13. – Переведите на английский язык, используя правило согласования времен, где необходимо. Обратите внимание на видовременную форму глагола главного предложения. 1. Я думал, что она болеет. 2. Мы надеялись, что он придет вовремя. 3. Я не знал, что его сестра учит английский язык. 4. Он уверен, что закончит работу до вечера. 5. Она сказала, что не хочет идти на прогулку. 6. Мы хотели знать, когда она пришла. 7. Мой друг говорит, что уже прочитал эту статью. 8. Я не знал, что он занят и не может мне помочь. 9. Никто не хотел верить, что он сказал правду. 10. Она надеется, что я не буду работать целый день в воскресенье.

1)I thought she was ill.2)We hoped that he would come in time.3)I didn’t know that his sister learnt English.4)He is sure that the work would be done by evening(тут с пассивным залогом).5)She told that she didn’t want to go for a walk.6)We wanted to know when did she come.7)My My friend tells that he has already read this article.8)I didn’t know that he was busy and could’t help me.9)Nobody wanted to believe that he told the truth.10)She hoped that I wouldn’t work the whole day on Sunday.

I. Определите тип условного предложения, переведите: 1. If the weather weren’t rainy on Sunday, we would go to the forest. 2. We would have organized the competition better if you had told us about it a month before. 3. These plants won’t grow if you don’t water them. 4. He wouldn’t have passed his exam last week if he hadn’t studied hard. II. Раскройте скобки: 1. I (to translate) this text if you (to give) me your dictionary for a couple of days. III 2. We (to catch) the train if my little brother (to walk) faster. I 3. He (to help) us if he (to be) here. II III. Закончите предложения: 1. I would bring you the book when … 2. … after you return from London. IV. Соедините предложения, используя слова в скобках: 1. The TV program will end. I’ll do my homework. (after) 2. I’ll study English. I’ll speak it perfectly. (until)

1. If the weather weren’t rainy on Sunday, we would go to the forest.2 тип
2. We would have organized the competition better if you had told us about it a month before.3 тип
3. These plants won’t grow if you don’t water them.1 тип
4. He wouldn’t have passed his exam last week if he hadn’t studied hard.3 тип
1. I would have translated this text if you had given me your dictionary for a couple of days. III
2. We will catch the train if my little brother walks faster. I
3. He would help us if he were here. II
1. I would bring you the book when I read it.
2.I will visit you after you return from London.
1. I’ll do my homework after the TV program ends.
2. Until I study English. I’ll not speak it perfectly.

Перевести предложения на английский язык:
1. Мне нравится моя будущая профессия
2. Я планирую работать по специальности
3. Я закончил школу 2 года назад
4. Через 2 года я закончу колледж
5. Мой друг тоже учится в колледже
6. Я знаю названия многих рыб на английском языке
7. А ты знаешь названия рыб на английском языке?

1.I like my future profession
I plan to work in the specialty
3I finished school 2 years ago
In 2 years I will finis college
5.My friend is also in college
6.I know the names of many fish in English
Do you know the names of fish in English?

1) I like my future profession
2) I plan to work in the specialty
3) I finished the school 2 years ago
4) In 2 years I will finish the college 5)My friend is also in college
6)I know the names of many fish in English
7)And you know the names of fish in English

