Перевести текст Each year, the top high-school science students in the United States enter the Westinghouse Science Talent Search. This contest is the most prestigious of its kind. Finalists of this competition win cash awards in the thousands and have very high chances of being accepted to the top universities of the USA. The competition has been called the “Junior Nobel Prize”, a nickname that is quite merited considering six finalists have become Nobel Prize winners. The selection process is highly competitive and depends not only on the high-level scientific research paper but also recommendations, essays, test scores, and high school transcripts. Each year, the top 300 applicants are announced in mid-January. In late January, the 40 finalists are informed; they compete in March in Washington, D. C. at the National Academy of the sciences for the top ten spots, which have scholarships ranging from $20,000 to $100,000 for the first prize winner. In addition, all finalists receive $5,000 scholarships and an IntelCentrino powered laptop. The Nobel Prizes were founded by Swedish industrialist and scientist Alfred Nobel who invented dynamite in 1866. Alfred Nobel was many talents rolled in one as he worked as chemist, engineer and industrialist. Also, he could speak 5 languages fluently at the age of 17. He left 31 million Swedish kroner (today about 265 million dollar) to fund the Nobel Prizes. In his will dated November 27, 1895, Nobel dedicated a mammoth share of his fortune to honour work by awarding prizes in five areas - Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Literature, and Peace. The Nobel Prizes are announced in advance but distributed every year on December 10 to mark the death anniversary of Alfred Nobel. The prize consists of a medal with inscription "Inventasvitamjuvatexcoluisse per artes," which in loose translation means - "And they who bettered life on earth by new found mastery.", personal diploma and cash worth 8 million Swedish kroner (roughly equal to $1. 1 million US dollars as of october 2014). 1. Why do high-school students in the USA want to be called the “Junior Nobel Prize”? 2. Whom were The Nobel Prizes founded by? 3. Is it possible for any scientist to be a Nobel Prizes Winner? 4. When does the ceremony take place? 5. What is written on the medal? a) Knowledge arranged in an orderly manner. _______________ b) One who asks for a tries to get something. _______________ c) A payment of money to a clever student to enable him to continue his education. _______________ d) One’s destiny or future fate. _______________ e) Words cut on stone or stamped on a coin or medal. _______________
1 mark for each correct answer_________/5

Каждый год лучшие ученики высшей школы в Соединенных Штатах входят в поиск талантов в Весттингхаузе. Этот конкурс является самым престижным в своем роде. Финалисты этого конкурса выигрывают денежные призы в тысячах и имеют очень высокие шансы быть принятыми в высшие университеты США. Конкурс был назван «младшей Нобелевской премией», прозвищем, которое заслуживает заслуги, учитывая, что шесть финалистов стали лауреатами Нобелевской премии. Процесс отбора является высококонкурентным и зависит не только от высокоуровневого научно-исследовательского документа, но и от рекомендаций, эссе, тестов и стенограмм средней школы. Каждый год 300 лучших заявителей объявляются в середине января. В конце января сообщается о 40 финалистах; они соревнуются в марте в Вашингтоне, округ Колумбия, в Национальной академии наук в первой десятке пятен, которые имеют стипендии от 20 000 до 100 000 долларов для первого победителя. Кроме того, все финалисты получают стипендии в размере $ 5000 и ноутбук с процессором IntelCentrino. Нобелевские премии были основаны шведским промышленником и ученым Альфредом Нобелем, который изобрел динамит в 1866 году. Альфред Нобель был талантливым мастером, работавшим химиком, инженером и промышленником. Кроме того, он мог свободно говорить на 5 языках в возрасте 17 лет. Он оставил 31 миллион шведских крон (сегодня около 265 миллионов долларов) для финансирования Нобелевских премий. В своей воле от 27 ноября 1895 года Нобель посвятил гигантскую долю своего состояния, чтобы почтить эту работу, присудив призы в пяти областях - физике, химии, медицине, литературе и мире. Нобелевские премии объявляются заранее, но каждый год 10 декабря они отмечают годовщину смерти Альфреда Нобеля. Премия состоит из медали с надписью «Inventasvitamjuvatexcoluisse per artes», которая в переводе означает «И те, кто улучшил жизнь на земле с помощью нового найденного мастерства», личный диплом и денежные средства в размере 8 миллионов шведских крон (примерно равный 1,1 миллиона долларов США) Доллары США по состоянию на октябрь 2014 года). 1. Почему школьники в США хотят называться «младшей Нобелевской премией»? 2. Кто были Нобелевские премии, основанные? 3. Возможно ли, чтобы любой ученый был лауреатом Нобелевской премии? 4. Когда происходит церемония? 5. Что написано на медали? a) Знания упорядочены. _______________ b) Тот, кто просит попытать что-то получить. _______________ c) Оплата денег умному ученику, чтобы он мог продолжить свое образование. _______________ d) Судьба или будущая судьба. _______________ e) Слова, нарезанные камнем или нанесенные на монету или медаль. _______________ 1 знак для каждого правильного ответа _________ / 5

