dark?

Does it take him 3 minutes to get dressed?

Will it be late to apologize?

Did it rain heavily last night?

На первое место выностися вспомогательный глагол, который использовался в предложениях: 1,2,4 предложения

в 3 и 5 - глагол do в нужном времени

Задать вопрос каждому предложению:
1.they go to the swimming pool twice a week
2. My sister plays the piano every day
3.the boys are playing football now
4. His mother will go to moscow tomorrow
5. The cat has drunk all the milk
6. He bought an interesting book yesterday

1.How often do they go to the swimming pool?
2.Does  my sister play the piano every day?
3.What are the boys playing now?
4. Where  will his mother  go tomorrow?
5. Has the cat  drunk all the milk?
6.What did  he buy  yesterday?

1 How much time are they going to the swimming pool?
2 How much time does your sister play the piano?
3 When are boys playing football?
4 When will his mother go to Moscow?
5 Does the cat drunk all the milk?
6 What did he buy yesterday?

3 класс. Написать по 10-ть предложений: утвердительные, положительные и вопросительные предложения с глаголом tu bi, без местоимений.

Отрицательные и вопросительныe предложения с глаголом "to be" в роли сказуемого. Сегодня - об образовании отрицательных и вопросительных предложений в предложениях с глаголом "to be" (быть) в роли сказуемого в простом прошедшем, настоящем и будущем времени (Past Indefinite, Present Indefinite, Future Indefinite).
Отрицательные предложения
Настоящее и прошедшее время
В предложениях с глаголом "to be" в простом прошедшем или настоящем времени отрицание ставится после глагола "to be". 
I am not a very good swimmer. 
Я не очень хороший пловец.
He is not a teacher, he is a doctor.
Он не учитель, он доктор.
She is not English, she is American. 
Она не англичанка, она американка.
It is not far from here.
Это не далеко отсюда.
It is not a good book.
Эта книга нехорошая.
I was not a good friend to him.
Я не был ему хорошим другом.
They were not in town at that time.
Их тогда не было в городе.
You were not polite.
Ты был невежлив.
It was not very late. 
Было не очень поздно.
Будущее время
Простое будущее время в английском языке образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола "will", за которым следует основной глагол в форме инфинитива без частицы "to": I will go, you will know, she will speak, it will rain.
It will be nice if you come.
Будет хорошо, если вы придете.
I will be there soon.
Я скоро там буду.
He will be a doctor.
Он будет врачом.
Oтрицательныe предложения с глаголом "to be" в будущем времени строятся по такому же принципу, как и предложения в будущем времени с другими глаголами - отрицание ставится после вспомогательного глагола "will".
I will not be in your class. 
Меня не будет в твоем классе.
They will not be at the game.
Их не будет на игре.
It will not be sunny tomorrow. 
Завтра не будет солнечно.
Вопросительные предложения
Настоящее и прошедшее время
При построении вопросительных предложений с глаголом "to be" в роли сказуемого в простом настоящем или прошедшем времени, глагол "to be" становится перед подлежащим.
Am I right?
Я прав?
Are you 30?
Тебе 30 лет?
Is he a student?
Он студент?
Were they late?
Они опоздали?
Was he your friend?
Он был тебе другом?
Was the book interesting?
Эта книга была интересной?
Обратите внимание на место отрицания в вопросительных предложениях с глаголом "to be" в прошедшем и настоящем времени:
Am I not right?
Я не прав?
Are you not his aunt?
Вы не его тетя?
Was she not at home?
Она не была дома?
Was it not correct?
Это не было правильно?
Будущее время
При построении будущего времени в предложениях с глаголом "to be" в роли сказуемого, как и в случаях в предложениях с другими глаголами, вспомогательный глагол "will" ставится перед подлежащим.
Will you be there at 6 o’clock?
Ты будешь там в 6 часов?
Will Masha be a programmer?
Маша будет программисткой?
Will it be OK?
Это будет нормально?
Отрицательная частица "not" (не) в английском языке часто сокращается и сливается с глаголами "do", "will" и  "be":
are not -> aren’t
is not -> isn’t 
will not - > won’t 
She isn’t my sister.
Она мне не сестра.
Aren’t you from Riga?
Ты не из Риги?
Won’t you be at the party?
Тебя не будет на вечеринке?
Won’t he be a pilot on our plane?
Разве он не будет пилотом на нашем самолете?