Переведите предложения на английский язык:
1. Я играл в теннис вчера, но не выиграл
2. Моя мама никогда не летала на самолете.
3. Он никогда не носит форму.
4. Это кресло очень удобное.
5. Я потерял ключи.
6. Где ты купила это платье?
7. Почему ты это сделал?
8. Я еще не прочитала книгу.
9. Ник у доски.
10. В классе два окна.
11. Гостиница была очень комфортной и не дорогой.
12. Он живет в Москве.
13. Почему ты вчера был сердит?
14. Как долго ты знаешь ее?
15. Она никогда не опаздывает на уроки.
16. Они не могут петь английские песни.
17. Месяц назад я летала ы Лондон.
18. Я уже написал книгу.
19. Я не ел, так как не был голоден.
20. Я еще не закончил работу.
21. Тебе нравится читать книги?
22. Она сказала что-то, но я не понял.
23. Дети иногда играют в саду.
24. Он уже ушел в кино.
25. Ты уже видела Аню?
26. Вчера с другом я ходил в ресторан.
27. Она всегда готова к урокам.
28. Я редко хожу в кино.
29. Что ты сказал?
30. Мы часто встречаемся по пятницам.
31. Вчера я болел, и поэтому был в постели целый день.
32. Дети могут считать.
33. Я пока не видел ее.
34. В прошлую субботу погода была хорошей.
35. На улице холодно.
36. Комнату убирают кажды1 день.
37. Ты понял тему?
38. У нее очень хорошая работа.
39. Вчера я пригласил Джека на вечеринку.
40. Я уже съел свой завтрак.
41. Я люблю петь и танцевать.
42. Сейчас Том плавает на речке.

1. I played tennis yesterday, but I did not win.
2. My mother never flew on an plane.
3. He never wears a uniform.
4. This chair is very comfortable.
5. I lost the keys.
6. Where did you buy this dress?
7. Why did you do this?
8. I have not read the book yet.
9. Nick at the blackboard.
10. There are two windows in the classroom.
11. The hotel was very comfortable and not expensive.
12. He lives in Moscow.
13. Why were you angry yesterday?
14. How long have you known her?
15. She is never late for lessons.
16. They can not sing English songs.
17. A month ago I flew to London.
18. I have already written a book.
19. I did not eat, because I was not hungry.
20. I have not finished my work yet.
21. Do you like reading books?
22. She said something, but I did not understand.
23. Children sometimes play in the garden.
24. He’s already gone to the movies.
25. Have you already seen Anya?
26. Yesterday I went to a restaurant with a friend.
27. She is always ready for the lessons.
28. I rarely go to the movies.
29. What did you say?
30. We often meet on Fridays.
31. Yesterday I was sick, and therefore I was in bed all day.
32. Children can count.
33. I have not yet seen her.
34. Last Saturday the weather was good.
35. It’s cold outside.
36. The room is cleaned every day.
37. Have you understood the topic?
38. She has a very good job.
39. Yesterday I invited Jack to a party.
40. I already ate my breakfast.
41. I like to sing and dance.
42. Now Tom is swimming on the river.

Закончите предложения. Переведите их
1. They will make an offer as soon as.
2. The preliminary talks will be held in Moscow, if.
3. He will consider the matter after he.
4. If I am not busy on Monday I.
5. We shall place a big order provided.
6. If the goods are of inferior quality we.
7. If you were tired you.
8. If I were you I.
9. She would ring him up if.
10. These men would have a lot of money if.

Они сделают предложение так же скоро, как
2. Предварительные переговоры пройдут в Москве, если
3. Он рассмотрит вопрос после того, как он
4. Если я не занят в понедельник
5. Мы разместим большой заказ при условии, что
6 Если товары имеют низкое качество, мы
7. Если вы устали, вы
8. Если бы я был вами
9. Она позвонила бы ему, если бы
10. У этих мужчин было бы много денег, если бы
Пока только перевела

Поставьте предложенные в скобках прилагательные в соответствующую форму (степень сравнения) и закончите предложения. 1 Mary is (young) than her sister Jane. – Мэри младше, чем ее сестра Джейн. 2 Barbara is (young) of four sisters. – Барбара – самая младшая из четырех сестер 3 John is (clever) than his friend Bob. – Джон умнее своего друга Боба.
4 Richard is (clever) boy in this group. – Ричард – самый умный мальчик в этой группе.
5 Sirius is (bright) than the polar star. – Сириус ярче полярной звезды.
6 The polar star is (bright) star in the north hemisphere. – Полярная звезда является самой яркой звездой в северном полушарии.
7 The bedroom is (dark) than the kitchen. – Спальня темнее кухни.
8 The wallpapers in the hall are (dark) ones in our flat. – Обои в прихожей самые темные в нашей квартире.
9 Your answer was (unusual) than the answer of her son. – Твой ответ был более необычным, чем ответ ее сына.
10 Elisabeth suggested (unusual) way out. – Элизабет предложила наиболее необычный (самый необычный) выход из ситуации.