When you check the room, make sure that there are enough hnegsar in the wdraebor. Then check that the maibinr is full, you have a list of what it’s supposed to contain, and that the aricindoigniton is fixed correctly. Almost all the rooms have the same equipment, so there are always one or two bsed which means one or two bde-desi tables and ahmcraris as well. Then there is a dserngisablet, a cesht fo srewrad and a TV. Make sure that the cruatisn are open and the bdslin up before the guests come in. Never enter the room when there is a "Do not disturb" sngi on the door.

. Когда вы проверяете комнату, убедитесь, что в wdraebor достаточно hnegsar. Затем проверьте, что maibinr заполнен, у вас есть список того, что он должен содержать, и что aricindoigniton исправлен правильно. Почти во всех комнатах есть одно и то же оборудование, поэтому всегда есть один или два bsed, что означает один или два стола bde-desi и ahmcraris. Тогда есть dserngisablet, cesht fo srewrad и телевизор. Удостоверьтесь, что cruatisn открыты, а bdslin - до того, как гости заходятникогда не заходите в комнату, когда на двери есть «Не беспокоить» sngi.

Questions and Answers
Where can tourists
1. see the Changing of the Guard? a) In the Tower of London.
2. see the "Prime Meridean"? b) In Trafalgar Square.
3. meet the Beefeaters? c) On the banks of the thames.
4. see a large Christmas tree in winter? d) At Buckingham Palace.
5. visit the London Eye? e) In Greenwich
Put the dialoguein the correct order. Act it out with your classmate.
1. A: Have you ever been to the City Aquarium?
? B: Sounds great. Let’s attange the day and time of our visit to this place, then.
? A: Oh, yes. There’s a lot to see and to do there. You can watch the fish and sea animals there and see the doiphin show. There are different activities for children and grown-ups. It’s very interesting there.
? B: Bye!
? A: OK, that’s settled.
? B: Yes, let’s meet at the bus stop at 11 am on Sunday, then.
? A: What about Sunday? 11 am? Is that OK?
? B: No, I haven’t. Is it worth visiting?

Вопросы и Ответы
Где могут туристы
1. См. Изменение Стража? a) В лондонском Тауэре.
2. Видят ли «премьер-меридиан»? Б) На Трафальгарской площади.
3. Имеете ли вы? В) На берегах Темзы.
4. Вы можете увидеть большую рождественскую елку зимой? Г) В Букингемском дворце.
5. Свидеть лондонский глаз? Д) В Гринвиче
Поместите диалог в правильном порядке. Действуйте со своим одноклассником.
1. A: Вы когда-нибудь были в Городском Аквариуме?
? B: Звучит здорово. Тогда давайте укажем на день и время нашего визита в это место.
? A: Да, да. Там есть что посмотреть и что делать. Вы можете наблюдать за рыбой и морскими животными там и посмотреть шоу-шоу. Существуют различные мероприятия для детей и взрослых. Здесь очень интересно.
? B: Пока!
? A: Хорошо, все налажено.
«. B: Да, давайте встретимся на автобусной остановке в 11 часов утра в воскресенье.
? A: Как насчет воскресенья? 11 утра? Это нормально?
? Б: Нет, не знаю. Стоит посетить?

Write a phrase web in the correct to replace the words in italics. Add any other words you need.
1. We can start our journey ____towards the mountains at down.
2. Dad fetched the luggage while Mum reg stered___ at the hotel.
3. I asked the taxi driver to let me get out ____outside the train station.
4. Oh, nol live forgotten my passport. We’ll have to go back ____and get it.
5. The most exciting moments is when the plane leaves the ground ____.

Напишите фразу паутина правильно, чтобы заменить слова курсивом. Добавить любые другие слова, которые вам нужны.
1. Мы можем начать наше путешествие ____в сторону гор вниз. 2. Папа взял багаж, в то время как мама редж забил__ в отеле. 3. Я попросил таксиста позволить мне выйти _ _ _ _ вне железнодорожного вокзала. 4. Ой, нол прямых забыл свой паспорт. Нам придется вернуться ____и получить его. 5. Самые захватывающие моменты-это когда самолет покидает землю ____.