Во первых с глаголом to be

Next friday I will go to the amusement park with my family.
Задать всевозможные вопросы к предложению CРОЧНО 20 Б

Will I go next friday to the amusement park with my family?
Where will I go next friday with my family?
When will I go to the amusement park with my family?
With who will I go the amusement park?

Next Friday I go to the amusement park with my family.
Will I go to the amusement park with my family next Friday?
I go to the amusement park with my family next Friday, won’t I?
Will I go to the amusement park or cinema with my family next Friday?
Who will go to the amusement park with my family next Friday?
Where will I go with my family next Friday?
When will I go to the amusement park with my family?

Измените предложение для 3 лица единственного числа (he/she/it):
1. These figures astonish me.
2. Do you like boiled eggs?
3. These seats cost 10$
4. They fish in the lake.
5. They usually catch the 8.10 bus.
И еще задать к ним вопросы

It astonishes me
Does she like boiled eggs
it costs 10$
He fishes in the lake
He usually catches the 8:10 bus

1)These figures amaze her
These figures amaze him
These figures amaze it
2)Does she like bolied eggs?
Does he like bolied eggs?
Does it like bolied eggs?
3)Her seats cost 10$
His seats cost 10$
It’s seats cost 10$
4)She is a fish in the lake
He is a fish in the lake
It’s is a fish in the lake
5)She usually catch the bus at 8:10
He usually catch the bus at 8:10
It’s usually catch the bus at 8:10

Задать 5 типов вопросов к предложению My parents love to travel in beautiful and unusual places.

1. Общий вопрос
Do your parents love to travel in beautiful and unusual places?
2. Специальный вопрос
Where do your parents love to travel?
3. Альтернативный вопрос
Do your parents love to travel in beautiful or unusual places?
4. Разделительный вопрос
Your parents love to travel in beautiful and unusual places, don’t they?
5. Вопрос к подлежащему
Who loves to travel in beautiful and unusual places?

Задать вопрос:
What? You were talking about the movie you saw.
What? She is been helping her mother.
Where? He will be working at a restaurant.
Where? I have been working at a mall?
When? I’ll be leaving in a few minutes.
Why? He is been going to a doctor because he is sick.
How? The car wasn’t running very well this morning.
Who? I have been talking to my brother.

Что?: Вы говорили о фильме, который вы видели? Что?: Она помогает своей матери? Где?: Он будет работать в ресторане? Где?: Я работал в торговом центре? Когда?: Я уйду через несколько минут. Причина?: Он идет к врачу, потому что он болен? Как?: Сегодня утром машина работала не очень хорошо. Который?: Я разговаривал со своим братом.

Задайте к этим предложениям альтернативный и разделительный вопрос
1.she complains of a severe pain in the throat.
2.skeletal muscles are complex in structure
3.we have studiet an interesting course on anatomy

1. She complains of a severe pain in the throat, doesn’t she? (разделительный вопрос )
Does she complain of a severe pain in the throat or in the neck? (альтернатиный вопрос )
2. Skeletal muscles are complex in structure, aren’t they? ( разделительный вопрос )
Are skeletal muscles complex or simple in structure? ( альтернатиный вопрос )
3. We have studied an interesting course on anatomy, haven’t we? ( разделительный вопрос )
Have we studied an interest course on anatomy or on biology? ( альтернатиный вопрос )

Задайте к этим предложениям специальный вопрос
1.a student missed some lectures last week.
2.human heart works as a pump
3.we have much work to do during the academic year at the college
4.she can make injections well
5.medical students are developing new technique

Выбирайте любые
1. What did student miss last week?
When did student miss some lectures?
Who missed some lectures last week?
2. What works as a pump?
How does human heart work?
Whose heart does work as a pump?
3. Who has much work to do during the academic year at the college?
What do we have to do during academic year at the college?
Where do we have much work to do during academic year?
When do we have much work to do at the college?
How much work do we have to do during academic year at the college?
4. Who can make injections?
What does she can? or What can she?
5. Who is developing new tecnique?
What are medical students developing?
What are medical students doing?