Mary is younger than her sister Jane
Barbara is the youngest of four sister
John is clever than his friend Bob
Richard is the cleverest boy in this group
Sirius is brighter than the polar star
The polar star is the brightest star in the north hemisphere
The bedroom is darker than the kitchen
The wallpapers in the hall are the darkest ones in our flat
Your answer was the more unsusual than the answer of her son
Elizabeth suggested the most unusual way out

Помогите правильно закончить предложения
1. María __ (work) for a TV station. 2. At the moment she __ (travel) in the Sahara Desert. 3. Dan __ (love) wild animals. 4. He __ (not visit) Alaska at the moment. 5. Marta __ (not live) in Africa. 6. She __ (stay) in Africa at the moment. 7. Dad usually __ (cook) dinner. 8. My parents __ (go) to Italy every year. 9. My sister __ (walk) to school every day. 10. We __ (have) lunch now. 11. I never __ (stay in) on Saturday evening. 12. I __ (go) to the cinema now. 13. My mum __ (not work) today. 14. Peter __ (not like) rap music. 15. He __ (listen) to pop music at the moment. 16. Donna usually __ (go) shopping on Saturdays. 17. Let´s go out. It __ (not rain) now. 18. Hurry up! Everybody __ (wait) for you! 19. The sun __ (rise) in the east. 20. Water __ (boil) at 100 degrees. 21. The water __ (boil). Can you turn it off? 22. I must go now. It __ (get) late. 23. I usually __ (go) to work by car. 24. It __ (not rain) very much in the summer. 25. The moon __ (go) round the earth.

1. María WORKS for a TV station.
2. At the moment she IS TRAVELLING in the Sahara Desert.
3. Dan LOVES wild animals.
4. He IS NOT VISITING Alaska at the moment.
5. Marta DOES NOT LIVE in Africa.
6. She IS STAYING in Africa at the moment.
7. Dad usually COOKS dinner.
8. My parents GO to Italy every year.
9. My sister WALKS to school every day.
10. We ARE HAVING lunch now.
11. I never STAY IN on Saturday evening.
12. I AM GOING to the cinema now.
13. My mum DOES NOT WORK today.
14. Peter DOES NOT LIKE rap music.
15. He IS LISTENING to pop music at the moment.
16. Donna usually GOES shopping on Saturdays.
17. Let´s go out. It IS NOT RAINING now.
18. Hurry up! Everybody IS WAITING for you!
19. The sun RISES in the east.
20. Water BOILES at 100 degrees.
21. The water IS BOILING. Can you turn it off?
22. I must go now. It IS GETTING late.
23. I usually GO to work by car.
24. It DOES NOT RAIN very much in the summer.
25. The moon GOES round the earth.

Закончите предложения
My favourite summer clothes is.
My favourite winter clothes is.
When it is hot l put on my.
When it is frosty put on my.
When it is warm I put on my.
When it is cold I put on my.

My favorite summer clothes are colorful t-shirts, shorts, sandals and caps.
(Моя любимая летняя одежда это разноцветные футболки, шорты, сандали и кепки. )
My favorite winter clothes are jumpers, sweaters and scarfs.
(Моя любимая зимняя одежда это джемперы, свитеры и шарфы)
When it’s hot I put on my lightest shirt.
(Когда жарко я одеваю свою самую лёгкую рубашку)
When it frosty I put on my coat and gloves.
(Когда морозно я одеваю мое пальто и перчатки)
When it’s warm I put on my jeans and shirt.
(Когда тепло я одеваю мои джинсы и рубашку)
When it’s cold I put on my fur coat and boots. (Когда холодно я одеваю мои шубу и сапоги)