Вариант 1
Найдите в каждом пункте одну грамматическую ошибку и исправьте её
(1 правильно исправленная ошибка – 4 балла, максимум )
1. When have you entered a university?
2. It is not our problem. It is your.
3. Do not distract him! He writes an important letter.
4. He is composing a song. Song is about love.
5. Who does know German best of all here
6. When she had seen blood she got frightened.
7. We have four pets cat and three dogs.
8. The contracts have already checked and analyzed.
9. How is your friend? He is good, thanks.
10. Has she to wake up early to reach the university in time?
11. The essay was written by son.
12. In this café tea is usually served without a sugar.
13. Does he expect us do that without any support?
14. Man appeared from the door and looked at us.
15. Where are things of Tom?
16. We live in big cottage.
17. Turn off water!
18. M. Jackson has sung many hits.
19. What are the constituent parts of Russian Federation?
20. When we entered our brothers played.
21. If I will see him I will ask on this matter.
22. We thought the book will be more interesting.
23. All the teenagers enjoy computer games.
24. Do I must to wake up so early?
25. I canned read all night long if the book was interesting.

1 When did you enter a university?
2 it is not or problem. It is yours.
3 Do not disturb. He is writing an important letter.
4 He is composing a song. The song is about love.
5 Who knows German best of all here?
6 when she saw blood she had got frightened.
7 We have four pets: a cat and three dogs.
8 The contracts have already been checked and analyzed.
9 How is your friend? He is well.
10 has she woken up early to reach the university on time?
11 The essay was written by a son.
12 In this cafe is usually served without sugar.
13 does he expect us to do that without any support?
14 The man appeared from the door and looked at us.
15 Where are Tom’s things?
16 We live in a big cottage.
17 Turn off the water.
18 M. Jackson sang many hits.
19 What are the constitution parts of the Russian Federation?
20 When we entered our brothers were playing.
21 If I see him, I will ask on his matter.
22 We thought the book would be more interesting.
23 All teenagers enjoy computer games.
24 Must I wake up so early?
25 I could read all night long if the book was interesting.

1) Explain the meaning: CALL+in, off, on, out, for
2) Find the correct preposition: be wild___natur, victims___of danger, a town___ruins, people___earth, a house___flames
3) Explain the meanings of the idioms: to feel under the weather, to save up fora rainy day, to be on cloud nine, to see which way the winds blow, to be a bolt from the blue

1) to call in - to visit a place/person, to ask someone to come and help, to ask someone to discuss something, to phone to say where you are to call off- to draw away, to cancel, to decide that something will not happen, to tell an animal or person to stop attacking or chasing someone, to restrain or recall, to cancel or postpone to call on - to ask formally for someone to do something, to visit someone to call out- to challenge to a duel, to set off or direct attention, to order or request to assemble or arrive somewhere; to summon to call for- to require; to demand, to say publicly that something must happen 2) be wild_by (in)__nature, victims_out__of danger, a town__in_ruins, people__on_earth, a house_in__flames 3) to feel under the weather - to be or feel ill, intoxicated, drunk; suffering from a hangover. (чувствительный к погоде) to save up for a rainy day to reserve something, especially money, for use in a time or period of unforeseen difficulty, trouble, or need (откладывать на черный день) to be on cloud nine- to be in a state of extreme happiness ( быть на седьмом небе. ) to see which way the winds blow- To find out about or come to understand a particular state of affairs or the way a situation exists orhas developed, especially before taking any decisive of definitive action (понять, куда дует ветер. ) to be a bolt from the blue something important or unusual that happens suddenly or unexpectedly (гром среди ясного неба)

Correct the mistakes 1. the monkey is one of the funniest animal in the world, isn’t it? 2 Cinderella asked her stepmother could she go to the ball 3. They asked the princess why was she crying. 4. The dwarfs said that they would come back in two days 5. He said that they will like the palace. 6. The dwarfs asked the girl don’t forget them. 7. Winnie the Pooh said Piglet that he wanted to find honey. 8. The prince asked the girl to tell him your name. 9. There was a beautiful flower in the garden. There was the best flower in the world. 10. She said that she met them before.

Исправьте ошибки 1. Обезьяна-одно из самых смешных животных в мире, не так ли? 2 Золушка спросила ее мачеха могла ли она пойти на бал 3. Они спросили принцессу, почему она плачет. 4. Гномы сказали, что вернутся через два дня 5. Он сказал, что им понравится дворец. 6. Гномы попросили девушку не забывать их. 7. Винни Пух сказал Пятачку, что он хочет найти мед. 8. Принц попросил девушку сказать ему ваше имя. 9. В саду был красивый цветок. Там был лучший цветок в мире. 10. Она сказала, что встречалась с ними раньше.

Put a line through the incorrect sentence. 1 You should to do all your homework. / You should do all your homework. 2 I not have to go to school today. / I don’t have to go to school today. 3 You shouldn’t be nervous. / You shouldn’t being nervous. 4 I might to have an exam today. / I might have an exam today. 5 Our teacher may be away today. / Our teacher may to be away today.

Поместите строку через неправильное предложение. 1 Вы должны делать все ваши домашние задания. / Вы должны сделать все ваше домашнее задание. 2 я не должен идти в школу сегодня.   Мне не нужно ходить в школу сегодня. 3 Вы не должны нервничать.   Ты не должен нервничать. 4 сегодня я могу сдать экзамен.   Сегодня у меня может быть экзамен. 5 наш учитель может быть сегодня в отъезде. / Наш учитель может быть сегодня в отъезде.

Найдите в каждом пункте одну грамматическую ошибку и исправьте её.

1. When have you met him for the first time?
2. Pushkin has written many great poems.
3. This film is including three parts.
4. The cottage is building by qualified workers.
5. This bird is flying highly.
6. She is more tall than her sister.
7. I will meet you at a half past six.
8. How is she? She is finely, thanks.
9. Who does want to take part in this competition?
10. I found a manager at the reception. Manager explained everything to me quite clearly.
11. Have we to do it right now?
12. Man suddenly came up to me at the crossing and asked the way.
13. Close door!
14. When the ball bounced out of the sports ground boy ran to pick it.
15. We work in small company.
16. Russian Federation will host Football World Cup in 2018.
17. The parcels have not delivered yet.
18. We have four pets: cat and three puppies.
19. We suppose you weigh everything carefully before the decision.
20. When she looked in they sat calmly in wait.
21. It is not my fault. It is her.
22. In Italy pasta is usually served with a cheese.
23. When we will finish we will call you.
24. I will be able do it tomorrow.
25. Do I should to reply to this letter?

1. When did you meet him for the first time?
2. Pushkin wrote many great poems.
3. This film includes three parts.
4. The cottage is built / is being built by qualified workers.
5. This bird is flying high.
6. She is taller than her sister.
7. I will meet you at half past six.
8. How is she? She is fine, thanks.
9. Who wants to take part in this competition?
10. I found a manager at the reception. The manager explained everything to me quite clearly.
11. Do we have to do it right now?
12. A man suddenly came up to me at the crossing and asked the way.
13. Close the door!
14. When the ball bounced out of the sports ground, a/the boy ran to pick it.
15. We work in a small company.
16. The Russian Federation will host Football World Cup in 2018.
17. The parcels have not been delivered yet.
18. We have four pets: a cat and three puppies.
19. We suppose you will weigh everything carefully before the decision.
20. When she looked in they were sitting calmly in wait.
21. It is not my fault. It is hers.
22. In Italy pasta is usually served with (some ) cheese.
23. When we finish we will call you.
24. I will be able to do it tomorrow.
25. Should I reply to this letter?

Fill in the correct question tags and short answers.
2. A: he won’t come.
B: No,
3. A: They are traveling around Europe,
B: Yes,
4. A: You enjoy your English lessons,
B: Yes,
5. A: They left early,
B: No, They stayed till late.
6. A: I am late,
B: Yes,
7. A: There were lots of people at the party,
B: No,
8. A: He had never spoken to you before,
B: No,
9. A: They could do better than that,
B: Yes,
10. A: David can’t play rhe guitar,
B: No, Ne can play the piano though.

A: he won’t come. will he.
B: No, he won’t.
3. A: They are traveling around Europe, aren’t they.
B: Yes, they are.
4. A: You enjoy your English lessons, don’t you.
B: Yes, I do.
5. A: They left early, did’t they?
B: No, they didn’t. They stayed till late.
6. A: I am late, aren’t I.
B: Yes, you are.
7. A: There were lots of people at the party, weren’t there?
B: No, there weren’t.
8. A: He had never spoken to you before, had he.
B: No, he hadn’t.
9. A: They could do better than that, couldn’t they.
B: Yes, they could.
10. A: David can’t play rhe guitar, can he.
B: No, can’t. He can play the piano though.