Закончите предложения, используя глаголы в пассивной форме.
1) English (to teach) ___________________ in the schools of almost every nation. 2) Everyone (to surprise) ___________________ by the news yesterday. 3) At this time much attention (to devote) ______________________ to that problem. 4) The report (not to examine) _____________________ by the experts yet. 5) A new textbook (to publish) _____________________ by that company next year. 6) Many interesting statements (to make) _______________________ by the end of the meeting. 7) The traffic lights (to repair) ____________________ all day yesterday. 8) When Mother felt worse the doctor (to send) _______________________. 9) Brian told me he (to rob) ______________________ in the street. 10) Smoking (not to allow) _____________________ here. 11) The football players (to cheer) ___________________ by their fans now. 12) The money that (to borrow) _____________________ last week must (to return) _________ within a few days. 13) The windows (to clean) ____________________ while I was there. 14) The paper (to read) ___________________ by anyone yet. 15) Football (to play) ____________________ all over the world. 16) Jack said that the station (to build) _______________________ for two years. 17) The test (to give) _____________________ at the next lesson. 18) Don’t worry! The child (to look after) ____________________.
Кузнецова А. Ю. Кузнецова А. Ю. — Грамматика английского языка: от теории к практике
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19) The door was locked. I hoped the key (to leave) ____________________ under the door mat by my mother and so it was. 20) Cheese (to make) _____________________ from milk. 21) We (to advise) _____________________ not to go alone. 22) His works are so popular that they (to refer to) _____ often _________________. 23) I promise that flowers (to send) ______________________ to her tomorrow. 24) For two years Tyler (to tell) ________________________ that his brother was dead. 25) I (to offer) _______ just ____________________ an interesting job in this firm.

1) English (is taught) in the schools of almost every nation.
2) Everyone (was surprised) by the news yesterday.
3) At this time much attention (will be devoted) to that problem.
4) The report (has not been examined)  by the experts yet.
5) A new textbook (will be published) by that company next year.
6) Many interesting statements (had been made) by the end of the meeting.
7) The traffic lights (were being repaired) all day yesterday.
8) When Mother felt worse the doctor (was sent for).
9) Brian told me he (had been robbed) in the street.
10) Smoking (is not allowed) here.
11) The football players (are being cheered) by their fans now.
12) The money that (was borrowed)  last week must (be returned) within a few days.
13) The windows (were being cleaned) while I was there.
14) The paper (has not been read) by anyone yet.
15) Football (is played) all over the world.
16) Jack said that the station (had been built) for two years.
17) The test (will be given) at the next lesson.
18) Don’t worry! The child (will be looked after).
19) The door was locked. I hoped the key (had been left) under the door mat by my mother and so it was.
20) Cheese (is made) from milk.
21) We (were advised)  not to go alone.
22) His works are so popular that they are often refered to.
23) I promise that flowers (will be sent) to her tomorrow.
24) For two years Tyler (had been told) that his brother was dead.
25) I have just (been offered) an interesting job in this firm.

Надо закончить предложения:
1) At the weekends.
2) For breakfast I.
3) Yesterday I.
4) When I’m older I think I’ll.
5) Next week I.
6) I listen to music when.
7) I’ve never.
8)Learning English is.
9) The best day of the week is.
10) At home I have to.
11) When I was litlle.
12) I don’t really like.
13) People my age.
14) I reckon that parents should.
15) The best sport is.

1) At the weekends I sleep.
2) For breakfast I have tea.
3) Yesterday I went to school.
4) When I’m older I think I’ll be a pilot.
5) Next week I am going to the cinema.
6) I listen to music when I have time.
7) I’ve never done it.
8) Learning English is boring.
9) The best day of the week is Sunday.
10) At home I have to wash up.
11) When I was little I couldn’t walk.
12) I don’t really like boxing.
13) People my age young.
14) I reckon that parents should be sleeping.
15) The best sport is boxing.

1) At the weekends I have many happy moments.
2) For breakfast I like sandwich and tea
3) Yesterday I went to my grandparents
4) When I’m older I think I’ll much kind
5) Next week I go to the travel
6) I listen to music when I dispirited
7) I’ve never tattoo
8) Learning English is very interesting hobby
9) The best day of the week is saturday
10) At home I have to feed my cat
11) When I was litlle, I was very obedient
12) I don’t really like fried popatoes
13) People my age are very different
14) I reckon that parents should help their children
15) The best sport is tenis